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import { Right } from './../../../../shared/models/right.interface';
import { environment } from './../../../../../environments/environment';
import { USER_RIGHTS } from './../../../../shared/enums/USER_RIGHTS.enum';
import { AuthService } from 'src/app/shared/services/auth.service';
import { CreateVerificationRuleFormValue } from './create-verification-rule-form-value.interface';
import { JournalVerificationsService } from './../../../../shared/services/administration/journal-verifications.service';
import { CapturingVerificationsService } from './../../../../shared/services/administration/capturing-verifications.service';
import { DocumentSubclassificationsService } from 'src/app/shared/services/administration/document-subclassifications.service';
import { IpowerClientsService } from 'src/app/shared/services/administration/ipower-clients.service';
import { CategoriesService } from 'src/app/shared/services/administration/categories.service';
import { DocumentClassificationsService } from 'src/app/shared/services/administration/document-classifications.service';
import { FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { DocumentSubclassification } from 'src/app/shared/models/document-subclassification.interface';
import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { CapturingVerification } from '../../../../shared/models/capturing-verification.interface';
import { Category } from '../../../../shared/models/category.interface';
import { IPowerClient } from '../../../../shared/models/ipower-client.interface';
import { JournalVerification } from '../../../../shared/models/journal-verification.interface';
import { VerificationRule } from './../../../../shared/models/verification-rule.interface';
import { DocumentClassification } from '../../../../shared/models/document-classification.interface';
import { ErrorHandlingService } from 'src/app/shared/services/error-handling/error-handling.service';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'app-verification-rule-form',
templateUrl: './verification-rule-form.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./verification-rule-form.component.scss']
export class VerificationRuleFormComponent implements OnInit {
* Inputs
@Input() dialogLayout: boolean = false; // Controls .scss classes to allow for better dispay in a dialog.
@Input() requiredFields: string[] | boolean = false; // True/False indicates that all/none are required. String[] specifies the form controls required.
@Input() displayValidationMessagesEvenIfPristine: boolean = false; // Serves for manually treating the controls as dirty.
@Input() excludedFormControls: string[]; // Specifies the form controls to be removed and NOT displayed.
* Reactive Form
verificationRuleForm = this.fb.group({
documentClassification: [null],
ipowerName: [null],
ipowerCode: [null],
categoryName: [null],
categoryCode: [null],
subCategoryCode: [null], // This actually represents the complete DocumentSubclassification object.
confidenceLevelMinThreshold: [null],
capturingVerification: [null],
journalVerification: [null],
alteryxRoutineId: [null],
verificationRuleStatus: [true],
template: [null]
initiallySetFormValue: VerificationRule;
editMode: boolean = false;
* Other Variables
documentClassificationsList: DocumentClassification[];
categoryNameSuggestions: string[];
categoryCodeSuggestions: string[];
categorySuggestions: Category[];
selectedCategory: Category;
iPowerClientNameSuggestions: string[];
iPowerClientCodeSuggestions: string[];
iPowerClientSuggestions: IPowerClient[];
selectedIPowerClient: IPowerClient;
capturingVerificationsList: CapturingVerification[];
journalVerificationsList: JournalVerification[];
documentSubclassificationsList: DocumentSubclassification[];
availableDocumentSubclassifications: DocumentSubclassification[];
subCategoryCodeDisabled: boolean = true;
* Constructor & Initialisers
private fb: FormBuilder,
private documentClassificationsService: DocumentClassificationsService,
private categoriesService: CategoriesService,
private iPowerClientsService: IpowerClientsService,
private documentSubclassificationsService: DocumentSubclassificationsService,
private capturingVerificationsService: CapturingVerificationsService,
private journalVerificationsService: JournalVerificationsService,
private authService: AuthService,
private errorHandlingService: ErrorHandlingService
) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
initData() {
value => this.documentClassificationsList = value,
err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
// This is NOT the list of Subclassifications used for the dropdown.
value => this.documentSubclassificationsList = value,
err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
values => this.journalVerificationsList = values,
err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
values => this.capturingVerificationsList = values,
err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
// TODO: Have this mechanism offer the use of custom validators too.
initValidators() {
if (!this.requiredFields) { return; }
// In a true/false case.
if (typeof this.requiredFields == 'boolean') {
// If true, enable the required validator for all controls.
if (this.requiredFields) {
Object.keys(this.verificationRuleForm.controls).forEach(key => this.verificationRuleForm.controls[key].setValidators(Validators.required));
// If false, do nothing.
