package eu.dnetlib.validator2.validation.guideline; import eu.dnetlib.validator2.engine.Helper; import eu.dnetlib.validator2.engine.Rule; import eu.dnetlib.validator2.engine.RuleContext; import eu.dnetlib.validator2.engine.RuleEvaluationException; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; public final class SyntheticGuideline extends AbstractGuideline { private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SyntheticGuideline.class); private CompilationResult compilationResult; private static final ThreadLocal evaluation = new ThreadLocal<>(); private SyntheticGuideline(String name, int weight) { super(name, weight); } private SyntheticGuideline(String name, String description, String link, int weight, RequirementLevel requirementLevel) { super(name, description, link, weight, requirementLevel); } private SyntheticGuideline(String name, String description, String link, String fairPrinciples, int weight, RequirementLevel requirementLevel) { super(name, description, link, fairPrinciples, weight, requirementLevel); } @Override public Result validate(String id, Document document) { logger.debug("Validating document {} in {}", id, Thread.currentThread()); evaluation.set(new GuidelineEvaluation(id, document, getWeight())); Result result = evaluation.get().evaluate(compilationResult); logger.debug("Evaluated: {} in {} with result {}", evaluation.get(), Thread.currentThread(), result); evaluation.remove(); return result; } public static SyntheticGuideline of(String name, int weight, ElementSpec elementSpec) { String canonical = Helper.ensureNonEmpty(name, () -> new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot be empty")); // Here we define a guideline with a specific elementSpec as origin, we cannot allow null if ( elementSpec == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ElementSpec cannot be empty"); if ( weight < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weight cannot be negative"); SyntheticGuideline guideline = new SyntheticGuideline(canonical, weight); guideline.compilationResult = new ElementSpecCompiler().compile(elementSpec, evaluation::get); return guideline; } // Note: the synthetic rules that will be created are completely independent of each other public static SyntheticGuideline of(String name, int weight, RequirementLevel requirementLevel, Rule rule) { String canonical = Helper.ensureNonEmpty(name, () -> new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot be empty")); if ( weight < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weight cannot be negative"); if ( requirementLevel == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requirement level cannot be empty"); if ( rule == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule cannot be empty"); SyntheticGuideline guideline = new SyntheticGuideline(canonical, weight); CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(); compilationResult.rootNodeRule = new SyntheticRule() { @Override public SyntheticRule parentRule() { return null; } @Override public Rule applicabilityRule() { return null; } @Override public C getContext() { return rule.getContext(); } @Override public boolean test(Document document) throws RuleEvaluationException { return rule.test(document); } }; compilationResult.ruleIdToRequirementLevel.put(rule.getContext().getIdProperty().getValue(), requirementLevel); guideline.compilationResult = compilationResult; return guideline; } public static SyntheticGuideline of(String name, String description, String link, int weight, RequirementLevel requirementLevel, ElementSpec elementSpec) { String canonicalName = Helper.ensureNonEmpty(name, () -> new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot be empty")); String canonicalDescription = Helper.ensureNonEmpty(description, () -> new IllegalArgumentException("Description cannot be empty")); String canonicalLink = Helper.ensureNonEmpty(link, () -> new IllegalArgumentException("Link cannot be empty")); // Here we define a guideline with a specific elementSpec as origin, we cannot allow null if ( weight < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weight cannot be negative"); else if ( requirementLevel == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requirement level cannot be empty"); else if ( elementSpec == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ElementSpec cannot be empty"); SyntheticGuideline guideline = new SyntheticGuideline(canonicalName, canonicalDescription, canonicalLink, weight, requirementLevel); guideline.compilationResult = new ElementSpecCompiler().compile(elementSpec, evaluation::get); return guideline; } public static SyntheticGuideline of(String name, String description, String link, String fairPrinciples, int weight, RequirementLevel requirementLevel, ElementSpec elementSpec) { String canonicalName = Helper.ensureNonEmpty(name, () -> new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot be empty")); String canonicalDescription = Helper.ensureNonEmpty(description, () -> new IllegalArgumentException("Description cannot be empty")); String canonicalLink = Helper.ensureNonEmpty(link, () -> new IllegalArgumentException("Link cannot be empty")); String canonicalFairPrinciples = Helper.ensureNonEmpty(fairPrinciples, () -> new IllegalArgumentException("FairPrinciples cannot be empty")); // Here we define a guideline with a specific elementSpec as origin, we cannot allow null if ( weight < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weight cannot be negative"); else if ( requirementLevel == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requirement level cannot be empty"); else if ( elementSpec == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ElementSpec cannot be empty"); SyntheticGuideline guideline = new SyntheticGuideline(canonicalName, canonicalDescription, canonicalLink, canonicalFairPrinciples, weight, requirementLevel); guideline.compilationResult = new ElementSpecCompiler().compile(elementSpec, evaluation::get); return guideline; } }