
1897 lines
70 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"REQUIRED": "Pflichtfeld",
"GRANT-START-AFTER-END": "Anfangsdatum der Förderung kann nicht nach dem Laufzeitende liegen",
"PATTERN-_": "Schriftzeichen \"_\" ist nicht erlaubt",
"URL": {
"MESSAGE": "Please provide a valid URL"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Warnung",
"MESSAGE": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie dieses Element löschen möchten?",
"NEGATIVE": "Abbrechen"
"SUCCESSFUL-CREATION": "Erstellung erfolgreich",
"SUCCESSFUL-UPDATE": "Aktualisierung erfolgreich",
"SUCCESSFUL-LOGIN": "Anmeldung erfolgreich",
"SUCCESSFUL-LOGOUT": "Abmeldung erfolgreich",
"SUCCESSFUL-EMAIL-SEND": "E-Mail erfolgreich versendet",
"SUCCESSFUL-COPY-TO-CLIPBOARD": "Copied to Clipboard",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"UNSUCCESSFUL-LOGOUT": "Abmeldung fehlgeschlagen",
"UNSUCCESSFUL-LOGIN": "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen",
"UNSUCCESSFUL-DATASET-PROFILE-DELETE": "Diese Vorlage kann nicht gelöscht werden, da Datensatzbeschreibungen noch damit verbunden sind",
2020-07-22 13:26:49 +02:00
"SUCCESSFUL-DELETE": "Erfolgreich gelöscht",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"UNSUCCESSFUL-DELETE": "Löschen fehlgeschlagen",
2020-09-08 09:36:18 +02:00
"UNSUCCESSFUL-EMAIL-SEND": "E-Mail versenden fehlgeschlagen",
"UNSUCCESSFUL-REMOVE-TEMPLATE": "Failed to remove template, one or more datasets of this DMP use this template"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"HTTP-REQUEST-ERROR": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten"
"NAMES": {
"DATASET": "Datensatzbeschreibung"
"EDIT": "Bearbeitet",
"FINALISED": "Fertiggestellt"
"WARNING": "Warnung!",
"THIS-FIELD": "Feld",
"HAS-ERROR": "hat einen Fehler",
"REQUIRED": "Pflichtfeld",
"EMAIL": "Ungültige E-Mail",
"MIN-VALUE": "Mindestwert sollte sein {{min}}",
"MAX-VALUE": "Höchstwert sollte sein {{max}}",
"CANCEL": "Schließen"
"DELETE-ITEM": "Dieses Element löschen?",
"DELETE-USER": "Diesen Mitwirkenden entfernen?",
"FINALIZE-ITEM": "Dieses Element fertigstellen?",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"UNFINALIZE-ITEM": "Undo Finalization?",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"PUBLISH-ITEM": "Dieses Element veröffentlichen?",
"ADD-DATASET": "Wollen Sie fortfahren, indem Sie eine Datensatzbeschreibung zu Ihrem DMP hinzufügen? Sie können jederzeit weitere Datensatzbeschreibungen hinzufügen, indem Sie \"Hinzufügen von Datensatzbeschreibung (Assistent)\" Menü benutzen.",
"ZENODO-DOI": "Möchten Sie einen digitalen Objektbezeichner (Digital Object Identifier - DOI) für den DMP erstellen?",
"LEAVE-PAGE": "Wenn Sie die Seite verlassen, gehen Ihre Änderungen verloren.",
"LEAVE-WARNING": "Sie haben nicht gespeicherte Änderungen!",
"PRIVACY-POLICY-NAMES": "Die Namen aller an diesem DMP beteiligten Personen werden öffentlich sichtbar sein. Sind Sie damit einverstanden?",
"CONFIRM": "Ja",
"NO": "Nein",
"DELETE": "Löschen",
"REMOVE": "Entfernen",
"CANCEL": "Rückgängig machen",
"LEAVE": "Verlassen",
"POLICY-AGREE": "Namen öffentlich sichtbar machen.",
"REQUIRED": "Anklicken des Kontrollkästchens ist erforderlich."
"POPUP": {
"TITLE": "Fehlender Datensatz",
"MESSAGE": "Mindestens ein Datensatz muss erstellt werden, um mit dem Speichern des DMP fortzufahren.",
"CLOSE": "Schließen"
2020-09-28 14:44:32 +02:00
"IMPORT": "Import",
"FUNCTION-SUPPORTS": "function supports",
"JSON-FILES": ".json files",
"PRODUCED": "produced",
"RDA-SPECIFICATIONS": "according to RDA specifications",
"MACHINE-ACTIONABLE": "for machine-actionable DMPs",
"UPLOAD-FILE": "Upload File",
"REPLACE-FILE": "Replace File"
2020-09-28 14:44:32 +02:00
2020-09-29 13:18:46 +02:00
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"HINT": "Press comma or enter between authors",
"SUCCESS": "Invitation successfully sent",
"ERROR": "Invitation sent failed"
2020-09-29 13:18:46 +02:00
2020-10-05 12:34:23 +02:00
"FROM-DMP": "You have successfully created your",
"DMP": "DMP",
"TO-DATASET": "You will be transferred to the",
"DATASET": "Dataset",
"EDITOR": "editor",
"START": "let's start"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"VIEW-ALL": "Alles anzeigen",
"SHOW-MORE": "Mehr anzeigen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"LOAD-MORE": "Load more",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"SHOW-LESS": "Weniger anzeigen",
2020-07-30 17:29:20 +02:00
"LOG-IN": "Einloggen",
"TAKE-A-TOUR": "Do you need help? Take a tour.."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"OF": "von"
"PREFIX": "Öffne DMP - ",
"GENERAL": "Ersteller von Daten-Management-Plänen",
"ABOUT": "Über",
"PRIVACY": "Datenschutzrichtlinie",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"OPENSOURCE-LICENCES": "Opensource Licences",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TERMS": "Nutzungsbedingungen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"COOKIES-POLICY": "Cookies Policy",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"PLANS": "Meine DMPs",
"EXPLORE-PLANS": "Veröffentlichte DMPs",
"QUICK-WIZARD": "Neuer DMP (Assistent)",
"PLANS-NEW": "Neuer DMP (Experte)",
2020-08-27 12:37:56 +02:00
"DMP-NEW": "Neuer DMP",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DATASETS": "Meine Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"EXPLORE": "Veröffentlichte Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"DATASETCREATEWIZARD": "Datensatzbeschreibung hinzufügen (Assistent)",
"GRANTS": "Meine Förderungen",
"DMP-PROFILES": "DMP Vorlagen",
"DATASET-PROFILES": "Vorlagen für Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"USERS": "Benutzer",
"PROFILE": "Mein Profil",
"LOGIN": "Anmeldung",
"DMP-OVERVIEW": "DMP Überblick",
"DMP-EDIT": "DMP bearbeiten",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DATASET-OVERVIEW": "Dataset Overview",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DATASET-EDIT": "Datensatz anzeigen/bearbeiten",
"DMP-NEW-VERSION": "Neue DMP Version",
"DMP-CLONE": "DMP klonen",
"DATASET-NEW": "Neue Datensatzbeschreibung",
"GRANT-NEW": "Neue Förderung",
"GRANT-EDIT": "Förderung anzeigen/bearbeiten",
"DMP-PROFILE-NEW": "Neue DMP Vorlage",
"DMP-PROFILE-EDIT": "DMP Vorlage bearbeiten",
"DATASET-PROFILES-NEW": "Neue Vorlage für Datensatzbeschreibung",
"DATASET-PROFILES-EDIT": "Vorlage der Datensatzbeschreibung bearbeiten",
"EXPLORE-PLANS-OVERVIEW": "Übersicht über veröffentlichte DMP",
"DATASET-PUBLIC-EDIT": "Veröffentlichten Datensatz anzeigen",
"DMP-PUBLIC-EDIT": "Veröffentlichten DMP anzeigen",
"DATASET-COPY": "Datensatzbeschreibung kopieren",
"DATASET-UPDATE": "Datensatzbeschreibung aktualisieren",
"DATASET-PROFILES-NEW-VERSION": "Neue Version der Vorlage zur Datensatzbeschreibung",
"DATASET-PROFILES-CLONE": "Neuer Klon der Vorlage zur Datensatzbeschreibung",
"LANGUAGE-EDITOR": "Spracheditor",
"GUIDE-EDITOR": "Benutzerhandbuch Editor",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"LANGUAGE": "Sprache",
"SIGN-IN": "Sign in to account"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"PDF": "PDF",
"XML": "XML",
"DOC": "Dokument"
"ENGLISH": "Englisch",
"GREEK": "Griechisch",
2020-09-23 10:02:04 +02:00
"SPANISH": "Spanisch",
"GERMAN": "German",
"TURKISH": "Turkish",
2021-01-26 19:12:37 +01:00
"SLOVAK": "Slovak",
"SERBIAN": "Serbian",
"PORTUGUESE": "Portuguese",
"CROATIAN": "Croatian",
"POLISH": "Polish"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"MESSAGE": "Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies, um die Benutzererfahrung zu verbessern.",
"DISMISS": "Akzeptieren",
"DENY": "Cookies ablehnen",
"LINK": "Mehr erfahren",
"POLICY": "Cookie-Richtlinie"
"EXPIRED-EMAIL": "Mail-Einladung abgelaufen",
"CARD-TITLE": "E-Mail",
"REQUEST-EMAIL-HEADER": "Gleich ist es geschafft! Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein.",
"REQUEST-EMAIL-TEXT": "Um die Anwendung zu nutzen, müssen Sie sie bestätigen.",
"SUBMIT": "Abschicken",
"SENT-EMAIL-HEADER": "E-Mail wurde verschickt!",
"EMAIL-FOUND": "E-Mail ist bereits bestätigt"
"HOME": {
"DMPS": "DMPs",
"DATASETS": "Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"LOGIN": {
"TITLE": "Anmeldung",
"TEXT": "Sie müssen kein speziell für ARGOS registriertes Benutzerkonto haben"
"NAV-BAR": {
"BREADCRUMB-ROOT": "Dashboard",
"GRANTS": "Förderungen",
"GRANT": "Förderung",
"DMP": "DMP",
"DMPS": "DMPs",
"DATASETS": "Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"DATASET": "Datensatz",
"USERS": "Nutzer",
"DATASETS-ADMIN": "Datensatzvorlagen",
"DMP-PROFILES": "DMP Vorlagen",
"ABOUT": "Über",
"DATASET-DESCRIPTION-WIZARD": "Datensatzbeschreibungsassistent",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"START-NEW-DMP": "Start new DMP",
"START-NEW-DMP-TXT": "Start fresh or continue work in Argos! Create a new DMP or upload an existing DMP to Argos",
"START-WIZARD": "Start wizard",
"IMPORT-FROM-FILE": "Import from file",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DATASET": "Datensatzbeschreibung",
"DMP": "DMP",
"GRANT": "Förderung",
"PUBLISHED": "Veröffentlicht"
"ABOUT": "Über",
"DASHBOARD": "Startseite",
"MY-DMPS": "Meine DMPs",
"NEW DATASET": "Neue Datensatzbeschreibung",
"QUICK-WIZARD": "Neuer DMP (Assistent)",
"QUICK-WIZARD-DATASET": "Füge Datensatzbeschreibung hinzu (Assistent)",
"ADD-EXPERT": "Neuer DMP (Experte)",
"MY-DATASET-DESC": "Meine Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"MY-DATASETS": "Meine Datensatzbeschreibungen",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"MY-GRANTS": "Meine Förderungen",
"PUBLIC-DMPS": "Veröffentlichte DMPs",
"PUBLIC-DESC": "Published Dataset Descriptions",
"DATASET-TEMPLATES": "Vorlagen für Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"DMP-TEMPLATES": "DMP Vorlagen",
"USERS": "Benutzer",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"LANGUAGE-EDITOR": "Sprachbearbeitung",
"GUIDE-EDITOR": "Benutzerhandbuch bearbeiten",
"CO-BRANDING": "Co-Branding",
"SUPPORT": "Support",
"FEEDBACK": "Send feedback"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": {
"NEW": "New API Client",
"NEW-PROFILE": "New Dataset Description Template",
"NEW-PROFILE-VERSION": "New Version Of ",
"NEW-PROFILE-CLONE": "New Clone Of "
"DATASET-TITLE": "Dataset Description Template Name",
"ROLES": "Roles"
"STEPS": {
"TITLE": "General Info",
"DATASET-TEMPLATE-NAME": "Dataset template name",
"DATASET-TEMPLATE-NAME-HINT": "A title that determines the Dataset template.",
"DATASET-TEMPLATE-DESCRIPTION-HINT": "A brief description of what the Dataset is about, it's scope and objectives.",
"DATASET-TEMPLATE-LANGUAGE": "Dataset template language",
"DATASET-TEMPLATE-USERS-HINT": "Add editors and save changes to notify them.",
"DATASET-TEMPLATE-NO-USERS-YET": "... No editors yet",
"UNTITLED": "Untitled",
"QUESTION": "Question",
2021-07-23 13:16:59 +02:00
"TEMPLATE-OUTLINE": "Template outline",
"USER-NOT-FOUND":"User not found."
