package eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.controllers; import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.handlers.utils.RolesUtils; import eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.dao.*; import eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.entities.*; import eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.handlers.EntityNotFoundException; import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.handlers.ForbiddenException; import eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.handlers.PathNotValidException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; @RestController @CrossOrigin(origins = "*") public class SectionController { private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Autowired private RolesUtils rolesUtils; @Autowired private StakeholderDAO stakeholderDAO; @Autowired private TopicDAO topicDAO; @Autowired private CategoryDAO categoryDAO; @Autowired private SubCategoryDAO subCategoryDAO; @Autowired private SectionDAO sectionDAO; @Autowired private IndicatorDAO indicatorDAO; @Autowired private IndicatorController indicatorController; public Section buildSection(Section sectionFull) { Section section = new Section<>(sectionFull); List indicators = new ArrayList<>(); List indicatorsFull = new ArrayList<>(); for(Indicator chart : sectionFull.getIndicators()) { Indicator chartSaved =; chart.setId(chartSaved.getId()); indicatorsFull.add(chart); indicators.add(chartSaved.getId()); } sectionFull.setIndicators(indicatorsFull); section.setIndicators(indicators); Date date = new Date(); section.setCreationDate(date); section.setUpdateDate(date); sectionFull.setCreationDate(date); sectionFull.setUpdateDate(date);; sectionFull.setId(section.getId()); return sectionFull; } @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(value = "/{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/save/{index}", method = RequestMethod.POST) public Section saveSection(@PathVariable("stakeholderId") String stakeholderId, @PathVariable("topicId") String topicId, @PathVariable("categoryId") String categoryId, @PathVariable("subcategoryId") String subcategoryId, @PathVariable("index") String index, @RequestBody Section sectionFull) { log.debug("save section"); log.debug("Name: "+sectionFull.getTitle() + " - Id: "+sectionFull.getId() + " - Stakeholder: "+stakeholderId + " - Topic: "+topicId + " - Category: "+categoryId+ " - SubCategory: "+subcategoryId); SubCategory subCategory = checkForExceptions(stakeholderId, topicId, categoryId, subcategoryId); Section section = new Section<>(sectionFull); Date date = new Date(); section.setUpdateDate(date); sectionFull.setUpdateDate(date); List indicators = new ArrayList<>(); Section oldSection = null; if(sectionFull.getId() != null) { oldSection = sectionDAO.findById(sectionFull.getId()); if(oldSection == null) { // EXCEPTION - Section not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("save section: Section with id: " + sectionFull.getId() + " not found"); } for(String indicatorId : oldSection.getIndicators()) { Indicator indicator = indicatorDAO.findById(indicatorId); if (indicator == null) { // EXCEPTION - Indicator not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Save section: Indicator with id: "+indicatorId+" not found (indicator exists in section: "+section.getId()+")"); } indicators.add(indicator.getId()); } } else { // section does not exist in DB section.setCreationDate(date); sectionFull.setCreationDate(date); for(Indicator indicator : sectionFull.getIndicators()) { indicators.add(indicator.getId()); } } String sectionId = sectionFull.getId(); section.setIndicators(indicators); Stakeholder stakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findById(stakeholderId); // this section belongs in default profile and it is new or it is updated if(stakeholder.getDefaultId() == null) { if(sectionId == null) {; onSaveDefaultSection(section, topicId, categoryId, subcategoryId, stakeholder); } else { onUpdateDefaultSection(section, stakeholder, oldSection);; } } else {; } List sections = null; if(sectionFull.getType().equals("chart")) { sections = subCategory.getCharts(); } else if(sectionFull.getType().equals("number")) { sections = subCategory.getNumbers(); } int existing_index = sections.indexOf(section.getId()); if (existing_index == -1) { if(Integer.parseInt(index) != -1) { sections.add(Integer.parseInt(index), section.getId()); } else { sections.add(section.getId()); }; log.debug("Section saved!"); sectionFull.setId(section.getId()); } return sectionFull; } public void onSaveDefaultSection(Section section, String