import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core'; import {ClaimEntity} from '../../claim-utils/claimHelper.class'; import {StringUtils} from "../../../utils/string-utils.class"; @Component({ selector: 'claim-title', template: ` {{entity.title ? sliceString(entity.title) : '[No title available]'}} {{entity.title ? sliceString(entity.title) : '[No title available]'}} {{(entity.project.acronym ? '[' + entity.project.acronym + '] ' : '') + entity.title}} {{(entity.project.acronym ? sliceString(entity.project.acronym):sliceString(entity.title))}} {{(entity.project.acronym ? '[' + entity.project.acronym + '] ' : '') + entity.title}} {{(entity.project.acronym ? sliceString(entity.project.acronym):sliceString(entity.title))}} {{ }} > {{entity.context.category}} > {{entity.context.concept.label}} ` }) export class ClaimEntityTitleComponent { @Input() entity: ClaimEntity; @Input() slice:boolean = false; @Input() sliceSize:number = 45; @Input() shortVersion: boolean = false; ngOnInit() { } sliceString(mystr:string): string { if(this.slice){ return StringUtils.sliceString(mystr,this.sliceSize); } return mystr; } addStringToNumber(str: string, num: number) { return (+str) + num; } getProjectDurationMessage(result: ClaimEntity) { for (let message of result.warningMessages) { if (message.type == "projectDuration") { return "Should be from " + message.projectInfo.startDate + ((message.projectInfo.endDate) ? (" to " + ((5 + +message.projectInfo.endDate))) : ""); } } return null; } getEmbargoEndDateMessage(result: ClaimEntity) { for (var message of result.warningMessages) { if (message.type == "embargoEndDate") { return "Embargo end date must be later than published date"; } } return null; } }