import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router'; import { AdvQueryObject, EventsPage, NotificationFrequency, NotificationMode } from '../../../domain/typeScriptClasses'; import { BrokerService } from '../../../services/broker.service'; import { loadingEvents, noEventsForTopic, noEventsWithParams, noServiceMessage, subscribingChooseFrequency, subscribingToEvents, subscribingToEventsError, subscribingToeventsSuccess } from '../../../domain/shared-messages'; import { AbstractControl, FormArray, FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { AuthenticationService } from '../../../services/authentication.service'; import { ConfirmationDialogComponent } from '../../../shared/reusablecomponents/confirmation-dialog.component'; import { SharedService } from "../../../services/shared.service"; @Component ({ selector: 'app-content-events-of-repo-eventslist', templateUrl: 'content-events-of-repo-eventslist.component.html' }) export class ContentEventsOfRepoEventslistComponent implements OnInit { errorMessage: string; loadingMessage: string; successMessage: string; noEvents: string; eventsPageInitialized = false; topic = ''; lastTopicEntry = ''; correctTopic = ''; repoName = ''; advanceSearch: AdvQueryObject; eventsPage: EventsPage; currentPage: number; /* DELETE WHEN ADVANCED SHOW EVENTS IS FIXED AND SENDS CORRECT VALUE FOR CURRENT PAGE */ selectedItemIndex: number; group: FormGroup; readonly titleDefinition = { eventTitle: [''] }; readonly authorDefinition = { eventAuthor: [''] }; readonly subjectDefinition = { eventSubject: [''] }; readonly dateRangeDefinition = { dateFrom: '', dateTo: '' }; readonly groupDefinition = { trustMin: [+''], trustMax: [+''], eventTitles: this.fb.array([this.initControl(this.titleDefinition)]), eventAuthors: this.fb.array([this.initControl(this.authorDefinition)]), eventSubjects: this.fb.array([this.initControl(this.subjectDefinition)]), eventDateRanges: this.fb.array([this.initControl(this.dateRangeDefinition)]) }; eventTitleFormArray: any; eventAuthorFormArray: any; eventSubjectsFormArray: any; eventDateRangesFormArray: any; frequencyChoice = 'daily'; userEmail: string; modalErrorMessage: string; isModalShown: boolean; @ViewChild('subscribeToEventsModal') public subscribeToEventsModal: ConfirmationDialogComponent; constructor (private route: ActivatedRoute, private fb: FormBuilder, private brokerService: BrokerService, private authService: AuthenticationService, private sharedService: SharedService) {} ngOnInit () { this.userEmail = this.authService.getUserEmail(); this.getParams(); if(this.sharedService.getRepository()) { this.repoName = this.sharedService.getRepository().officialName; this.initQuery(); this.initForm(); this.currentPage = 0; /* DELETE WHEN ADVANCED SHOW EVENTS IS FIXED AND SENDS CORRECT VALUE FOR CURRENT PAGE */ this.getEventsPage(0); } this.sharedService.repository$.subscribe( r => { if (r) { this.repoName = r.officialName; this.initQuery(); this.initForm(); this.currentPage = 0; /* DELETE WHEN ADVANCED SHOW EVENTS IS FIXED AND SENDS CORRECT VALUE FOR CURRENT PAGE */ this.getEventsPage(0); } } ); let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.classList.remove("top_bar_active"); //remove the class body.classList.add("page_heading_active"); body.classList.remove("landing"); body.classList.add("dashboard"); } getParams() { this.topic = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('topic'); console.log(`my topic is: ${this.topic}`); this.lastTopicEntry = this.topic.substring(this.topic.lastIndexOf('|') + 1).toLowerCase(); this.lastTopicEntry = this.replaceAll(this.lastTopicEntry, '_', ' '); this.getCorrectTopic(); // this.repoName = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('name'); } replaceAll(str, find, replace) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } initQuery() { this.advanceSearch = { datasource: this.repoName, topic: this.correctTopic, titles: [], subjects: [], authors: [], dates: [], trust: {min: '0', max: '1'}, page: 0 }; } initForm() { = this.groupDefinition, { validator: checkMinMax } );'trustMin').setValue(0);'trustMax').setValue(1); } initControl(definition: any) { return; } removeControl(controlName: string, i: number) { const controlArray =[controlName]; controlArray.removeAt(i); } addControl(controlName: string, definition: any) { const controlArray =[controlName]; controlArray.push(this.initControl(definition)); } clearForm() { let controlArray: FormArray; controlArray =['eventTitles']; controlArray.controls = []; controlArray.push(this.initControl(this.titleDefinition)); controlArray =['eventAuthors']; controlArray.controls = []; controlArray.push(this.initControl(this.authorDefinition)); controlArray =['eventSubjects']; controlArray.controls = []; controlArray.push(this.initControl(this.subjectDefinition)); controlArray =['eventDateRanges']; controlArray.controls = []; controlArray.push(this.initControl(this.dateRangeDefinition));'trustMin').setValue(0);'trustMax').setValue(1); this.initQuery(); this.getEventsPage(0); } updateQuery() { let