package eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.controllers; import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.entities.Portal; import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.handlers.utils.RolesUtils; import; import eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.dao.*; import eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.entities.*; import eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.handlers.EntityNotFoundException; import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.handlers.ForbiddenException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import java.util.*; @RestController @CrossOrigin(origins = "*") public class StakeholderController { private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); @Autowired private RolesUtils rolesUtils; @Autowired private StakeholderDAO stakeholderDAO; @Autowired private TopicDAO topicDAO; @Autowired private CategoryDAO categoryDAO; @Autowired private SubCategoryDAO subCategoryDAO; @Autowired private SectionDAO sectionDAO; @Autowired private IndicatorDAO indicatorDAO; @Autowired private TopicController topicController; @Autowired private PortalService portalService; @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(value = "/stakeholder/alias", method = RequestMethod.GET) public List getAllReservedStakeholderAlias() { // log.debug("get all stakeholder reserved alias-es"); List stakeholderAlias = new ArrayList<>(); List stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findAll(); if(stakeholders != null) { stakeholders.forEach(stakeholder -> { stakeholderAlias.add(stakeholder.getAlias()); }); } stakeholderAlias.add( "all"); stakeholderAlias.add("default"); stakeholderAlias.add("alias"); return stakeholderAlias; } // @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority(" + "@AuthorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN, " + "@AuthorizationService.curator(#stakeholderFull.getType()))") @RequestMapping(value = "/build-stakeholder", method = RequestMethod.POST) public Stakeholder>>>> buildFullStakeholder(@RequestBody Stakeholder>>>> stakeholderFull) { log.debug("build stakeholder"); log.debug("Alias: "+stakeholderFull.getAlias()); Stakeholder stakeholder = new Stakeholder<>(stakeholderFull); List topics = new ArrayList<>(); List>>>> topicsFull = new ArrayList<>(); for(Topic topic : stakeholderFull.getTopics()) { Topic>>> topicFull = topicController.buildTopic(topic); topicsFull.add(topicFull); topics.add(topicFull.getId()); } stakeholderFull.setTopics(topicsFull); stakeholder.setTopics(topics); Date date = new Date(); stakeholder.setCreationDate(date); stakeholder.setUpdateDate(date); stakeholderFull.setCreationDate(date); stakeholderFull.setUpdateDate(date); Stakeholder stakeholderSaved =; stakeholderFull.setId(stakeholderSaved.getId()); Portal portal = portalService.getPortal(stakeholderFull.getAlias()); if(portal == null) { portal = new Portal(); portal.setPid(stakeholderFull.getAlias()); portal.setName(stakeholderFull.getName()); portal.setType(stakeholderFull.getType()); portalService.insertPortal(portal); } return stakeholderFull; //return null; } public Stakeholder setFullEntities(Stakeholder stakeholder, List roles) { boolean addAll = false; boolean addPublicAndRestricted = false; // if(roles == null // || roles.contains(authorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN) // || roles.contains(authorizationService.curator(stakeholder.getType())) // || roles.contains(authorizationService.manager(stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias()))) { if(rolesUtils.hasUpdateAuthority(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias())) { //if(visibility == null || visibility == (Visibility.PRIVATE)) { addAll = true; //} //if(visibility == null || visibility == (Visibility.PRIVATE) || visibility == (Visibility.RESTRICTED)) { addPublicAndRestricted = true; //} // } else if(roles != null && roles.contains(authorizationService.member(stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias()))) { } else if(rolesUtils.isMember(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias())) { //if(visibility == null || visibility == (Visibility.PRIVATE) || visibility == (Visibility.RESTRICTED)) { addPublicAndRestricted = true; //} } Stakeholder stakeholderFull = new Stakeholder<>(stakeholder); List topics = new ArrayList<>(); for (String topicId: (List)stakeholder.getTopics()) { Topic topic = topicDAO.findById(topicId); if(topic == null) { // EXCEPTION - Topic not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Get stakeholder: Topic with id: "+topicId+" not found (topic exists in stakeholder: "+stakeholder.getId()+")"); } if((!addAll && topic.getVisibility() == Visibility.PRIVATE) || (!addPublicAndRestricted && topic.getVisibility() == Visibility.RESTRICTED)) { continue; } Topic topicFull = new Topic(topic); List categories = new ArrayList<>(); for(String categoryId : topic.getCategories()) { Category category = categoryDAO.findById(categoryId); if(category == null) { // EXCEPTION - Category not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Get stakeholder: Category with id: "+categoryId+" not found (category exists in topic: "+topicId+")"); } if((!addAll && category.getVisibility() == Visibility.PRIVATE) || (!addPublicAndRestricted && category.getVisibility() == Visibility.RESTRICTED)) { continue; } Category categoryFull = new Category(category); List subCategories = new ArrayList<>(); for(String subCategoryId : category.getSubCategories()) { SubCategory subCategory = subCategoryDAO.findById(subCategoryId); if(subCategory == null) { // EXCEPTION - SubCategory not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Get stakeholder: SubCategory with id: "+subCategoryId+" not found (subCategory exists in category: "+categoryId+")"); } if((!addAll && subCategory.getVisibility() == Visibility.PRIVATE) || (!addPublicAndRestricted && subCategory.getVisibility() == Visibility.RESTRICTED)) { continue; } SubCategory subCategoryFull = new SubCategory>(subCategory); List
sectionsCharts = new ArrayList<>(); for(String sectionId : subCategory.getCharts()) { sectionsCharts.add(getSectionFull(sectionId, subCategoryId, addAll, addPublicAndRestricted)); } subCategoryFull.setCharts(sectionsCharts); List
sectionsNumbers = new ArrayList<>(); for(String sectionId : subCategory.getNumbers()) { sectionsNumbers.add(getSectionFull(sectionId, subCategoryId, addAll, addPublicAndRestricted)); } subCategoryFull.setNumbers(sectionsNumbers); // List charts = new ArrayList<>(); // for(String indicatorId : subCategory.getCharts()) { // Indicator indicator = indicatorDAO.findById(indicatorId); // if(indicator == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Indicator not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Get stakeholder: Indicator with id: "+indicatorId+" not found (indicator exists in subCategory: "+subCategoryId+")"); // } // charts.add(indicator); // } // subCategoryFull.setCharts(charts); // // List numbers = new ArrayList<>(); // for (String indicatorId : subCategory.getNumbers()) { // Indicator indicator = indicatorDAO.findById(indicatorId); // if (indicator == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Indicator not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Get stakeholder: Indicator with id: " + indicatorId + " not found (indicator exists in subCategory: " + subCategoryId + ")"); // } // numbers.add(indicator); // } // subCategoryFull.setNumbers(numbers); subCategories.add(subCategoryFull); } categoryFull.setSubCategories(subCategories); categories.add(categoryFull); } topicFull.setCategories(categories); topics.add(topicFull); } stakeholderFull.setTopics(topics); return stakeholderFull; } // private SubCategory setFullSubcategory(SubCategory subCategory) { // SubCategory subCategoryFull = new SubCategory>(subCategory); // // List
sectionsCharts = new ArrayList<>(); // // for(String sectionId : subCategory.getCharts()) { // sectionsCharts.add(getSectionFull(sectionId, subCategoryId, addAll, addPublicAndRestricted)); // } // subCategoryFull.setCharts(sectionsCharts); // // List
sectionsNumbers = new ArrayList<>(); // // for(String sectionId : subCategory.getNumbers()) { // sectionsNumbers.add(getSectionFull(sectionId, subCategoryId, addAll, addPublicAndRestricted)); // } // subCategoryFull.setNumbers(sectionsNumbers); // } private Section getSectionFull(String sectionId, String subCategoryId, boolean addAll, boolean addPublicAndRestricted) { Section section = sectionDAO.findById(sectionId); if (section == null) { // EXCEPTION - Section not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Get stakeholder: Section with id: " + sectionId + " not found (section exists in subCategory: " + subCategoryId + ")"); } Section sectionFull = new Section(section); List indicators = new ArrayList<>(); for (String indicatorId : section.getIndicators()) { Indicator indicator = indicatorDAO.findById(indicatorId); if (indicator == null) { // EXCEPTION - Indicator not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Get stakeholder: Indicator with id: " + indicatorId + " not found (indicator exists in section: " + sectionId + ")"); } if((!addAll && indicator.getVisibility() == Visibility.PRIVATE) || (!addPublicAndRestricted && indicator.getVisibility() == Visibility.RESTRICTED)) { continue; } indicators.add(indicator); } sectionFull.setIndicators(indicators); return