1. pom.xml: Added plugin "maven-jar-plugin" and an <execution> with <classifier> library which creates a jar and excluded files from library setup.
2. UoaMonitorServiceApplication.java: Moved to package application and removed @EnableConfigurationProperties and @Import of other configurations (moved to UoaMonitorServiceConfiguration.java).
3. UoaMonitorServiceConfiguration.java: Added @EnableConfigurationProperties and @Import of configurations and @ComponentScan.
4. ServletInitializer.java: Moved to package application.
5. MonitorLibraryCheckDeployController.java: Added this copy of MonitorServiceCheckDeployController.java to be used only in library setup with @RequestMapping("/monitor-library").
1. pom.xml: Updated version of "uoa-admin-tools-library" from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, "uoa-authorization-library" from 1.0.0 to 2.0.1, "uoa-notification-service" from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2.
2. GlobalVars.java: Added field "version" (version of project in pom).
3. MonitorServiceCheckDeployController.java: Expose globalBars.version in /health_check/advanced.
4. monitorservice.properties: Added monitorservice.globalVars.version=@version@ (initialized by pom version).
1. StakeholderController.java: In method "getAllRealStakeholders()" (/stakeholder), return also stakeholders with "restricted" visibility, without checking user's roles.
2. pom.xml:
a. Update parent from "spring-boot-starter-parent" to "dnet45-parent" ==> add <dependencyManagement> and "maven-war-plugin" and comment "spring-boot-maven-plugin".
b. For dependencies "uoa-authorization-library" and "uoa-notification-service", use version 1.0.0 (released version), not 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
1. pom.xml:
a. Added timestamp in properties.
b. In <build> added <resources> with filtering set to true.
2. GlobalVars.java: Added GlobalVars class for date of deploy & date of build.
3. UoaMonitorServiceApplication.java:
a. Added @PropertySource("classpath:admintoolslibrary.properties") and @PropertySource("classpath:notification.properties")
b. In @EnableConfigurationProperties added GlobalVars.class.
4. MonitorServiceCheckDeployController.java: Added exposing date of deploy and date of build.
5. monitorservice.properties: Added property monitorservice.globalVars.buildDate=@timestamp@
1. pom.xml: Added dependencies for spring security and for uoa-authorization-library | [Bug fix] spring boot version set to 1.5.8 (it was accidentally set to 1.5.18 and library was not compatible).
2. UoaMonitorServiceApplication.java: Added authorization.properties | Remove SecurityConfig from configuration (done by authorization library) | import AuthorizationConfiguration.
3. ExceptionsHandler.java: Add handler for AccessDeniedException.
4. monitorservice.properties: Remove security properties (and add missing properties for mongodb).
5. UoaMonitorServiceConfiguration.java: Remove interceptor for AuthorizationHandler.
6. SecurityConfig.java & AuthorizationHandler.java & AuthorizationUtils.java: Removed unnecessary files (authorization is done via authorization library).
2. UoaMonitorServiceApplication.java: Add @PropertySource path used in dl170.
3. MongoConnection.java: @EnableMongoRepositories not only from: eu.dnetlib.uoamonitorservice.dao, but also: eu.dnetlib.uoahelptexts.dao.
4. GoogleConfig.java & MailConfig.java: [Deleted]: Functionality available on library project.
5. EmailController.java: [New]: Used for contact-us page in portal.
6. ExceptionsHandler.java & /controllers/: Add more and detailed logs.
7. Stakeholder.java:
a. Field 'logoUrl' added.
b. Method 'getType()' returns type.name() and 'setType()' gets String and converts it into StakeholderType.
8. Topic.java & Category.java & SubCategory.java & Indicator.java:
a. Field 'boolean isDefault' changed to 'String defaultId'.
b. Method copyFromDefault() added to create a clone from default entity (topic, category, subcategory, indicator).
9. Category.java & SubCategory.java: Field 'String description' added.
10. SubCategory.java: Field 'String stakeholderId' added | method createOverviewSubCategory(Category) added.
11. Indicator.java & IndicatorPath.java: Method 'getType()' returns type.name() and 'setType()' gets String and converts it into IndicatorType / IndicatorPathType.
12. IndicatorPath.java: Constructor and copy constructor added.
13. StakeholderDAO.java & MongoDBStakeholderDAO.java:
a. Method findByIsDefaultProfile() changed to: findByDefaultId() & findByDefaultIdNot().
b. Method findByIsDefaultProfileAndType() changed to: findByDefaultIdAndType() & findByDefaultIdNotAndType().
14. SubCategoryDAO.java & MongoDBSubCategoryDAO.java & IndicatorDAO.java & MongoDBSubCategoryDAO.java: Method 'findByDefaultId()' added.
15. StakeholderController.java: Handle creationDate and updateDate | Add more exceptional cases.
16. TopicController.java:
a. Helper method 'onSaveDefaultTopic()' added (save cloned topic on stakeholders based on this default Stakeholder).
b. Helper method 'onUpdateDefaultTopic()' added (update cloned topics based on this default topic).
17. CategoryController.java:
a. Remove 'subCategory.setIsDefault(true);' when a category is created.
b. Helper method 'onSaveDefaultCategory()' added (save cloned category on topics based on this default Topic).
c. Helper method 'onUpdateDefaultCategory()' added (update cloned categories based on this default category).
18. SubCategoryController.java:
a. Helper method 'onSaveDefaultSubCategory()' added (save cloned subCategory on topics based on this default Category).
b. Helper method 'onUpdateDefaultSubCategory()' added (update cloned subCategories based on this default subCategory).
19. IndicatorController.java:
a. Helper method 'onSaveDefaultIndicator()' added (save cloned indicator on subCategories based on this default SubCategory).
b. Helper method 'onUpdateDefaultIndicator()' added (update cloned indicators based on this default indicator).
c. Helper method 'parameterMapping()' added to map correct parameter values on parameters depending on stakeholder info.
d. Method 'toggleIndicatorStatus()' added to toggle 'isActive' field.
e. Method 'toggleIndicatorAccess()' added to toggle 'isPublic' field.
f. Helper method 'toggleIndicator()' added to update indicator when a field is toggled.