
UsageCounts service is an OpenAIRE service built after the development of the Usage Statistics Service within OpenAIRE. UsageCounts forms metrics of usage activity of Open Access Repositories categorizing the data retrieved by country, number of downloads, number of views, number of repositories and all derivative quantitative open metrics, in a comprehensive way for all stakeholders.


UsageCounts service is an OpenAIRE service built after the development of the Usage Statistics Service within OpenAIRE. UsageCounts forms metrics of usage activity of Open Access Repositories categorizing the data retrieved by country, number of downloads, number of views, number of repositories and all derivative quantitative open metrics, in a comprehensive way for all stakeholders.


UsageCounts service collects usage activity from OpenAIRE content providers for usage events related to research products of the OpenAIRE graph, creates and deploys aggregated statistics for these products.
UsageCounts service collects usage activity from OpenAIRE content providers for usage events related to research products of the OpenAIRE graph, creates and deploys aggregated statistics for these products.

Architecture & Workflows

Architecture functionalities

  1. Constant tracking of views and downloads of open science repositories registered on OpenAIRE PROVIDE
  2. Creation of downloadable reports available only for content providers
  3. Instant connection with the OpenAIRE Research Graph
  4. Compatibility with COUNTER Code of Practice that provides standards based usage statistics and enables comparability with statistics from other data sources
  5. Anonymisation of IP-addresses
Push Usage Statistics Tracking Workflow
  • An institutional repository is registered in OpenAIRE.
  • Server side tracking: Plugins (Dspace) or patches (Eprints) using Matomo’s Web Analytics HTTP API.
  • Usage Activity is tracked and logged in real time.
  • Ιnformation is transferred offline to OpenAIRE’s DBs for statistical analysis.
  • Statistics are deployed for human (OpenAIRE’s Portal) and machine (Sushi-Lite API) consumption.
Collecting (Pull) Consolidated Usage Statistics Reports
  • Gathering of consolidated statistics reports from aggregation services, such as IRUS-UK, using protocols such as SUSHI-Lite.
  • Statistics are stored in OpenAIRE’s DB for statistical analysis.
  • Statistics are deployed via OpenAIRE’s Portal or Sushi-Lite API.

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