sectionFull; } @PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority(" + "@AuthorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN)") @RequestMapping(value = "/stakeholder/all", method = RequestMethod.GET) public List getAllStakeholders(@RequestParam(required = false) String type) { // log.debug("get all stakeholders" + (type != null ? " with type: "+type : "")); List stakeholders; if(type == null) { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findAll(); } else { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findByType(type); } List stakeholdersFull = new ArrayList<>(); for(Stakeholder stakeholder : stakeholders) { List roles = rolesUtils.getRoles(); stakeholdersFull.add(this.setFullEntities(stakeholder, roles)); } return stakeholdersFull; } @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(value = "/stakeholder/default", method = RequestMethod.GET) public List getAllDefaultStakeholders(@RequestParam(required = false) String type) { // log.debug("get all default stakeholders" + (type != null ? " with type: "+type : "")); List stakeholders; if(type == null) { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findByDefaultId(null); } else { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findByDefaultIdAndType(null, type); } List stakeholdersFull = new ArrayList<>(); // Remove stakeholders for which i do not have authority if(stakeholders != null && stakeholders.size() > 0) { List roles = rolesUtils.getRoles(); // log.debug("ROLES: "); // roles.forEach(role -> log.debug(role)); // // if (roles.contains(authorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN)) { if (rolesUtils.isPortalAdmin(roles)) { for(Stakeholder stakeholder : stakeholders) { stakeholdersFull.add(this.setFullEntities(stakeholder, roles)); } return stakeholdersFull; } Iterator stakeholderIterator = stakeholders.iterator(); while(stakeholderIterator.hasNext()) { Stakeholder stakeholder =; // if(roles.contains(authorizationService.curator(stakeholder.getType()))) { if(rolesUtils.isCurator(roles, stakeholder.getType())) { stakeholdersFull.add(this.setFullEntities(stakeholder, roles)); continue; } stakeholderIterator.remove(); } } return stakeholdersFull; } @RequestMapping(value = "/stakeholder", method = RequestMethod.GET) public List getAllRealStakeholders(@RequestParam(required = false) String type, @RequestParam(required = false) String defaultId) { // log.debug("get all NOT default stakeholders" + (type != null ? " with type: "+type : "")); List stakeholders; if(type != null && defaultId != null) { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findByDefaultIdAndType(defaultId, type); } else if(defaultId != null) { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findByDefaultId(defaultId); } else if(type != null) { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findByDefaultIdNotAndType(null, type); } else { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findByDefaultIdNot(null); } //List stakeholdersFull = new ArrayList<>(); if(stakeholders != null && stakeholders.size() > 0) { // List roles = authorizationService.getRoles(); List roles = rolesUtils.getRoles(); // if (roles.contains(authorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN)) { if (rolesUtils.isPortalAdmin(roles)) { // for(Stakeholder stakeholder : stakeholders) { // stakeholdersFull.add(this.setFullEntities(stakeholder)); // } // return stakeholdersFull; return stakeholders; } Iterator stakeholderIterator = stakeholders.iterator(); while(stakeholderIterator.hasNext()) { Stakeholder stakeholder =; // if(roles.contains(authorizationService.curator(stakeholder.getType())) // || roles.contains(authorizationService.manager(stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias())) // || stakeholder.getVisibility() == Visibility.PUBLIC // || (stakeholder.getVisibility() == Visibility.RESTRICTED && roles.contains(authorizationService.member(stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias())))) { if(rolesUtils.isCurator(roles, stakeholder.getType()) || rolesUtils.isManager(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias()) || stakeholder.getVisibility() == Visibility.PUBLIC || stakeholder.getVisibility() == Visibility.RESTRICTED) { // || (stakeholder.getVisibility() == Visibility.RESTRICTED && rolesUtils.isMember(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias()))) { //stakeholdersFull.add(this.setFullEntities(stakeholder)); continue; } stakeholderIterator.remove(); } } // log.debug(new Date()); // return stakeholdersFull; return stakeholders; } @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(value = "/my-stakeholder", method = RequestMethod.GET) public List getMyRealStakeholders(@RequestParam(required = false) String type) { // log.debug("get my NOT default stakeholders" + (type != null ? " with type: "+type : "")); List stakeholders; if(type == null) { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findByDefaultIdNot(null); } else { stakeholders = stakeholderDAO.findByDefaultIdNotAndType(null, type); } List stakeholdersFull = new ArrayList<>(); if(stakeholders != null && stakeholders.size() > 0) { // List roles = authorizationService.getRoles(); List roles = rolesUtils.getRoles(); // log.debug("ROLES: "); // roles.forEach(role -> log.debug(role)); // if (roles.contains(authorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN)) { if (rolesUtils.isPortalAdmin(roles)) { // for(Stakeholder stakeholder : stakeholders) { // stakeholdersFull.add(this.setFullEntities(stakeholder, roles)); // } // return stakeholdersFull; return stakeholders; } Iterator stakeholderIterator = stakeholders.iterator(); while(stakeholderIterator.hasNext()) { Stakeholder stakeholder =; // if(roles.contains(authorizationService.curator(stakeholder.getType())) // || roles.contains(authorizationService.manager(stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias()))) { if(rolesUtils.isCurator(roles, stakeholder.getType()) || rolesUtils.isManager(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias())) { //stakeholdersFull.add(this.setFullEntities(stakeholder, roles)); continue; } else { stakeholderIterator.remove(); } } } // log.debug(new Date()); return stakeholders; } @RequestMapping(value = "/stakeholder/{alias}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public Stakeholder getStakeholder(@PathVariable("alias") String alias) { // log.debug("get stakeholder: "+alias); Stakeholder stakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findByAlias(alias); if(stakeholder == null) { // EXCEPTION - Stakeholder not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Get stakeholder: Stakeholder with alias: "+alias+" not found"); } // List roles = authorizationService.getRoles(); List roles = rolesUtils.getRoles(); if(stakeholder.getDefaultId() == null && !rolesUtils.isLoggedIn(roles)) { // EXCEPTION - Unauthorized throw new AccessDeniedException("Get stakeholder: You are not authorized (not logged in) to access stakeholder with alias: "+alias); } if(stakeholder.getDefaultId() == null && !rolesUtils.hasCreateAndDeleteAuthority(roles, stakeholder.getType())) { // EXCEPTION - Access denied throw new ForbiddenException("Get stakeholder: You are not authorized to access stakeholder with alias: "+alias); } if((stakeholder.getVisibility() == Visibility.PRIVATE && !rolesUtils.hasUpdateAuthority(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias()) || (stakeholder.getVisibility() == Visibility.RESTRICTED && !rolesUtils.hasUpdateAuthority(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias()) && !rolesUtils.isMember(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias())))) { // // EXCEPTION - Access denied // throw new ForbiddenException("Get stakeholder: You are not authorized to get stakeholder with alias: "+alias); List topicsEmpty = stakeholder.getTopics(); topicsEmpty.clear(); stakeholder.setTopics(topicsEmpty); stakeholder.setVisibility(Visibility.PRIVATE); return stakeholder; } return this.setFullEntities(stakeholder, roles); } // @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority(" + "@AuthorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN, " + "@AuthorizationService.curator(#_stakeholder.getType()), " + "@AuthorizationService.manager(#_stakeholder.getType(), #_stakeholder.getAlias()) " + ")") @RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST) public Stakeholder saveStakeholder(@RequestBody Stakeholder _stakeholder) { log.debug("save stakeholder"); log.debug("Alias: "+_stakeholder.getAlias() + " - Id: "+_stakeholder.getId()); // if(_stakeholder == null) { // log.debug("stakeholder null"); // // EXCEPTION - Parameter for Stakeholder is not accepted // } Stakeholder stakeholder = new Stakeholder<>(_stakeholder); Date date = new Date(); stakeholder.setUpdateDate(date); List topics = new ArrayList<>(); // stakeholder does not exist in DB if(_stakeholder.getId() == null) { stakeholder.setCreationDate(date); // for(Topic topic : _stakeholder.getTopics()) { // topics.add(topic.getId()); // } } else { Stakeholder oldStakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findById(_stakeholder.getId()); if(oldStakeholder == null) { // EXCEPTION - Stakeholder not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("save stakeholder: Stakeholder with id: "+_stakeholder.getId()+" not found"); } for(String topicId : oldStakeholder.getTopics()) { Topic topic = topicDAO.findById(topicId); if (topic == null) { // EXCEPTION - Topic not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Save stakeholder: Topic with id: "+topicId+" not found (topic exists in stakeholder: "+stakeholder.getId()+")"); } topics.add(topic.getId()); } // stakeholder.setTopics(topics); // _stakeholder = this.setFullEntities(stakeholder, rolesUtils.getRoles()); } stakeholder.setTopics(topics); Stakeholder stakeholderSaved =; _stakeholder.setId(stakeholderSaved.getId()); _stakeholder.setCreationDate(stakeholderSaved.getCreationDate()); _stakeholder.setUpdateDate(stakeholderSaved.getUpdateDate()); topics = null; stakeholder = null; stakeholderSaved = null; return _stakeholder; } @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(value = "/{stakeholderId}/delete", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) public boolean deleteStakeholder(@PathVariable("stakeholderId") String stakeholderId) { log.debug("delete stakeholder"); log.debug("Id: "+stakeholderId); Stakeholder stakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findById(stakeholderId); String pid = null; if(stakeholder != null) { pid = stakeholder.getAlias(); // List roles = authorizationService.getRoles(); List roles = rolesUtils.getRoles(); // if(!roles.contains(authorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN) // && !roles.contains(authorizationService.curator(stakeholder.getType()))) { if(!rolesUtils.hasCreateAndDeleteAuthority(roles, stakeholder.getType())) { // EXCEPTION - Access denied throw new ForbiddenException("Delete stakeholder: You are not authorized to delete stakeholder with id: "+stakeholderId); } // for(String topicId : stakeholder.getTopics()) { // Topic topic = topicDAO.findById(topicId); // if (topic == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Topic not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Delete stakeholder: Topic with id: "+topicId+" not found (topic exists in stakeholder: "+stakeholderId+")"); // } // // for (String categoryId : topic.getCategories()) { // Category category = categoryDAO.findById(categoryId); // if (category == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Category not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Delete stakeholder: Category with id: "+categoryId+" not found (category exists in topic: "+topicId+")"); // } // // for (String subCategoryId : category.getSubCategories()) { // SubCategory subcategory = subCategoryDAO.findById(subCategoryId); // if (subcategory == null) { // // EXCEPTION - SubCategory not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Delete stakeholder: SubCategory with id: "+subCategoryId+" not found (subcategory exists in category: "+categoryId+")"); // } // // for(String chartSectionId : subcategory.getCharts()) { // Section chartSection = sectionDAO.findById(chartSectionId); // if (chartSection == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Section not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Delete topic: Section with id: "+chartSectionId+" not found (section exists in subcategory: "+subCategoryId+")"); // } // // for (String chartId : chartSection.getIndicators()) { // indicatorDAO.delete(chartId); // } // subcategory.setCharts(null); // sectionDAO.delete(chartSectionId); // } // // for(String numberSectionId : subcategory.getNumbers()) { // Section numberSection = sectionDAO.findById(numberSectionId); // if (numberSection == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Section not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Delete topic: Section with id: "+numberSectionId+" not found (section exists in subcategory: "+subCategoryId+")"); // } // // for (String numberId : numberSection.getIndicators()) { // indicatorDAO.delete(numberId); // } // subcategory.setNumbers(null); // sectionDAO.delete(numberSectionId); // } // // subCategoryDAO.delete(subCategoryId); // } // category.setSubCategories(null); // categoryDAO.delete(categoryId); // } // topic.setCategories(null); // topicDAO.delete(topicId); // } topicController.deleteTree(stakeholder); stakeholder.setTopics(null); stakeholderDAO.delete(stakeholderId); log.debug("Stakeholder deleted!"); Portal portal = portalService.getPortal(pid); if(portal != null) { portalService.deletePortal(portal.getId()); } } else { // EXCEPTION - Stakeholder not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Delete stakeholder: Stakeholder with id: "+stakeholderId+" not found"); } return true; } // @RequestMapping(value = "/{stakeholderId}/toggle-status", method = RequestMethod.POST) // public Boolean toggleStakeholderStatus(@PathVariable("stakeholderId") String stakeholderId) { // log.debug("toggle