/* * created by myrto 12/2017 */ /* class copied from omtd-platform git repository */ /* THE DESCRIPTION TEXTS PROBABLY NEED REVIEWING ! */ export class Description { desc: string; label: string; mandatory: boolean; recommended: boolean; } /* Description of the repository interface repeating form */ export const interfaceFormDesc = { desc : 'Form for updating or creating new interfaces for your repository/journal', label : 'Interface', mandatory : true, recommended : false }; /* Desription of the Datasource Info Forms Fields */ export const softwarePlatformDesc = { desc: 'The typology used by your repository/journal.\nIf you use a typology not found in the drop-down list,\nyou can enter a custom name in the field below.', label: 'Software Platform (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const platformNameDesc = { desc: 'The typology used by your repository/journal.\nIf you use a typology not found in the above drop-down list,\nyou can enter a custom name here.', label: '', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const officialNameDesc = { desc: 'Your repository\'s/journal\'s official name.', label: 'Official Name (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const issnDesc = { desc: 'Input your journal\'s issn (www.issn.org)', label: 'ISSN (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const eissnDesc = { desc: 'Input your journal\'s eissn, if it has one (www.issn.org)', label: 'EISSN', mandatory: false, recommended: false }; export const lissnDesc = { desc: 'Input your journal\'s lissn, if it has one (www.issn.org)', label: 'LISSN', mandatory: false, recommended: false }; export const repoDescriptionDesc = { desc: 'A description of your repository/journal', label: 'Description (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const countryDesc = { desc: 'The country where your repository/journal is located', label: 'Country (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const longtitudeDesc = { desc: 'The (approximate) longtitude of your repository/journal\'s location', label: 'Longtitude (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const latitudeDesc = { desc: 'The (approximate) latitude of your repository/journal\'s location', label: 'Latitude (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const websiteUrlDesc = { desc: 'The main page of your repository/journal\'s website', label: 'Entry URL (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const institutionNameDesc = { desc: 'The institution that your repository belongs to', label: 'Institution (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const englishNameDesc = { desc: 'Your repository/journal\'s name in english', label: 'English Name (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const logoUrlDesc = { desc: 'A link to an image file containing your repository/journal\'s logo', label: 'Logo URL', mandatory: false, recommended: false }; export const timezoneDesc = { desc: 'The timezone of the area where your repository/ journal is located', label: 'Timezone (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const datasourceTypeDesc = { desc: 'The type of your repository', label: 'Repository Type (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const journalTypeDesc = { desc: 'The type of your journal', label: 'Journal Type (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const aggregatorTypeDesc = { desc: 'The type of your aggregator', label: 'Aggregator Type (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const adminEmailDesc = { desc: 'The email address of the repository/journal\'s administrator', label: 'Admin Email (*)', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const baseUrlDesc = { desc: 'The url that handles the external OAI-PMH requests for the repository/journal.\nIf you are not sure about the base URL of the repository/journal you want to register,\nplease contact the repository/journal\s administrator.', label: 'Base URL', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const existingValSetDesc = { desc: 'The main set that contains EC or other funder records and will be used for validation.\nIf you are using the OJS plugin make sure to specify it correctly.', label: 'Available validation sets', mandatory: false, recommended: false }; export const customValSetDesc = { desc: 'If the validation set you want to use is not in the drop list above, enter a custom one here.', label: 'Custom validation set', mandatory: false, recommended: false }; export const compatibilityLevelDesc = { desc: 'Choose your desired compatibility level from the list', label: 'Desired Compatibility Level', mandatory: true, recommended: false }; export const commentDesc = { desc: 'Add your comments regarding the interface.', label: 'Comments', mandatory: false, recommended: false };