defaultTopicId, String defaultCategoryId, String defaultSubcategoryId, Stakeholder defaultStakeholder) { log.debug("On save default section"); // new section in default profile - add it on profiles of the same type List subCategories = subCategoryDAO.findByDefaultId(defaultSubcategoryId); for (SubCategory subCategory : subCategories) { Category parentCategory = categoryDAO.findBySubCategoriesContaining(subCategory.getId()); Topic parentTopic = topicDAO.findByCategoriesContaining(parentCategory.getId()); Stakeholder parentStakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findByTopicsContaining(parentTopic.getId()); Section sectionNew = new Section(); sectionNew.copyFromDefault(section); sectionNew.setStakeholderAlias(parentStakeholder.getAlias());; List sections = null; if (section.getType().equals("chart")) { sections = subCategory.getCharts(); } else if (section.getType().equals("number")) { sections = subCategory.getNumbers(); } sections.add(sectionNew.getId());; } } public void onUpdateDefaultSection(Section section, Stakeholder stakeholder, Section oldSection) { log.debug("On update default section"); // section already exists - check if changed and update all sections based on it boolean changed = false; List
sections = sectionDAO.findByDefaultId(section.getId()); for(Section sectionBasedOnDefault : sections) { if(section.getTitle() != null && !section.getTitle().equals(sectionBasedOnDefault.getTitle()) && (oldSection.getTitle() == null || oldSection.getTitle().equals(sectionBasedOnDefault.getTitle()))) { sectionBasedOnDefault.setTitle(section.getTitle()); changed = true; } if(!changed) { // break; continue; } // sectionBasedOnDefault.setTitle(section.getTitle()); sectionBasedOnDefault.setUpdateDate(section.getUpdateDate());; } } @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(value = "/{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/{sectionId}/delete", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) public boolean deleteSection(@PathVariable("stakeholderId") String stakeholderId, @PathVariable("topicId") String topicId, @PathVariable("categoryId") String categoryId, @PathVariable("subcategoryId") String subcategoryId, @PathVariable("sectionId") String sectionId, @RequestParam(required = false) String children) { log.debug("delete section"); log.debug("Id: "+sectionId + " - Stakeholder: "+stakeholderId + " - Topic: "+topicId + " - Category: "+categoryId+ " - SubCategory: "+subcategoryId); Section section = sectionDAO.findById(sectionId); if(section != null) { SubCategory subCategory = checkForExceptions(stakeholderId, topicId, categoryId, subcategoryId); Stakeholder stakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findById(stakeholderId); List roles = rolesUtils.getRoles(); if(section.getDefaultId() != null && !rolesUtils.hasCreateAndDeleteAuthority(roles, stakeholder.getType())) { // EXCEPTION - Access denied throw new ForbiddenException("Delete section: You are not authorized to delete a default Section in stakeholder with id: "+stakeholderId); } String type = ""; List sections = null; if (section.getType().equals("chart")) { sections = subCategory.getCharts(); type = "chart"; } else if (section.getType().equals("number")) { sections = subCategory.getNumbers(); type = "number"; } int index = sections.indexOf(sectionId); if (index != -1) { // this section belongs in default profile if(subCategory.getDefaultId() == null && children != null) { onDeleteDefaultSection(sectionId, subcategoryId, children, type); } indicatorController.deleteTree(section); sections.remove(index);; sectionDAO.delete(sectionId); log.debug("Section deleted!"); } else { // EXCEPTION - Section not found in Stakeholder: stakeholder.getAlias(); -> Topic: topic.getAlias(); -> Category: category.getAlias(); -> SubCategory: subcategory.getAlias(); throw new PathNotValidException("Delete section: Section with id: "+sectionId+" not found in SubCategory: "+subcategoryId); } } else { // EXCEPTION - Section not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Delete section: Section with id: "+sectionId+" not found"); } return true; } public boolean onDeleteDefaultSection(String defaultSectionId, String defaultSubCategoryId, String children, String type) { if(children.equals("delete")) { List subCategories = subCategoryDAO.findByDefaultId(defaultSubCategoryId); List
sections = sectionDAO.findByDefaultId(defaultSectionId); for(SubCategory subCategory : subCategories) { Iterator
