import { Component, OnInit, QueryList, ViewChild, ViewChildren } from '@angular/core'; import { Repository, RepositoryInterface } from '../../../domain/typeScriptClasses'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms'; import { AsideHelpContentComponent, HelpContentComponent } from '../../../shared/reusablecomponents/help-content.component'; import { RepositoryService } from '../../../services/repository.service'; import { DatasourceCreateFormComponent } from '../../../shared/reusablecomponents/sources-forms/datasource-create-form.component'; import { DatasourceNewInterfaceFormComponent } from '../../../shared/reusablecomponents/sources-forms/datasource-new-interface-form.component'; import { from, of } from 'rxjs'; import { concatMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { errorsInInterfaces, formErrorRegisterRepo, noInterfacesSaved } from '../../../domain/shared-messages'; @Component({ selector: 'app-register-new-datasource', templateUrl: './register-new-datasource.component.html' }) export class RegisterNewDatasourceComponent implements OnInit { loadingMessage: string; errorMessage: string; datasourceType: string; repo: Repository = null; repoInterfaces: RepositoryInterface[] = []; interfacesToDelete: string[] = []; // comments: string; /* queryParams are used to follow the steps without refreshing the page * This was needed for Help Service [which sends back info according to the current router.url]. * The param that is used is 'step' and the values are: 'basicInformation','interfaces','finish' * currentStep represents the number of the current step */ currentStep: number; @ViewChild('topHelperContent', { static: true }) public topHelperContent: HelpContentComponent; @ViewChild('leftHelperContent', { static: true }) public leftHelperContent: AsideHelpContentComponent; @ViewChild('rightHelperContent', { static: true }) public rightHelperContent: AsideHelpContentComponent; @ViewChild('bottomHelperContent', { static: true }) public bottomHelperContent: HelpContentComponent; @ViewChild('registerDatasource') registerDatasource: DatasourceCreateFormComponent; @ViewChild('interfaceComments') interfaceComments: DatasourceNewInterfaceFormComponent; @ViewChildren('interfacesArray') interfacesArray: QueryList; dataForInterfaceComp: any[] = []; constructor(private fb: FormBuilder, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private repoService: RepositoryService) {} // @ViewChild('updateTermsForm') ngOnInit() { if (this.datasourceType) { // will execute getStep() every time there is a change in query params this.route.queryParams.subscribe( params => { this.getStep(); } ); } } getStep() { this.currentStep = 1; if (this.route.snapshot.queryParamMap.has('step')) { const stepName = this.route.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('step'); if (stepName === 'basicInformation') { this.currentStep = 1; } else if (stepName === 'interfaces') { if (!this.repo) { this.router.navigateByUrl(`/sources/register/${this.datasourceType}?step=basicInformation`); } else { this.currentStep = 2; } } else if (stepName === 'finish') { this.currentStep = 3; // ToU: to enable ToU delete the 2 lines above and uncomment the section below /*} else if (stepName === 'termsOfUse') { if (this.interfacesArray && this.interfacesArray.length === 0) { this.router.navigateByUrl(`/sources/register/${this.datasourceType}?step=basicInformation`); } else { this.currentStep = 3; } } else if (stepName === 'finish') { this.currentStep = 4;*/ } } this.rightHelperContent.ngOnInit(); this.topHelperContent.ngOnInit(); this.leftHelperContent.ngOnInit(); this.bottomHelperContent.ngOnInit(); } moveAStep() { this.errorMessage = ''; if (this.currentStep === 1) { this.registerDatasource.registerDatasource(); } else if (this.currentStep === 2) { of(this.getInterfaces()).subscribe( errors => { if (errors > 0) { this.errorMessage = errorsInInterfaces; window.scrollTo(1, 1); } else { if (this.repoInterfaces.length > 0) { this.addRepository(); // ToU: replace above line with the comment below // this.router.navigateByUrl(`/sources/register/${this.datasourceType}?step=termsOfUse`); } else { this.errorMessage = noInterfacesSaved; window.scrollTo(1, 1); } } } ); // ToU: uncomment these lines // } else if ( this.currentStep === 3 ) { // this.addRepository(); } } moveBackAStep() { this.errorMessage = ''; if (this.currentStep === 2) { of(this.getInterfaces()).subscribe( () => this.router.navigateByUrl(`/sources/register/${this.datasourceType}?step=basicInformation`) ); // ToU: uncomment these lines // } else if (this.currentStep === 3) { // this.router.navigateByUrl(`/sources/register/${this.datasourceType}?step=interfaces`); } } addInterfaceToList(intrf?: RepositoryInterface) { const curIndex = this.dataForInterfaceComp.length; const curRepoInfo = { id:, datasourceType: this.repo.datasourceType, datasourceClass: this.repo.datasourceClass, registeredBy: this.repo.registeredBy }; if (intrf) { this.dataForInterfaceComp.push([true, curIndex, curRepoInfo, intrf]); } else { this.dataForInterfaceComp.push([true, curIndex, curRepoInfo]); } } removeInterfaceFromList(i: number) { const tempArray = this.dataForInterfaceComp; this.dataForInterfaceComp = []; tempArray.splice(i, 1); this.dataForInterfaceComp = tempArray; console.log(JSON.stringify(this.dataForInterfaceComp)); } getInterfaces() { this.repoInterfaces = []; let invalidFormsCount = 0; for (const el of this.interfacesArray.toArray()) { const intrf = el.getInterface(); if (intrf) { this.repoInterfaces.push(intrf); console.log(JSON.stringify(intrf)); } else { invalidFormsCount = invalidFormsCount + 1; const repo_interface = el.getCurrentValues(); this.repoInterfaces.push(repo_interface); console.log(JSON.stringify(repo_interface)); } } console.log('new interfaces is ', this.repoInterfaces); return invalidFormsCount; } fillInterfacesForms() { this.dataForInterfaceComp = []; if (this.repoInterfaces && (this.repoInterfaces.length > 0)) { for (let i = 0; i < this.repoInterfaces.length; i++) { this.dataForInterfaceComp.push([ true, i, { id:, datasourceType: this.repo.datasourceType, datasourceClass: this.repo.datasourceClass, registeredBy: this.repo.registeredBy }, this.repoInterfaces[i] ]); } } else { this.dataForInterfaceComp.push([ true, 0, { id:, datasourceType: this.repo.datasourceType, datasourceClass: this.repo.datasourceClass, registeredBy: this.repo.registeredBy } ]); } } getCurrentRepo(repo: Repository) { this.repo = repo; of (this.fillInterfacesForms()).subscribe( () => this.router.navigateByUrl(`/sources/register/${this.datasourceType}?step=interfaces`) ); } downloadLogo() {'../../../../assets/imgs/3_0ValidatedLogo.png', '_blank', 'enabledstatus=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0'); } addRepository() { if (this.repo) { this.loadingMessage = 'Saving changes'; this.errorMessage = ''; this.repoService.addRepository(this.repo.datasourceType, this.repo).subscribe( response => { console.log(`addRepository responded: ${}, ${response.registeredBy}`); this.repo = response; }, error => { console.log(error); this.loadingMessage = ''; this.errorMessage = formErrorRegisterRepo; }, () => { this.saveNewInterfaces(); // TODO: update terms when backend is ready, maybe POST with updateRepository } ); } } saveNewInterfaces() { if (this.repoInterfaces && (this.repoInterfaces.length > 0)) { from(this.repoInterfaces).pipe( concatMap(intrf => { if ( { // console.log('comments', intrf.comments); return this.repoService.updateInterface(, this.repo.registeredBy, intrf.comments, intrf); } else { // console.log('comments', intrf.comments); return this.repoService.addInterface(this.repo.datasourceType,, this.repo.registeredBy, intrf.comments, intrf); } }) ).subscribe( res => console.log('after save interfaces', JSON.stringify(res)), er => { console.log(er); this.loadingMessage = ''; this.errorMessage = 'Not all changes were saved. Please try again'; }, () => { this.loadingMessage = ''; this.repo = null; this.repoInterfaces = []; this.router.navigateByUrl(`/sources/register/${this.datasourceType}?step=finish`); } ); } } }