Monthly Usage Events

{{ 'OpenAIRE’s Usage Statistics Service contributes towards impact evaluation of usage activity in Open Access Repositories.' | titlecase }}

{{ 'The service collects and analyzes usage data from the repository and exploits usage metrics like downloads and metadata views. ' + 'Counters about the usage of a repository and its individual items are available in the relative detail page on the OpenAIRE Discovery Portal.' | titlecase }}

{{ 'Taking advantage of OpenAIRE’s Graph service de-duplication mechanism, the service aggregates/merges usage statistics that come from different repositories and relate to the same object.' + 'OpenAIRE’s Usage Statistics service uses the Matomo Open Source Analytics platform ( to track usage activity.' + 'Statistics are generated using the COUNTER Code of practice directives and reports can be collected from SUSHI-Lite compatible endpoints.' | titlecase }}