sectionsIterator = sections.iterator(); while(sectionsIterator.hasNext()) { Section section =; String sectionId = section.getId(); List subCategorySections = null; if(type.equals("chart")) { subCategorySections = subCategory.getCharts(); } else if(type.equals("number")) { subCategorySections = subCategory.getNumbers(); } if(subCategorySections != null && subCategorySections.contains(sectionId)) { sectionsIterator.remove(); subCategorySections.remove(sectionId);; indicatorController.deleteTree(section); sectionDAO.delete(sectionId); log.debug("Section with id: "+sectionId+" deleted!"); break; } } } } else if(children.equals("disconnect")) { List
sections = sectionDAO.findByDefaultId(defaultSectionId); for(Section section : sections) { indicatorController.disConnectTree(section); section.setDefaultId(null);; log.debug("DefaultId for Section with id: "+section.getId()+" empty!"); } } return true; } @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(value = "/{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/{type}/reorder", method = RequestMethod.POST) public List
reorderSections(@PathVariable("stakeholderId") String stakeholderId, @PathVariable("topicId") String topicId, @PathVariable("categoryId") String categoryId, @PathVariable("subcategoryId") String subcategoryId, @PathVariable("type") String type, @RequestBody List sections) { log.debug("reorder sections of type: "+type); log.debug("Stakeholder: "+stakeholderId + " - Topic: "+topicId + " - Category: "+categoryId+ " - SubCategory: "+subcategoryId); SubCategory subCategory = checkForExceptions(stakeholderId, topicId, categoryId, subcategoryId); if (type.equals("chart")) { List oldSections = subCategory.getCharts(); for (String sectionId : oldSections) { if (!sections.contains(sectionId)) { sections.add(sectionId); } } subCategory.setCharts(sections); } else if (type.equals("number")) { List oldSections = subCategory.getNumbers(); for (String sectionId : oldSections) { if (!sections.contains(sectionId)) { sections.add(sectionId); } } subCategory.setNumbers(sections); } List
sectionsFull = new ArrayList<>(); for(String sectionId : sections) { Section section = sectionDAO.findById(sectionId); if(section == null) { // EXCEPTION - Section not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Reorder sections: Section with id: " + sectionId + " not found"); } sectionsFull.add(section); }; log.debug("Sections reordered!"); return sectionsFull; } // @RequestMapping(value = "/{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/{sectionId}/toggle-status", method = RequestMethod.POST) // public Boolean toggleSectionStatus(@PathVariable("stakeholderId") String stakeholderId, // @PathVariable("topicId") String topicId, // @PathVariable("categoryId") String categoryId, // @PathVariable("subcategoryId") String subcategoryId, // @PathVariable("sectionId") String sectionId) { // log.debug("toggle section status (isActive)"); // log.debug("Stakeholder: "+stakeholderId + " - Topic: "+topicId + " - Category: "+categoryId+ " - SubCategory: "+subcategoryId+ " - Section: "+sectionId); // // Section section = sectionDAO.findById(sectionId); // if (section == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Section not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Toggle section status: Section with id: "+sectionId+" not found"); // } // section.setIsActive(!section.getIsActive()); // // this.toggleSection(stakeholderId, topicId, categoryId, subcategoryId, section); // // return section.getIsActive(); // } // @RequestMapping(value = "/{stakeholderId}/{topicId}/{categoryId}/{subcategoryId}/{sectionId}/toggle-access", method = RequestMethod.POST) // public Boolean toggleSectionAccess(@PathVariable("stakeholderId") String stakeholderId, // @PathVariable("topicId") String topicId, // @PathVariable("categoryId") String categoryId, // @PathVariable("subcategoryId") String subcategoryId, // @PathVariable("sectionId") String sectionId) { // log.debug("toggle section access (isPublic)"); // log.debug("Stakeholder: "+stakeholderId + " - Topic: "+topicId + " - Category: "+categoryId+ " - SubCategory: "+subcategoryId); // // Section section = sectionDAO.findById(sectionId); // if (section == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Section not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Toggle section access: Section with id: "+sectionId+" not found"); // } // section.setIsPublic(!section.getIsPublic()); // // this.toggleSection(stakeholderId, topicId, categoryId, subcategoryId); // // return section.getIsPublic(); // } public void toggleSection(String stakeholderId, String topicId, String categoryId, String subcategoryId, Section section) { SubCategory subCategory = checkForExceptions(stakeholderId, topicId, categoryId, subcategoryId); List