// If it was a string array, enable the validators for all provided field-names.
(<string[]>this.requiredFields).forEach(field => this.verificationRuleForm.controls[field].setValidators(Validators.required))
excludeFields() {
if (!this.excludedFormControls) { return; }
this.excludedFormControls.forEach(field => this.verificationRuleForm.removeControl(field));
* Auto-suggest & Auto-complete Category
autosuggestCategoryName(event) {
if (!event.query || event.query.length < 3) {
this.categoryNameSuggestions = [];
let classId = this.verificationRuleForm.get('documentClassification').value ? this.verificationRuleForm.get('documentClassification').value.classificationId : null;
this.categoriesService.autosuggestCategoryName(event.query, classId).subscribe(
(values: Category[]) => {
let temp: string[] = [];
this.categorySuggestions = values;
values.map(val => temp.push(val.categoryName));
this.categoryNameSuggestions = temp
err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
autosuggestCategoryCode(event) {
if (event.query.length < 3) {
this.categoryCodeSuggestions = [];
let classId = this.verificationRuleForm.get('documentClassification').value ? this.verificationRuleForm.get('documentClassification').value.classificationId : null;
this.categoriesService.autosuggestCategoryCode(event.query, classId).subscribe(
(values: Category[]) => {
let temp: string[] = [];
this.categorySuggestions = values;
values.map(val => temp.push(val.categoryCode));
this.categoryCodeSuggestions = temp
err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
categoryNameSelected(name: string) {
this.selectedCategory = this.categorySuggestions.find(cat => cat.categoryName == name);
categoryCodeSelected(code: string) {
this.selectedCategory = this.categorySuggestions.find(cat => cat.categoryCode == code);
// /*
// * Auto-suggest & Auto-complete IPower Client
// */
// /*
// * Rights-check Warning:
// * If we are NOT in editMode (and are thus on "addMode"), we should only suggest clients for which we actually CAN add a new rule.
// * Note:
// * I know that if on editMode the client-input is disabled and thus this check is redundant,
// * but I think it is better to work with as an abstract perspective as possible, not entailing business logic that may either be unrelated or prone to changes.
// */
// autosuggestIPowerClientName(event) {
// if (!event.query || event.query.length < 3) {
// this.iPowerClientNameSuggestions = [];
// return;
// }
// // If the user has the right to preview all rules (B01), we use the endpoint that returns all iPowerClients,
// // otherwise, the one that checks for the user's User_Access too. Whether the user can see ANY rule has already been handled by the 'search' button.
// let endpointToSubscribeTo: Observable<IPowerClient[]> = USER_RIGHTS.B01.isGrantedToUser(
// this.authService.userRights.find(rbc => rbc.client.id == environment.globalRightsClientID)?.rights
// )
// ? this.iPowerClientsService.getClientsByNameOnly(event.query)
// : this.iPowerClientsService.getClientsByNameDistinct(event.query);
// endpointToSubscribeTo.subscribe(
// (values: IPowerClient[]) => {
// // ***See comment at method level***
// if (!this.editMode) {
// values = values.filter(client => USER_RIGHTS.B03.isGrantedToUser(
// this.authService.userRights.find(rdc => rdc.client.id == client.id)?.rights
// ));
// }
// let temp: string[] = [];
// this.iPowerClientSuggestions = values;
// values.map(val => temp.push(val.name));
// this.iPowerClientNameSuggestions = temp
// },
// err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
// );
// }
// /*
// * Rights-check Warning:
// * If we are NOT in editMode (and are thus on "addMode"), we should only suggest clients for which we actually CAN add a new rule.
// * Note:
// * I know that if on editMode the client-input is disabled and thus this check is redundant,
// * but I think it is better to work with as an abstract perspective as possible, not entailing business logic that may either be unrelated or prone to changes.
