ALTER TABLE public."UserDatasetProfile" RENAME TO "UserDescriptionTemplate"; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" RENAME usr TO "user"; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" RENAME "descriptionTemplate" TO description_template; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" ALTER COLUMN "role" TYPE smallint; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" ALTER COLUMN "role" SET NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" ADD COLUMN updated_at timestamp without time zone; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" ADD COLUMN created_at timestamp without time zone; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" ADD COLUMN is_active smallint; UPDATE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" SET is_active = 1; UPDATE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" SET is_active = 0 where role = 2; UPDATE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" SET role = 1 where is_active = 0; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" ALTER COLUMN is_active SET NOT NULL; UPDATE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" SET updated_at = now() at time zone 'utc'; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" ALTER COLUMN updated_at SET NOT NULL; UPDATE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" SET created_at = now() at time zone 'utc'; ALTER TABLE public."UserDescriptionTemplate" ALTER COLUMN created_at SET NOT NULL;