diff --git a/dmp-db-scema/DataManagementPlanDB.sql b/dmp-db-scema/DataManagementPlanDB.sql index 6bfa4beff..2168050f7 100644 --- a/dmp-db-scema/DataManagementPlanDB.sql +++ b/dmp-db-scema/DataManagementPlanDB.sql @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ - SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; @@ -26,6 +25,7 @@ drop table if exists "Registry" cascade; drop table if exists "DatasetService" cascade; drop table if exists "DatasetRegistry" cascade; drop table if exists "DatasetDataRepository" cascade; +drop table if exists "UserInfo" cascade; -- CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql WITH SCHEMA pg_catalog; @@ -420,12 +420,12 @@ CREATE TABLE "DatasetDataRepository" ( "ID" uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL ); + ALTER TABLE "DatasetDataRepository" OWNER TO dmptool; COMMENT ON TABLE "DatasetDataRepository" IS 'Linking Dataset to DataRepository'; - ALTER TABLE ONLY "DatasetDataRepository" ADD CONSTRAINT "DatasetDataRepositoryDatasetReference" FOREIGN KEY ("Dataset") REFERENCES "Dataset"("ID"); @@ -447,6 +447,21 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY "DatasetService" ADD CONSTRAINT "DatasetServiceServiceReference" FOREIGN KEY ("Service") REFERENCES "Service"("ID"); +CREATE TABLE "UserInfo" ( + "autoid" uuid DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL, + "id" character varying(500), + "email" character varying(250), + "emailIsVerified" boolean, + "name" character varying(250), + "pictureUrl" character varying(500), + "locale" character varying(50), + "familyName" character varying(250), + "givenName" character varying(250), + "additionalinfo" xml, + PRIMARY KEY (id, email) +); + + REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;