import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {HttpClient} from "@angular/common/http"; import {SearchResult} from '../utils/entities/searchResult'; import {RefineResultsUtils} from './servicesUtils/refineResults.class'; import{EnvProperties} from '../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {StringUtils} from '../utils/string-utils.class'; import {map} from "rxjs/operators"; import {ParsingFunctions} from "../landingPages/landing-utils/parsingFunctions.class"; import {properties} from "../../../environments/environment"; @Injectable() export class SearchOrganizationsService { public parsingFunctions: ParsingFunctions = new ParsingFunctions(); constructor(private http: HttpClient ) {} parseResultsForDeposit(data: any): {"name": string, "id": string}[] { let results: {"name": string, "id": string}[] = []; let length = Array.isArray(data) ? data.length : 1; for(let i=0; i res.json()) .pipe(map(res => [res['meta'].total, this.parseResults(res['results']),RefineResultsUtils.parse(res['refineResults'],refineFields, "organization")])); } advancedSearchOrganizations (params: string, page: number, size: number, properties:EnvProperties, refineParams:string=null, refineFields:string[] =null, refineQuery:string = null, minRef: boolean = false):any { // &type=organizations let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst+"resources2/?format=json"; let openOrgsId = properties.environment != "production" ? "openaire____::0362fcdb3076765d9c0041ad331553e8" : ""; var basicQuery = "(reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver-openaire2.0 or " + "reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire3.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire4.0 or " + "reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire-cris_1.1 or " + "reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0_data or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact hostedBy or relproject=* " + "or reldatasourcecompatibilityid = native" + (openOrgsId ? (" or collectedfromdatasourceid="+StringUtils.quote(openOrgsId)) : "") + ")"; // url += "&query="; if(params!= null && params != '' ) { // url +=" ( "+basicQuery+ " ) " +" and (" + params + ")"; url +="&query=(" + params + ")"; // }else{ // url +=" ( "+basicQuery+ " ) "; } if(refineParams!= null && refineParams != '' ) { url += refineParams; } if(refineQuery) { url += "&" + refineQuery; } url += "&fq="+basicQuery; url += "&page="+(page-1)+"&size="+size; url += minRef ? "&minRef=true" : ""; // return this.http.get((properties.useCache)? (properties.cacheUrl+encodeURIComponent(url)): url) return this.http.get((properties.useLongCache && size == 0 && !params && (!refineQuery || !refineQuery.includes("fq="))) ? (properties.cacheUrl + encodeURIComponent(url)) : url) //.map(res => res.json()) .pipe(map(res => [res['meta'].total, this.parseResults(res['results']),RefineResultsUtils.parse(res['refineResults'],refineFields, "organization")])); } parseResults(data: any): SearchResult[] { let results: SearchResult[] = []; let length = Array.isArray(data) ? data.length : 1; for(let i=0; i(); } let countProjects = result['projects'].length; result['projects'][countProjects] = { "id": "", "acronym": "", "title": "", "funderShortname": "", "funderName": "", "code": "" } if(relation.title != 'unidentified') { result['projects'][countProjects]['id'] = /*OpenaireProperties.getsearchLinkToProject() + */relation['to'].content; result['projects'][countProjects]['acronym'] = relation.acronym; result['projects'][countProjects]['title'] = relation.title; result['projects'][countProjects]['code'] = relation.code; } else { result['projects'][countProjects]['id'] = ""; result['projects'][countProjects]['acronym'] = ""; result['projects'][countProjects]['title'] = ""; result['projects'][countProjects]['code'] = ""; } if(relation.hasOwnProperty("funding")) { let fundingLength = Array.isArray(relation['funding']) ? relation['funding'].length : 1; for(let z=0; z res.json()) .pipe(map(res => res['total'])); } numOfEntityOrganizations(id: string, entity: string, properties:EnvProperties ):any { // currently not used - if used fix entity comparison below var parameters: string = ""; if(entity == "organization") { parameters = "organizations/"+id+"/organizations/count"; } let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst+parameters+"?format=json"; return this.numOfOrganizations(url, properties); } numOfSearchOrganizations(params: string, properties:EnvProperties, refineParams:string=null ):any { let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst+"organizations/count?format=json"; if(params != "") { url += "&q=" + StringUtils.URIEncode(params); } if(refineParams!= null && refineParams != '' ) { url += refineParams; } return this.numOfOrganizations(url, properties); } numOfSearchOrganizations2(params: string, properties:EnvProperties, refineParams:string=null ):any { let url = properties.searchAPIURLLAst+"resources2/?format=json&size=0&type=organizations"; let openOrgsId = properties.environment != "production" ? "openaire____::0362fcdb3076765d9c0041ad331553e8" : ""; var basicQuery = "(reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver-openaire2.0 or " + "reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire3.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire4.0 or " + "reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire-cris_1.1 or " + "reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0_data or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact hostedBy or relproject=*" + "or reldatasourcecompatibilityid = native" + (openOrgsId ? (" or collectedfromdatasourceid=" + StringUtils.quote(openOrgsId)) : "") + ")"; // url += "&query="; if(params!= null && params != '' ) { // url +=" ( "+basicQuery+ " ) " +" and (" + params + ")"; url +="&query=( "+params+ " ) "; // }else{ // url +=" ( "+basicQuery+ " ) "; } if(refineParams!= null && refineParams != '' ) { url += refineParams; } url += "&fq="+basicQuery; return this.http.get((properties.useCache)? (properties.cacheUrl+encodeURIComponent(url)): url) .pipe(map(res => res['meta']['total'])); } }