
236 lines
13 KiB

package eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.services;
import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.dao.DivHelpContentDAO;
import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.entities.*;
import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.entities.fullEntities.DivHelpContentResponse;
import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.entities.fullEntities.DivIdResponse;
import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.handlers.ContentNotFoundException;
import eu.dnetlib.uoaadmintoolslibrary.handlers.MismatchingContentException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class DivHelpContentService {
private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
private DivHelpContentDAO divHelpContentDAO;
DivIdService divIdService;
private PortalService portalService;
public List<DivHelpContentResponse> getDivHelpContents(String pid, String page_route, String divIdId, String active) {
Portal _portal = portalService.getPortal(pid);
String portalId = null;
if(_portal != null) {
portalId = _portal.getId();
// DivId divId = divIdService.getDivIdByName(divId);
// String divIdId = null;
// if(divId != null) {
// divIdId = divId.getId();
// }
List<DivHelpContentResponse> divHelpContentResponses = new ArrayList<>();
List<DivHelpContent> divHelpContents = null;
if(pid != null && divIdId != null && active != null) {
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findByPortalAndDivIdAndIsActive(portalId, divIdId, Boolean.parseBoolean(active));
} else if(pid != null && divIdId != null) {
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findByPortalAndDivId(portalId, divIdId);
} else if(pid != null && active != null) {
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findByPortalAndIsActive(portalId, Boolean.parseBoolean(active));
} else if(divIdId != null && active != null) {
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findByDivIdAndIsActive(divIdId, Boolean.parseBoolean(active));
} else if(pid != null) {
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findByPortal(portalId);
} else if(divIdId != null) {
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findByDivId(divIdId);
} else if(active != null){
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findByIsActive(Boolean.parseBoolean(active));
} else {
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findAll();
for (DivHelpContent divHelpContent : divHelpContents) {
DivIdResponse divIdResponse = null;
DivId divId;
if(divIdId == null) {
divId = divIdService.getDivId(divHelpContent.getDivId());
} else {
divId = divIdService.getDivId(divIdId);
divIdResponse = divIdService.divIdResponseFromDivId(divId);
if(pid == null) {
_portal = portalService.getPortalById(divHelpContent.getPortal());
for(Page p : divIdResponse.getPages()) {
if (page_route == null || p.getRoute().equals(page_route)) {
DivHelpContentResponse divHelpContentResponse = new DivHelpContentResponse(divHelpContent);
return divHelpContentResponses;
public List<DivHelpContent> getDivHelpContentsBasic(String pid, String portalType, String pageId) {
List<DivHelpContent> divHelpContents = null;
Portal _portal = null;
String portalId = null;
if(pid != null) {
_portal = portalService.getPortal(pid);
portalService.checkPortalInfo(pid, portalType, _portal, pid, "pid");
if(_portal != null) {
portalId = _portal.getId();
if(pid != null) {
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findByPortal(portalId);
} else {
divHelpContents = divHelpContentDAO.findAll();
if(pageId != null) {
Iterator<DivHelpContent> divHelpContentsIterator = divHelpContents.iterator();
while (divHelpContentsIterator.hasNext()) {
DivHelpContent divHelpContent = divHelpContentsIterator.next();
String divIdId = divHelpContent.getDivId();
DivId divId = divIdService.getDivId(divIdId);
Boolean remove = true;
for (String pageIdInDivId : divId.getPages()) {
if (pageId.equals(pageIdInDivId)) {
remove = false;
if(remove) {
return divHelpContents;
public DivHelpContent getDivHelpContent(String id) {
return divHelpContentDAO.findById(id);
public DivHelpContent insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(DivHelpContent divHelpContent) {
return divHelpContentDAO.save(divHelpContent);
public void deleteDivHelpContent(String id) {
public Boolean deleteDivHelpContents(List<String> divHelpContents, String pid, PortalType portalType) throws Exception {
Portal portal = portalService.getPortal(pid);
portalService.checkPortalInfo(pid, portalType.name(), portal, pid, "pid");
for (String id: divHelpContents) {
DivHelpContent divHelpContent = getDivHelpContent(id);
if(divHelpContent == null) {
throw new ContentNotFoundException("Div help content with id: " + id + " not found");
if(!divHelpContent.getPortal().equals(portal.getId())) {
throw new MismatchingContentException("["+portalType+ " - "+ pid+"] Conflicting div help content: portal id: "+divHelpContent.getPortal());
return true;
public List<String> toggleDivHelpContent(List<String> divHelpContents, String status, String pid, PortalType portalType) throws Exception {
Portal portal = portalService.getPortal(pid);
portalService.checkPortalInfo(pid, portalType.name(), portal, pid, "pid");
for (String id: divHelpContents) {
log.debug("Id of divHelpContent: "+id);
DivHelpContent divHelpContent = getDivHelpContent(id);