"PAGE-NAME": "Chapter Name",
"PAGE-NAME-HINT": "Set a name for the dataset chapter.",
"PAGE-DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"PAGE-DESCRIPTION-HINT": "Write a brief desciption of what the chapter is about.",
"CREATE-FIRST-PAGE": "Create the first chapter",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"CREATE-FIRST-SECTION": "Create the first chapter",
"NOTHING-HERE-HINT": "Nothing here yet.",
"START-CREATING-PAGE-END": "creating the first chapter.",
"CREATE-SECTION": "Create section"
"PAGE": "Chapter"
"SECTION-NAME": "Section Name",
"SECTION-NAME-HINT": "Set a name for the section.",
"SECTION-DESCRIPTION-HINT": "Write a brief desciption of what the section is about.",
"SECTION": "Section"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"PAGES": {
"TITLE": "Chapter Description",
"PAGE-PREFIX": "Chapter",
"PAGE-INPUT-TITLE": "Chapter Title",
"DATASET-DETAILS": "Dataset Details",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"EXTERNAL-REFERENCES": "External References",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description"
"FORM": {
"TITLE": "Form Description",
"TITLE": "Section Information",
"ID": "Section Unique Identifier",
"TITLE": "Section Name",
"PAGE": "Page to appear",
"ORDER": "Order",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"FIELDS-TITLE": "Fields",
"SUB-SECTIONS-TITLE": "Sub-Sections"
"ADD-SUB-SECTION": "Add Sub-Section +",
"ADD-FIELD": "Add Field +"
"TITLE": "Composite Field Information",
"SIMPLE-FIELD-TITLE": "Field Information",
"SUB-FIELDS-TITLE": "Child Fields",
"COMPOSITE-CHECKBOX": "Composite Field",
"COMMENT-CHECKBOX": "Include Comment Field",
"COMPOSITE-TITLE": "Composite Field Name",
"FIELD-TITLE": "Field Name",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"EXTENDED-DESCRIPTION": "Extended Description",
"ADDITIONAL-INFORMATION": "Additional Information",
"MULTIPLICITY-MIN": "Multiplicity Min",
"MULTIPLICITY-MAX": "Multiplicity Max",
"MULTIPLICITY-PLACEHOLDER": "Multiplicity Placeholder Text",
"MULTIPLICITY-TABLEVIEW": "View inputs in table",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ORDER": "Order",
"COMMENT-PLACEHOLDER": "Please Specify",
"COMMENT-HINT": "Provide additional information or justification about your selection",
"RDA-COMMON-STANDARDS": "RDA Common Standards",
"EXPORT": "Include in Export"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ADD-CHILD-FIELD": "Add Child Field +"
"FIELD": {
"RULES-TITLE": "Conditional Questions",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ID": "Section Unique Identifier",
"VIEW-STYLE": "Type",
"MULTIPLICITY-MIN": "Multiplicity Min",
"MULTIPLICITY-MAX": "Multiplicity Max",
"ORDER": "Order",
"DEFAULT-VALUE": "Default Value",
"VALIDATION": "Validation",
"FIELD-TEXT-AREA-TITLE": "Text Area Data",
"FIELD-TEXT-AREA-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
Added rich text area field type for response in dataset > chapter > section > questions. 1. dataset-profile.module.ts: Added in declarations "DatasetProfileEditorRichTextAreaFieldComponent". 2. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html: Added RichTextArea as input field type for response to a question. 3. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts: In method "addNewInput()" added case for RichTextArea. 4. dataset-profile-field-view-style.ts & view-style-enum.ts: Added RichTextArea. 5. field-data.ts: Added interface RichTextAreaFieldData. 6. enum-utils.service.ts: In methods "toDatasetProfileFieldViewStyleString()" and "toDatasetProfileViewTypeString()" added cases for RichTextArea 7. field-editor-model.ts: Added richTextarea. 8. component-profile-editor-default-value.component.html: Added <mat-form-field> for RichTextArea (how rich text area is initialized when this type is selected as response). 9. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.html: Added <mat-option> for RichTextArea (to select it) and <app-dataset-profile-editor-rich-text-area-field-component> (to show it). 10. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.ts: Added RichTextArea case everywhere. 11. dataset-wizard.component.ts & dmp-editor.component.ts: In method "_getPlaceHolder()" added case for richTextarea. 12. dataset-description-form.module.ts: Imported RichTextEditorModule. 13. form-field.component.html: Added RichTextArea case with <rich-text-editor-component>. 14. assets/i18n/: Added DATASET-PROFILE-EDITOR.STEPS.FORM.FIELD.FIELDS.FIELD-RICH-TEXT-AREA-TITLE, DATASET-PROFILE-EDITOR.STEPS.FORM.FIELD.FIELDS.FIELD-RICH-TEXT-AREA-PLACEHOLDER and DMP-EDITOR.TYPES.DATASET-PROFILE-FIELD-VIEW-STYLE.RICH-TEXT-AREA. 15. field-data/rich-text-area-field-data-editor-model.ts & field-type/rich-textarea/: [NEW] Files for Rich Text Area field type.
2021-11-01 14:30:21 +01:00
"FIELD-RICH-TEXT-AREA-TITLE": "Rich Text Area Data",
"FIELD-UPLOAD-PLACEHOLDER": "Upload Placeholder Text",
"FIELD-UPLOAD-MAX-FILE-SIZE": "Max File Size (up to {{maxfilesize}} Megabytes)",
"FIELD-UPLOAD-SELECT-FILETYPE": "Select file types",
"FIELD-UPLOAD-LABEL": "media type name",
"FIELD-UPLOAD-VALUE": "media type value",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FIELD-BOOLEAN-DECISION-TITLE": "Boolean Decision Data",
"FIELD-CHECKBOX-TITLE": "Checkbox Data",
"FIELD-CHECKBOX-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FIELD-FREE-TEXT-TITLE": "Free Text Data",
"FIELD-FREE-TEXT-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FIELD-COMBO-BOX-TYPE": "Type of Combo Box",
"FIELD-WORD-LIST-TITLE": "Word List Data",
"FIELD-WORD-LIST-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FIELD-RESEARCHERS-TITLE": "Researchers Autocomplete",
"FIELD-DATASETS-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
"FIELD-DMPS-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FIELD-RADIO-BOX-TITLE": "Radio Box Data",
"FIELD-RADIO-BOX-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FIELD-AUTOCOMPLETE-TITLE": "Autocomplete Data",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FIELD-DATE-PICKER-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FIELD-MULTIPLE-AUTOCOMPLETE": "Multiple Autocomplete",
"FIELD-MULTIPLE-WORDLIST": "Multiple Selection",
"FIELD-CURRENCY-TITLE": "Currency Data",
"FIELD-CURRENCY-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
"FIELD-SERVICES-TITLE": "Services Data",
"FIELD-SERVICES-PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder Text",
"FIELD-ORGANIZATIONS-TITLE": "Organizations Data",
"FIELD-EXTERNAL-DATASETS-TITLE": "External Datasets Data",
"FIELD-DATA-REPOSITORIES-TITLE": "Data Repositories Data Text",
"FIELD-PUB-REPOSITORIES-TITLE": "Publication repositories",
"FIELD-TAXONOMIES-TITLE": "Taxonomies Data",
"FIELD-TAXONOMIES-PLACEHOLDER": "Input placeholder Text",
"FIELD-LICENSES-TITLE": "Licenses Data",
"FIELD-LICENSES-PLACEHOLDER": "Input placeholder Text",
"FIELD-PUBLICATIONS-TITLE": "Publications Data",
"FIELD-TAGS-TITLE": "Tags Data",
"FIELD-TAGS-PLACEHOLDER": "Input placeholder Text",
"FIELD-DATASET-IDENTIFIER-TITLE": "Dataset Identifier Data",
"FIELD-VALIDATOR-TITLE": "Validator Data",
"FIELD-VALIDATOR-PLACEHOLDER": "Input placeholder Text",
"PRODUCED": "Produced dataset",
"REUSED": "Reused dataset",
"OTHER": "Other"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"FIELD-OTHER-SOURCES-REQUIRED": "At least one source must be provided.",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"FIELD-RADIO-AT-LEAST-ONE-REQUIRED": "There must be at least one option provided.",
"FIELD-SELECT-AT-LEAST-ONE-REQUIRED": "There must be at least one option provided."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"NONE": "Keine",
"YES": "Ja",
"NO": "Nein"
"CHECKED": "Checked",
"UNCHECKED": "Unchecked"
"ADD-RULE": "Add Visibility Rule +"
"CALCULATING-PREVIEW":"... calculating preview",
"PREVIEW-UPDATED":"Preview updated!"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"RULE": {
"RULE-TYPE": "Rule Type",
"TARGET": "Target Field Id",
"VALUE": "Required Value",
"RULE-IF": "If Value is",
"RULE-THEN": "then show Question",
"FIELDSETS": "Questions",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"FIELDS": "Inputs"
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"HINTS": {
"ELEMENT-CHILD-OF-TARGET": "This element is parent of selected input.",
"ELEMENT-HIDDEN-FROM-ELEMENT": "This element hides the element or a parent element of the input you are trying to apply visibility rule from."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"PAGE-MUST-HAVE-SECTION": "Each chapter must have at least one section.",
"NEEDS-MORE-INFORMATION": " needs more information.",
"MUST-HAVE-SECTION-OR-FIELDSET": " must have either section or question.",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"MISSING": "Missing",
"PROVIDE-PAGE-AND-SECTION": "Make sure you provide a chapter and at least one section per chapter."
