import {Component, ElementRef, Input} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router'; import {Citation, CitationData} from './citation.class'; import {ResultLandingInfo} from "../../../utils/entities/resultLandingInfo"; declare var CSL:any; declare var Sys:any; // @Component({ selector: 'citeThis', template: `
` }) export class CiteThisComponent { private sub:any; public selectedStyle:string="0"; public citationText:string; public citation:Citation = new Citation(); // public cite: any; @Input() result: ResultLandingInfo; @Input() id: string; @Input() type: string="article"; public citeproc; public data; constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) { // this.selectedStyle = this.citation.templates[0]; } ngOnInit() { if(typeof window !== 'undefined') { // this.citeproc = require('./citeproc.js'); // console.log(this.citeproc); this.parseData(); this.updateCitation(); } } parseData(){ var citationData:CitationData = new CitationData(); if(this.result.identifiers && Array.from(this.result.identifiers.keys()).length > 0){ var keys = Array.from(this.result.identifiers.keys()); for (var i=0; i 0 && this.result.types[0]){ citationData.type = this.result.types[0].toLowerCase(); } if(this.result.title){ citationData.title = this.result.title; } if(this.result.publisher){ citationData.publisher = this.result.publisher; } if( this.result.authors){ = []; var max_length = (this.result.authors.length > 10)?10:this.result.authors.length; for (var i =0 ;i < max_length; i++){ if(this.result.authors[i] && this.result.authors[i].fullName && this.result.authors[i].fullName.indexOf(", ") !== -1){{given:this.result.authors[i].fullName.split(", ")[1], family:this.result.authors[i].fullName.split(", ")[0], 'parse-names':true}); }else{{given:"", family:this.result.authors[i].fullName, 'parse-names':true}); } // citationData.authors.push(this.result.authors[i]); } } if(this.result.dateofacceptance != undefined){ citationData.issued = {}; var date:string = (this.result.dateofacceptance)+""; // transform to string in case it is an integer var dateArray:string[] = (date && (date).indexOf('-') !== -1)?[date.split('-')[0]]:[date]; if(dateArray.length < 3){ // dateArray.push[1]; // dateArray.push[1]; } citationData.issued={"date-parts":[[""+dateArray[0]]]}; if( ){ = ; } if(this.result.journal ){ if(this.result.journal.journal){ citationData["container-title"] = this.result.journal.journal; } if(this.result.journal.issn){ citationData.ISSN = this.result.journal.issn; } if(this.result.journal.issue){ citationData.issue = this.result.journal.issue; } citationData.type = "article-journal"; // in case of APA volume and pages appear only in specific types not just article if(this.result.journal.volume){ citationData.volume = this.result.journal.volume ; } if(this.result.journal["start_page"] && this.result.journal["end_page"]){ = this.result.journal["start_page"] +"-" +this.result.journal["end_page"] ; } } } = citationData; console.log( // console.log(; } styleChanged(){ this.updateCitation(); } updateCitation(){ var Sys = function Sys(lang, data){ this.lang = lang; = data; this.changeName = function (name) { this.lastName = name; }; this.retrieveLocale= function (lang){ return this.lang; } this.retrieveItem= function(id){ return; } }; var citeproc = new CSL.Engine(new Sys(this.citation.locale, ), this.citation[(this.selectedStyle == "0")?this.citation.templates[0]:this.selectedStyle]); citeproc.updateItems([]); this.citationText = citeproc.makeBibliography(); this.citationText = ((this.citationText != null) && (this.citationText.length > 1) && (this.citationText[1].length > 0)) ? this.citationText[1][0] : ''; } }