Konstantina Galouni 56eb48686d [Trunk | Orcid Service]:
1. OrcidServiceCheckDeployController.java: [NEW] Controller added and 
	a. "hello()" method (@RequestMapping(value = {"", "/health_check"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)) which just prints and returns a greeting message.
	b. "checkEverything()" method @RequestMapping(value = "/health_check/advanced", method = RequestMethod.GET) only accessible by PORTAL ADMINS which checks connection with db and prints properties.
2. ResultIdAndWork.java & Work.java: Added field "dashboard" (in ResultInWork class, default value is "production_explpre") and its getters and setters.
3. UserTokens.java: Added field "creationDate" and its getters and setters.
4. UserTokensService.java: Call setCreationDate() method with current Date in "saveUserTokens()" method.
5. WorkController.java: Call setDashboard() method with dashboard value from parameter of type ResultIdAndWork in "saveWork()" method.
6. update_db.js: Script with methods "setUserTokenCreationDate()" (use date of first work for this orcid) and "setDashboardInWorks()" (set all to "production_explore").
2021-04-22 09:55:57 +00:00
OrcidServiceCheckDeployController.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: 2021-04-22 09:55:57 +00:00
RecordController.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: 2021-02-24 19:41:03 +00:00
SimpleErrorController.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: 2021-02-08 09:54:52 +00:00
UserTokensController.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: UserTokensController.java: In "getPersonalDetailsFromOrcid()" method (/orcid/personal-details), when getting error response from ORCID API, throw Exception. 2021-02-24 10:38:44 +00:00
WorkController.java [Trunk | Orcid Service]: 2021-04-22 09:55:57 +00:00