import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core'; import {SearchCrossrefService} from './service/searchCrossref.service'; import {SearchOrcidService} from './service/searchOrcid.service'; import {SearchResearchResultsService} from '../../services/searchResearchResults.service'; import {SearchDataciteService} from './service/searchDatacite.service'; import {ErrorCodes} from '../../utils/properties/errorCodes'; import {ClaimEntity, ClaimResult} from './claimHelper.class'; import {DOI, StringUtils} from '../../utils/string-utils.class'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {Filter, Value} from "../../searchPages/searchUtils/searchHelperClasses.class"; import {Observable, forkJoin} from "rxjs"; import 'rxjs/add/observable/forkJoin' import {NewSearchPageComponent} from "../../searchPages/searchUtils/newSearchPage.component"; import {RangeFilter} from "../../utils/rangeFilter/rangeFilterHelperClasses.class"; import {SearchUtilsClass} from "../../searchPages/searchUtils/searchUtils.class"; import {SearchFields} from "../../utils/properties/searchFields"; @Component({ selector: 'claim-result-search-form', templateUrl: 'claimResultSearchForm.component.html', }) export class ClaimResultSearchFormComponent { page: number = 1; size: number = 5; source: string = "datacite"; type: string = "dataset"; showSearchResults: boolean = false; @Input() public select: boolean = true; @Input() public keyword: string = ''; @Input() public selectedResults: ClaimEntity[]; @Input() public properties: EnvProperties; @Input() localStoragePrefix: string = ""; @Input() basketLimit; public errorCodes: ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes(); dataciteResults: ClaimEntity[] = []; dataciteResultsNum: number = null; dataciteStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; datacitePage: number = 1; public warningMessage = ""; public infoMessage = ""; public todayDate = ''; public nextDate = ''; public DOIs: string[] = []; sub: any; public activeTab: string = "openaire"; crossrefResults: ClaimEntity[] = []; crossrefResultsNum: number = null; crossrefPage: number = 1; crossrefStatus: number = this.errorCodes.NONE; openaireTypeValues = [ {title: "Publications", value: "publication", count: null}, {title: "Research Data", value: "dataset", count: null}, {title: "Software", value: "software", count: null}, {title: "Other research products", value: "other", count: null}]; totalOpenaireCount:number = 0; openaireResultsfilters = []; openaireResultsPrevFilters = []; openaireYear = ""; // public openaireRefineFields: string[] = ["relfunder", "relproject", "resultbestaccessright", "instancetypename", "resultlanguagename", "community"]; // public openaireRefineFieldsQuery: string = "&refine=true&fields=relfunder&fields=relproject&fields=resultacceptanceyear&fields=resultbestaccessright&fields=instancetypename&fields=resultlanguagename&fields=community"; public openaireRefineFields: string[] = ["resulttypeid","relfunder", "resultbestaccessright", "instancetypename"]; public openaireRefineFieldsQuery: string = "&refine=true&fields=resulttypeid&fields=relfunder&fields=resultbestaccessright&fields=instancetypename"; // public fieldIdsMap=this.searchFields.RESULT_FIELDS; openaireResults: ClaimEntity[] = []; openaireResultsNum: number; openaireResultsPage: number = 1; openaireResultsStatus: number = this.errorCodes.NONE; // openaireResultsType = "publication"; orcidResults: ClaimEntity[]; orcidResultsNum: number; totalPages: number; orcidResultsToShow: ClaimEntity[]; orcidPage: number = 1; orcidStatus: number = this.errorCodes.NONE; authorId: string; selectAuthorId: string = "0"; authorGivenName: string; authorFamilyName: string; authorIds: string[]; authors = []; reloadOpenaire: boolean = true; reloadCrossref: boolean = false; reloadDatacite: boolean = false; reloadOrcid: boolean = false; //new search quickFilter: { filter: Filter, selected: boolean, filterId: string, value: string } = { filter: null, selected: true, filterId: "resultbestaccessright", value: "Open Access" }; resultTypes = {publication: true, dataset: true, software: true, other: true}; public rangeFilters: RangeFilter[] = []; public searchFields: SearchFields = new SearchFields(); public rangeFields:string[][] = this.searchFields.RESULT_RANGE_FIELDS; constructor(private _searchDataciteService: SearchDataciteService, private _searchCrossrefService: SearchCrossrefService, private _searchOrcidService: SearchOrcidService, private _searchResearchResultsService: SearchResearchResultsService) { const myDate = new Date(); this.todayDate = myDate.getFullYear() + "-" + (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + myDate.getDate(); this.nextDate = (myDate.getFullYear() + 100) + "-" + (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + myDate.getDate(); this.rangeFilters = RangeFilter.parse(this.rangeFields,"result"); } ngOnInit() { if (this.keyword != null && this.keyword.length > 0) {; } } search(keywordChanged) { //uncomment to disable search with no keyword if (this.keyword.length == 0) { this.totalOpenaireCount = 0; this.crossrefResultsNum = null; this.dataciteResultsNum = null; this.openaireResultsNum = null; this.orcidResultsNum = null; this.openaireResults = []; this.crossrefResults = []; this.dataciteResults = []; this.orcidResultsToShow = []; this.showSearchResults = false; return; } this.warningMessage = ""; this.infoMessage = ""; this.showSearchResults = false; if (keywordChanged) { // this.activeTab = "openaire"; this.DOIs = DOI.getDOIsFromString(this.keyword); this.reloadOpenaire = true; this.reloadCrossref = true; this.reloadDatacite = true; this.reloadOrcid = true; this.crossrefResultsNum = null; this.dataciteResultsNum = null; this.openaireResultsNum = null; this.orcidResultsNum = null; // this.openaireResultsType = "publication"; } if (this.reloadOpenaire) { this.openaireResults = []; this.searchOpenaire(this.keyword, this.size, 1, keywordChanged); this.reloadOpenaire = false; } if (this.reloadCrossref) { this.crossrefResults = []; this.getCrossrefResults(this.keyword, this.size, 1); this.reloadCrossref = false; } if (this.reloadDatacite) { this.dataciteResults = []; this.searchDatacite(this.keyword, this.size, 1); this.reloadDatacite = false; } if (this.reloadOrcid) { this.orcidResultsToShow = []; this.searchOrcid(this.keyword); this.reloadOrcid = false; } this.showSearchResults = true; } searchOpenaire(keyword, size, page, keywordChanged) { this.searchResearchResults("publication", keyword, size, page, true, "publication"); } private getCrossrefResults(term: string, size: number, page: number) { this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.LOADING; // this.crossrefResultsNum = null; if (this.DOIs.length > 0) { this._searchCrossrefService.searchCrossrefByDOIs(this.DOIs,, true).subscribe( data => { if (data != null) { this.crossrefResults = data[1]; this.crossrefPage = page; this.crossrefResultsNum = data[0]; if (this.crossrefResultsNum == 0) { this._searchCrossrefService.searchCrossrefResults(StringUtils.URIEncode(term), size, page,, true).subscribe( data => { if (data != null) { this.crossrefResults = data[1]; this.crossrefPage = page; this.crossrefResultsNum = data[0]; this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.DONE; // console.log("Crossref " + this.crossrefResultsNum); if (this.crossrefResultsNum == 0) { this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; } } else { this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } }, err => { //console.log(err.status); ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting crossref results for term: " + term, err); this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } ); } else { this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.DONE; } } }, err => { ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting crossref by DOIs: " + JSON.stringify(this.DOIs), err); this._searchCrossrefService.searchCrossrefResults(StringUtils.URIEncode(term), size, page,, true).subscribe( data => { this.crossrefResults = data[1]; this.crossrefPage = page; this.crossrefResultsNum = data[0]; this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.DONE; }, err => { //console.log(err.status); ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting crossref results for term: " + term, err); this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } ); } ); } else { this._searchCrossrefService.searchCrossrefResults(StringUtils.URIEncode(term), size, page,, true).subscribe( data => { if (data != null) { this.crossrefResults = data[1]; this.crossrefPage = page; this.crossrefResultsNum = data[0]; this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.DONE; if (this.crossrefResultsNum == 0) { this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; } } else { this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } }, err => { //console.log(err.status); ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting crossref results for term: " + term, err); this.crossrefStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } ); } } /*private callOpenaireService(term: string, size: number, page: number, mainResults: boolean, type) { if (mainResults) { this.openaireResultsStatus = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this.openaireResultsPrevFilters = this.openaireResultsfilters; } if((mainResults && page==1 )||!mainResults){ this.setOpenaireResultsCount(type, null); this.totalOpenaireCount = 0; } if (type == "dataset") { this.searchResearchResults("dataset", term, size, page, mainResults, type); } else if (type == "software") { this.searchResearchResults("software", term, size, page, mainResults, type); } else if (type == "other") { this.searchResearchResults("other", term, size, page, mainResults, type); } else { this.searchResearchResults("publication", term, size, page, mainResults, type); } }*/ public searchResearchResults(resultType: string, term: string, size: number, page: number, mainResults: boolean, type) { this.openaireResultsStatus = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this.openaireResultsPrevFilters = this.openaireResultsfilters; this.openaireResultsNum = 0; this._searchResearchResultsService.advancedSearchResults('publication', this.createOpenaireQueryParams(), page, size, null,, this.createOpenaireRefineQueryParams(), (page==1 ?this.openaireRefineFields:[]), (page==1 ?this.openaireRefineFieldsQuery:null)).subscribe( data => { this.setOpenaireResults(data, mainResults, page, type); }, err => { this.setOpenaireResultsError(mainResults, term, err); } ); } public setOpenaireResults(data, mainResults: boolean, page, type) { if (data != null) { this.openaireResultsPage = page; this.openaireResultsNum = data[0]; // this.setOpenaireResultsCount(type, this.openaireResultsNum); if(data[2] && data[2].length > 0){ this.openaireResultsfilters = this.checkSelectedFilters(data[2], this.openaireResultsPrevFilters) } this.openaireResults = ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.openaire2ClaimResults(data[1], type,; this.openaireResultsStatus = this.errorCodes.DONE; if (this.openaireResultsNum == 0) { this.openaireResultsStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; } } else { if (mainResults) { this.openaireResultsStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } } } public setOpenaireResultsError(mainResults: boolean, term, err) { if (mainResults) { this.openaireResultsStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting publications for term: " + term, err); } setOpenaireResultsCount(type, count) { if (type == "dataset") { this.openaireTypeValues[1]['count'] = count; } else if (type == "software") { this.openaireTypeValues[2]['count'] = count; } else if (type == "other") { this.openaireTypeValues[3]['count'] = count; } else { this.openaireTypeValues[0]['count'] = count; } } private searchOrcid(term: string) { if (this.DOIs.length > 0 || term.length == 0) { this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; this.orcidResultsNum = -1; return; } this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this.authorIds = new Array(); this.authors = []; this.getOrcidAuthor(term, true); } /*private readData(data: any) { this.authorIds.push(data[2].path); var author = {}; author['id'] = data[2].path; if (data[0] != null) { author['authorGivenName'] = data[0].value; } else { author['authorGivenName'] = ""; } if (data[1] != null) { author['authorFamilyName'] = data[1].value; } else { author['authorFamilyName'] = ""; } this.authors.push(author); }*/ private getOrcidAuthor(term: string, addId) { this.orcidResultsNum = null; //passing structures in order to fill them in service this._searchOrcidService.searchOrcidAuthor(StringUtils.URIEncode(term.replace(/\s/g, "")), this.authorIds, this.authors,, addId).subscribe( data => { if (data != null && data == true && addId) { this.getOrcidResults(0); } // this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; }, err => this.errorHandler(err, term) ); } private