1. Deleted folder "responses" with all its files (moved to uoa-admin-tools-library in r60105).
2. Deleted file "SimpleErrorController.java" (moved to uoa-admin-tools-library in r60105).
1. NotificationsService.java: [NEW] service for notifications with updatePid and deleteByPid methods.
2. LayoutService.java & StatisticsService.java & SubscriberService.java: Logs added.
3. CommunityController.java:
a. [Bug fix] On "updateCommunity()" (/update) method update pid for related notifications, layout, statistics and subscribers (old_pid had the value of new_pid, not the old one).
b. Add update pid for notifications when updating portal pid | Delete related notifications by pid when deleting a portal.
1. SingleValueWrapperResponse.java: Generic class SingleValueWrapperResponse created, with field "value" of type defined when instance is created (used for returning single value from API methods).
2. CommunitySubscribersController.java: In method "getNumberOfSubscribersPerCommunity()" (/community/{pid}/subscribers/count) return SingleValueWrapperResponse<Integer>
(Used to return Integer but it is not always considered as valid JSON).
1. admintools.properties & UoaAdminToolsApplication.java: Uncomment admintools.properties and ignore if @PropertySource for dnet-override.properties not found, to let tests runs.
2. Subscriber.java: Add default constructor and constructor with email parameter.
3. CommunitySubscribersController.java:
a. Autowire SecurityConfig to let methods get UserInfo via token.
b. Add GET method "getNumberOfSubscribersPerCommunity()" (/community/{pid}/subscribers/count).
c. Add GET methos "getIsSubscribedToCommunity()" (/community/{pid}/is-subscriber): Return true/ false and gets user email via token in @RequestHeader("X-XSRF-TOKEN").
d. Method "addSubscriberInCommunity()" renamed to "addSubscriberInCommunityByEmail()" | Method "deleteSubscriberFromCommunity()" renamed to "deleteSubscriberFromCommunityByEmail()".
e. Add POST methods "addSubscriberInCommunity()" (/community/{pid}/subscriber) and "deleteSubscriberFromCommunity()" (/community/{pid}/subscriber/delete):
Return true/ false and get user email via token in @RequestHeader("X-XSRF-TOKEN").
f. Method getCommunitiesPerSubcriber(@RequestParam(value="email", required = true) String email) --> getCommunitiesPerSubcriber(@RequestHeader("X-XSRF-TOKEN") String token):
Get user email via token in @RequestHeader("X-XSRF-TOKEN").
4. update_db.js:
a. Add method "createNewPagesForConnect()": adds page "/publications" for connect (enabled).
b. Add method "createNewPagesForCommunities()": adds pages "/content" (enabled), "/projects" (disabled), "/national-bulletins" (disabled), "/subjects"(disabled) for communities.
c. Add method "removeContentPolicyPageAndAddHelpTextInCommunitiesSourcesPage()": remove old "/content" connect page and move its contents to new "/content" for every community (NOT connect & openaire).