i: number; let controlArray: FormArray; if ( ) { this.initQuery(); ='trustMin').value; ='trustMax').value; controlArray =['eventTitles']; for (i = 0; i < controlArray.length; i++) { if ('eventTitle').value) { this.advanceSearch.titles.push('eventTitle').value); } } controlArray =['eventAuthors']; for (i = 0; i < controlArray.length; i++) { if ('eventAuthor').value) { this.advanceSearch.authors.push('eventAuthor').value); } } controlArray =['eventSubjects']; for (i = 0; i < controlArray.length; i++) { if ('eventSubject').value) { this.advanceSearch.subjects.push('eventSubject').value); } } controlArray =['eventDateRanges']; for (i = 0; i < controlArray.length; i++) { if ('dateFrom').value) { let toDate; if ('dateTo').value || ('dateFrom').value >'dateTo').value) ) { toDate ='dateTo').value; } else { toDate =; } this.advanceSearch.dates.push({ min:'dateFrom').value, max: toDate }); } } console.log(this.advanceSearch); this.currentPage = 0; /* DELETE WHEN ADVANCED SHOW EVENTS IS FIXED AND SENDS CORRECT VALUE FOR CURRENT PAGE */ this.getEventsPage(0); } } getEventsPage(page: number) { this.noEvents = ''; this.errorMessage = ''; this.successMessage = ''; this.loadingMessage = loadingEvents; this.brokerService.advancedShowEvents(page, 10, this.advanceSearch).subscribe( events => this.eventsPage = events, error => { this.loadingMessage = ''; this.errorMessage = noServiceMessage; console.log(error); }, () => { this.loadingMessage = ''; console.log(this.eventsPage); if (! { if (!this.eventsPageInitialized) { this.noEvents = noEventsForTopic; } else { this.noEvents = noEventsWithParams; } } let tempArray =['eventTitles']; this.eventTitleFormArray = tempArray.controls; tempArray =['eventAuthors']; this.eventAuthorFormArray = tempArray.controls; tempArray =['eventSubjects']; this.eventSubjectsFormArray = tempArray.controls; tempArray =['eventDateRanges']; this.eventDateRangesFormArray = tempArray.controls; console.log(`total pages is ${this.eventsPage.totalPages}`); this.eventsPageInitialized = true; } ); } isHighlighted(item: any, itemList: any[]) { return itemList.some(x => x === item); } getCorrectTopic() { const temp = this.topic.split('|'); this.correctTopic = temp[0]; this.topic = temp[0]; for (let i = 1; i < temp.length; i++) { this.correctTopic += `/${temp[i]}`; this.topic += ` | ${temp[i]}`; } } goToNextPage() { /* RESTORE WHEN ADVANCED SHOW EVENTS IS FIXED AND SENDS CORRECT VALUE FOR CURRENT PAGE */ /*if(this.eventsPage.currPage < this.eventsPage.totalPages) { console.log(`Get me page ${this.eventsPage.currPage+1}!`); this.getEventsPage(this.eventsPage.currPage+1); }*/ /* DELETE WHEN ADVANCED SHOW EVENTS IS FIXED AND SENDS CORRECT VALUE FOR CURRENT PAGE */ if ( (this.currentPage + 1) < this.eventsPage.totalPages) { this.currentPage = this.currentPage + 1; console.log(`Get me page ${this.currentPage}!`); this.getEventsPage(this.currentPage); window.scrollTo(0, 0); } } goToPreviousPage() { /* RESTORE WHEN ADVANCED SHOW EVENTS IS FIXED AND SENDS CORRECT VALUE FOR CURRENT PAGE */ /*if(this.eventsPage.currPage > 0) { console.log(`Get me page ${this.eventsPage.currPage-1}!`); this.getEventsPage(this.eventsPage.currPage-1); }*/ /* DELETE WHEN ADVANCED SHOW EVENTS IS FIXED AND SENDS CORRECT VALUE FOR CURRENT PAGE */ if (this.currentPage > 0) { this.currentPage = this.currentPage - 1; console.log(`Get me page ${this.currentPage}!`); this.getEventsPage(this.currentPage); window.scrollTo(0, 0); } } showSubscriptionModal() { if (this.advanceSearch && this.eventsPage) { this.subscribeToEventsModal.confirmed = false; this.subscribeToEventsModal.showModal(); } } choseFrequency(freq: string) { this.frequencyChoice = freq; } subscribeToEvents(event: any) { this.modalErrorMessage = ''; if (this.frequencyChoice) { this.subscribeToEventsModal.confirmed = true; const freq = this.frequencyChoice; const mod: NotificationMode = 'EMAIL'; const sub = { subscriber: this.userEmail, frequency: freq, mode: mod, query: this.advanceSearch }; this.errorMessage = ''; this.successMessage = ''; console.log(JSON.stringify(sub)); this.loadingMessage = subscribingToEvents; this.brokerService.subscribeToEvent(sub).subscribe( response => console.log(`subscribeToEvents responded ${JSON.stringify(response)}`), error => { this.errorMessage = subscribingToEventsError; this.loadingMessage = ''; }, () => { this.loadingMessage = ''; this.successMessage = subscribingToeventsSuccess; } ); } else { this.modalErrorMessage = subscribingChooseFrequency; } } // displayFullResultInfo(i: number) { // if (this.selectedItemIndex === i) { // this.selectedItemIndex = null; // } else { // this.selectedItemIndex = i; // } // } showMore(i: number) { this.selectedItemIndex = i; } showLess(i: number) { this.selectedItemIndex = null; } } export function checkMinMax(c: AbstractControl) { if ( c.get('trustMin').value > c.get('trustMax').value ) { return 'invalid'; } return null; } export function checkDates(c: AbstractControl) { if ( c.get('dateFrom').value > c.get('dateTo').value ) { return 'invalid'; } return null; }