Bring your Data Management Plans closer to where data are generated,
analysed and stored.
Start your
Select Templates
Fill the information
Share DMP
Produce DMP outputs
Close the data management planning lifecycle by publishing your DMPs in a FAIR manner.
Assign licenses, PIDs and publish DMPs in a repository of your choice.
Update DMPs
Treat DMPs as living documents. Secure their provenance and continue work in new versions
(new DOIs assigned).
Re-use datasets & templates
Identify datasets to be re-used in your DMP. Copy or clone dataset descriptions to other
Import and Export DMPs
Import a .json file of your DMP and continue work in ARGOS. Export DMPs in machine readable
(.xml) and machine-actionable (.json) formats.
Customise dataset descriptions
Differentiate DMPs from dataset descriptions. Describe your datasets with more than one
template and tailor its content to your specific needs.
Connect with OpenAIRE & EOSC
Use OpenAIRE and EOSC underlying services, sources and semantics to ease completion of DMPs
and trace the quality of your research.
Become Research Data Management literate and lead Open
Science cultural change/ practices.
Comply with DMP requirements
Learn and apply best practices for DMPs
Co-edit DMPs and manage workload
Support Open and FAIR Data Management Planning.
Add, update and modify DMP templates
Connect your organisations’ services
Ensure research integrity and excellence
ARGOS is based on OpenDMP, an open source software that can be deployed by third parties.
ARGOS development team welcomes contributions by the international community to strengthen
functionalities and further align with global fora.