import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import {GoogleSignInSuccess} from 'angular-google-signin'; import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router'; import { ServerService } from '../../app/services/server.service'; import { Project } from '../entities/model/project'; import { Dmp } from '../entities/model/dmp'; import { Dataset } from '../entities/model/dataset'; //import { DataTable, DataTableTranslations, DataTableResource } from 'angular-4-data-table-bootstrap-4'; import {DataTable} from 'angular2-datatable'; import { DropdownField } from '../../app/form/fields/dropdown/field-dropdown'; import { Param } from '../entities/model/param'; import { ModalComponent } from '../modal/modal.component'; import { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http'; import { FormGroup, FormControl } from '@angular/forms'; //na dw an xreiazontai import { NgForm } from '@angular/forms'; declare var $ :any; @Component({ selector: 'projects', templateUrl: 'project.html', styleUrls: ['./project.css'], providers: [ServerService] }) export class ProjectsComponent implements OnInit{ // Start ALTERNATIVE //whole dmp data model tableData : any[] = new Array(); //organisation editor data model editingOrganisation: any = {}; organisationEditorForm : any; //required by the table public filterQuery = ""; public rowsOnPage = 10; public sortBy = "label"; public sortOrder = "asc"; //visibility rules for containers tableVisible: boolean = true; editorVisible: boolean = false; // for tableIds showIDs : boolean = false; // END ALTERNATIVE returnUrl: string; @Input() projects: Project[]; @Input() projectCount = 0; @Input() datasetDropDown:DropdownField; //@Input() dataSetVisibe:boolean; @Input() datasets: Dataset[]; project: any; modalEditedRow: ModalComponent; public item:any; public show:boolean = false; public dataSetVisibe:boolean = false; @ViewChild(DataTable) projectsTable; @ViewChild(DataTable) datasetsTable; @ViewChild('isignOutBtn') isignOutBtn; constructor( private serverService: ServerService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router){ this.datasetDropDown = new DropdownField(); this.datasetDropDown.options = []; this.datasets = []; this.project = { label: '', abbreviation:'', reference:'', uri:'', definition:'', endDate:'', startDate:'' } } ngOnInit() { gapi.load('auth2', function() { gapi.auth2.init({}); }); this.getProjects(); //this.projects = this.serverService.getDummyProjects(); this.projects = []; } getProjects(){ this.serverService.getProjectOfUer().subscribe( //getProjects() response => { this.tableData = response; response.forEach(resp => { let pr = new Project(); =; pr.label = resp.label; pr.abbreviation = resp.abbreviation; pr.definition = resp.definition; pr.uri = resp.uri; this.projects.push(pr); } ); } // (err: HttpErrorResponse) => { // if (err.error instanceof Error) { // // A client-side or network error occurred. Handle it accordingly. // console.log('An error occurred:', err.error.message); // } else { // // The backend returned an unsuccessful response code. // // The response body may contain clues as to what went wrong, // if(err.status == 401){ //; // } // console.log(`Backend returned code ${err.status}, body was: ${err.error}`); // } // } ); } getDMPs(){ this.serverService.listDmpsLabelID().subscribe( response =>{ console.log("response"); console.log(response); //let params = new Param(); response.forEach((dmp) => { let params = new Param(); params.key =; params.value = dmp.label; this.datasetDropDown.options.push(params); }); } ) } showDatasets(){debugger; //dmpId, event //this.dataSetVisibe = true; } // editRow(item){ // = true; // this.item = item; // } SaveNewProject(){ console.log(this.project); //'http://someurl', JSON.stringify(this.project)) this.serverService.createProject(this.project) .subscribe( response =>{ console.log("response"); console.log(response); } ); $("#newEditProjectModal").modal("hide"); } newProject(item){ this.project.label = ""; = null; this.project.abbreviation = ""; this.project.reference = ""; this.project.uri = ""; this.project.definition = ""; $("#newEditProjectModal").modal("show"); } editRow(item, event){ if ( == "editDMP"){ this.project.label = item.label; this.project.abbreviation = item.abbreviation; this.project.reference = item.reference; this.project.uri = item.uri; this.project.definition = item.definition; =; $("#newEditProjectModal").modal("show"); } } signOut() {     this.serverService.logOut(); } }