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"FIELDSET-MUST-HAVE-PARENT-SECTION": "Question can only be child of section.",
"INPUT-SECTION-SAME-LEVEL": "Cannot have question and section on the same level.",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"DRAG-NOT-SUPPORTED": "Drag n drop of section not supported to target container.",
"PAGE-ELEMENT-ONLY-TOP-LEVEL": "Chapter elements can only be at top level"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"GENERAL-TOOLS": "Questions tools",
"NEW-INPUT-SET": "Add Question",
"CLONE": "Clone",
"DELETE": "Delete"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"SAVE": "Save",
Question titles in dataset template with <textarea> | Bug fix in "Save & Continue" functionality of dataset templates | Added "Update & Continue" functionality in dataset templates | Changed placeholder text in the prefilling search box. 1. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html: #7792 - use <textarea> instead of <input> for question titles. 2. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.ts: #7790 - Set default value "unchecked" for checkbox. 3. dataset-profile.service.ts: In methods "createForm()" and "newVersion" updated response type from DatasetProfileEditorModel to string (id is returned only) and use httpClient instead of http. 4. dataset-profile-editor.component.html: a. [Bug fix] Fix conditions in action buttons (Save/Update/Finalize) b. On "Update" action button, added update dropdown options "Update & Continue", "Update & Close" and set default behavior "Update & Continue". c. On save dropdown options, used DATASET-PROFILE-EDITOR.ACTIONS instead of DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS. 5. dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] #7791 - Created method "afterSave()" to be called in "onSubmit()" method when api calls return b. Added optional parameter "close: boolean = false" in method "updateAndFinalize". 6. i18n/: a. Added DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.SAVE-AND-CONTINUE, DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.SAVE-AND-CLOSE, DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.UPDATE-AND-CONTINUE, DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.UPDATE-AND-CLOSE. b. #7750 - Changed placeholder text in the prefilling search box (DATASET-CREATE-WIZARD.PREFIL-STEP.SEARCH).
2022-05-31 15:49:15 +02:00
"SAVE-AND-CONTINUE": "Save & Continue",
"SAVE-AND-CLOSE": "Save & Close",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FINALIZE": "Finalize",
"UPDATE": "Update",
Question titles in dataset template with <textarea> | Bug fix in "Save & Continue" functionality of dataset templates | Added "Update & Continue" functionality in dataset templates | Changed placeholder text in the prefilling search box. 1. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html: #7792 - use <textarea> instead of <input> for question titles. 2. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.ts: #7790 - Set default value "unchecked" for checkbox. 3. dataset-profile.service.ts: In methods "createForm()" and "newVersion" updated response type from DatasetProfileEditorModel to string (id is returned only) and use httpClient instead of http. 4. dataset-profile-editor.component.html: a. [Bug fix] Fix conditions in action buttons (Save/Update/Finalize) b. On "Update" action button, added update dropdown options "Update & Continue", "Update & Close" and set default behavior "Update & Continue". c. On save dropdown options, used DATASET-PROFILE-EDITOR.ACTIONS instead of DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS. 5. dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] #7791 - Created method "afterSave()" to be called in "onSubmit()" method when api calls return b. Added optional parameter "close: boolean = false" in method "updateAndFinalize". 6. i18n/: a. Added DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.SAVE-AND-CONTINUE, DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.SAVE-AND-CLOSE, DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.UPDATE-AND-CONTINUE, DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.UPDATE-AND-CLOSE. b. #7750 - Changed placeholder text in the prefilling search box (DATASET-CREATE-WIZARD.PREFIL-STEP.SEARCH).
2022-05-31 15:49:15 +02:00
"UPDATE-AND-CONTINUE": "Update & Continue",
"UPDATE-AND-CLOSE": "Update & Close",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"CANCEL": "Cancel",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"ADD-PAGE": "Add Page +",
"ADD-SECTION": "Add Section +",
"VALIDATE": "Validate",
"PREVIEW-AND-FINALIZE": "Preview and finalize",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"BACK-TO-TOP": "Back to top",
"FIELD": {
"MAKE-IT-REQUIRED": "Make input required",
"ADD-VISIBILITY-RULE": "Add Conditional Question",
"DELETE-INPUT": "Delete this input",
"PREVIEW": "Preview",
"NOT-INITIALIZED": "Not initialized yet",
"MOVE-UP": "Move this input above",
"MOVE-DOWN": "Move this input below"
"ADD-INPUT": "Add input",
"COMMENT-FIELD": "Comment field",
"INCLUDE-COMMENT-FIELD": "A comment field input is appended to the given question.",
"ENABLE-MULTIPLICITY": "User may provide more than one answer to the given question.",
"MULTIPLICITY": "Multiplicity",
"MORE": "More.."
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"SAVE-SUCCESS": "Changes were saved successfully."
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"MESSAGE-START": "There were invalid visibilty rules detected in ",
"MESSAGE-END": ". Would you like to fix them?",
"CONFIRM-YES": "Yes, remove invalid rules",
"CONFIRM-NO": "No, keep them.",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"REMOVE-SUCCESS": "Invalid visibility rules were removed successfully."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Förderungen",
"SUBTITLE": "Förderung Untertitel",
"NEW": "Neue Förderung"
"DMP": "DMP",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"GRANT": "Grant",
"TITLE": "Datenmanagementpläne",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"OWNER": "Besitzer",
"MEMBER": "Mitglied",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"CREATOR": "Ersteller",
"EDITED": "Edited",
"FINALIZED": "Finalized",
"PUBLISHED": "Published",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"VERSION": "Version",
"CONTAINED-DATASETS": "Contained Datasets",
"TEXT-INFO": "Information in a DMP show how datasets have been collected and/or generated, how they have been processed and analysed, i.e. using which tools, standards, methodologies etc, but also where and how datasets are backed up, published and preserved, including any costs associated with personnel dedicated for data curation/ stewardship activities or costs for acquiring or building data management services.",
"TEXT-INFO-QUESTION": "Not sure how a DMP looks in practice? Browse Public DMPs and",
"LINK-ZENODO": "LIBER community in Zenodo",
"GET-IDEA": "to get an idea!",
"SORT-BY": "Sort by",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"NAME": "Name",
"GRANT": "Förderung",
"PROFILE": "Vorlage",
"CREATION-TIME": "Erstellungszeitpunkt",
"ORGANISATIONS": "Organisationen",
"LATEST_VERSION": "Aktuelle Version",
"ACTIONS": "Aktionen",
"DATASETS": "Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"STATUS": "Status",
"PEOPLE": "Personen",
"VERSION": "Version"
"NEW": "Neuer DMP",
"NEW-WITH-WIZARD": "Neuer DMP unter Verwendung des Assistenten",
"EDIT": "Bearbeiten",
"INVITE": "Mitwirkende einladen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"INVITE-AUTHORS": "Invite authors",
"INVITE-SHORT": "Invite",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ADD-DATASET": "Datensatzbeschreibung zum DMP hinzufügen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"ADD-DATASET-SHORT": "Add Dataset",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DATASETS": "Alle DMP-Datensatzbeschreibungen auflisten",
"NEW-VERSION": "Neue Version",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"START-NEW-VERSION": "Start New Version",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"VIEW-VERSION": "Alle DMP-Versionen",
"CLONE": "Klonen",
"COPY": "Kopieren",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DELETE": "Löschen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DEPOSIT": "Deposit",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"EXPORT": "Exportieren",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"MAKE-PUBLIC": "Make public",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"PUBLISH": "Veröffentlichen",
"FINALIZE": "Fertigstellen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"UNFINALIZE": "Undo Finalization",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ADV-EXP": "Erweiterter Export",
"EXP-AS": "Exportieren Als",
"DOWNLOAD-XML": "XML Herunterladen",
"DOWNLOAD-DOCX": "Dokument herunterladen",
"DOWNLOAD-PDF": "PDF Herunterladen",
"SETTINGS": "Einstellungen",
"GETDOI": "DOI beziehen"
"DRAFT": "Privater Zugriff - Bearbeitbarer DMP",
"FINALIZED": "Privater Zugriff - DMP geschlossen",
"PUBLISHED": "Öffentlicher Zugriff - DMP geschlossen"
"LEVEL-OF-ACCESS": "Zugriffsebene",
"INVOLVED-DATASETS": "Beteiligte Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"TEMPLATES-INVOLVED": "Datensatzbeschreibung: beteiligte Vorlagen"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"VIEW-ALL-VERSIONS": "Alle Versionen von",
"EMPTY-LIST": "Nothing here yet."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Veröffentlichte Datenmanagementpläne",
"OWNER": "Besitzer",
"MEMBER": "Mitglied",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"CREATOR": "Ersteller",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"VIEW-ONLY": "Nur ansehen",
"PUBLISHED": "Öffentlicher Zugriff - DMP geschlossen",
"INVOLVED-DATASETS": "Beteiligte Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"TEMPLATES-INVOLVED": "Datensatzbeschreibung: beteiligte Vorlagen"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"EMPTY-LIST": "Nothing here yet."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Datenmanagementplan importieren",
"UPLOAD-BUTTON": "Hochladen",
"UPLOAD-SUCCESS": "Import war erfolgreich",
"IMPORT": "Import",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen"
"TITLE": {
"NEW": "Neue Datensatzbeschreibung"
"EXTERNAL-AUTOCOMPLETE-NO-SOURCE": "Quelle nicht angegeben"
"TITLE": "Informationen zur Datensatzbeschreibung",
"DMP": "Datenmanagementplan",
"PROFILE": "Vorlage für Datensatzbeschreibung",
"SUB-TITLE": "Erstellt am: "
"TITLE": "Externe Referenzen",
"EXTERNAL-HINT": "Liste der Werte, die von externer(n) Quelle(n) stammen"
"TITLE": "Beschreibung"
"NEXT": "Weiter",
"BACK": "Zurück",
"CLOSE": "Schließen",
"BACK-TO": "Back to",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DELETE": "Löschen",
"GO-TO-GRANT": "Gehe zu Datansatzbeschreibung Förderung",
"GO-TO-DMP": "Gehe zu Datensatzbeschreibung DMP",
"SAVE": "Speichern",
"SAVE-AND-CONTINUE": "Save & Continue",
"SAVE-AND-ADD": "Save & Add New",
2020-09-17 17:48:13 +02:00
"SAVE-AND-CLOSE": "Save & Close",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"SAVE-AND-FINALISE": "Speichern und Fertigstellen",
