import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, Input, OnDestroy, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation, TemplateRef, Inject, ChangeDetectorRef } from '@angular/core'; import { fromEvent, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common'; import { Orientation, TourStep } from './guided-tour.constants'; import { GuidedTourService } from './guided-tour.service'; import { WindowRefService } from "./windowref.service"; @Component({ selector: 'ngx-guided-tour', templateUrl: './guided-tour.component.html', styleUrls: ['./guided-tour.component.scss'], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None }) export class GuidedTourComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { @Input() public topOfPageAdjustment?= 0; @Input() public tourStepWidth?= 1043; @Input() public minimalTourStepWidth?= 500; @Input() public skipText?= 'Leave Tour'; @Input() public nextText?= 'Got it!'; @ViewChild('tourStep') public tourStep: ElementRef; public highlightPadding = 4; public currentTourStep: TourStep = null; public selectedElementRect: DOMRect = null; public isOrbShowing = false; private resizeSubscription: Subscription; private scrollSubscription: Subscription; constructor( public guidedTourService: GuidedTourService, private windowRef: WindowRefService, private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, /*custom add*/ @Inject(DOCUMENT) private dom: any ) { } private get maxWidthAdjustmentForTourStep(): number { return this.tourStepWidth - this.minimalTourStepWidth; } private get widthAdjustmentForScreenBound(): number { if (!this.tourStep) { return 0; } let adjustment = 0; if (this.calculatedLeftPosition < 0) { adjustment = -this.calculatedLeftPosition; } if (this.calculatedLeftPosition > this.windowRef.nativeWindow.innerWidth - this.tourStepWidth) { adjustment = this.calculatedLeftPosition - (this.windowRef.nativeWindow.innerWidth - this.tourStepWidth); } return Math.min(this.maxWidthAdjustmentForTourStep, adjustment); } public get calculatedTourStepWidth() { return this.tourStepWidth - this.widthAdjustmentForScreenBound; } public ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.guidedTourService.guidedTourCurrentStepStream.subscribe((step: TourStep) => { this.currentTourStep = step; if (step && step.selector) { const selectedElement = this.dom.querySelector(step.selector); if (selectedElement) { this.handleOrb(); /*custom add*/ this.scrollToAndSetElement(); } else { this.selectedElementRect = null; } } else { this.selectedElementRect = null; } }); this.guidedTourService.guidedTourOrbShowingStream.subscribe((value: boolean) => { this.isOrbShowing = value; }); this.resizeSubscription = fromEvent(this.windowRef.nativeWindow, 'resize').subscribe(() => { this.updateStepLocation(); }); this.scrollSubscription = fromEvent(this.windowRef.nativeWindow, 'scroll').subscribe(() => { this.updateStepLocation(); }); } /*custom add*/ ngAfterContentChecked() { this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); } public ngOnDestroy(): void { this.resizeSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.scrollSubscription.unsubscribe(); } public scrollToAndSetElement(): void { this.updateStepLocation(); // Allow things to render to scroll to the correct location setTimeout(() => { if (!this.isOrbShowing && !this.isTourOnScreen()) { if (this.selectedElementRect && this.isBottom()) { // Scroll so the element is on the top of the screen. const topPos = ((this.windowRef.nativeWindow.scrollY + - this.topOfPageAdjustment) - (this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment ? this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment : 0) + this.getStepScreenAdjustment(); try { this.windowRef.nativeWindow.scrollTo({ left: null, top: topPos, behavior: 'smooth' }); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { this.windowRef.nativeWindow.scroll(0, topPos); } else { throw err; } } } else { // Scroll so the element is on the bottom of the screen. const topPos = (this.windowRef.nativeWindow.scrollY + + this.selectedElementRect.height) - this.windowRef.nativeWindow.innerHeight + (this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment ? this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment : 0) - this.getStepScreenAdjustment(); try { this.windowRef.nativeWindow.scrollTo({ left: null, top: topPos, behavior: 'smooth' }); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { this.windowRef.nativeWindow.scroll(0, topPos); } else { throw err; } } } } }); } public handleOrb(): void { this.guidedTourService.activateOrb(); if (this.currentTourStep && this.currentTourStep.selector) { this.scrollToAndSetElement(); } } private isTourOnScreen(): boolean { return this.tourStep && this.elementInViewport(this.dom.querySelector(this.currentTourStep.selector)) && this.elementInViewport(this.tourStep.nativeElement); } private elementInViewport(element: HTMLElement): boolean { let top = element.offsetTop; const height = element.offsetHeight; while (element.offsetParent) { element = (element.offsetParent as HTMLElement); top += element.offsetTop; } if (this.isBottom()) { return ( top >= (this.windowRef.nativeWindow.pageYOffset + this.topOfPageAdjustment + (this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment ? this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment : 0) + this.getStepScreenAdjustment()) && (top + height) <= (this.windowRef.nativeWindow.pageYOffset + this.windowRef.nativeWindow.innerHeight) ); } else { return ( top >= (this.windowRef.nativeWindow.pageYOffset + this.topOfPageAdjustment - this.getStepScreenAdjustment()) && (top + height + (this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment ? this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment : 0)) <= (this.windowRef.nativeWindow.pageYOffset + this.windowRef.nativeWindow.innerHeight) ); } } public backdropClick(event: Event): void { if (this.guidedTourService.preventBackdropFromAdvancing) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { this.guidedTourService.nextStep(); } } public updateStepLocation(): void { if (this.currentTourStep && this.currentTourStep.selector) { const