import { environment } from './../../../../../environments/'; import { ErrorHandlingService } from './../../../../shared/services/error-handling/error-handling.service'; import { AuthService } from 'src/app/shared/services/auth.service'; import { CategoryFormComponent } from './../../forms/category-form/category-form.component'; import { Category } from './../../../../shared/models/category.interface'; import { DocumentClassificationsService } from './../../../../shared/services/administration/document-classifications.service'; import { Component, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter, Input, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder } from '@angular/forms'; import { CategoriesService } from 'src/app/shared/services/administration/categories.service'; import { DocumentClassification } from 'src/app/shared/models/document-classification.interface'; import { Page } from '../../../../shared/models/paging/page.interface'; import { USER_RIGHTS } from 'src/app/shared/enums/USER_RIGHTS.enum'; @Component({ selector: 'app-categories-search', templateUrl: './categories-search.component.html', styleUrls: ['./categories-search.component.scss'] }) export class CategoriesSearchComponent implements OnInit { @Input() set paginationEventRequest(value: { page: number, offset: number }) { // This setter may be called on page setup without arguments. if (!value) { return; } this._value = Object.assign(value);, value.offset); } @Input() set valueTableChange(results: any) { if (results) {, this._value.offset); } } @Output() searchResults = new EventEmitter>(); @Output() loading = new EventEmitter(); @Output() searchInitiated = new EventEmitter(); @Input() passChange: any; @ViewChild(CategoryFormComponent) private categoryForm: CategoryFormComponent; _value: { page: number, offset: number }; lastSearchCriteria: { docClassificationId: number | string, categoryName: string, categoryCode: string }; constructor( private categoriesService: CategoriesService, private authService: AuthService, private errorHandlingService: ErrorHandlingService ) { } ngOnInit(): void { } clear() { this.categoryForm.resetForm(); } searchButtonClicked() { // Inform anyone interested there is a new search underway. this.searchInitiated.emit(true); // Remember the search for future pagination/whatever requests. let categoryFormValue = this.categoryForm.formValue(); let docClassId = categoryFormValue.documentClassification ? categoryFormValue.documentClassification.classificationId : null; let catName = categoryFormValue.categoryName; let catCode = categoryFormValue.categoryCode; this.lastSearchCriteria = { docClassificationId: docClassId ? docClassId : '', categoryName: catName ? catName : '', categoryCode: catCode ? catCode : '' }; // Then actually search.; } search(pageNumber = 0, pageSize = 10) { this.loading.emit(true); // A search may be issued by the paginationEventRequest setter upon setting up the page. if (!this.lastSearchCriteria) { return; } this.categoriesService.searchByCriteriaPaged(pageNumber, pageSize, this.lastSearchCriteria, 'search').subscribe((results: Page) => { this.searchResults.emit(results); this.loading.emit(false); },err => { this.loading.emit(false); this.errorHandlingService.showHttpResponseError(err); }); } canPreviewAllCategories(): boolean { return this.authService.userHasRightForClient(USER_RIGHTS.H01, environment.globalRightsClientID); } }