"FINALIZE": "Fertigstellen",
"REVERSE": "Fertigstellung rückgängig machen",
"INFO": "Datensätze von fertiggestellten DMPs können nicht auf 'offen' zurückgesetzt werden",
"LOCK": "Datensatz ist durch einen anderen Benutzer gesperrt",
"DOWNLOAD-PDF": "PDF herunterladen",
"DOWNLOAD-XML": "XML herunterladen",
"DOWNLOAD-DOCX": "DOCX herunterladen",
"COPY-DATASET": "Datensatzbeschreibung kopieren",
"UPDATE-DATASET-PROFILE": "Vorlage aktualisieren",
"UNDO-FINALIZATION-QUESTION" :"Undo finalization?",
"CONFIRM" : "Yes",
"REJECT": "No"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DATASET-NOT-FOUND": "Datensatzbeschreibung ist nicht vorhanden",
"DATASET-NOT-ALLOWED": "Sie haben keinen Zugriff auf diese Datensatzbeschreibung",
"SUCCESS-UPDATE-DATASET-PROFILE": "Vorlage der Datensatzbeschreibung erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"MISSING-FIELDS": "There are some required fields left unfilled. Please check the DMP and make sure that all required questions are answered and URLs are provided with valid input. (Missing fields are marked in red color)",
"NO-FILES-SELECTED": "There is no selected file to upload",
"LARGE-FILE-OR-UNACCEPTED-TYPE": "The file is too large or its type is not supported.",
"MAX-FILE-SIZE": "Uploaded files should be up to {{maxfilesize}} MB.",
"ACCEPTED-FILE-TYPES": "Supported media types are: "
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"UPLOAD-XML": "Importieren",
"UPLOAD-XML-FILE-TITLE": "Vorlage der Datensatzbeschreibung importieren",
"UPLOAD-XML-NAME": "Name der Datensatzbeschreibungsvorlage",
"TITLE": "Kopieren der Datensatzbeschreibung in den DMP",
"COPY": "Kopieren",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"NEXT": "Next",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ERROR-MESSAGE": "Diese Vorlage der Datensatzbeschreibung ist nicht enthalten"
"TITLE":"Dataset is locked",
"MESSAGE": "Somebody else is modifying the dataset at this moment. You may view the dataset but you cannot make any changes. If you would like to modify it please come back later."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"GRANT": "Förderung",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DMP-AUTHORS": "DΜP Authors",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"RESEARCHERS": "Forschende",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DATASETS-USED": "Datasets used",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"COLLABORATORS": "Mitwirkende",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"PUBLIC": "Public",
"PRIVATE": "Private",
"LOCKED": "Locked",
"UNLOCKED": "Unlocked",
"YOU": "you",
"LOCK": "Lock",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"LEVEL-OF-ACCESS": "Zugriffsebene",
"INVOLVED-DATASETS": "Beteiligte Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"TEMPLATES-INVOLVED": "Datensatzbeschreibung: beteiligte Vorlagen"
"ERROR": {
"DELETED-DMP": "Der angeforderte DMP ist gelöscht",
"FORBIDEN-DMP": "Sie sind nicht berechtigt auf diesen DMP zuzugreifen"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"ZENODO-LOGIN": "Login with Zenodo",
"USE-DEFAULT": "Use Default Token"
"ACCOUNT-LOGIN": "Which account would you like to use?",
"LOGIN": "Login with {{repository}}",
"NO-REPOSITORIES": "No publishing repositories",
"SELECT-REPOSITORIES": "Select repositories to deposit",
"AUTHORIZE": "Proceed to authorization",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE": "DMP is locked",
"MESSAGE":"Somebody else is modifying the DMP at this moment. If you would like to modify or view it, please come back later."
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DATASET-AUTHORS": "Dataset authors",
"ERROR": {
"DELETED-DATASET": "The requested dataset is deleted",
"FORBIDEN-DATASET": "You are not allowed to access this dataset"
"TITLE": "Dataset is locked",
"MESSAGE": "Somebody else is modifying the dataset at this moment. If you would like to modify or view it, please come back later."
"MESSAGE":"You will be directed to Dataset Editor where you can finalize the selected dataset. Would you like to proceed?",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Datensatzbeschreibungen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"SELECT-DATASETS-TO-CLONE": "Wählen Sie aus, welche Datensätze in den neuen DMP aufgenommen werden sollen. Ausgewählte Datensätze werden bearbeitbar sein.",
"SELECT-DATASETS-NONE": "Keine Datensatzbeschreibungen für diesen DMP verfügbar.",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"TEXT-INFO": "Datasets are documented following pre-defined templates which set the content of dataset descriptions. In Argos, a DMP can contain as many dataset descriptions as the datasets it documents. Browse ",
"TEXT-INFO-REST": " for a look at datasets described in Argos DMPs",
"LINK-PUBLIC-DATASETS": "Public Datasets",
"TEXT-INFO-PAR": "New datasets can be added to existing DMPs at any time and be described with more than one template. Datasets can also be cloned and re-used in other DMPs as well as be deleted without negatively affecting the DMP as a whole.",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"NAME": "Name",
"REFERNCE": "Referenz",
"GRANT": "Förderung",
"URI": "URI",
"STATUS": "Status",
"DESCRIPTION": "Beschreibung",
"CREATED": "Erstellt",
"PUBLISHED": "Veröffentlicht",
"FINALIZED": "Fertiggestellt",
"LAST-EDITED": "Zuletzt bearbeitet",
"ACTIONS": "Aktionen",
"DMP": "DMP",
"PROFILE": "Vorlage",
"DATAREPOSITORIES": "Datenrepositorien",
"REGISTRIES": "Verzeichnisse",
"SERVICES": "Dienste"
"EDIT": "Bearbeiten",
"MAKE-IT-PUBLIC": "Veröffentlichen",
"VIEW": "Ansehen",
"NEW": "Neue Datensatzbeschreibung",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"CREATE-NEW": "Neue Datensatzbeschreibung erstellen",
"EXPORT": "Export",
"INVITE-COLLABORATORS": "Invite collaborators",
"INVITE-SHORT": "Invite"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"EDITED": "Edited",
"PUBLIC": "Public",
"FINALIZED": "Finalized",
"PUBLISHED": "Published"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DRAFT": "Privater Zugriff - Datensatzbeschreibung bearbeitbar",
"FINALIZED": "Privater Zugriff - Datensatzbeschreibung geschlossen"
"DMP": "DMP",
"GRANT": "Förderung",
"TEMPLATES-INVOLVED": "Vorlage für Datensatzbeschreibung",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"VERSION": "DMP Version",
"PART-OF": "Part of",
"TO-DMP": "To DMP",
"DMP-FOR": "DMP for"
"EMPTY-LIST": "Nothing here yet."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Veröffentlichte Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"FINALIZED": "Privater Zugriff - Datensatzbeschreibung geschlossen",
"DMP": "DMP",
"GRANT": "Förderung",
"TEMPLATES-INVOLVED": "Vorlage für Datensatzbeschreibung"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"EMPTY-LIST": "Nothing here yet."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Vorlagen für Datensatzbeschreibung",
"NAME": "Name",
"REFERNCE": "Referenz",
"GRANT": "Förderung",
"URI": "URI",
"ROLE": "Rolle",
"TEMPLATE": "Vorlage",
"ORGANIZATION": "Organisation",
"STATUS": "Status",
"VISITED": "Besucht",
"EDITED": "Bearbeitet",
"DESCRIPTION": "Beschreibung",
"CREATED": "Erstellt",
"ACTIONS": "Aktionen",
"DMP": "DMP",
"PROFILE": "Vorlage",
"DATAREPOSITORIES": "Datenrepositorien",
"REGISTRIES": "Verzeichnisse",
"SERVICES": "Dienste"
"EDIT": "Bearbeiten",
"MAKE-IT-PUBLIC": "Veröffentlichen",
"VIEW": "Ansehen",
"CLONE": "Klon",
"NEW-VERSION": "Neue Version",
"VIEW-VERSIONS": "Alle Vorlagenversionen für Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"DELETE": "Delete",
"CREATE-DATASET-TEMPLATE": "Create Dataset Template"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Datensatzbeschreibung importieren",
"UPLOAD-BUTTON": "Hochladen",
"IMPORT": "Importieren",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Titel der Datensatzbeschreibung",
"SELECT": "Vorlage für Datensatzbeschreibung auswählen"
"SUCCESSFUL-CREATION": "Erfolgreich importiert",
"UNSUCCESSFUL": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen"
"TITLE": {
"NEW": "New DMP Template",
"EDIT": "Edit"
"TITLE": "Fields",
"LABEL": "Name",
"TYPE": "Type",
"DATATYPE": "Data Type",
"REQUIRED": "Pflichtfeld",
"TITLE": "Autocomplete Data",
"MULTIPLE-AUTOCOMPLETE": "Multiple Autocomplete",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Input Placeholder",
"URL": "Url",
"OPTIONS-ROOT": "Options Root",
"LABEL": "Label",
"VALUE": "Value"
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen",
"DELETE": "Löschen",
"FINALIZE": "Finalize",
"DOWNLOAD-XML": "Download XML"
2021-06-22 15:48:46 +02:00
"MESSAGE": "Would you like to delete this DMP template?",
"CONFIRM-BUTTON": "Yes, delete",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": {
"NEW": "Neue Förderung",
"EDIT": "Bearbeiten"
"LABEL": "Titel",
"ABBREVIATION": "Abkürzung",
"URI": "URL",
"START": "Beginn",
"END": "Ende",
"DESCRIPTION": "Beschreibung",
"LOGO": "Logo der Förderung"
"SAVE": "Speichern",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen",
"DELETE": "Löschen",
"GO-TO-DMPS": "Gehe zu DMPs",
"VISIT-WEBSITE": "Website besuchen"
"TITLE": {
"NEW": "Neuer Datenmanagementplan",
"EDIT": "Bearbeiten",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"EDIT-DMP": "Editing DMP",
"ADD-DATASET": "Adding dataset",
"EDIT-DATASET": "Editing Dataset",
2020-09-03 11:52:35 +02:00
"CLONE-DMP": "Clone",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"NEW-VERSION": "New Version",
"CREATE-DATASET": "Creating Dataset Description",
"PREVIEW-DATASET": "Previewing Dataset"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"NAME": "Titel",
"RELATED-GRANT": "Zugehörige Förderung",
"DESCRIPTION": "Beschreibung",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DESCRIPTION-HINT": "Briefly describe the context and purpose of the DMP",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ORGANISATIONS": "Organizations",
"ORGANISATIONS-HINT": "Nennen Sie hier die Namen der Organisationen, die an der Erstellung und Überarbeitung der DMPs beteiligt waren",
"RESEARCHERS": "Forschende",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"RESEARCHERS-HINT": "Add here the names of people that have produced, processed, analysed the data described in the DMP. ",
"AUTHORS": "Authors",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TEMPLATES": "Vorlagen",
"TEMPLATE": "DMP Vorlage",
"DATASET-TEMPLATES": "Zugehörige Vorlagen für Datensatzbeschreibungen",
2020-08-06 15:06:16 +02:00
"SELECT-TEMPLATE": "Select a template to describe your dataset",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"PROFILE": "DMP Vorlage",
"PROJECT": "Projekt",
"GRANT": "Förderung",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"GRANTS": "Grants",
"GRANTS-HINT": "Find the grant of your research or add new",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FUNDER": "Fördergeber",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"FUNDER-HINT": "Select a funder of your research or add new",
"FUNDING-ORGANIZATIONS": "Funding organizations",
