import {Component, ElementRef, Input, OnInit} from "@angular/core"; import {IconsService} from "./icons.service"; /** * First add your icon to Icon registry, by adding this to your component Module. * * e.g export class ExampleModule { * constructor(private iconsService: IconsService) { * this.iconsService.registerIcons([arrow_right]) * } * } * * */ @Component({ selector: 'icon', template: ` ` }) export class IconsComponent implements OnInit{ public svg; public style; /** * True if this icon should have display flex (Optional, Default: false) * */ @Input() public flex = false; /** * * Add custom class(es)(Optional) * */ @Input() public customClass; /** * Color of svg (Optional) * */ @Input() public fill; /** * Color of svg stroke (Optional) * */ @Input() public stroke; /** * Size of svg (Default: 1) * */ @Input() public ratio = 1; /** * Name of icon in registry (Required) * */ @Input() set name(iconName: string) { this.svg = this.iconsService.getIcon(iconName); } constructor(private iconsService: IconsService, private elementRef: ElementRef) {} ngOnInit() { = { transform: 'scale(' + this.ratio + ')', fill: this.fill, stroke: this.stroke }; = 'line-height: ' + this.ratio*20 + 'px;'; } }