Oops! Your email does not give you the authority to view claims for the selected project. Please contact the administrators.

Claims Administrator {{project['name']}} ({{project['funderName']}})

Pending Claims

No pending claims found.
{{totalPendingResults.count}} pending claims, page {{activePendingPage.page}} of {{totalPages(totalPendingResults.count)}}
Research Result Claimed By Claimed Date Approve
{{claim1.userMail}} {{claim1.date}}
*Note that claims you did not approved or disapproved are considered as right (but not curated)

Already Curated Claims

No curated claims found.
{{totalCuratedResults.count}} curated claims, page {{activeCuratedPage.page}} of {{totalPages(totalCuratedResults.count)}}
Research Result Claimed by Claimed Date Curated by Curation Date Approved
{{claim.userMail}} {{claim.date}} {{claim.curatedBy}} {{claim.curationDate}}