"PROJECT-HINT": "Projects in Argos are perceived as distinct activities falling under a grant or common activities under different grants in collaborative schemas, eg open call for contributions. Please complete it for the grant associated to your organization if your project falls under this category. In all other cases, please leave blank and it will be autocompleted.",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"STATUS": "DMP Status",
"EXTERNAL-SOURCE-HINT": "Liste der Werte, die von externer(n) Quelle(n) stammen",
2020-09-03 11:52:35 +02:00
"COLLABORATORS": "Mitwirkende",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"LANGUAGE": "Language",
"LANGUAGE-HINT": "Select the language of your DMP",
"LICENSE": "License",
"VISIBILITY": "Visibility",
"VISIBILITY-HINT": "Choose how the DMP is displayed in Argos. By choosing Public, the DMP is automatically made available to all users from the “Public DMPs” collection.",
"PUBLICATION": "Publication Date",
"CONTACT": "Contact",
"COST": "Costs",
2020-09-03 11:52:35 +02:00
"DATASETS": "Datasets"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"GO-TO-GRANT": "Gehe zu DMP Förderung",
"GO-TO-DATASETS": "Gehe zu Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"SAVE-CHANGES": "Änderungen speichern",
"SAVE": "Speichern",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen",
"DELETE": "Löschen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DELETE-DATASET": "Delete Dataset",
"DISCARD": "Discard",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FINALISE": "Fertigstellen",
"LOCK": "DMP ist durch einen anderen Benutzer gesperrt",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"PERMISSION": "Sie sind nicht berechtigt, diesen DMP zu bearbeiten",
"INSERT-MANUALLY": "Insert it manually",
"CREATE-DATASET": "Create new one",
"DISABLED-EXPORT": "Please save your changes to export this DMP"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DESCRIPTION": "Fill with description",
"ORGANIZATION": "Select organization",
"AUTHORS": "Select authors",
"RESEARCHERS": "Select researchers"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"UNSUCCESSFUL-DOI": "DOI Erstellung fehlgeschlagen",
"SUCCESSFUL-DOI": "DOI Erstellung erfolgreich",
"UNSUCCESSFUL-FINALIZE": "Fertigstellung des DMP fehlgeschlagen"
"TITLE": "Verfügbare Datensatzvorlagen",
"TEXT": "Datensatzprofile ausgewählt: ",
"OK": "OK"
"PUBLIC": "Public",
"RESTRICTED": "Restricted"
"USER-GUIDE": "Guide steps",
"MAIN-INFO": "Main info",
"FUNDING-INFO": "Funding info",
"DATASET-SELECTION": "Dataset selection",
"DATASET-INFO": "Dataset info",
"LICENSE-INFO": "License info",
"DATASET": "Dataset",
"PREVIOUS": "Previous",
"NEXT": "Next"
"INTRO": "A DMP in Argos consists of key information about research, such as purpose, objectives and researchers involved, but also about documentation of research datasets, namely dataset descriptions, that highlight the steps followed and the means used across data management activities.",
"HINT": "A brief description of what the DMP is about, its scope and objectives.",
"TYPING": "Type more letters of the name so its more possible to find the correct one.",
"UNIQUE-IDENTIFIER": "Unique Identifier",
"RESEARCHER-IDENTIFIER-EXISTS": "Researcher identifier already exists.",
"ORGANISATION-IDENTIFIER-EXSTS": "Organisation identifier already exists.",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"IDENTIFIER-EXISTS-RESEARCHER-LIST": "This identifier is already used by a researcher in the researchers list.",
2021-07-06 08:37:41 +02:00
"IDENTIFIER-EXISTS-ORGANISATION-LIST": "This identifier is already used by an organisation in the organisations list.",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
2020-11-17 08:57:52 +01:00
"INTRO": "You are using the DMP editor. Add here information about the scope, funding, actors of your DMP and decide on access and re-use issues for the DMP output that you are creating.",
"FIND": "Couldn't find the correct one?",
"UNIQUE-IDENTIFIER": "Unique Identifier",
"IDENTIFIER-FUNDER-EXISTS": "A funder with the given identifier exists.",
"IDENTIFIER-GRANT-EXISTS": "A grant with the given identifier exists.",
"IDENTIFIER-PROJECT-EXISTS": "A project with the given identifier exists."
"INTRO": "A DMP in Argos consists of key information about research, such as purpose, objectives and researchers involved, but also about documentation of research datasets, namely dataset descriptions, that highlight the steps followed and the means used across data management activities.",
"SECOND-INTRO": "Datasets are documented following pre-defined templates which set the content of dataset descriptions. In Argos, a DMP can contain as many dataset descriptions as the datasets it documents.",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"FIND": "Couldn't find a suitable one?",
"HINT": "Select a template to describe your datasets. You may select more than one template."
"INTRO": "Each DMP can contain specific license informatation over how much open and available it is, that way you can determine who can see your dataset and for how long that data will be private",
"HINT": "A brief description of what license the DMP is using, its type and when it will open.",
"TYPING": "Type more letters of the name so its more possible to find the correct one."
"INTRO": "Ιn general terms, your research data should be 'fair', that is findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable. these principles precede implementation choices and do not necessarily suggest any specific technology, standard, or implementation-solution. this template is not intended as a strict technical implementation of the fair principles, it is rather inspired by fair as a general concept."
"CHANGES": "unsaved changes",
"CLONE": "Clone",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"TITLE":"DMP is locked",
"MESSAGE":"Somebody else is modifying the DMP at this moment. You may view the dataset but you cannot make any changes."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "DMP Vorlagen",
"CREATE-DMP-TEMPLATE": "Create DMP Template",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"NAME": "Name",
"STATUS": "Status",
"CREATED": "Erstellt",
"PUBLISHED": "Veröffentlicht",
"LAST-EDITED": "Zuletzt bearbeitet"
"UPLOAD-XML": "Importieren",
"UPLOAD-XML-FILE-TITLE": "Vorlage des Datenmanagementplans importieren",
"UPLOAD-XML-NAME": "Name der DMP Vorlage",
"DRAFT": "Draft",
"FINALIZED": "Finalized"
"TEMPLATE-UPLOAD-SUCCESS":"Template successfully uploaded"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"LABEL": "Label"
"PREVIEW": "Preview",
"ADD-PAGE": "Add Page +",
"ADD-SECTION": "Add Section +"
"FILTERS": "Filters",
"LIKE": "Suchen",
"PERIOD-FROM": "Beginn der Förderung",
"PERIOD-TO": "Ende der Förderung",
"GRANT-STATE-TYPE": "Status der Förderung",
"TYPES": {
"NONE": "-",
"ON-GOING": "Laufend",
"FINISHED": "Beendet"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"LIKE": "Suchen",
"STATUS": "Status"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"PERIOD-FROM": "Beginn",
"PERIOD-TO": "Ende",
"STATUS": "Status",
"NONE": "-",
"TAGS": "Tags",
"SELECT-TAGS": "Tags auswählen",
"LIKE": "Datensatzbeschreibung suchen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DRAFT-LIKE": "Search Draft Datasets",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"SELECT-GRANTS": "Förderung auswählen",
"ROLE": "Rolle",
"ORGANIZATION": "Organisation",
"SELECT-ORGANIZATIONS": "Organisationen auswählen",
"SELECT-SPEC": "Datensatzbeschreibung Spezifikation auswählen",
"RELATED-GRANT": "Zugehörige Förderung",
"SELECT-DMP": "DMP auswählen",
"RELATED-DMP": "Zugehörige DMPs",
"SELECT-COLLABORATORS": "Mitwirkende auswählen",
"RELATED-COLLABORATORS": "Zugehörige Mitwirkende",
"SELECT-DATASET-TEMPLATES": "Vorlagen für Datensatzbeschreibung auswählen",
"RELATED-DATASET-TEMPLATES": "Zugehörige Vorlagen für Datensatzbeschreibung",
"ALL-VERSIONS": "Aus allen Versionen"
"DMP": {
"LIKE": "Suche DMPs",
"GRANTS": "Förderungen",
"SELECT-GRANTS": "Förderungen auswählen",
"SELECT-COLLABORATORS": "Mitwirkende auswählen",
"RELATED-COLLABORATORS": "Zugehörige Mitwirkende",
"SELECT-DATASET-TEMPLATES": "Vorlagen für Datensatzbeschreibung auswählen",
"RELATED-DATASET-TEMPLATES": "Zugehörige Vorlagen für Datensatzbeschreibung"
"USERS": {
"LABEL": "Suche",
2020-12-04 17:26:20 +01:00
"ROLE": "Rolle",
"SHOW": "Show"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"SELECT": "Option wählen",
"LIKE": "Search"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": {
"NEW": "Neuer Datenmanagementplan",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"EDIT": "Bearbeiten",
2020-11-17 08:57:52 +01:00
"INTRO": "You are using the Dataset editor. Answer here questions that describe your data management activities.",
"INTRO-TIP": "Tip: Add new datasets to describe different types of data or disciplinary data to avoid mixing information."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"NAME": "Name der Datensatzbeschreibung",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"TITLE": "Title of Dataset",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DESCRIPTION": "Beschreibung",
"PROFILE": "Vorlage",
"URI": "URI",
"DMP": "DMP",
"SELECT-DMP": "Select DMP",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DATAREPOSITORIES": "Datenrepositorien",
"REGISTRIES": "Verzeichnisse",
"SERVICES": "Dienste",
"EXTERNAL-DATASETS": "Externe Datensätze",
"EXTERNAL-DATASETS-DESCRIPTION": "Datensätze, die sich auf den im DMP beschriebenen Datensatz beziehen und entweder für dessen Herstellung verwendet wurden oder ein Derivat oder Nebenprodukt seiner Nutzung sind",
"EXTERNAL-DATASET-TYPE": "Art des externen Datensatzes",
"EXTERNAL-DATASET-INFO": "Information zum externen Datensatz",
"DATAREPOSITORIES-INFO": "Information zu Datenrepositorien",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"EXTERNAL-LINK": "External link",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TAGS": "Tags",
"CREATE": "Neuen erstellen"
"SAVE": "Speichern",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DELETE": "Löschen",
"UPDATE": "Update",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"DISCARD-NEW-MESSAGE": "All changes made will be discarded and you will be redirected back to DMP Editor. Would you like to proceed?",
"DISCARD-NEW-CONFIRM": "Yes, discard and remove dataset.",
"DISCARD-EDITED-MESSAGE": "All unsaved changes will be reverted to their initial state and you will be redirected back to DMP Editor. Would you like to proceed?",
"DISCARD-EDITED-CONFIRM": "Yes, revert changes and go back.",
"DISABLED-EXPORT": "Please save your changes to export this Dataset"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DESCRIPTION": "Fill with description",
"EXTERNAL-LINK": "Provide an external URL link"
"HINT": {
2020-11-17 08:57:52 +01:00
"DESCRIPTION": "Briefly describe the context and purpose of the Dataset",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"TITLE": "A brief description of what the ",
"TITLE-REST": " is about its scope and objectives."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ABOUT": "Die Versionierung ist automatisiert.",
"QUESTION": "Es scheint, dass Ihre Vorlage der Datensatzbeschreibung veraltet ist. Möchten Sie sie auf die neueste Version aktualisieren?"
