import { AfterViewInit, Component, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, SimpleChanges, ViewChild, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core'; import { FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { MatHorizontalStepper } from '@angular/material/stepper'; import { Rule } from '@app/core/model/dataset-profile-definition/rule'; import { LinkToScroll } from '@app/ui/misc/dataset-description-form/tableOfContentsMaterial/table-of-contents'; import { VisibilityRulesService } from '@app/ui/misc/dataset-description-form/visibility-rules/visibility-rules.service'; import { BaseComponent } from '@common/base/base.component'; import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'; @Component({ selector: 'app-dataset-description', templateUrl: './dataset-description.component.html', styleUrls: ['./dataset-description.component.scss'] }) export class DatasetDescriptionComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnChanges { // @ViewChild('stepper', { static: false }) stepper: MatHorizontalStepper; @Input() path: string; @Input() form: FormGroup; @Input() visibilityRules: Rule[] = []; @Input() datasetProfileId: String; @Input() linkToScroll: LinkToScroll; @Output() formChanged: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); constructor( private visibilityRulesService: VisibilityRulesService, ) { super(); } ngOnInit() { this.visibilityRulesService.buildVisibilityRules(this.visibilityRules, this.form); // if (this.form) { // this.form.valueChanges // .pipe(takeUntil(this._destroyed)) // .subscribe(val => { // this.formChanged.emit(val); // }); // } } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) { // When the form is changed set stepper index to 0. // if (this.stepper && changes['form'] && !changes['form'].isFirstChange()) { // this.stepper.selectedIndex = 0; // } else if (this.stepper && changes['linkToScroll'] && changes['linkToScroll'].currentValue) { // if (changes['linkToScroll'] >= 0) { // this.stepper.selectedIndex = changes['linkToScroll']; // } // } } ngAfterViewInit() { } }