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2021-07-09 12:11:25 +02:00
/* Service Down Message */
export const noServiceMessage = 'The service is not available at the moment.';
/* Repositories Messages */
export const loadingUserRepoInfoError = 'Failed to load information on your registered repositories';
export const loadingUserRepoInfoEmpty = 'You have not yet registered any repositories';
export const reposRetrievalError = 'The repositories can not be retrieved at the moment';
export const noRepositoriesFound = 'No Datasources were found';
export const loadingReposMessage = 'Retrieving repositories ...';
export const noRepositoryChosenMsg = 'You need to select a repository first.';
export const loadingRepoMessage = 'Retrieving repository information ...';
export const loadingRepoError = 'System error retrieving repository info';
export const loadingInterfacesError = 'System error retrieving interfaces';
export const loadingAggregationHistory = 'Retrieving aggregation history ...';
export const loadingAggregationHistoryError = 'System error retrieving repository aggregation history.';
export const noAggregationHistory = 'There is no aggregation history for this repository at the moment';
/* Interfaces Messages */
export const noInterfacesSaved = 'You have to create at least one interface.';
export const errorsInInterfaces = 'There are still invalid interfaces. Please correct or remove them.';
export const nonRemovableInterface = 'This interface can not be removed!';
/* Rules Messages */
export const loadingRuleSets = 'Retrieving sets of rules ...';
export const loadingRuleSetsError = 'The rule sets can not be retrieved at the moment';
export const noRuleSets = 'No rule sets were found';
export const noContentRulesResults = 'No content rules were tested';
export const noUsageRulesResults = 'No usage rules were tested';
export const didntSelectRules = 'You need to select at least one rule';
export const didntSelectCrisEntities = 'You need to select at least one entity';
/* Loading Validation Sets Messages */
export const loadingValSets = 'Retrieving validation sets ...';
export const loadingValSetsError = 'The validation sets can not be retrieved at the moment';
/* Jobs of User */
export const loadingUserJobs = 'Retrieving job results ...';
export const loadingUserJobsError = 'Your job results can not be retrieved at the moment';
export const noUserJobsFound = 'No stored jobs found';
export const loadingJobSummary = 'Retrieving job summary ...';
export const loadingJobSummaryError = 'The job summary can not be retrieved at the moment';
export const submittingJob = 'Submitting the new job';
export const submittingJobError = 'The job could not be submitted';
/* Loading Topics Messages */
export const loadingTopics = 'Retrieving topics for the datasource...';
export const loadingTopicsError = 'Failed to load the topics for your datasource';
export const noTopicsFound = 'No topics were found for this datasource';
/* Loading Events Messages */
export const loadingEvents = 'Retrieving events for topic ...';
export const loadingEventsError = 'Failed to retrieve events';
export const noEventsForTopic = 'No events were found for this topic';
export const noEventsWithParams = 'No events were found with the given parameters';
/* Loading Subscriptions Messages */
export const loadingSubscriptions = 'Retrieving subscriptions ...';
export const noSubscriptionsFound = 'No subscriptions found for your account';
export const deletingSubscription = 'Deleting subscription ...';
export const deletingSubscriptionError = 'Failed to delete your subscription';
export const deletingSubscriptionSuccess = 'The subscription was deleted successfully';
export const subscribingToEvents = 'Subscribing to events ...';
export const subscribingToEventsError = 'Failed to subscribe you to the chosen events';
export const subscribingToeventsSuccess = 'The subscription was submitted successfully';
export const subscribingChooseFrequency = 'Please choose a frequency for the notifications';
/* Piwik Messages */
export const loadingMetrics = 'Loading diagrams ...';
export const loadingMetricsError = 'Failed to load the metrics for this repository';
export const enablingMetrics = 'Enabling metrics for this repository...';
export const enabledMetricsSuccess = 'The metrics for this repository were enabled';
export const enabledMetricsError = 'System error enabling metrics for this repository.';
export const validatePiwikSiteSuccess = 'The piwik site was approved.';
/* Forms validation Messages */
export const formInfoLoading = 'Loading information';
export const formInterfacesLoading = 'Loading interfaces';
export const formSubmitting = 'Saving changes ...';
export const formErrorRequiredFields = 'All the fields marked with (*) are mandatory';
export const formErrorInvalidFields = 'There are invalid fields';
export const formErrorWasntSaved = 'The form could not be submitted';
let errorRegisterRepo = 'Due to an error, the registration can\'t be finished. ';
errorRegisterRepo = errorRegisterRepo + 'Please contact "helpdesk@openaire.eu" for support. ';
errorRegisterRepo = errorRegisterRepo + 'We\'re sorry for the inconvenience.';
export const formErrorRegisterRepo = errorRegisterRepo;
export const formSuccessUpdatedRepo = 'The datasource was updated successfully.';
export const formSuccessRegisteredDatasource = 'The datasource was registered successfully';
// export const formSuccessAddedInterface = 'The interface was added successfully.';
// export const formSuccessUpdatedInterface = 'The interface was updated successfully.';
export const formSuccessAddedInterface = 'The harvesting settings are valid!';
export const formSuccessUpdatedInterface = 'The harvesting settings are valid!';
/* BaseUrl validation Messages */
export const didntChooseBaseUrl = 'You need to select a base URL';
export const invalidCustomBaseUrl = 'The base URL could not be confirmed. Μake sure that you are using the correct protocol ("http" or "https"), as the service is currently unable to follow url redirects. If the warning persists, leave us a note in the comments section. We will check your interface and contact you if there are any problems.';
export const identifyingUrl = 'Identifying Url ...';