package eu.eudat.publicapi.controllers; import eu.eudat.controllers.BaseController; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.eudat.publicapi.managers.DatasetPublicManager; import eu.eudat.publicapi.models.listingmodels.DatasetPublicListingModel; import eu.eudat.publicapi.models.overviewmodels.DatasetPublicModel; import eu.eudat.publicapi.request.dataset.DatasetPublicTableRequest; import eu.eudat.types.ApiMessageCode; import eu.eudat.types.Authorities; import io.swagger.annotations.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import static org.springframework.http.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE; @Api(tags = "Datasets Description", description = "Provides Dataset description public API's.") @RestController @CrossOrigin @RequestMapping(value = {"/api/public/datasets/"}) public class PublicDatasetsDescriptionDocumentation extends BaseController { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PublicDatasetsDescriptionDocumentation.class); private DatasetPublicManager datasetManager; public static final String getPagedNotes = "The json response is of type **ResponseItem>** containing the following properties:\n" + " 1. **message**: string, message indicating error, null if everything went well\n" + " 2. **statusCode**: integer, status code indicating if something unexpected happened, otherwise 0\n" + " 3. **responseType**: integer, 0 for json, 1 for file\n" + " 4. **payload**: DataTableData, containing the number of values of actual data returned and the data of type **DatasetPublicListingModel**\n" + "4.1. id: string, id of dataset returned\n" + "4.2. label: string, label of dataset\n" + "4.3. grant: string, grant of dataset\n" + "4.4. dmp: string, dmp description\n" + "4.5. dmpId: string, dmp's id\n" + "4.6. profile: DatasetProfilePublicModel, dataset's profile\n" + "4.8. createdAt: date, creation date\n" + "4.9. modifiedAt: date, modification date\n" + "4.10. description: string, dataset's description\n" + "4.11. finalizedAt: date, finalization date\n" + "4.12. dmpPublishedAt: date, dmp's publication date\n" + "4.13. version: integer, dataset's version\n" + "4.14. users: list of UserInfoPublicModel, user who collaborated on the dataset\n"; public static final String getPagedResponseExample = "{\n" + " \"statusCode\": 0,\n" + " \"responseType\": 0,\n" + " \"message\": null,\n" + " \"payload\": {\n" + " \"totalCount\": 2,\n" + " \"data\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"id\": \"ef7dfbdc-c5c1-46a7-a37b-c8d8692f1c0e\",\n" + " \"label\": \"BARKAMOL RIVOJLANGAN SHAXSNI TARBIYALASHDA HARAKATLI O`YINLARNING O`RNI\",\n" + " \"grant\": \"A next generation nano media tailored to capture and recycle hazardous micropollutants in contaminated industrial wastewater.\",\n" + " \"dmp\": \"test for demo\",\n" + " \"dmpId\": \"9dee6e72-7a4c-4fbd-b8a4-1f8cda38eb5e\",\n" + " \"profile\": {\n" + " \"id\": \"771283d7-a5be-4a93-bd3c-8b1883fe837c\",\n" + " \"label\": \"Horizon Europe\",\n" + " \"hint\": null\n" + " },\n" + " \"createdAt\": 1662711279000,\n" + " \"modifiedAt\": 1662712928000,\n" + " \"description\": \"

     Annotatsiya  Maqolada  bolalarni  o`yin  mavjud  bo`lgan  shakllarda  mavjud 
\\nhayot  bilan  kengroq  tanishtirishga  imkon  beradi.  O`yin  bolalarning  turli  xil 
\\nfaoliyati,o`yin  ko`nikmalarini  shakllantirishga  yordam  beradi.Ularni  fikrlash,  his-
\\ntuyg`ular, tajribalar, o`yin muammosini hal qilishning faol usullarini izlash, ularning 
\\no`yin sharoitlari va sharoitlariga bo`ysunishi, o`yindagi bolalarning munosabatlari, 
\\no`yin orqali bola organik rivojlanadi,  inson madaniyatining muhim qatlami kattalar 
\\no`rtasidagi  munosabatlar  -  oilada,  ularning  kasbiy  faoliyati  va  boshqalar.  O`yin 
\\no`qituvchilar barcha ta’lim vazifalarini, shu jumladan o`rganishni hal qiladigan eng 
\\nmuhim faoliyat sifatida foydalaniladi. 