"ERROR-OCCURED": "An error occured.",
"MESSAGE": "Message: "
Description boxes in admin forms replaced with rich text editor <angular-editor>. 1. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor-section.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: Initialize AngularEditorConfig. 2. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html & dataset-profile-editor-section.component.html & dataset-profile-editor.component.html: Use <angular-editor> in description. 3. multiple-auto-complete.component.html & dataset-profile-listing.component.html & form-section.component.html: Show description as html. 4. dataset-profile.module.ts: Imported HttpClientModule, AngularEditorModule (needed for <angular-editor>). 5. available-profiles.component.html: Show description as html, under the Dataset Template title, not as tooltip (matTooltip does not receive html). 6. available-profiles.component.ts: Added styleUrls: ['available-profiles.component.scss']. 7. available-profiles.component.scss: [NEW] Added css for class "list-option" to cut description if too long. 8. form-composite-title.component.html: Show description and extendedDescription as html | Add view more/less functionality to show/hide extendedDescription. 9. form-composite-title.component.ts: Added "public showExtendedDescription: boolean = false;" field. 10. form-composite-title.component.scss: Added css for "more" class, to make "view more/less" seem like link. 11. assets/i18n/: In language files added DATASET-EDITOR.QUESTION.EXTENDED-DESCRIPTION.VIEW-MORE (-LESS). 12. assets/styles.css: Added css for <angular-editor>, to be similar to the other text areas and forms.
2021-10-12 17:14:22 +02:00
"VIEW-MORE": "View more",
"VIEW-LESS": "View less"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"NEXT": "Weiter",
"BACK": "Zurück",
"SAVE": "Speichern"
"PLACEHOLDER": "Bestehenden DMP auswählen"
"TITLE": "Initialize your Dataset",
"PREFILL": "Prefill",
"OR": "OR",
"HINT": "Select the dataset from Zenodo to automatically retrieve answers to some questions in your template or start by answering the questions manually.",
"MANUALLY": "Manually",
"PROFILE": "Dataset Template",
"PREFILLED-DATASET": "Prefilled Dataset",
Question titles in dataset template with <textarea> | Bug fix in "Save & Continue" functionality of dataset templates | Added "Update & Continue" functionality in dataset templates | Changed placeholder text in the prefilling search box. 1. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html: #7792 - use <textarea> instead of <input> for question titles. 2. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.ts: #7790 - Set default value "unchecked" for checkbox. 3. dataset-profile.service.ts: In methods "createForm()" and "newVersion" updated response type from DatasetProfileEditorModel to string (id is returned only) and use httpClient instead of http. 4. dataset-profile-editor.component.html: a. [Bug fix] Fix conditions in action buttons (Save/Update/Finalize) b. On "Update" action button, added update dropdown options "Update & Continue", "Update & Close" and set default behavior "Update & Continue". c. On save dropdown options, used DATASET-PROFILE-EDITOR.ACTIONS instead of DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS. 5. dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: a. [Bug fix] #7791 - Created method "afterSave()" to be called in "onSubmit()" method when api calls return b. Added optional parameter "close: boolean = false" in method "updateAndFinalize". 6. i18n/: a. Added DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.SAVE-AND-CONTINUE, DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.SAVE-AND-CLOSE, DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.UPDATE-AND-CONTINUE, DATASET-WIZARD.ACTIONS.UPDATE-AND-CLOSE. b. #7750 - Changed placeholder text in the prefilling search box (DATASET-CREATE-WIZARD.PREFIL-STEP.SEARCH).
2022-05-31 15:49:15 +02:00
"SEARCH": "Start typing to search for a dataset or software",
"NEXT": "Next"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Einladungen verschicken an ",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"SEND-INVITATION": "Einladungen verschicken",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen"
"USERS": {
"TITLE": "Benutzer",
"EMAIL": "E-Mail",
"LAST-LOGGED-IN": "Zuletzt eingeloggt",
"LABEL": "Label",
"ROLES": "Rollen",
"NAME": "Name",
"PERMISSIONS": "Berechtigungen",
"EXPORT": "Export users"
2020-12-04 17:26:20 +01:00
"EDIT": "Edit",
"SAVE": "Save"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TYPES": {
"ADMIN": "Administrator",
"USER": "Benutzer",
"MANAGER": "Manager",
"DATASET-TEMPLATE-EDITOR": "Dataset Template Editor"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DATE": "Datum",
"NUMBER": "Nummer",
"TEXT": "Text",
"EXTERNAL-AUTOCOMPLETE": "Externe Autovervollständigung"
"TYPE": {
"INPUT": "Eingabe"
"DRAFT": "Entwurf",
"FINALISED": "Fertiggestellt",
"ANY": "Beliebig",
"DRAFT-DESC": "Entwurf Registrierungen"
"OWNER": "Besitzer",
"MEMBER": "Mitglied",
"ANY": "Beliebig"
"SOURCE": "Quelle",
"SOURCES": "Quellen",
"SOURCE:": "Quelle: ",
"NO-SOURCE": "Nicht mit Quelle verknüpfen",
"OUTPUT": "Output",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"SELECT": "Select"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DMP": {
"FINALISED": "Fertiggestellt",
"DRAFT": "Entwurf"
"VISIBILITY": "Sichtbarkeit",
"PUBLIC": "Veröffentlicht",
"FINALIZED": "Fertiggestellt",
"DRAFT": "Entwurf",
"ANY": "Beliebig"
"NONE": "Keine",
"REQUIRED": "Pflichtfeld"
"BOOLEAN-DECISION": "Boolean Decision",
"CHECKBOX": "Checkbox",
"COMBO-BOX": "Combo Box",
"INTERNAL-DMP-ENTITIES": "Internal DMP Entities",
"FREE-TEXT": "Free Text",
"RADIO-BOX": "Radio Box",
"TEXT-AREA": "Text Area",
Added rich text area field type for response in dataset > chapter > section > questions. 1. dataset-profile.module.ts: Added in declarations "DatasetProfileEditorRichTextAreaFieldComponent". 2. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html: Added RichTextArea as input field type for response to a question. 3. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts: In method "addNewInput()" added case for RichTextArea. 4. dataset-profile-field-view-style.ts & view-style-enum.ts: Added RichTextArea. 5. field-data.ts: Added interface RichTextAreaFieldData. 6. enum-utils.service.ts: In methods "toDatasetProfileFieldViewStyleString()" and "toDatasetProfileViewTypeString()" added cases for RichTextArea 7. field-editor-model.ts: Added richTextarea. 8. component-profile-editor-default-value.component.html: Added <mat-form-field> for RichTextArea (how rich text area is initialized when this type is selected as response). 9. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.html: Added <mat-option> for RichTextArea (to select it) and <app-dataset-profile-editor-rich-text-area-field-component> (to show it). 10. dataset-profile-editor-field.component.ts: Added RichTextArea case everywhere. 11. dataset-wizard.component.ts & dmp-editor.component.ts: In method "_getPlaceHolder()" added case for richTextarea. 12. dataset-description-form.module.ts: Imported RichTextEditorModule. 13. form-field.component.html: Added RichTextArea case with <rich-text-editor-component>. 14. assets/i18n/: Added DATASET-PROFILE-EDITOR.STEPS.FORM.FIELD.FIELDS.FIELD-RICH-TEXT-AREA-TITLE, DATASET-PROFILE-EDITOR.STEPS.FORM.FIELD.FIELDS.FIELD-RICH-TEXT-AREA-PLACEHOLDER and DMP-EDITOR.TYPES.DATASET-PROFILE-FIELD-VIEW-STYLE.RICH-TEXT-AREA. 15. field-data/rich-text-area-field-data-editor-model.ts & field-type/rich-textarea/: [NEW] Files for Rich Text Area field type.