// */
// autosuggestIPowerClientCode(event) {
// if (event.query.length < 3) {
// this.iPowerClientCodeSuggestions = [];
// return;
// }
// // If the user has the right to preview all rules (B01), we use the endpoint that returns all iPowerClients,
// // otherwise, the one that checks for the user's User_Access too. Whether the user can see ANY rule has already been handled by the 'search' button.
// let endpointToSubscribeTo: Observable<IPowerClient[]> = USER_RIGHTS.B01.isGrantedToUser(
// this.authService.userRights.find(rbc => rbc.client.id == environment.globalRightsClientID)?.rights
// )
// ? this.iPowerClientsService.getClientsByCodeOnly(event.query): null;
// endpointToSubscribeTo.subscribe(
// (values: IPowerClient[]) => {
// // ***See comment at method level***
// if (!this.editMode) {
// values = values;
// }
// let temp: string[] = [];
// this.iPowerClientSuggestions = values;
// values.map(val => temp.push(val.clientCode));
// this.iPowerClientCodeSuggestions = temp
// },
// err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
// );
// }
* Auto-suggest & Auto-complete IPower Client
autosuggestIPowerClientName(event): void {
if (!event.query || event.query.length < 3) {
this.iPowerClientNameSuggestions = [];
(values: IPowerClient[]) => {
this.iPowerClientSuggestions = values;
const temp: string[] = [];
values.map(val => temp.push(val.name));
this.iPowerClientNameSuggestions = temp;
err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
autosuggestIPowerClientCode(event): void {
if (event.query.length < 3) {
this.iPowerClientCodeSuggestions = [];
(values: IPowerClient[]) => {
this.iPowerClientSuggestions = values;
const temp: string[] = [];
values.map(val => temp.push(val.clientCode));
this.iPowerClientCodeSuggestions = temp;
err => this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err)
iPowerClientNameSelected(name: string) {
this.selectedIPowerClient = this.iPowerClientSuggestions.find(client => client.name == name);
iPowerClientCodeSelected(code: string) {
this.selectedIPowerClient = this.iPowerClientSuggestions.find(client => client.clientCode == code);
* Other Methods
documentClassificationSelected(selection) {
this.availableDocumentSubclassifications = this.documentSubclassificationsList.filter(element => element.documentClassification.classificationId == selection.value.classificationId);
this.subCategoryCodeDisabled = false;
* Utility Methods
initiateEditMode() {
// let controlsToDisableInEditMode = ['documentClassification', 'ipowerName', 'ipowerCode', 'categoryName', 'categoryCode', 'subCategoryCode']
// controlsToDisableInEditMode.forEach(ctrl => this.verificationRuleForm.get(ctrl).disable());
// Auto-suggest inputs - We have to ensure our reactive form holds values that represent the selectedCategory, otherwise truncate it.
syncSelectedCategory() {
// Ιf our form has no value, truncate the selectedCategory either way.
if (!this.verificationRuleForm.get('categoryName').value && !this.verificationRuleForm.get('categoryCode').value) {
this.selectedCategory = null;
// If both or either of our form's values match the selectedCategory's and the other one doesn't have a value, all is good.
// Just sync the values in case one is missing. Otherwise truncate the selectedCategory.
if (
this.verificationRuleForm.get('categoryName').value == this.selectedCategory.categoryName
|| this.verificationRuleForm.get('categoryCode').value == this.selectedCategory.categoryCode
) {
this.selectedCategory.categoryName = this.verificationRuleForm.get('categoryName').value;
this.selectedCategory.categoryCode = this.verificationRuleForm.get('categoryCode').value;
// If both our values were different from the selectedCategory's, truncate it. This is an extremely abnormal scenario.
else {
console.error('WARNING - syncSelectedCategory()', 'Both of our form\'s values were different from the selectedCategory\'s.');
this.selectedCategory = null;
// Auto-suggest inputs - We have to ensure our reactive form holds values that represent the selectedIPowerClient, otherwise truncate it.
syncSelectedIPowerClient() {
// Ιf our form has no value, truncate the selectedIPowerClient either way.
if (!this.verificationRuleForm.get('ipowerName').value && !this.verificationRuleForm.get('ipowerCode').value) {
this.selectedIPowerClient = null;
// If both or either of our form's values match the selectedIPowerClient's and the other one doesn't have a value, all is good.