\",\n" + " \"finalizedAt\": 1662712928000,\n" + " \"dmpPublishedAt\": 1662713226000,\n" + " \"version\": 0,\n" + " \"users\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"id\": \"33024e48-d528-45a5-8035-ea48641bd2f2\",\n" + " \"name\": \"DMP author\",\n" + " \"role\": 0,\n" + " \"email\": \"\",\n" + " \"hint\": \"UserInfoListingModel\"\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"hint\": \"datasetListingModel\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"id\": \"0f253ab2-18cb-4798-adc1-135b81cfad0c\",\n" + " \"label\": \"A \\\"zoom-elit\\\" és a kamionosok küzdelme, avagy a meritokrácia és a populizmus összecsapása\",\n" + " \"grant\": \"Discovery Projects - Grant ID: DP140100157\",\n" + " \"dmp\": \"TEST UPDATE 2.8.2022\",\n" + " \"dmpId\": \"1f4daa8f-4e2f-4dc9-a60b-f6b75d313400\",\n" + " \"profile\": {\n" + " \"id\": \"3d43ba45-25fa-4815-81b4-9bf22ecd8316\",\n" + " \"label\": \"HE_Final\",\n" + " \"hint\": null\n" + " },\n" + " \"createdAt\": 1659392761000,\n" + " \"modifiedAt\": 1659393655000,\n" + " \"description\": \"

A kanadai kamionosok „szabadságmenete” kapcsán a New York Times hasábjain Ross Donthat publicista egy régi könyvre hívja fel a figyelmet, amely sok évtizeddel ezelőtt megjósolta az elit elleni hasonló lázadásokat.

\",\n" + " \"finalizedAt\": 1659393654000,\n" + " \"dmpPublishedAt\": 1659393698000,\n" + " \"version\": 0,\n" + " \"users\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"id\": \"33024e48-d528-45a5-8035-ea48641bd2f2\",\n" + " \"name\": \"DMP author\",\n" + " \"role\": 0,\n" + " \"email\": \"\",\n" + " \"hint\": \"UserInfoListingModel\"\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"hint\": \"datasetListingModel\"\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + "}"; public static final String getPagedRequestBodyDescription = "The datasetTableRequest is a DatasetPublicTableRequest object with the following fields:\n" + "• **length**: how many datasets should be fetched *(required)*\n" + "• **offset**: offset of the returned datasets, first time should be 0, then offset += length\n" + "• **orderings**: array of strings specifying the order, format:= +string or -string or asc or desc. " + "**+** means ascending order. **-** means descending order.\n    Available strings are: 1) status, 2) label, 3) created.\n" + "    **asc** equivalent to +label.\n    **desc** equivalent to -label.\n" + "**criteria**: this is DatasetPublicCriteria object which applies filters for the datasets returned. More specifically:\n" + " 1. periodStart: date, datasets created date greater than periodStart\n" + " 2. periodEnd: date, datasets created date less than periodEnd\n" + " 3. grants: list of uuids, dmps(datasets) with the corresponding grants\n" + " 4. collaborators: list of uuids, user who collaborated on the creation/modification of datasets\n" + " 5. datasetTemplates: list of uuids, dataset templates uuids to be included\n" + " 6. dmpOrganisations: list of strings, datasets involved in dmps which belong to these organisations\n" + " 7. tags: list of Tag objects, tags involved in datasets\n" + " 8. dmpIds: list of uuids, dmps with the specific ids\n" + " 9. groupIds: list of uuids, in which groups the datasets are\n" + "10. allVersions: boolean, if datasets should be fetched with all their versions\n" + "11. like: string, datasets fetched have this string matched in their label or description\n"; public static final String getOverviewSinglePublicNotes = "The json response is of type **ResponseItem< DatasetPublicModel >** containing the following properties:\n" + " 1. **message**: string, message indicating error, null if everything went well\n" + " 2. **statusCode**: integer, status code indicating if something unexpected happened, otherwise 0\n" + " 3. **responseType**: integer, 0 for json, 1 for file\n" + " 4. **payload**: DatasetPublicModel, dmp returned\n" + "4.1. id: uuid, id of dataset returned\n" + "4.2. label: string, label of dataset\n" + "4.3. reference: string, reference of dataset\n" + "4.4. uri: string, uri of dataset\n" + "4.5. description: string, dataset's description\n" + "4.6. status: string, dataset's status\n" + "4.7. createdAt: date, creation time of dataset\n" + "4.8. dmp: DataManagementPlanPublicListingModel, dmp to which dataset belongs\n" + "4.9. datasetProfileDefinition: PagedDatasetProfile, dataset's paged description\n" + "4.10. registries: list of RegistryPublicModel, dataset's registries\n" + "4.11. services: list of ServicePublicModel, dataset's services\n" + "4.12. dataRepositories: list of DataRepositoryPublicModel, dataset's data repositories\n" + "4.13. tags: list of Tag, dataset's tags\n" + "4.14. externalDatasets: list of ExternalDatasetPublicListingModel, dataset's external datasets\n" + "4.15. profile: DatasetProfilePublicModel, dataset's profile\n" + "4.16. modifiedAt: date, modification time of dataset\n"; public static final String getOverviewSinglePublicResponseExample = "{\n" + " \"statusCode\": 0,\n" + " \"responseType\": 0,\n" + " \"message\": null,\n" + " \"payload\": {\n" + " \"id\": \"ef7dfbdc-c5c1-46a7-a37b-c8d8692f1c0e\",\n" + " \"label\": \"BARKAMOL RIVOJLANGAN SHAXSNI TARBIYALASHDA HARAKATLI O`YINLARNING O`RNI\",\n" + " \"reference\": null,\n" + " \"uri\": null,\n" + " \"description\": \"

