ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "ID" TO id; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "Label" TO label; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "Definition" TO definition; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "Status" TO status; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "Created" TO created_at; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "Modified" TO updated_at; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "Description" TO description; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "GroupId" TO group_id; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "Version" TO version; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "Language" TO "language"; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" RENAME "Type" TO "type"; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" ALTER COLUMN created_at TYPE timestamp without time zone ; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" ALTER COLUMN updated_at TYPE timestamp without time zone ; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" ADD COLUMN is_active smallint; UPDATE public."DescriptionTemplate" SET is_active = 1; UPDATE public."DescriptionTemplate" SET is_active = 0 where status = 99; UPDATE public."DescriptionTemplate" SET status = 0 where is_active = 0; ALTER TABLE public."DescriptionTemplate" ALTER COLUMN is_active SET NOT NULL;