selectedElement = this.dom.querySelector(this.currentTourStep.selector); if (selectedElement && typeof selectedElement.getBoundingClientRect === 'function') { this.selectedElementRect = (selectedElement.getBoundingClientRect() as DOMRect); } else { this.selectedElementRect = null; } } else { this.selectedElementRect = null; } } private isBottom(): boolean { return this.currentTourStep.orientation && (this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Bottom || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.BottomLeft || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.BottomRight); } public get topPosition(): number { const paddingAdjustment = this.getHighlightPadding(); if (this.isBottom()) { return + this.selectedElementRect.height + paddingAdjustment; } return - this.getHighlightPadding(); } public get orbTopPosition(): number { if (this.isBottom()) { return + this.selectedElementRect.height; } if ( this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Right || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Left ) { return ( + (this.selectedElementRect.height / 2)); } return; } private get calculatedLeftPosition(): number { const paddingAdjustment = this.getHighlightPadding(); if ( this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.TopRight || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.BottomRight ) { return (this.selectedElementRect.right - this.tourStepWidth); } if ( this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.TopLeft || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.BottomLeft ) { return (this.selectedElementRect.left); } if (this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Left) { return this.selectedElementRect.left - this.tourStepWidth - paddingAdjustment; } if (this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Right) { return (this.selectedElementRect.left + this.selectedElementRect.width + paddingAdjustment); } return (this.selectedElementRect.right - (this.selectedElementRect.width / 2) - (this.tourStepWidth / 2)); } public get leftPosition(): number { if (this.calculatedLeftPosition >= 0) { return this.calculatedLeftPosition; } const adjustment = Math.max(0, -this.calculatedLeftPosition) const maxAdjustment = Math.min(this.maxWidthAdjustmentForTourStep, adjustment); return this.calculatedLeftPosition + maxAdjustment; } public get orbLeftPosition(): number { if ( this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.TopRight || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.BottomRight ) { return this.selectedElementRect.right; } if ( this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.TopLeft || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.BottomLeft ) { return this.selectedElementRect.left; } if (this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Left) { return this.selectedElementRect.left; } if (this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Right) { return (this.selectedElementRect.left + this.selectedElementRect.width); } return (this.selectedElementRect.right - (this.selectedElementRect.width / 2)); } public get transform(): string { if ( !this.currentTourStep.orientation || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Top || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.TopRight || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.TopLeft ) { return 'translateY(-100%)'; } return null; } public get orbTransform(): string { if ( !this.currentTourStep.orientation || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Top || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Bottom || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.TopLeft || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.BottomLeft ) { return 'translateY(-50%)'; } if ( this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.TopRight || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.BottomRight ) { return 'translate(-100%, -50%)'; } if ( this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Right || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Left ) { return 'translate(-50%, -50%)'; } return null; } public get overlayTop(): number { if (this.selectedElementRect) { // return - this.getHighlightPadding(); /*custom add*/ let customTopOffset = 0; if (this.currentTourStep.customTopOffset) { customTopOffset = this.currentTourStep.customTopOffset; } return - this.getHighlightPadding() - customTopOffset; } return 0; } public get overlayLeft(): number { if (this.selectedElementRect) { return this.selectedElementRect.left - this.getHighlightPadding(); } return 0; } public get overlayHeight(): number { if (this.selectedElementRect) { return this.selectedElementRect.height + (this.getHighlightPadding() * 2); } return 0; } public get overlayWidth(): number { if (this.selectedElementRect) { return (this.selectedElementRect.width + (this.getHighlightPadding() * 2)) * 0.95; } return 0; } private getHighlightPadding(): number { let paddingAdjustment = this.currentTourStep.useHighlightPadding ? this.highlightPadding : 0; if (this.currentTourStep.highlightPadding) { paddingAdjustment = this.currentTourStep.highlightPadding; } return paddingAdjustment; } // This calculates a value to add or subtract so the step should not be off screen. private getStepScreenAdjustment(): number { if ( this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Left || this.currentTourStep.orientation === Orientation.Right ) { return 0; } const scrollAdjustment = this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment ? this.currentTourStep.scrollAdjustment : 0; let tourStepHeight = 0; if (this.tourStep != null && this.tourStep.nativeElement != null && typeof this.tourStep.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect === 'function') { tourStepHeight = this.tourStep.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect().height; } const elementHeight = this.selectedElementRect.height + scrollAdjustment + tourStepHeight; if ((this.windowRef.nativeWindow.innerHeight - this.topOfPageAdjustment) < elementHeight) { return elementHeight - (this.windowRef.nativeWindow.innerHeight - this.topOfPageAdjustment); } return 0; } }