if(divHelpContent == null) {
throw new ContentNotFoundException("Div help content with id: " + id + " not found");
if(!divHelpContent.getPortal().equals(portal.getId())) {
throw new MismatchingContentException("["+portalType+ " - "+ pid+"] Conflicting div help content: portal id: "+divHelpContent.getPortal());
return divHelpContents;
public void addDivHelpContentsInPortal(String portalId, String portalType) {
//String organizations_class_content = "<div> <p>Here you can write more details about the organizations related to your portal.</p> </div>";
String link_context_form_content = "<div> <div><span class=\"uk-text-bold\"><span uk-icon=\"icon: info\">&nbsp;</span> Information:</span> Select a research portal and/or a category and search for a portal concept, or browse to the portal tree through the categories</div> </div>";
String link_project_form_content = "<div> <div><span class=\"uk-text-bold\"><span uk-icon=\"icon: info\">&nbsp;</span> Information:</span> Search for projects using project name or grant id. Limit results filtering by funder.</div> </div>";
String link_result_form_content = "<div> <div><span class=\"uk-text-bold\"><span uk-icon=\"icon: info\">&nbsp;</span> Information:</span></div> Search for research results in OpenAIRE information space, Datacite, CrossRef or ORCID. <div class=\"uk-text-small\">Use keywords, DOI (more than one - space separated), author&#39;s ORCID</div> </div>";
String link_result_bulk_content = "<div> <div><span class=\"uk-text-bold\"><span uk-icon=\"icon: info\">&nbsp;</span> Information:</span> Upload a csv file containing a list of DOIs. For each DOI found in the file, metadata will be fetched from CrossRef or Datacite and will be added to your selected research results.</div> <div class=\"uk-margin-top uk-text-small\"><span class=\"uk-text-bold\">CSV format:</span> <ul class=\"uk-list\"> <li>The format of CSV file should be &quot;DOI&quot;,&quot;ACCESS_MODE&quot;,&quot;DATE&quot;.</li> <li>The value &quot;DOI&quot; is required</li> <li>Access mode column should have values: &quot;OPEN&quot;,&quot;CLOSED&quot; or &quot;EMBARGO&quot;.</li> <li>Date column valid format is YYYY-MM-DD and is required when access mode has value EMBARGO.</li> <li>In case access mode is not available default value is &quot;OPEN&quot;.</li> </ul> </div> </div>";
String link_metadata_content = "<div> <div><span class=\"uk-text-bold\"><span uk-icon=\"icon: info\">&nbsp;</span> Information:</span> Manage access mode &amp; type of selected research results. For OpenAIRE this functionality isn&#39;t available.</div> </div>";
String portal_footer_content = "<p class=\"uk-margin-remove-bottom\"><span style=\"font-size:12px\">OpenAIRE has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 777541 and 101017452</span></p>";
String monitor_dashboard_footer_content = "<p class=\"uk-margin-remove-bottom\"><span style=\"font-size:12px\">This OpenAIRE MONITOR dashboard is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 777541 and 101017452</span></p>";
String community_footer_content = "<p class=\"uk-margin-remove-bottom\"><span style=\"font-size:12px\">This OpenAIRE gateway is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No. 777541, 731011 and 101017452</span></p>";
List<DivId> divIds = divIdService.getDivIdsByPortalType(portalType);
for( DivId div : divIds ) {
if (div != null) {
// (div.getOpenaire() && pid.equals("openaire")) ||
// (div.getConnect() && pid.equals("connect")) ||
// (div.getCommunities() && !pid.equals("openaire") && !pid.equals("connect"))
// )) {
if (div.getName().equals("organizations")) {
this.insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(new DivHelpContent(div.getId(), portalId, organizations_class_content, false));
} else
if (div.getName().equals("link-context-form")) {
this.insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(new DivHelpContent(div.getId(), portalId, link_context_form_content, false));
} else if (div.getName().equals("link-project-form")) {
this.insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(new DivHelpContent(div.getId(), portalId, link_project_form_content, false));
} else if (div.getName().equals("link-result-form")) {
this.insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(new DivHelpContent(div.getId(), portalId, link_result_form_content, false));
} else if (div.getName().equals("link-result-bulk")) {
this.insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(new DivHelpContent(div.getId(), portalId, link_result_bulk_content, false));
} else if (div.getName().equals("link-metadata")) {
this.insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(new DivHelpContent(div.getId(), portalId, link_metadata_content, false));
} else if (div.getName().equals("footer")) {
if(portalType.equals("community")) {
this.insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(new DivHelpContent(div.getId(), portalId, community_footer_content, true));
} else if(portalType.equals("funder") || portalType.equals("ri") || portalType.equals("project") || portalType.equals("organization")) {
this.insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(new DivHelpContent(div.getId(), portalId, monitor_dashboard_footer_content, true));
} else {
this.insertOrUpdateDivHelpContent(new DivHelpContent(div.getId(), portalId, portal_footer_content, true));