errorHandler(err: any, term: string) { if (err.status == 404) { this.getOrcidAuthors(term); } else { this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; //console.log(err.status); ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting orcid author for term: " + term, err); } } private getOrcidAuthors(term: string) { this.orcidResultsNum = null; this.selectAuthorId = "0"; this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.LOADING; //passing structures in order to fill them in service this._searchOrcidService.searchOrcidAuthors(StringUtils.URIEncode(term), data => { this.authorIds = data; if (data != null) { for (let i = 0; i < this.authorIds.length; i++) { this.getOrcidAuthor(this.authorIds[i], (i == 0)); } if (this.authorIds.length == 0) { this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; this.orcidResultsNum = -1; } } else { this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } }, err => { this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; //console.log(err.status); ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting orcid authors for term: " + term + " and ids: " + JSON.stringify(this.authorIds), err); } ); } private getOrcidResultsById(id) { for (let i = 0; i < this.authors.length; i++) { if (this.authors[i].id == id) { this.getOrcidResults(i); } } } private getOrcidResults(index) { this.authorGivenName = this.authors[index].authorGivenName; this.authorFamilyName = this.authors[index].authorFamilyName; this.authorId = this.authors[index].id; this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this._searchOrcidService.searchOrcidPublications(this.authors[index].id,, true).subscribe( data => { if (data != null) { this.orcidResults = data; this.orcidResultsNum = data.length; this.orcidPage = 1; if ((this.orcidResultsNum % this.size) == 0) { this.totalPages = parseInt('' + (this.orcidResultsNum / this.size)); } else { this.totalPages = parseInt('' + (this.orcidResultsNum / this.size + 1)); } this.orcidResultsToShow = this.orcidResults.slice(0, 10); this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.DONE; if (this.orcidResultsNum == 0) { this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; } for (let i = 0; i < this.orcidResults.length; i++) { const entity: ClaimEntity = this.orcidResults[i]; if (!entity.result.authors) { entity.result.authors = []; } entity.result.authors.push(this.authorFamilyName + ', ' + this.authorGivenName); if (entity.result.DOI != null) { this.enhanceInfoFromDOI(entity); } } } else { this.orcidResultsNum = 0; this.totalPages = 0; this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; } }, err => { //console.log(err.status); ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting orcid publications for author id: " + this.authors[index].id, err); this.orcidStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } ); } private enhanceInfoFromDOI(entity: ClaimEntity) { if (entity.result.DOI != null) { this._searchCrossrefService.searchCrossrefByDOIs([entity.result.DOI],, true).subscribe( data => { if (data != null && data[0] > 0 && data[1]) { let crossrefResult: ClaimEntity = data[1][0]; if (entity.title == null || entity.title == "") { entity.title = crossrefResult.title; } if (crossrefResult.result.authors) { entity.result.authors = []; for (let i = 0; i < crossrefResult.result.authors.length; i++) { entity.result.authors.push(crossrefResult.result.authors[i]); } } if (entity.result.journal == null || entity.result.journal == "") { entity.result.journal = crossrefResult.result.journal; } if (entity.result.publisher == null || entity.result.publisher == "") { entity.result.publisher = crossrefResult.result.publisher; } if ( == null || == "") { =; } } else { } }, err => { ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting crossref by DOIs: " + entity['DOI'], err); } ); } } private crossrefPageChange($event) { this.crossrefPage = $event.value; this.crossrefResults = []; this.getCrossrefResults(this.keyword, this.size, this.crossrefPage); } private orcidPageChange($event) { this.orcidPage = $event.value; this.orcidResultsToShow = []; this.orcidResultsToShow = this.orcidResults.slice(($event.value - 1) * this.size, $event.value * this.size); } private openaireResultsPageChange($event) { this.openaireResultsPage = $event.value; this.openaireResults = []; this.searchOpenaire(this.keyword, this.size, this.openaireResultsPage, false); } datacitePageChange($event) { this.datacitePage = $event.value; this.dataciteResults = []; this.searchDatacite(this.keyword, 10, this.datacitePage); this.warningMessage = ""; this.infoMessage = ""; } private searchDatacite(term: string, size: number, page: number) { this.getDataciteResults(term, size, page); this.warningMessage = ""; this.infoMessage = ""; } createOpenaireQueryParams():string { let query = ""; /* if (this.DOIs.length > 0) { let doisParams = ""; for (let i = 0; i < this.DOIs.length; i++) { doisParams += (doisParams.length > 0 ? "&" : "") + 'doi="' + this.DOIs[i] + '"'; } query += doisParams; } else if(this.keyword.length > 0){ query += "q=" + StringUtils.quote(StringUtils.URIEncode(this.keyword)); }*/ if(this.keyword.length>0){ query+=NewSearchPageComponent.createKeywordQuery("result",this.keyword,"q","="); } return query; } createOpenaireRefineQueryParams():string { let allFqs = ""; if(this.openaireYear.length > 0 ){ allFqs+='&fq=resultacceptanceyear exact \"'+this.openaireYear+'\"' } for (let filter of this.openaireResultsfilters){ if(filter.countSelectedValues > 0){ let count_selected=0; let fq = ""; for (let value of filter.values){ if(value.selected == true){ count_selected++; fq+=(fq.length > 0 ? " " + filter.filterOperator + " ":"" ) + filter.filterId + " exact " + (StringUtils.quote(; } } if(count_selected > 0){ fq="&fq="+StringUtils.URIEncode(fq); allFqs += fq; } } } for (let i=0; i=" ,"<=", "and" ) } if(this.resultTypes.publication && this.resultTypes.dataset && && this.resultTypes.other){ allFqs += "&type=results"; }else{ if(this.resultTypes.publication) { allFqs += "&type=publications"; } if(this.resultTypes.dataset) { allFqs += "&type=datasets"; } if( { allFqs += "&type=software"; } if(this.resultTypes.other) { allFqs += "&type=other"; } } return allFqs; } public static openaire2ClaimResults(data, type, properties): ClaimEntity[] { const claimResults = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { let item = data[i]; let entity: ClaimEntity = new ClaimEntity(); entity.result = new ClaimResult(); entity.result.publisher = (item.publisher && item.publisher != "") ? item.publisher : null; entity.result.journal = null; entity.result.DOI = null; =; entity.title =; let prefixUrl = ""; if(type == "publication"){ prefixUrl = properties.searchLinkToPublication; }else if(type == "dataset"){ prefixUrl = properties.searchLinkToDataset; }else if(type == "software"){ prefixUrl = properties.searchLinkToSoftwareLanding; }else if(type == "other"){ prefixUrl = properties.searchLinkToOrp; } entity.result.url = prefixUrl +; entity.result.source = String("openaire"); = (item.year && item.year != "") ? item.year : null; entity.result.accessRights = (item.title && item.title.accessMode) ? String(item.title.accessMode) : ""; entity.type = type; entity.result.embargoEndDate = (item.embargoEndDate && item.embargoEndDate != "") ? item.embargoEndDate : entity.result.embargoEndDate; if (item.publisher && item.publisher.length > 0) { entity.result.publisher = item.publisher; } entity.result.record = item; if (item.authors) { entity.result.authors = []; for (let author of item.authors) { entity.result.authors.push(author.fullName); } } claimResults.push(entity); } return claimResults; } private getDataciteResults(term: string, size: number, page: number) { this.dataciteStatus = this.errorCodes.LOADING; if (this.DOIs.length > 0) { let doiObservables: Array> = new Array(); for(let doi of this.DOIs){ let ob = this._searchDataciteService.getDataciteResultByDOI(doi,, true); doiObservables.push(ob); } Observable.forkJoin(doiObservables).subscribe( data => { //if DOI not found or an error occured the result will be null -- remove null values for(let result of data){ if(result){ this.dataciteResults.push(result) } } this.datacitePage = page; this.dataciteResultsNum = this.dataciteResults.length; this.dataciteStatus = this.errorCodes.DONE; if (this.dataciteResultsNum == 0) { this._searchDataciteService.searchDataciteResults(StringUtils.URIEncode(term), size, page,, true).subscribe( data => { this.dataciteResults = data[1]; this.datacitePage = page; this.dataciteResultsNum = data[0]; this.dataciteStatus = this.errorCodes.DONE; if (this.dataciteResultsNum == 