stakeholder status (isActive)"); // log.debug("Stakeholder: "+stakeholderId); // // Stakeholder stakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findById(stakeholderId); // if (stakeholder == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Stakeholder not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Toggle stakeholder status: Stakeholder with id: "+stakeholderId+" not found"); // } // stakeholder.setIsActive(!stakeholder.getIsActive()); // //; // log.debug("Stakeholder toggled!"); // // return stakeholder.getIsActive(); // } // // @RequestMapping(value = "/{stakeholderId}/toggle-access", method = RequestMethod.POST) // public Boolean toggleStakeholderAccess(@PathVariable("stakeholderId") String stakeholderId) { // log.debug("toggle stakeholder access (isPublic)"); // log.debug("Stakeholder: "+stakeholderId); // // Stakeholder stakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findById(stakeholderId); // if (stakeholder == null) { // // EXCEPTION - Stakeholder not found // throw new EntityNotFoundException("Toggle stakeholder access: Stakeholder with id: "+stakeholderId+" not found"); // } // stakeholder.setIsPublic(!stakeholder.getIsPublic()); // //; // log.debug("Stakeholder toggled!"); // // return stakeholder.getIsPublic(); // } @PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated()") @RequestMapping(value = "/{stakeholderId}/change-visibility", method = RequestMethod.POST) public Stakeholder changeStakeholderVisibility(@PathVariable("stakeholderId") String stakeholderId, @RequestParam("visibility") Visibility visibility, @RequestParam(required = false) Boolean propagate) { log.debug("change stakeholder visibility: "+visibility + " - toggle propagate: "+((propagate != null && propagate) ? "true" : "false")); log.debug("Stakeholder: "+stakeholderId); Stakeholder stakeholder = stakeholderDAO.findById(stakeholderId); if (stakeholder == null) { // EXCEPTION - Stakeholder not found throw new EntityNotFoundException("Change stakeholder visibility: Stakeholder with id: "+stakeholderId+" not found"); } // List roles = authorizationService.getRoles(); List roles = rolesUtils.getRoles(); // if(!roles.contains(authorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN) // && !roles.contains(authorizationService.curator(stakeholder.getType())) // && !roles.contains(authorizationService.manager(stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias()))) { if(!rolesUtils.hasUpdateAuthority(roles, stakeholder.getType(), stakeholder.getAlias())) { // EXCEPTION - Access denied throw new ForbiddenException("Change stakeholder visibility: You are not authorized to update stakeholder with id: "+stakeholderId); } return changeStakeholderVisibilityTree(stakeholder, visibility, propagate); } private Stakeholder changeStakeholderVisibilityTree(Stakeholder stakeholder, Visibility visibility, Boolean propagate) { Stakeholder stakeholderFull = new Stakeholder<>(stakeholder); List topicsFull = new ArrayList<>(); if(propagate != null && propagate) { for (String topicId : stakeholder.getTopics()) { topicsFull.add(topicController.changeVisibilityTree(topicId, visibility, propagate)); } } stakeholder.setVisibility(visibility);; log.debug("Stakeholder toggled!"); stakeholderFull.setVisibility(visibility); stakeholderFull.setTopics(topicsFull); return stakeholder; } // The following are not supposed to be used // @RequestMapping(value = "/stakeholder/dates", method = RequestMethod.GET) // public List getAllStakeholderDates() { // List profiles = stakeholderDAO.findAll(); // List profileDates = new ArrayList<>(); // // int i=0; // for(Stakeholder profile : profiles) { // log.debug(profile.getCreationDate()); // profileDates.add(profile.getCreationDate()); // log.debug(profileDates.get(i)); // i++; // } // return profileDates; // } // // @RequestMapping(value = "/stakeholder/dates1", method = RequestMethod.GET) // public List getAllStakeholderDates1() { // List profiles = stakeholderDAO.findAll(); // List profileDates = new ArrayList<>(); // // for(Stakeholder profile : profiles) { // log.debug(profile.getCreationDate().toString()); // profileDates.add(profile.getCreationDate().toString()); // } // return profileDates; // } // // @RequestMapping(value = "/stakeholder/dates2", method = RequestMethod.GET) // public List getAllStakeholderDates2() { // List profiles = stakeholderDAO.findAll(); // List profileDates = new ArrayList<>(); // SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); // // for(Stakeholder profile : profiles) { // log.debug(format.format(profile.getCreationDate())); // profileDates.add(format.format(profile.getCreationDate())); // } // return profileDates; // } }