2021-11-01 14:30:21 +01:00
"RICH-TEXT-AREA": "Rich Text Area",
"UPLOAD": "Upload",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DATE-PICKER": "Date Picker",
"EXTERNAL-DATASETS": "External Datasets",
"DATA-REPOSITORIES": "Data Repositories",
"PUB-REPOSITORIES": "Publication Repositories",
"TAXONOMIES": "Taxonomies",
"LICENSES": "Licenses",
"PUBLICATIONS": "Publications",
"REGISTRIES": "Metadata",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"SERVICES": "Services",
"TAGS": "Tags",
"RESEARCHERS": "Researchers",
"ORGANIZATIONS": "Organizations",
"DATASET-IDENTIFIER": "Dataset Identifier",
"CURRENCY": "Currency",
"VALIDATION": "Validator",
"OTHER": "Other",
"SELECT": "Select"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DOWNLOAD": "Download file"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"WORD-LIST": "Word List",
"AUTOCOMPLETE": "Autocomplete",
"EXTERNAL-SOURCE-HINT": "List of values provided by external source(s)",
"YES": "Ja",
"NO": "Nein"
"RESEARCHERS": "Forschende",
"DMPS": "DMPs",
"DATASETS": "Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"EXTERNAL-SOURCE-HINT": "Liste jener Werte, die von externer(n) Quelle(n) stammen"
"ACTION": "Validate",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"IDENTIFIER-TYPE": "Identifier Type"
"CREATED": "Created",
"LABEL": "Label",
"MODIFIED": "Modified",
"FINALIZED": "Finalized",
"PUBLISHED": "Published",
"STATUS": "Status"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Forschenden hinzufügen",
"FIRST_NAME": "Vorname",
"LAST_NAME": "Nachname",
"SAVE": "Speichern",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"TITLE": "Add an Organization",
"NAME": "Name",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
"ADD-TITLE": "Add a Cost",
"EDIT-TITLE": "Edit the Cost",
"CODE": "Code",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"TITLE": "Title",
"VALUE": "Value",
"SAVE": "Save",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"DMP": "DMP Editor",
"DATASETS": "Datensatzbeschreibungen"
"NEXT": "Weiter",
"BACK": "Zurück",
"SAVE": "Speichern"
"RELATED-GRANT": "Zugehörige Förderung"
"RELATED-COLLABORATOR": "Zugehörige Mitwirkende",
"SELECT-COLLABORATORS": "Mitwirkende auswählen"
"SELECT-ORGANIZATIONS": "Organisation auswählen"
"PREVIEW": "Vorschau",
"FORM-DESCRIPTION": "Formularbeschreibung",
"PAGES-DESCRIPTION": "Seitenbeschreibung"
"MY-TITLE-GRANT": "Meine letzte Förder-Aktivität",
"MY-TITLE-DMP": "Meine letzte DMP Aktivität",
"MY-TITLE-DATASET": "Meine letzte Aktivität der Datensatzbeschreibung",
"LAST-VISITED-DMP": "Datenmanagementplan zuletzt aufgerufen",
"LAST-EDITED-DMP": "Zuletzt bearbeiteter Datenmanagementplan",
"LICENSE": "Die unten angeführten DMPs sind öffentlich unter der ##-Lizenz von"
"DEFAULT": "Datei auswählen",
"GRANT": "",
"UPLOAD": "Hochladen"
"SHOW-MORE": "Mehr anzeigen"
"STATS": "ARGOS Dashboard"
"MY-DMPS": {
"STATS": "My Dashboard"
"ABOUT": {
"TITLE-DASHED": "-Über-",
"TITLE": "Über",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"MAIN-CONTENT": "Unser Ziel ist es, Ihre Forschungsdaten FAIR zu machen, d.h. auffindbar, zugänglich, interoperabel und wiederverwendbar. Diese Prinzipien gehen der Wahl der Implementierungsart voraus und schlagen nicht zwangsläufig eine spezifische Technologie, Standard oder Implementierungslösung vor.",
"CONTRIBUTORS": "Mitwirkende",
"WELCOME": "Willkommen bei ARGOS",
"WELCOME-MESSAGE": "Erstellen, Verlinken, Teilen von Datenmanagementplänen"
"CONTACT-SUPPORT": "Support kontaktieren",
"FAQ": "FAQ",
"GUIDE": "Benutzerhandbuch",
"GLOSSARY": "Glossar",
"TERMS-OF-SERVICE": "Nutzungsbedingungen",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"ABOUT": "About",
"COOKIES-POLICY": "Cookies Policy",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"PRIVACY-POLICY": "Datenschutzrichtlinie"
"TITLE": "Glossar",
"TITLE-DASHED": "-Glossar-",
"CLOSE": "Schließen"
"FAQ": {
"CLOSE": "Schließen"
"GUIDE": {
"TITLE": "Benutzerhandbuch",
"TITLE-DASHED": "-Benutzerhandbuch-",
"CLOSE": "Schließen",
"SAVE": "Speichern"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "-Datenschutzrichtlinie-",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"TITLE": "Opensource licences",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "-Nutzungsbedingungen-",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"TITLE": "Cookies Policy"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Support kontaktieren",
"SUBTITLE": "Wie können wir Ihnen weiterhelfen?",
"SUBJECT": "Betreff",
"DESCRIPTION": "Beschreibung",
"CANCEL": "Abbrechen",
"SEND": "Senden"
"TITLE-DASHED": "-Support kontaktieren-",
"GUIDE": "Leitfaden",
"HELP": "Hilfe",
"GLOSSARY": "Glossar"
"TITLE": "Sprache",
"TITLE-DASHED": "-Sprache-",
"CLOSE": "Schließen"
"MY-GRANTS": "Meine Förderungen",
"GRANTS": "Förderungen",
"MY-DMPS": "Meine DMPs",
"TITLE": "Was ist ARGOS?",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"DMP-QUESTION": "What is a DMP in ARGOS?",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"INFO-TEXT": "ARGOS ist ein offener, erweiterbarer Dienst, der die Verwaltung, Validierung, Überwachung und Aktualisierung von Datenmanagementplänen vereinfacht. Er ermöglicht es Akteuren (Forschern, Managern, Betreuern usw.), praktisch umsetzbare DMPs zu erstellen, die uneingeschränkt zwischen Infrastruktursystemen ausgetauscht werden können, um bestimmte Aspekte des Datenmanagementprozesses in Übereinstimmung mit den Absichten und dem Engagement der Dateneigentümer durchzuführen.",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"INFO-DMP-TEXT": "A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a living document describing the datasets that are generated and/ or re-used during and after a research lifetime. DMPs aim to provide researchers with essential information to re-produce, re-distribute and re-purpose research results thus assuring for their validity and exploitation.",
"NEW-QUESTION": "New with DMPs? Visit",
"START-YOUR-FIRST-DMP": "Start your first DMP",
"OPEN-AIR-GUIDE": "OpenAIREs Guide for Researchers",
"LEARN-MORE": "to learn more about how to create one!",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ORGANIZATIONS": "Zugehörige Organisationen",
"DMPS": "DMPs",
"MY-DATASETS": "Meine Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"DATASETS": "Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"PERSONAL-USAGE": "Personal Usage",
2020-09-18 13:14:48 +02:00
"PUBLIC-USAGE": "Public Usage",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
2021-07-07 07:17:48 +02:00
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"PUBLIC-DMPS": "Public DMPs",
"PUBLIC-DATASETS": "Public Datasets",
"RELATED-ORGANISATIONS": "Related Organisations",
"DRAFTS": "Drafts",
"ALL": "All",
"EMPTY-LIST": "Nothing here yet.",
"LATEST-ACTIVITY": "Latest Activity",
"DMP-ABOUT-BEG": "A DMP in Argos consists of key information about research, such as purpose, objectives and researchers involved, but also about documentation of research datasets, namely",
"DMP-ABOUT-END": ", that highlight the steps followed and the means used across data management activities.",
"SELECT-DMP": "Select a DMP for your Dataset",
"ADD-DATASET": "Add Dataset",
"ADD-DMP-DESCRIPTION": "Add DMP Description"
2020-11-24 18:05:32 +01:00
"DMP": "This is your dashboard. You can view and edit all DMPs that you have either contributed to or created yourself.",
"START-NEW": "Create your DMP with Start new DMP.",
"IMPORT-DMP": "You can import a DMP",
"START-WIZARD": "or create new in Argos.",
"DATASET": "This is your dashboard. You can view and edit all Datasets that you have either contributed to or created yourself.",
"NEW-DATASET": "With Add Dataset you can describe new datasets anytime in the research process.",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"GOT-IT": "Got it!",
"LEAVE-TOUR": "Leave Tour"
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"OPTIONS-NOT-ENOUGH": "Are those options not enough?",
"START-NEW-DMP": "Start new DMP"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"USER-PROFILE": "Mein Profil",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"USER-PROFILE-SETTINGS": "My Profile Settings...",
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"EXIT": "Ausstieg ",
"LOG-OUT": "Abmeldung"
"TITLE": "Verify linked account",
"MESSAGE": "An email to verify this action has been sent to you. Once accepted, you will be able to see your accounts merged. The last email account that you merge will be the one containing all of your DMP records and activity in Argos."