0) { this.dataciteStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; } }, err => { this.dataciteStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; console.log(err); ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting datacite results for term: " + term, err); }); } } ); } else { this._searchDataciteService.searchDataciteResults(StringUtils.URIEncode(term), size, page,, true).subscribe( data => { this.dataciteResults = data[1]; this.datacitePage = page; this.dataciteResultsNum = data[0]; // console.log("Datacite " + this.dataciteResultsNum); this.dataciteStatus = this.errorCodes.DONE; if (this.dataciteResultsNum == 0) { this.dataciteStatus = this.errorCodes.NONE; } }, err => { this.dataciteStatus = this.errorCodes.ERROR; //console.log(err); ClaimResultSearchFormComponent.handleError("Error getting datacite results for term: " + term, err); } ); } } public openaireTypeChanged() { // this.openaireResultsType = type; this.reloadOpenaire = true; this.openaireYear = ""; this.openaireResultsfilters = [];; } public yearChanged() { this.reloadOpenaire = true;; } public clickTab(tab) { this.activeTab = tab; //; } private static handleError(message: string, error) { console.error("Claim Result Search Form (component): " + message, error); } //OpenaireFilters: getSelectedValues(filter): any { var selected = []; if (filter.countSelectedValues > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < filter.values.length; i++) { if (filter.values[i].selected) { selected.push(filter.values[i]); } } } return selected; } private removeFilter(value: Value, filter: Filter) { filter.countSelectedValues--; if (value.selected == true) { value.selected = false; } //; this.filterChanged(null); } public countFilters(): number { let filters = 0; for (let filter of this.openaireResultsfilters) { if (filter.countSelectedValues > 0) { filters += filter.countSelectedValues; } } for (let filter of this.rangeFilters) { if (filter.selectedFromValue || filter.selectedToValue) { filters += 1; } } return filters; } private clearFilters() { for (let i = 0; i < this.openaireResultsfilters.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < this.openaireResultsfilters[i].countSelectedValues; j++) { if (this.openaireResultsfilters[i].values[j].selected) { this.openaireResultsfilters[i].values[j].selected = false; } this.openaireResultsfilters[i].countSelectedValues = 0; } } for(let filter of this.rangeFilters){ this.removeRangeFilter(filter); } this.filterChanged(null); } dateFilterChanged(filter:RangeFilter) { if (filter.selectedFromValue && filter.selectedToValue) { filter.selectedFromAndToValues = filter.selectedFromValue + "-" + filter.selectedToValue; } else if (filter.selectedFromValue) { filter.selectedFromAndToValues = "From " + filter.selectedFromValue; } else if (filter.selectedToValue) { filter.selectedFromAndToValues = "Until " + filter.selectedToValue; } this.filterChanged(null); } filterChanged($event) { // console.log("filterChanged"); this.reloadOpenaire = true;; } public checkSelectedFilters(filters:Filter[], prevFilters:Filter[]){ for(let i=0; i< filters.length ; i++){ let filter:Filter = filters[i]; filter.countSelectedValues = 0; let prevFilterSelectedValues:string[] = []; for(let j=0; j< prevFilters.length ; j++){ if(filters[i].filterId == prevFilters[j].filterId){ if(prevFilters[j].countSelectedValues >0){ for(let filterValue of prevFilters[j].values) { if(filterValue.selected){ prevFilterSelectedValues.push(; } } } break; } } for(let filterValue of filter.values) { if(prevFilterSelectedValues.indexOf( > -1) { filterValue.selected = true; filter.countSelectedValues++; } } } return filters; } countTotalPages(totalResults: number): number { let totalPages:any = totalResults/(this.size); if(!(Number.isInteger(totalPages))) { totalPages = (parseInt(totalPages, 10) + 1); } return totalPages; } /* getTotalOpenaireNumber():number{ let count = 0; for(let i=0; i maxLineLength){ return value.substr(0, (maxLineLength- 3 -4 - number.toLocaleString().length))+'...'; }else if(!number && value.length + 1 > maxLineLength){ return value.substr(0, (maxLineLength- 3 -1 ))+'...'; } return value; }*/ public removeRangeFilter(filter: RangeFilter) { filter.selectedFromValue = null; filter.selectedToValue = null; filter.selectedFromAndToValues = null; this.filterChanged(null); } }