     Annotatsiya  Maqolada  bolalarni  o`yin  mavjud  bo`lgan  shakllarda  mavjud 
\\nhayot  bilan  kengroq  tanishtirishga  imkon  beradi.  O`yin  bolalarning  turli  xil 
\\nfaoliyati,o`yin  ko`nikmalarini  shakllantirishga  yordam  beradi.Ularni  fikrlash,  his-
\\ntuyg`ular, tajribalar, o`yin muammosini hal qilishning faol usullarini izlash, ularning 
\\no`yin sharoitlari va sharoitlariga bo`ysunishi, o`yindagi bolalarning munosabatlari, 
\\no`yin orqali bola organik rivojlanadi,  inson madaniyatining muhim qatlami kattalar 
\\no`rtasidagi  munosabatlar  -  oilada,  ularning  kasbiy  faoliyati  va  boshqalar.  O`yin 
\\no`qituvchilar barcha ta’lim vazifalarini, shu jumladan o`rganishni hal qiladigan eng 
\\nmuhim faoliyat sifatida foydalaniladi. 

\",\n" + " \"status\": 1,\n" + " \"createdAt\": 1662711279000,\n" + " \"dmp\": {\n" + " \"id\": \"9dee6e72-7a4c-4fbd-b8a4-1f8cda38eb5e\",\n" + " \"label\": \"test for demo\",\n" + " \"grant\": \"A next generation nano media tailored to capture and recycle hazardous micropollutants in contaminated industrial wastewater.\",\n" + " \"createdAt\": 1662710691000,\n" + " \"modifiedAt\": 1662713226000,\n" + " \"version\": 0,\n" + " \"groupId\": \"adaa4e17-7375-45b8-b052-09edaeb6da86\",\n" + " \"users\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"id\": \"33024e48-d528-45a5-8035-ea48641bd2f2\",\n" + " \"name\": \"DMP author\",\n" + " \"role\": 0,\n" + " \"email\": \"\",\n" + " \"hint\": \"UserInfoListingModel\"\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"finalizedAt\": 1662713226000,\n" + " \"publishedAt\": 1662713226000,\n" + " \"hint\": \"dataManagementPlanListingModel\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"datasetProfileDefinition\": {\n" + " \"pages\": [...],\n" + " \"rules\": [...],\n" + " \"status\": 0\n" + " },\n" + " \"registries\": [],\n" + " \"services\": [],\n" + " \"dataRepositories\": [],\n" + " \"tags\": null,\n" + " \"externalDatasets\": [],\n" + " \"profile\": {\n" + " \"id\": \"771283d7-a5be-4a93-bd3c-8b1883fe837c\",\n" + " \"label\": \"Horizon Europe\",\n" + " \"hint\": null\n" + " },\n" + " \"modifiedAt\": 1662712928000,\n" + " \"hint\": \"datasetOverviewModel\"\n" + " }\n" + "}"; @Autowired public PublicDatasetsDescriptionDocumentation(ApiContext apiContext, DatasetPublicManager datasetManager) { super(apiContext); this.datasetManager = datasetManager; } @ApiOperation(value = "This method is used to get a listing of public datasets.", notes = getPagedNotes) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse( code = 200, message = "The following example is generated using body: *{\"criteria\": {},\"length\": 2,\"offset\": 0,\"orderings\": {\"fields\": []} }*", examples = @Example({@ExampleProperty( value = getPagedResponseExample, mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE )}) )}) @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json") public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity>> getPaged(@RequestBody @ApiParam(value = getPagedRequestBodyDescription) DatasetPublicTableRequest datasetTableRequest) throws Exception { DataTableData dataTable = this.datasetManager.getPublicPaged(datasetTableRequest); return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(new ResponseItem>().status(ApiMessageCode.NO_MESSAGE).payload(dataTable)); } @ApiOperation(value = "This method is used to get the overview of a public dataset.", notes = getOverviewSinglePublicNotes) @ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse( code = 200, message = "The following example is generated using id: *ef7dfbdc-c5c1-46a7-a37b-c8d8692f1c0e*", examples = @Example({@ExampleProperty( value = getOverviewSinglePublicResponseExample, mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE )}) )}) @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = {"/{id}"}, produces = "application/json") public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity> getOverviewSinglePublic(@PathVariable @ApiParam(value = "fetch the dataset with the given id", example = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx") String id) throws Exception { // try { DatasetPublicModel dataset = this.datasetManager.getOverviewSinglePublic(id); return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.OK).body(new ResponseItem().status(ApiMessageCode.NO_MESSAGE).payload(dataset)); // } catch (Exception ex) { // return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST).body(new ResponseItem().status(ApiMessageCode.NO_MESSAGE).message(ex.getMessage())); // } } }