//version compatibility: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT print("migrateCommunityIn_db script running..."); function migrate_community(communityPid, beta_db_name, prod_db_name) { beta_db = db.getSiblingDB(beta_db_name); prod_db = db.getSiblingDB(prod_db_name); print("migrate_community: "+communityPid+" - both dbs are here"); var beta_community = beta_db.community.findOne({ pid: communityPid } ); if(!beta_community) { print("ERROR: Community with pid: "+communityPid+" does not exist in (beta) database: "+ beta_db_name); return; } var prod_communityOld = prod_db.community.findOne( { pid: communityPid } ); var prod_communityOldId; if(prod_communityOld) { prod_communityOldId = prod_communityOld._id.str; } // delete community from production db prod_db.community.remove({"pid" : communityPid}); print("Community with pid: "+communityPid+" is deleted (if existed) from production db: "+prod_db_name); // migrate community pages //beta_community_pages = beta_db.community.findOne({ pid: communityPid } ).map( function(community) { return community.pages } ); var beta_community_pages = beta_community.pages; var prod_community_pages = {} for (var beta_pageId in beta_community_pages) { var beta_pageObjectId = ObjectId(beta_pageId); //var prod_pageId = prod_db.community.find( { route: beta_db.page.find( { _id: beta_pageObjectId }).map( function(page) { return page.route; } ).toString() }); var beta_page = beta_db.page.findOne( { _id: beta_pageObjectId } ); if(beta_page) { var prod_page = prod_db.page.findOne( { route: beta_page.route } ); if(prod_page) { prod_community_pages[prod_page._id.str] = beta_community_pages[beta_pageId]; } else { print("\nERROR: Page with route: "+beta_page.route+" does not exist on production db: "+prod_db_name+"\n"); } } else { print("\nERROR: Page with id: "+beta_pageId+" does not exist on beta db: "+beta_db_name+"\n"); } } print("Community pages are ready to be migrated"); // migrate community entities var beta_community_entities = beta_community.entities; var prod_community_entities = {} for (var beta_entityId in beta_community_entities) { var beta_entityObjectId = ObjectId(beta_entityId); var beta_entity = beta_db.entity.findOne( { _id: beta_entityObjectId } ); if(beta_entity) { var prod_entity = prod_db.entity.findOne( { pid: beta_entity.pid } ); if(prod_entity) { prod_community_entities[prod_entity._id.str] = beta_community_entities[beta_entityId]; } else { print("\nERROR: Entity with pid: "+beta_entity.pid+" does not exist on production db: "+prod_db_name+"\n"); } } else { print("\nERROR: Entity with id: "+beta_entityId+" does not exist on beta db: "+beta_db_name+"\n"); } } print("Community entities are ready to be migrated"); prod_db.community.save({"name" : beta_community.name, "pid" : communityPid, "pages" : prod_community_pages, "entities" : prod_community_entities}); print("Community is migrated"); // delete community statistics from production db prod_db.statistics.remove({"pid" : communityPid}); print("Statistics for community with pid: "+communityPid+" are deleted (if existed) from production db: "+prod_db_name); // migrate statistics for community var beta_statistics = beta_db.statistics.findOne({ pid: communityPid } ); prod_db.statistics.save(beta_statistics); print("Statistics for community were migrated"); // migrate subscribers of community var beta_communitySubscr = beta_db.communitySubscribers.findOne({ pid: communityPid } ); if(beta_communitySubscr) { var beta_communitySubscribers = beta_communitySubscr.subscribers; var prod_communitySubscribers = []; var prod_communitySubscribersEmails = []; var prod_communitySubscr = prod_db.communitySubscribers.findOne({ "pid" : communityPid }); if(prod_communitySubscr) { prod_communitySubscribers = prod_communitySubscr.subscribers; prod_communitySubscribersEmails = prod_communitySubscr.subscribers.map(function(subscriber){return subscriber.email}); } beta_communitySubscribers.forEach(function(beta_communitySubscriber) { var addInCommunity = true; // if user exists in community subscribers already, do nothing if(prod_communitySubscribersEmails.indexOf(beta_communitySubscriber.email) >= 0) { addInCommunity = false; } else { var prod_subscriber = prod_db.subscriber.findOne({email: beta_communitySubscriber.email}); // if subscriber of beta does not exist in production, add him if(!prod_subscriber) { prod_subscriber = {email: beta_communitySubscriber.email}; prod_db.subscriber.save(prod_subscriber); print("subscriber "+beta_communitySubscriber.email+" added in production DB"); } } if(addInCommunity) { var prod_communitySubscriber = prod_db.subscriber.findOne({email: beta_communitySubscriber.email}); prod_communitySubscribers.push(prod_communitySubscriber); } }) if(prod_communitySubscr) { prod_db.communitySubscribers.update({ "pid" : communityPid } , {$set: {subscribers : prod_communitySubscribers}}); } else { prod_db.communitySubscribers.insert({ "pid" : communityPid, "subscribers" : prod_communitySubscribers }); } print("subscribers of community were migrated"); } else { print("\nERROR: Subscribers not migrated. No CommunitySubscribers for this community on beta db: "+beta_db_name+"\n"); } // migrate divHelpContents of community var beta_communityId = beta_community._id.str;//beta_db.community.findOne( { pid: communityPid } )._id.str; var prod_communityId = prod_db.community.findOne( { pid: communityPid })._id.str; if(prod_communityOldId) { prod_db.divHelpContent.remove({"community": prod_communityOldId}); } //var beta_divHelpContents = beta_db.divHelpContent.find( { community: beta_communityId } ).forEach(function(beta_divHelpContent){//.map( function(divHelpContent) { return divHelpContent; } ); //for (var beta_divHelpContent in beta_divHelpContents) { var beta_beta_divHelpContent_divId_ObjectId = ObjectId(beta_divHelpContent.divId); var beta_divId = beta_db.divId.findOne( { _id: beta_beta_divHelpContent_divId_ObjectId } );//.name;; if(beta_divId) { var prod_divId = prod_db.divId.findOne( { name: beta_divId.name } );//._id.str; if(prod_divId) { prod_db.divHelpContent.save({ "divId" : prod_divId._id.str, "community" : prod_communityId, "content" : beta_divHelpContent.content, "isActive" : beta_divHelpContent.isActive }); } else { print("\nERROR: DivId with name: "+beta_divId.name+" does not exist on production db: "+prod_db_name+"\n"); } } else { print("\nERROR: DivId with id: "+beta_divHelpContent.divId+" (of divHelpContent: "+beta_divHelpContent._id.str+") does not exist on beta db: "+beta_db_name+"\n"); } //} }); print("divHelpContents of community were migrated"); // migrate pageHelpContents of community if(prod_communityOldId) { prod_db.pageHelpContent.remove({"community": prod_communityOldId}); } beta_db.pageHelpContent.find( { community: beta_communityId } ).forEach(function(beta_pageHelpContent){ var beta_beta_pageHelpContent_page_ObjectId = ObjectId(beta_pageHelpContent.page); var beta_page = beta_db.page.findOne( { _id: beta_beta_pageHelpContent_page_ObjectId } );//.route; if(beta_page) { var prod_page = prod_db.page.findOne( { route: beta_page.route } );//._id.str; if(prod_page) { prod_db.pageHelpContent.save({ "page" : prod_page._id.str, "community" : prod_communityId, "content" : beta_pageHelpContent.content, "placement": beta_pageHelpContent.placement, "order": beta_pageHelpContent.order, "isActive": beta_pageHelpContent.isActive, "isPriorTo": beta_pageHelpContent.isPriorTo }); } else { print("\nERROR: Page with route: "+beta_page.route+" does not exist on production db: "+prod_db_name+"\n"); } } else { print("\nERROR: Page with id: "+beta_pageHelpContent.page+" (of pageHelpContent: "+beta_pageHelpContent._id.str+") does not exist on beta db: "+beta_db_name+"\n"); } }); print("pageHelpContents of community were migrated"); // migrate htmlPageContents of community if(prod_communityOldId) { prod_db.htmlPageContent.remove({"community": prod_communityOldId}); } beta_db.htmlPageContent.find( { community: beta_communityId } ).forEach(function(beta_htmlPageContent){ var beta_beta_htmlPageContent_page_ObjectId = ObjectId(beta_htmlPageContent.page); var beta_htmlPage = beta_db.page.findOne( { _id: beta_beta_htmlPageContent_page_ObjectId } );//.route; if(beta_htmlPage) { var prod_htmlPage = prod_db.page.findOne( { route: beta_htmlPage.route } );//._id.str; if(prod_htmlPage) { prod_db.htmlPageContent.save({ "page" : prod_htmlPage._id.str, "community" : prod_communityId, "content" : beta_htmlPageContent.content }); } else { print("\nERROR: Page with route: "+beta_htmlPage.route+" does not exist on production db: "+prod_db_name+"\n"); } } else { print("\nERROR: Page with id: "+beta_htmlPageContent.page+" (of htmlPageContent: "+beta_htmlPageContent._id.str+") does not exist on beta db: "+beta_db_name+"\n"); } }); print("htmlPageContents of community were migrated"); // migrate notifications preferences of community var prod_notifications = prod_db.notifications.find({ communityPid: communityPid } ); var prod_notifications_emails = []; if(prod_notifications) { prod_notifications_emails = prod_notifications.map(function(preference){return preference.managerEmail;}) } beta_db.notifications.find({ communityPid: communityPid } ).forEach(function(preference){ if(prod_notifications_emails.indexOf(preference.managerEmail) >= 0) { prod_db.notifications.update({ managerEmail: preference.managerEmail }, {$set: {notifyForNewManagers: preference.notifyForNewManagers, notifyForNewSubscribers: preference.notifyForNewSubscribers}}) } else { prod_db.notifications.insert(preference); } }); print("Notification preferences of community were migrated"); } migrate_community("egi", 'openaire_admin_copy', 'openaire_admin_prod');