Konstantina Galouni d86ea2a8fa [Trunk | Orcid Service]:
1. orcidservice.properties: Added properties "apiURL", "tokenURL", "clientId", "clientSecret" for ORCID API.
2. log4j.properties: Added configuration for ORCID log file "uoa-orcid-service-orcid.log".
3. UoaOrcidServiceApplication.java: Added "OrcidConfig.class" in "@EnableConfigurationProperties".
4. SimpleErrorController.java: If body.path.contains("/uoa-orcid-service/orcid"), log error in ORCID log file too.
5. UserTokensService.java: Added method "getEncryptedUserTokensByAai()".
6. UserTokensController.java: 
	a. Added ORCID log file for responses by ORCID API.
	b. Added @Autowired OrcidConfig for getting ORICD token url, client and secret from properties.
	c. Added method "getUserOrcidId()" (/local/orcidId)
	d. Added method "getPersonalDetailsFromOrcid()" (/orcid/personal-details)
	e. Renamed "/orcid/tokens/decrypt" to "/local/tokens/decrypt" & "/orcid/tokens/encrypt" to "/local/tokens/encrypt".
7. Work.java: Added field "updateDate".
8. WorkDAO.java & MongoDBWorkDAO.java: Added methods "List<Work> findByOrcidOrderByCreationDateDesc(String Orcid);" and "Work findByPutCode(String putCode);".
9. WorkService.java: 
	a. Added method "getLocalWorkByPutCode()".
	b. Method "getLocalWorks()" returns works ordered by most recent creation date.
10. WorkController.java:
	a. Added ORCID log file for responses by ORCID API.
	b. Added @Autowired OrcidConfig for getting ORICD token url, client and secret from properties.
	c. Added "charset=UTF-8" in all Content-Type request headers.
	d. Renamed "/orcid/put-code" to "/local/put-code".
	e. Added method "List<List<Work>> getLocalWorks(@RequestBody String[][] pids)" (/local/works).
	f. Added method "List<Work> getMyLocalWorks()" (/local/works).
	g. Added method "updateWork()" (/orcid/work/update/{putCode}).
	h. Added method "getWorksByPutCodes()" (/orcid/works).
2021-02-08 09:54:52 +00:00
utils [Trunk | Orcid Service]: Initial commit in trunk folder. The API is already partially implemented and running (configuration, controllers, services, DAOs, entities, handlers, responses, properties). 2021-01-14 11:31:25 +00:00
CommunityNotFoundException.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: Initial commit in trunk folder. The API is already partially implemented and running (configuration, controllers, services, DAOs, entities, handlers, responses, properties). 2021-01-14 11:31:25 +00:00
ConflictException.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: Initial commit in trunk folder. The API is already partially implemented and running (configuration, controllers, services, DAOs, entities, handlers, responses, properties). 2021-01-14 11:31:25 +00:00
ErrorDetails.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: Initial commit in trunk folder. The API is already partially implemented and running (configuration, controllers, services, DAOs, entities, handlers, responses, properties). 2021-01-14 11:31:25 +00:00
ExceptionsHandler.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: 2021-02-08 09:54:52 +00:00
ForbiddenException.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: Initial commit in trunk folder. The API is already partially implemented and running (configuration, controllers, services, DAOs, entities, handlers, responses, properties). 2021-01-14 11:31:25 +00:00