sections = null; if (section.getType().equals("chart")) { sections = subCategory.getCharts(); } else if (section.getType().equals("number")) { sections = subCategory.getNumbers(); } if(sections.contains(section.getId())) {; log.debug("Section toggled!"); } else { // EXCEPTION - Section not found in Stakeholder: stakeholder.getAlias(); -> Topic: topic.getAlias(); -> Category: category.getAlias(); -> SubCategory: subCategory.getAlias(); throw new PathNotValidException("Toggle section: Section with id: "+section.getId()+" not found in SubCategory: "+subcategoryId); } } private SubCategory checkForExceptions(String stakeholderId, String topicId, String categoryId, String subcategoryId) { Stakeholder stakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findById(stakeholderId); if(stakeholder == null) { // EXCEPTION - Stakeholder not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Save indicator: Stakeholder with id: " + stakeholderId + " not found"); } List roles = rolesUtils.getRoles(); if(!rolesUtils.hasUpdateAuthority(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias())) { // EXCEPTION - Access denied throw new ForbiddenException("CheckForExceptions Section: You are not authorized to update stakeholder with id: "+stakeholderId); } Topic topic = topicDAO.findById(topicId); if(topic == null) { // EXCEPTION - Topic not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Save indicator: Topic with id: "+topicId+" not found"); } if(!stakeholder.getTopics().contains(topicId)) { // EXCEPTION - Topic not found in Stakeholder: stakeholder.getAlias(); throw new PathNotValidException("Save indicator: Topic with id: " + topicId + " not found in Stakeholder: " + stakeholderId); } Category category = categoryDAO.findById(categoryId); if(category == null) { // EXCEPTION - Category not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Save indicator: Category with id: "+categoryId+" not found"); } if(!topic.getCategories().contains(categoryId)) { // EXCEPTION - Category not found in Stakeholder: stakeholder.getAlias(); -> Topic: topic.getAlias(); throw new PathNotValidException("Save indicator: Category with id: "+categoryId+" not found in Topic: "+topicId); } SubCategory subcategory = subCategoryDAO.findById(subcategoryId); if(subcategory == null) { // EXCEPTION - SubCategory not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Save indicator: SubCategory with id: "+subcategoryId+" not found"); } if (!category.getSubCategories().contains(subcategoryId)) { // EXCEPTION - SubCategory not found in Stakeholder: stakeholder.getAlias(); -> Topic: topic.getAlias(); -> Category: category.getAlias(); throw new PathNotValidException("Save indicator: SubCategory with id: "+subcategoryId+" not found in Category: "+categoryId); } return subcategory; } public void deleteTree(SubCategory subCategory) { List sections = subCategory.getCharts(); for(String sectionId : sections) { Section section = sectionDAO.findById(sectionId); if (section == null) { // EXCEPTION - Section not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Section delete tree: Chart Section with id: "+sectionId+" not found (section exists in subCategory: "+subCategory.getId()+")"); } indicatorController.deleteTree(section); sectionDAO.delete(sectionId); } sections = subCategory.getNumbers(); for(String sectionId : sections) { Section section = sectionDAO.findById(sectionId); if (section == null) { // EXCEPTION - Section not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Section delete tree: Number Section with id: "+sectionId+" not found (section exists in subCategory: "+subCategory.getId()+")"); } indicatorController.deleteTree(section); sectionDAO.delete(sectionId); } } public void disConnectTree(SubCategory subCategory) { List sections = subCategory.getCharts(); for(String sectionId : sections) { Section section = sectionDAO.findById(sectionId); if (section == null) { // EXCEPTION - Section not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Section disconnect tree: Chart Section with id: "+sectionId+" not found (section exists in subCategory: "+subCategory.getId()+")"); } indicatorController.disConnectTree(section); section.setDefaultId(null);; } sections = subCategory.getNumbers(); for(String sectionId : sections) { Section section = sectionDAO.findById(sectionId); if (section == null) { // EXCEPTION - Section not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Section disconnect tree: Number Section with id: "+sectionId+" not found (section exists in subCategory: "+subCategory.getId()+")"); } indicatorController.disConnectTree(section); section.setDefaultId(null);; } } }