// Just sync the values in case one is missing. Otherwise truncate the selectedIPowerClient.
if (
this.verificationRuleForm.get('ipowerName').value == this.selectedIPowerClient.name
|| this.verificationRuleForm.get('ipowerCode').value == this.selectedIPowerClient.clientCode
) {
this.selectedIPowerClient.name = this.verificationRuleForm.get('ipowerName').value;
this.selectedIPowerClient.clientCode = this.verificationRuleForm.get('ipowerCode').value;
// If both our values were different from the selectedIPowerClient's, truncate it. This is an extremely abnormal scenario.
else {
console.error('WARNING - syncSelectedIPowerClient()', 'Both of our form\'s values were different from the selectedIPowerClient\'s.');
this.selectedIPowerClient = null;
* Rights-check Methods
canEditRuleStatus(): boolean {
if (this.initiallySetFormValue) {
return this.authService.userHasRightForClient(USER_RIGHTS.B06, environment.globalRightsClientID);
return false;
// canEditConfidenceLevel(): boolean {
// if (this.initiallySetFormValue) {
// return this.authService.userHasRightForClient(USER_RIGHTS.B07, this.initiallySetFormValue.client.id);
// }
// return false;
// }
* API methods
public resetForm(): void {
this.selectedCategory = null;
this.selectedIPowerClient = null;
this.editMode = null;
public formValue(): CreateVerificationRuleFormValue {
// We keep track of those two using object-variables separate from our ReactiveForm.
// Thus, we now have to make sure the ReactiveForm really has values that match those objects, before we forward them.
// Also, keep in mind that our auto-suggest inputs limit the user in choosing one of their values.
let formValue: CreateVerificationRuleFormValue = {
id: this.initiallySetFormValue ? this.initiallySetFormValue.id : null,
confidenceLevelMinThreshold: this.verificationRuleForm.get('confidenceLevelMinThreshold').value,
clientId: this.selectedIPowerClient ? this.selectedIPowerClient.id : null,
categoryId: this.selectedCategory ? this.selectedCategory.id : null,
// The backend only requires the subcategory's name, and not the whole object. Don't ask me.
subCategoryCode: this.verificationRuleForm.get('subCategoryCode').value ? this.verificationRuleForm.get('subCategoryCode').value['subclassificationName'] : '',
capturingVerification: this.verificationRuleForm.get('capturingVerification').value,
journalVerification: this.verificationRuleForm.get('journalVerification').value,
alteryxRoutineId: this.verificationRuleForm.get('alteryxRoutineId').value,
template: this.verificationRuleForm.get('template').value,
// Convert 'verificationRuleStatus' from boolean to string.
verificationRuleStatus: this.verificationRuleForm.get('verificationRuleStatus').value ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'
return formValue;
public setValue(value: VerificationRule): void {
if (!value) {
this.editMode = true;
this.initiallySetFormValue = value
// If a documentClassification is already selected, enable the subclassification dropdown.
this.subCategoryCodeDisabled = !value.docClassificationCategory;
// Having set the documentClassification -and provided there was one- we must also set the availableDocumentSubclassifications.
this.availableDocumentSubclassifications = this.documentSubclassificationsList.filter(element =>
element.documentClassification.classificationId == value.docClassificationCategory.classificationId
this.selectedIPowerClient = value.client;
this.selectedCategory = value.template.category;
// Convert 'verificationRuleStatus' from string to boolean.
this.verificationRuleForm.get('verificationRuleStatus').setValue(value.verificationRuleStatus.trim().toLowerCase() == 'enabled');
// To set the subcategory/subclassification we also have to make sure the documentClassification is the same.
// WARNING: Since we have enabled the [forceSelection] option of the <p-autoComplete>,
// if the availableDocumentSubclassifications are not set, documentSubclassification won't be displayed.
this.documentSubclassificationsList.find(subClass =>
subClass.subclassificationName == value.template.subCategoryCode && subClass.documentClassification.classificationId == value.docClassificationCategory.classificationId
public isValid(): boolean {
return this.verificationRuleForm.valid;
public initForCreation() {
this.editMode = false;
this.verificationRuleForm.get('verificationRuleStatus').setValue(true); // The default value in creation mode.
this.verificationRuleForm.get('template').setValidators(null); // 'template' is not required during the creation.