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package eu.dnetlib.validator2.validation.guideline
import eu.dnetlib.validator2.engine.Helper
import eu.dnetlib.validator2.engine.XMLHelper
import eu.dnetlib.validator2.engine.builtins.AlwaysFailRule
import eu.dnetlib.validator2.engine.builtins.AlwaysSucceedRule
import org.w3c.dom.Document
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
import static eu.dnetlib.validator2.validation.guideline.Cardinality.ONE
import static eu.dnetlib.validator2.validation.guideline.Cardinality.ONE_TO_N
import static eu.dnetlib.validator2.validation.guideline.RequirementLevel.*
//TODO: Test occurrence
class ElementSpecCompilerSpecification extends Specification {
private static final String FILE = "/eu/dnetlib/validator2/validation/guideline/xml-element-spec-compiler-spec.xml"
Document doc = XMLHelper.parse(FILE)
// def groovyXml = XMLHelper.groovyParse(FILE)
def elementSpecCompiler = new ElementSpecCompiler()
def "Compiler generates expected rule for simple ElementSpec"() {
def elementSpec = Helper.buildElement(elementName, requirementLevel, cardinality).build()
def evaluation = new GuidelineEvaluation("test", doc, 1)
CompilationResult compilationResult = elementSpecCompiler.compile(elementSpec){ -> evaluation}
println compilationResult
compilationResult.rootNodeRule.test(doc) == result
// here we validate that the rule evaluates independently of the requirement level (the requirement level
// is interpreted by the guideline)
elementName | requirementLevel | cardinality | result
"baseElement" | OPTIONAL | ONE | true
"baseElement" | OPTIONAL | ONE_TO_N | true
"notElement" | OPTIONAL | ONE | false
"notElement" | OPTIONAL | ONE_TO_N | false
"baseElement" | RECOMMENDED | ONE | true
"baseElement" | RECOMMENDED | ONE_TO_N | true
"notElement" | RECOMMENDED | ONE | false
"notElement" | RECOMMENDED | ONE_TO_N | false
"baseElement" | MANDATORY | ONE | true
"baseElement" | MANDATORY | ONE_TO_N | true
"notElement" | MANDATORY | ONE | false
"notElement" | MANDATORY | ONE_TO_N | false
def "Compiler generates expected rule for mandatoryIfApplicable ElementSpec"() {
def elementSpec = Builders.forMandatoryIfApplicableElement(elementName, ONE, applicabilityRule).build()
def evaluation = new GuidelineEvaluation("test", doc, 1)
CompilationResult compilationResult = elementSpecCompiler.compile(elementSpec) { -> evaluation}
String id = compilationResult.rootNodeRule.getContext().getIdProperty().getValue()
then: "the resulting rule is valid"
verifyAll(compilationResult.rootNodeRule) {
test(doc) == result
evaluation.getRequirementLevelOf(id) == dynReqLevel
// here we validate the behavior of the conditional rule that determines the applicability
elementName | applicabilityRule | dynReqLevel | result
"baseElement" | new AlwaysSucceedRule() | MANDATORY | true
"baseElement" | new AlwaysFailRule<>() | NOT_APPLICABLE | true //this is the default behavior for MA elements
"notElement" | new AlwaysSucceedRule() | MANDATORY | false
"notElement" | new AlwaysFailRule<>() | NOT_APPLICABLE | true //this is the default behavior for MA elements
def "Compiler generates expected rule for simple AttributeSpec"() {
def builder = Builders.forMandatoryElement("baseElement", ONE)
def elementSpec = Helper.addAttribute(builder, attrName, requirementLevel).build()
def evaluation = new GuidelineEvaluation("test", doc, 1)
CompilationResult compilationResult = elementSpecCompiler.compile(elementSpec) { -> evaluation }
compilationResult.rootNodeRule.test(doc) // We need rules to be evaluated in order, from root to nodes
compilationResult.nodeRules[0].test(doc) == result
// here we validate that the attribute rule evaluates independently of the requirement level (the requirement level
// is interpreted by the guideline)
attrName | requirementLevel | result
"attr1" | OPTIONAL | true
"attr2" | OPTIONAL | true
"notAttr" | OPTIONAL | false
"attr1" | RECOMMENDED | true
"attr2" | RECOMMENDED | true
"notAttr" | RECOMMENDED | false
"attr1" | MANDATORY | true
"attr2" | MANDATORY | true
"notAttr" | MANDATORY | false
def "Compiler generates expected rule for mandatoryIfApplicable AttributeSpec"() {
def elementSpec = Builders.forMandatoryElement("baseElement", ONE).
withMandatoryIfApplicableAttribute(attrName, applicabilityRule).
def evaluation = new GuidelineEvaluation("test", doc, 1)
CompilationResult compilationResult = elementSpecCompiler.compile(elementSpec) { -> evaluation }
String id = compilationResult.nodeRules[0].getContext().getIdProperty().getValue()
then: "the resulting rule is valid"
compilationResult.rootNodeRule.test(doc) // We need rules to be evaluated in order, from root to nodes
verifyAll (compilationResult.nodeRules[0]){
test(doc) == result
evaluation.getRequirementLevelOf(id) == dynReqLevel
// here we validate the behavior of the conditional rule that determines the applicability
attrName | applicabilityRule | dynReqLevel | result
"attr1" | new AlwaysSucceedRule() | MANDATORY | true
"attr1" | new AlwaysFailRule<>() | NOT_APPLICABLE | true //this is the default behavior for MA elements
"notAttr" | new AlwaysSucceedRule() | MANDATORY | false
"notAttr" | new AlwaysFailRule<>() | NOT_APPLICABLE | true //this is the default behavior for MA elements