import { Input, OnInit, Component, AfterViewInit, Output, EventEmitter, OnChanges } from '@angular/core'; import { FormGroup, FormControl, FormGroupDirective, NgForm } from '@angular/forms'; import { ErrorStateMatcher } from '@angular/material'; import { AutoCompleteConfiguration } from './AutoCompleteConfiguration'; @Component({ selector: 'app-auto-complete', templateUrl: './auto-complete.component.html', styleUrls: ['./auto-complete.component.scss'] }) export class AutoCompleteComponent implements OnInit, ErrorStateMatcher { @Input() placeholder: String; @Input() disabled: boolean; @Input() typeaheadMS = 300; @Input() formCtrl: FormControl; @Input() required = false; @Input() displayFunction: Function; @Input() _subtitleFn: Function; @Input() assignValueFunction: Function; @Input() transformFunction: Function; @Input() inputData: AutoCompleteConfiguration; @Input() validationErrorString: String; @Input() clear = false; @Output() onItemChange = new EventEmitter(); public textFormCtrl: FormControl; public options: any[]; loading = false; hasSelectedItem = false; isUnchanged = true; constructor() { } ngOnInit() { this.textFormCtrl = new FormControl(); if (this.disabled) { this.textFormCtrl.disable(); } this.formCtrl.registerOnDisabledChange(isDisabled => { if (isDisabled) { this.textFormCtrl.disable({ onlySelf: true, emitEvent: false }); } else { this.textFormCtrl.enable({ onlySelf: true, emitEvent: false }); } }); if (this.formCtrl && this.formCtrl.value) { this.textFormCtrl.patchValue(this.formCtrl.value, { emitEvent: false }); this.hasSelectedItem = true; } const valueChanges = this.textFormCtrl.valueChanges.share(); valueChanges.subscribe(searchTerm => { // reset value of input control every time the user starts typing if (this.hasSelectedItem) { this.hasSelectedItem = false; this.onItemChange.emit(null); if (this.formCtrl && this.formCtrl.value) { this.formCtrl.patchValue(null, { emitEvent: false }); } } this.isUnchanged = false; }); valueChanges.debounceTime(this.typeaheadMS) .do(value => { if (this.hasSelectedItem) { this.loading = false; } if (typeof value === 'string') { this.loading = true; this.inputData.requestItem.criteria['like'] = value; this.inputData.callback(this.inputData.requestItem).map(res => { this.options = res; this.loading = false; }).subscribe(); } else { this.loading = false; } }) .subscribe(); } printText(item: any): string { if (this.displayFunction) { return this.displayFunction(item); } else { return item; } } subtitleFn(item) { return this._subtitleFn(item); } getValue(item: any): string { if (this.assignValueFunction) { if (this.transformFunction) { return this.assignValueFunction(this.transformFunction(item)); } else { return this.assignValueFunction(item); } } else { return item; } } optionSelected(event: any) { if (this.formCtrl) { this.formCtrl.patchValue(this.assignValueFunction ? this.assignValueFunction(event.option.value) : event.option.value, { emitEvent: false }); } this.hasSelectedItem = true; this.onItemChange.emit(this.assignValueFunction ? this.assignValueFunction(event.option.value) : event.option.value); if (this.clear) { this.options = []; this.loading = false; this.textFormCtrl.patchValue(null); } } isErrorState(control: FormControl | null, form: FormGroupDirective | NgForm | null): boolean { const isFormSubmitted = form && form.submitted; const isControlInvalid = (control && control.invalid && (control.dirty || control.touched || isFormSubmitted)) || (!this.hasSelectedItem && !this.isUnchanged); const isFormInvalid = form && form.enabled && form.invalid && (form.dirty || form.touched || isFormSubmitted); return !!((isControlInvalid || isFormInvalid) && this.required); } }