import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router'; import { AuthGuard } from '@app/core/auth-guard.service'; import { CanDeactivateGuard } from '@app/library/deactivate/can-deactivate.guard'; import { DmpCloneComponent } from './clone/dmp-clone.component'; import { DmpEditorBlueprintComponent } from './dmp-editor-blueprint/dmp-editor-blueprint.component'; import { DmpEditorComponent } from './editor/dmp-editor.component'; import { InvitationAcceptedComponent } from './invitation/accepted/dmp-invitation-accepted.component'; import { DmpListingComponent } from './listing/dmp-listing.component'; import { DmpOverviewComponent } from './overview/dmp-overview.component'; const routes: Routes = [ { path: '', component: DmpListingComponent, data: { breadcrumb: true }, }, { path: 'versions/:groupId', component: DmpListingComponent, data: { breadcrumb: true }, }, // Uncomment to get dmp plans for grant with grantId { path: 'grant/:grantId', component: DmpListingComponent, data: { breadcrumb: true }, }, { path: 'edit/:id', component: DmpEditorBlueprintComponent, data: { breadcrumb: true, title: 'GENERAL.TITLES.DMP-EDIT' }, canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard] }, { path: 'publicEdit/:publicId', component: DmpEditorComponent, data: { breadcrumb: true, title: 'GENERAL.TITLES.DMP-PUBLIC-EDIT' }, canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard] }, { path: 'overview/:id', component: DmpOverviewComponent, data: { breadcrumb: true, title: 'GENERAL.TITLES.DMP-OVERVIEW' }, }, { path: 'publicOverview/:publicId', component: DmpOverviewComponent, data: { breadcrumb: true, title: 'GENERAL.TITLES.DMP-OVERVIEW' }, }, // ----------- UNCOMMENT TO ADD AGAIN GRANTS -------- // { // path: 'new/grant/:grantId', // component: DmpEditorComponent, // data: { // breadcrumbs: 'new' // } // }, { path: 'new', component: DmpEditorBlueprintComponent, canActivate: [AuthGuard], data: { breadcrumbs: 'new', title: 'GENERAL.TITLES.DMP-NEW' }, canDeactivate: [CanDeactivateGuard] }, // { // path: 'new/dataset', // component: DmpEditorComponent, // canActivate: [AuthGuard], // data: { // breadcrumbs: 'new/dataset', // title: 'GENERAL.TITLES.DATASET-NEW' // } // }, // { // path: 'new/dataset/:dmpId', // component: DmpEditorComponent, // canActivate: [AuthGuard], // data: { // breadcrumbs: 'new/dataset', // title: 'GENERAL.TITLES.DATASET-NEW' // } // }, { path: 'new_version/:id', // component: DmpWizardComponent, component: DmpCloneComponent, data: { clone: false, breadcrumb: true, title: 'GENERAL.TITLES.DMP-NEW-VERSION' }, }, { path: 'clone/:id', component: DmpCloneComponent, data: { clone: false, breadcrumb: true, title: 'GENERAL.TITLES.DMP-CLONE' }, }, { path: 'invitation/:id', component: InvitationAcceptedComponent, data: { breadcrumb: true }, } ]; @NgModule({ imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)], exports: [RouterModule] }) export class DmpRoutingModule { }