import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { jobTypes } from '../../domain/job-types'; import { MonitorService } from '../../services/monitor.service'; import { AuthenticationService } from '../../services/authentication.service'; import { JobsOfUser, StoredJob } from '../../domain/typeScriptClasses'; import { ValidatorService } from '../../services/validator.service'; import { loadingUserJobs, loadingUserJobsError, noUserJobsFound } from '../../domain/shared-messages'; import { URLParameter } from '../../domain/url-parameter'; @Component ({ selector: 'app-compatibility-validation-history', templateUrl: 'compatibility-validation-history.component.html' }) export class CompatibilityValidationHistoryComponent implements OnInit { userEmail: string; loadingMessage: string; errorMessage: string; infoMessage: string; successMessage: string; failureMessage: string; jobTypes: string[]; jobsOfUser: JobsOfUser; jobs: StoredJob[]; itemsPerPage: number; currentPage: number; currentTotalJobs: number; totalPages: number; currentFilter: string; chosenJobType: string; constructor(private authService: AuthenticationService, private monitorService: MonitorService, private valService: ValidatorService) {} ngOnInit() { this.loadTable(); let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.classList.remove("top_bar_active"); //remove the class body.classList.remove("page_heading_active"); body.classList.remove("landing"); body.classList.add("dashboard"); } loadTable() { // initialize this.userEmail = this.authService.getUserEmail(); this.jobTypes = jobTypes; this.itemsPerPage = 10; this.currentPage = 0; this.currentFilter = 'all'; this.chosenJobType = ''; // call API and get all jobs: this.getJobs(); } getJobType(type: string) { this.chosenJobType = type; this.currentPage = 0; this.getJobs(); } filterJobs(filter: string) { this.currentFilter = filter; this.currentPage = 0; console.log(`requesting ${this.currentFilter} jobs`); this.getJobs(); } getItemsPerPage(num: number) { this.itemsPerPage = num; this.currentPage = 0; this.getJobs(); } goToNextPage() { if ( (this.currentPage + 1) < this.totalPages ) { this.currentPage++; console.log(`Get me page ${this.currentPage}!`); this.getJobs(); } } goToPreviousPage() { if (this.currentPage > 0) { this.currentPage--; console.log(`Get me page ${this.currentPage}!`); this.getJobs(); } } storedJobs () { this.valService.getStoredJobsNew().subscribe( jobs => = jobs, error => console.log(error.status), () => { console.log('Also hit getStoredJobsNew and got:'); console.log(; } ); } getJobs() { this.loadingMessage = loadingUserJobs; this.errorMessage = ''; this.infoMessage = ''; this.successMessage = ''; this.failureMessage = ''; const params: URLParameter[] = []; // params.push({key: 'user', value: [this.userEmail]}); if ( this.chosenJobType ) { params.push({key: 'jobType', value: [this.chosenJobType]}); } params.push({key: 'offset', value: [( (this.currentPage) * this.itemsPerPage).toString()]}); params.push({key: 'limit', value: [this.itemsPerPage.toString()]}); /* can also add dateFrom and dateTo if needed */ params.push({key: 'validationStatus', value: [this.currentFilter]}); params.push({key: 'includeJobsTotal', value: ['true']}); this.monitorService.getJobsOfUser(params).subscribe( jobs => this.jobsOfUser = jobs, error => { console.log(`The API returned ${error.status}`); this.loadingMessage = ''; this.jobsOfUser = null; this.errorMessage = loadingUserJobsError; }, () => { if (this.currentFilter === 'all') { this.currentTotalJobs = this.jobsOfUser.totalJobs; } else if (this.currentFilter === 'successful') { this.currentTotalJobs = this.jobsOfUser.totalJobsSuccessful; } else if (this.currentFilter === 'failed') { this.currentTotalJobs = this.jobsOfUser.totalJobsFailed; } else { this.currentTotalJobs = this.jobsOfUser.totalJobsOngoing; } this.totalPages = Math.ceil(this.currentTotalJobs / this.itemsPerPage); this.loadingMessage = ''; if (!this.totalPages || ! { this.infoMessage = noUserJobsFound; this.currentPage = -1; } } ); } getResultImage(status: string) { // if (status === 'ongoing') { // return `../../../assets/imgs/icon_colours-question.jpg`; // } else if (status === 'successful') { // return `../../../assets/imgs/icon_colours-check.jpg`; // } else { // return `../../../assets/imgs/icon_colours-x.jpg`; // } if (status === 'ongoing') { return `../../../assets/imgs/icon_colours-question.jpg`; } else if (status === 'successful') { return `check_circle`; } else { return `../../../assets/imgs/icon_colours-x.jpg`; } } resubmitJob (id: string) { this.valService.reSubmitJobForValidation(id).subscribe( res => this.successMessage = `The job with id ${id} was successfully resubmitted`, error => { this.failureMessage = `Could not resubmit the job with id ${id}`; console.log(error); } ); this.getJobs(); } }