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Einstellungen",
"TIMEZONE": "Zeitzone",
"CULTURE": "Kultur",
2020-10-23 09:49:09 +02:00
"LANGUAGE": "Sprache",
"CONNECTED-WITH": "Connected with",
"NAME": "Name",
"ORGANIZATION": "Organization",
"ROLE": "Rolle",
"SELECT-ROLE": "Select Role",
"ACCOUNTS": "Accounts",
2020-10-26 10:57:06 +01:00
"EMAILS": "Emails",
"YOUR-EMAIL": "Your Email"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"ASSOCIATED-DMPS": "Zugehörige DMPs",
"DMPS": {
"SHOW-ALL": "Alle zeigen",
"CREATOR": "Ersteller",
"MEMBER": "Mitglied"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"LOGIN": "Login to Zenodo",
"LOGOUT": "Remove Zenodo",
2020-11-17 14:46:17 +01:00
"AUTHORIZE": "Authorize Zenodo",
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"TITLE": "Zenodo Account",
2020-10-23 10:27:44 +02:00
"DESCRIPTION": "Linked Zenodo Account"
2020-10-23 09:49:09 +02:00
"FACULTY": "Faculty",
"LIBRARIAN": "Librarian",
"RESEARCHER": "Researcher",
"STUDENT": "Student (BA/BSc, MSc)",
"EARLY-CAREER-RESEARCHER": "Early Career Researcher (PhD candidate, post-graduate)",
"RESEARCH-ADMINISTRATOR": "Research Administrator",
"REPOSITORY-MANAGER": "Repository Manager",
"RESEARCH-INFRASTRUCTURE": "Research Infrastructure",
"SERVICE-PROVIDER": "Service Provider",
"PUBLISHER": "Publisher",
"RESEARCH-FUNDER": "Research Funder",
"POLICY-MAKER": "Policymaker",
"SME-INDUSTRY": "SME/ Industry",
"OTHER": "Other"
"SAVE": "Save",
"LINK-NEW": "Link new",
"LINK-NEW-ACCOUNT": "Link new account",
2020-10-26 10:57:06 +01:00
"ADD": "Add",
"CANCEL": "Cancel"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"TITLE": "Neues Service hinzufügen",
"LABEL": "Label",
"ABBREVIATION": "Abkürzung",
"URI": "URI"
"TITLE": "Neues Datenrepositorium hinzufügen",
"LABEL": "Label",
"ABBREVIATION": "Abkürzung",
"URI": "URI"
"TITLE": "Neue externe Datensatzbeschreibung hinzufügen",
"LABEL": "Label",
"ABBREVIATION": "Abkürzung"
"TITLE": "Neues Verzeichnis hinzufügen",
"LABEL": "Label",
"ABBREVIATION": "Abkürzung",
"URI": "URI"
"FILTER": "Filter",
"TITLE": "Förderstatus",
"ANY": "Beliebig",
"ACTIVE": "Aktiv",
"INACTIVE": "Ruhend"
"GRANT": {
"TITLE": "Zugehörige Förderungen",
"FILTER": "Förderungen filtern"
"TITLE": "Präzisierung des Datensatzes"
"ROLE": {
"TITLE": "Rolle",
"ANY": "Beliebig",
"OWNER": "Besitzer",
"MEMBER": "Mitglied"
"TITLE": "Organisation",
"FILTER": "Organisationen filtern"
"DMP": "DMP",
"DATASETS": "Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"EMPTY": "Bisher noch keine Datensatzbeschreibungen für diesen DMP",
"SUBMIT": "Abschicken",
"FINALISE-TITLE": "Möchten Sie einen der folgenden Entwürfe für Datensatzbeschreibungen fertigstellen?",
"ALREADY-FINALISED-DATASETS": "Bereits fertiggestellte Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"NONE": "Keine",
"AT-LEAST-ONE-DATASET-FINALISED": "Sie müssen mindestens eine Datensatzbeschreibung fertiggestellt haben"
"IMPACT": "Mit dieser Aktion wird Ihr DMP fertiggestellt und Sie werden ihn nicht erneut bearbeiten können.",
"AFTER-FINALIZATION": "Nach der Fertigstellung Ihres DMP können Sie ihn veröffentlichen, wodurch er für das ARGOS Programm öffentlich zugänglich sein wird.",
2021-06-08 19:26:45 +02:00
"INVALID": "Invalid"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
"FOR-DMP": "Für DMP:",
"FOR-GRANT": "Für Förderungen:"
"TITLE": "Neuen DMP erstellen",
"SUBTITLE": "Erstellen Sie einen neuen DMP und beschreiben Sie Ihre Datensatzbeschreibung(en), wobei unser Assistent Sie Schritt für Schritt durch die wichtigsten Elemente einer DMP Beschreibung führt.",
"TITLE": "DMP Assistent",
"POST-SELECTION-INFO": "Dieser Assistent ermöglicht es Ihnen, einen neuen DMP zu erstellen, wobei Sie nur die wichtigsten Informationen bereitstellen müssen. Anschließend beschreiben Sie eine oder mehrere Datensatzbeschreibungen, die im Rahmen dieses DMP verwaltet werden. Nachdem Sie unter der Verwendung des Assistenten die Erstellung eines neuen DMP abgeschlossen haben, können Sie den DMP weiter bearbeiten, auf seine erweiterten Funktionen über den vollständigen DMP-Editor zugreifen und sogar weitere Datensatzbeschreibungen hinzufügen oder die vorherigen bearbeiten.",
"DELETE": "Löschen",
"SAVE": "Speichern",
"SAVE-AND-FINALIZE": "Speichern und Fertigstellen",
"NEXT": "Weiter",
"BACK": "Zurück",
"CREATE-NEW-GRANT": "Förderung hinzufügen",
"EXIST-GRANT": "Bestehende Förderungen verwenden",
"CREATE-NEW-FUNDER": "Födergeber hinzufügen",
"EXIST-FUNDER": "Bestehenden Fördergeber verwenden",
"CREATE-NEW-PROJECT": "Projekt hinzufügen",
"EXIST-PROJECT": "Bestehendes Projekt verwenden"
"TITLE": "Förderung",
"ABOUT-GRANT": "Finden Sie die Förderung, mit der Ihr DMP im Zusammenhang steht und verknüpfen Sie sie mit den Informationen der Fördergeber. Sollte die Förderung nicht aufgelistet sein oder Sie ein DMP für einen Fördermittelantrag oder für andere Zwecke erstellen, verwenden Sie \"Förderung Hinzufügen\"",
"ABOUT-NEW-GRANT": "Sollten Sie einen DMP für einen Fördermittelantrag, für die institutionelle Verwendung, Forschungsgemeinschaften oder für Schulungs- und Ausbildungszwecke erstellen, fügen Sie untenstehende Informationen hinzu, indem Sie ein neue Förderung erstellen.",
"ABOUT-FUNDER": "Wählen Sie jenen Fördergeber aus, welchen Sie mit dem zu erstellenden DMP verknüpfen möchten und suchen Sie anschließend eine Förderung aus, mit der der Fördergeber verknüpft ist. Sollte der Fördergeber nicht aufgelistet sein, verwenden Sie \"Fördergeber hinzufügen\"",
"ABOUT-NEW-FUNDER": "Sollten Sie ein DMP für einen Fördermittelantrag, für die institutionelle Verwendung, Forschungsgemeinschaften oder für Schulungs- und Ausbildungszwecke erstellen und diesen mit einem nicht aufgelisteten Fördergeber verknüpfen wollen, dann erstellen Sie einen neuen Fördergeber",
"ABOUT-PROJECT": "Finden Sie das Projekt, mit dem Ihr DMP verbunden ist. Sollte das Projekt nicht aufgelistet sein, benutzen Sie \"Projekt hinzufügen\"",
"OR": "oder",
"SELECT-GRANT": "Förderung auswählen, mit der der DMP verknüpft ist",
"SELECT-FUNDER": "Fördergeber auswählen, mit dem der DMP verbunden ist",
"SELECT-PROJECT": "Projekt auswählen, mit dem der DMP verbunden ist",
"GRANT-LABEL": "Name der Förderung",
"FUNDER-LABEL": "Name des Fördergebers",
"PROJECT-LABEL": "Projektname",
"LABEL-HINT": "Fügen Sie den Namen der Förderung in jener Form hinzu, wie er in der Fördermittelausschreibung erscheint",
"DESCRIPTION": "Beschreibung",
"DESCRIPTION-HINT": "Erklären Sie kurz die Ziele und Absichten der Förderung"
"TITLE": "DMP Profil",
"ABOUT": "Ein Datenmanagementplan besteht aus einer Reihe von Fragen, die Sie mit einem, der Förderungsart, angemessenen Genauigkeit oder Bezugnahme auf den Zweck, auf Grund dessen Sie das DMP anlegen, beantworten sollten. Der Inhalt jedes DMP variiert je nach der/den ausgewählten Datensatzbeschreibungsvorlage(n), die einen zugeschnittenen Fragenkatalog enthalten, welcher den Anforderungen von Fördergebern, Institutionen und Forschungsgemeinschaften Rechnung trägt.",
"NEW-TITLE": "",
"DMP-NAME": "DMP für Förderung : ",
"NAME": "DMP Titel",
"DESCRIPTION": "Zusammenfassung",
"DESCRIPTION-HINT": "Beschreiben Sie kurz den Kontext und Zweck des DMP",
"PROFILE": "Vorlage für Datensatzbeschreibung",
"PROFILE-HINT": "Wählen Sie eine Vorlage zur Beschreibung Ihrer Datensatzbeschreibung(en). Wenn Sie mehrere Vorlagen für die Datensatzbeschreibung auswählen möchten, verwenden Sie \"Neuer DMP (Experte)\". Sie können auch jederzeit nach der DMP-Erstellung neue Datensatzbeschreibungen hinzufügen.",
"HELP": "Sollten Sie eine Vorlage nicht finden können oder eine personalisierte Vorlage für Ihre Institution, Forschungsgemeinschaft oder Schulungsanforderungen erstellen möchten, setzen Sie sich bitte mit uns in Verbindung."
"TITLE": "Datensatz Beschreibung",
"NEW-TITLE": "",
"DATASET-LABEL": "Titel der Datensatz Beschreibung",
"DATASET-NAME": "Datensatz Beschreibung: ",
"DATASET-NAME-FOR": " Für den DMP: ",
"LIST-BUTTON-TOOLTIP": "Liste der Datensatzbeschreibungen",
"ADD-BUTTON-TOOLTIP": "Datensatzbeschreibung hinzufügen"
"ADD": {
"TITLE": "Datensatzbeschreibung einem bestehenden DMP hinzufügen",
"DATASET-WIZARD": "Datensatzbeschreibungsassistent",
"POST-SELECTION-INFO": "Dieser Assistent vereinfacht den Hinzufügungsprozess neuer Datensatzbeschreibungen zu bereits vorhandenen DMPs, er führt Sie durch diesen Vorgang und erfordert nur die wesentlichsten Informationen für die Durchführung der Aufgabe. Der vollständige Zugriff auf die Kennzeichen einer Datensatzbeschreibung kann danach über die Auswahlmenüs für Datensatzbeschreibungen des Systems erfolgen.",
"SUBTITLE": "Dieser Assistent unterstützt Sie bei der Beschreibung zusätzlicher Datensatzbeschreibungen, die im Kontext eines DMP verwaltet werden und liefert nur die wesentlichen Informationen für deren Beschreibung.",
"CREATED": "Erstellt am"
"TITLE": "Möchten Sie eine weitere Datensatzbeschreibung hinzufügen?",
"NEGATIVE": "Nein"
"HINT": "(Vorgeschlagene Standardbezeichnung)"
2020-10-05 14:36:40 +02:00
"NONE": "None",
"DRAFT": "Draft",
"FINALIZED": "Finalized",
"DELETED": "Deleted"
2020-07-22 12:51:10 +02:00
Description boxes in admin forms replaced with rich text editor <angular-editor>. 1. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor-section.component.ts & dataset-profile-editor.component.ts: Initialize AngularEditorConfig. 2. dataset-profile-editor-composite-field.component.html & dataset-profile-editor-section.component.html & dataset-profile-editor.component.html: Use <angular-editor> in description. 3. multiple-auto-complete.component.html & dataset-profile-listing.component.html & form-section.component.html: Show description as html. 4. dataset-profile.module.ts: Imported HttpClientModule, AngularEditorModule (needed for <angular-editor>). 5. available-profiles.component.html: Show description as html, under the Dataset Template title, not as tooltip (matTooltip does not receive html). 6. available-profiles.component.ts: Added styleUrls: ['available-profiles.component.scss']. 7. available-profiles.component.scss: [NEW] Added css for class "list-option" to cut description if too long. 8. form-composite-title.component.html: Show description and extendedDescription as html | Add view more/less functionality to show/hide extendedDescription. 9. form-composite-title.component.ts: Added "public showExtendedDescription: boolean = false;" field. 10. form-composite-title.component.scss: Added css for "more" class, to make "view more/less" seem like link. 11. assets/i18n/: In language files added DATASET-EDITOR.QUESTION.EXTENDED-DESCRIPTION.VIEW-MORE (-LESS). 12. assets/styles.css: Added css for <angular-editor>, to be similar to the other text areas and forms.
2021-10-12 17:14:22 +02:00