import {Injectable} from "@angular/core"; import {BehaviorSubject, Observable, Subscriber} from "rxjs"; import {ActivationStart, Router} from "@angular/router"; import {Icon} from "../../../sharedComponents/menu"; declare var ResizeObserver; export interface SidebarItem { icon?: Icon, name: string, subItem?: SidebarItem } @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class LayoutService { public static HEADER_HEIGHT = '65px'; private deviceBreakpoint: number; /** * Set this to true when sidebar items are ready. */ private openSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Set this to true when sidebar is hovered, otherwise false. */ private hoverSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add hasSidebar: false on data of route config, if sidebar is not needed. */ private hasSidebarSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add hasHeader: false on data of route config, if header is not needed. */ private hasHeaderSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add hasAdminMenu: true on data of route config, if global sidebar should be used. */ private hasAdminMenuSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add hasInternalSidebar: true on data of route config, if internal sidebar should be used. */ private hasInternalSidebarSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add isFrontPage: true on data of route config, if current route is for front page. */ private isFrontPageSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add isSmallScreen: true on data of route config, if screen is small. * @deprecated */ private isSmallScreenSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add hasQuickContact: false on data of route config, if the quick-contact fixed button is not needed. */ private hasQuickContactSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add activeMenuItem: string on data of route config, if page should activate a specific MenuItem and route url does not match. */ private activeMenuItemSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(""); /** * Change to true will replace your Nav Header with the replaceHeader of your object. * Be sure that replaceHeader exists. */ private replaceHeaderSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** Check if the current device is mobile or tablet */ private isMobileSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** Active sidebar Item*/ private activeSidebarItemSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(null); /** * Add hasMenuSearchBar: false/ nothing on data of route config, if the search bar in the menu should not appear, otherwise true. */ private hasMenuSearchBarSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add hasStickyHeaderOnMobile: true in order to activate uk-sticky in header of mobile/tablet devices. * */ private hasStickyHeaderOnMobileSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(false); /** * Add a class in root element of the html. (For different theme apply) * Handle it manually in the component, it doesn't use data * */ private rootClassSubject: BehaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject(null); private subscriptions: any[] = []; ngOnDestroy() { this.clearSubscriptions(); } clearSubscriptions() { this.subscriptions.forEach(subscription => { if (subscription instanceof Subscriber) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } else if (typeof ResizeObserver !== "undefined" && subscription instanceof ResizeObserver) { subscription.disconnect(); } }) } setObserver() { if (typeof ResizeObserver !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined") { this.deviceBreakpoint = Number.parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--uk-breakpoint-m').replace('px', '')) + 1; let resizeObs = new ResizeObserver(entries => { entries.forEach(entry => { < this.deviceBreakpoint); }); }); this.subscriptions.push(resizeObs); resizeObs.observe(document.documentElement); } } constructor(private router: Router) { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { < this.deviceBreakpoint); } this.subscriptions.push( => { if (event instanceof ActivationStart) { this.setReplaceHeader(false); let data =; if (data['hasSidebar'] !== undefined && data['hasSidebar'] === false) { this.setHasSidebar(false); } else { this.setHasSidebar(true); } if (data['hasHeader'] !== undefined && data['hasHeader'] === false) { this.setHasHeader(false); if (typeof document !== "undefined") {'--header-height', '0px'); } } else { this.setHasHeader(true); if (typeof document !== "undefined") {'--header-height', LayoutService.HEADER_HEIGHT); } } if (data['hasAdminMenu'] !== undefined && data['hasAdminMenu'] === true) { this.setHasAdminMenu(true); } else { this.setHasAdminMenu(false); } if (data['hasInternalSidebar'] !== undefined && data['hasInternalSidebar'] === true) { this.setHasInternalSidebar(true); } else { this.setHasInternalSidebar(false); } if (data['isFrontPage'] !== undefined && data['isFrontPage'] === true) { this.setFrontPage(true); } else { this.setFrontPage(false); } if (data['isSmallScreen'] !== undefined && data['isSmallScreen'] === true) { this.setSmallScreen(true); } else { this.setSmallScreen(false); } if (data['hasQuickContact'] !== undefined && data['hasQuickContact'] === false) { this.setHasQuickContact(false); } else { this.setHasQuickContact(true); } if (data['activeMenuItem'] !== undefined && data['activeMenuItem'] !== null) { this.setActiveMenuItem(data['activeMenuItem']); } else { this.setActiveMenuItem(''); } if (data['hasMenuSearchBar'] !== undefined && data['hasMenuSearchBar'] === true) { this.setHasMenuSearchBar(true); } else { this.setHasMenuSearchBar(false); } if (data['hasStickyHeaderOnMobile'] !== undefined && data['hasStickyHeaderOnMobile'] === true) { this.setHasStickyHeaderOnMobile(true); } else { this.setHasStickyHeaderOnMobile(false); } } })); this.setObserver(); } get isOpen(): Observable { return this.openSubject.asObservable(); } get open(): boolean { return this.openSubject.getValue(); } setOpen(value: boolean) {; } get hover(): boolean { return this.hoverSubject.getValue(); } setHover(value: boolean) {; } get hasAnySidebar(): boolean { return this.hasSidebarSubject.getValue() || this.hasInternalSidebarSubject.getValue() || this.hasAdminMenuSubject.getValue(); } get hasSidebar(): Observable { return this.hasSidebarSubject.asObservable(); } setHasSidebar(value: boolean) {; } get hasHeader(): Observable { return this.hasHeaderSubject.asObservable(); } setHasHeader(value: boolean) {; } get hasAdminMenu(): Observable { return this.hasAdminMenuSubject.asObservable(); } setHasAdminMenu(value: boolean) {; } get hasInternalSidebar(): Observable { return this.hasInternalSidebarSubject.asObservable(); } setHasInternalSidebar(value: boolean) {; } get isFrontPage(): Observable { return this.isFrontPageSubject.asObservable(); } setFrontPage(value: boolean) {; } get replaceHeader(): Observable { return this.replaceHeaderSubject.asObservable(); } get replaceHeaderValue(): boolean { return this.replaceHeaderSubject.getValue(); } setReplaceHeader(value: boolean) {; } /** * @deprecated * */ get isSmallScreen(): boolean { return this.isSmallScreenSubject.getValue(); } /** * @deprecated * */ setSmallScreen(value: boolean) {; } get hasQuickContact(): Observable { return this.hasQuickContactSubject.asObservable(); } setHasQuickContact(value: boolean) {; } get activeMenuItem(): string { return this.activeMenuItemSubject.getValue(); } setActiveMenuItem(value: string) {; } get isMobile(): Observable { return this.isMobileSubject.asObservable(); } get isMobileValue(): boolean { return this.isMobileSubject.getValue(); } get activeSidebarItem(): Observable { return this.activeSidebarItemSubject.asObservable(); } setActiveSidebarItem(value: SidebarItem) {; } get hasMenuSearchBar(): Observable { return this.hasMenuSearchBarSubject.asObservable(); } setHasMenuSearchBar(value: boolean) {; } get hasStickyHeaderOnMobile(): Observable { return this.hasStickyHeaderOnMobileSubject.asObservable(); } setHasStickyHeaderOnMobile(value: boolean) {; } get rootClass(): Observable { return this.rootClassSubject.asObservable(); } setRootClass(value: string = null): void { if(this.rootClassSubject.value != value) {; } } }