import {ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Input, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {Meta, Title} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {Id, ResultLandingInfo} from '../../utils/entities/resultLandingInfo'; import {RouterHelper} from '../../utils/routerHelper.class'; import {PiwikService} from '../../utils/piwik/piwik.service'; import {ResultLandingService} from './resultLanding.service'; import {SEOService} from '../../sharedComponents/SEO/SEO.service'; import {HelperFunctions} from '../../utils/HelperFunctions.class'; import {HelperService} from '../../utils/helper/helper.service'; import {Location} from "@angular/common"; import {MetricsService} from "../../services/metrics.service"; import {RelationResult, ResultPreview} from "../../utils/result-preview/result-preview"; import {IndexInfoService} from "../../utils/indexInfo.service"; import {Identifier, StringUtils} from "../../utils/string-utils.class"; import {properties} from "../../../../environments/environment"; import {ISVocabulariesService} from "../../utils/staticAutoComplete/ISVocabularies.service"; import {Subscriber} from "rxjs"; import {Session} from "../../login/utils/helper.class"; import {AnnotationComponent} from "../annotation/annotation.component"; import {ParsingFunctions} from "../landing-utils/parsingFunctions.class"; @Component({ selector: 'result-landing', templateUrl: 'resultLanding.component.html', }) export class ResultLandingComponent { @Input() type: string = "publication"; @Input() piwikSiteId = properties.piwikSiteId; @Input() communityId = null; enermapsId; @ViewChild('linkModal') linkModal; @ViewChild('citeModal') citeModal; @ViewChild('AlertModalDeletedByInference') alertModalDeletedByInference; @ViewChild('relationModal') relationModal; @ViewChild('organizationModal') organizationModal; public deleteByInferenceOpened: boolean = false; public resultLandingInfo: ResultLandingInfo; public supplementaryResults: RelationResult[]; public relation: string = 'trust'; public id: string; public title: string; /*Show all organizations*/ public showAll: boolean = false; // Links for SEO public linkToLandingPage: string = null; public linkToSearchPage: string = null; public thresholdDescription: number = 670; public showNumDescription: number = 670; public citeThisClicked: boolean; // Metrics tab variables public metricsClicked: boolean; public hasAltMetrics: boolean = false; public viewsFrameUrl: string; public downloadsFrameUrl: string; public totalViews: number; public totalDownloads: number; public pageViews: number; // Custom tab paging variables public referencesPage: number = 1; public bioentitiesPage: number = 1; public relatedPage: number = 1; public similarPage: number = 1; public supplementaryPage: number = 1; public supplementedByPage: number = 1; public organizationsPage: number = 1; public openCitationsPage: number = 1; public pageSize: number = 10; // Map counting variables public bioentitiesNum: number = 0; public relatedResultsNum: number = 0; // Message variables public warningMessage = ""; public errorMessage = ""; public showLoading: boolean = true; public dashboard = properties.isDashboard; public routerHelper: RouterHelper = new RouterHelper(); public activeTab: string = null; private doi: string; subscriptions = []; properties: EnvProperties = properties; public indexUpdateDate: Date; public pageContents = null; public divContents = null; public showFeedback: boolean = false; public feedbackFields: string [] = [ 'Title', 'Authors', 'Access rights', 'Publisher information', 'Funding Information', 'Persistent identifiers', 'Other']; public pidsArrayString: string = ""; public identifier: Identifier; public isLoggedIn: boolean = Session.isLoggedIn(); public pid: string; @ViewChild("annotation") annotation: AnnotationComponent; constructor(private _resultLandingService: ResultLandingService, private _vocabulariesService: ISVocabulariesService, private _piwikService: PiwikService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private _meta: Meta, private _title: Title, private _router: Router, private helper: HelperService, private seoService: SEOService, private metricsService: MetricsService, private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef, private _location: Location, private indexInfoService: IndexInfoService) { } ngOnInit() { if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { this.subscriptions.push(this.indexInfoService.getLastIndexDate( => { if (lastIndexUpdate) { this.indexUpdateDate = new Date(lastIndexUpdate); } })); } //this.getDivContents(); this.getPageContents(); this.updateUrl( + this._router.url); this.subscriptions.push(this.route.queryParams.subscribe(data => { this.resultLandingInfo = null; if (data['articleId']) { = data['articleId']; this.initMetaAndLinks("publication"); } else if (data['datasetId']) { = data['datasetId']; this.initMetaAndLinks("dataset"); } else if (data['softwareId']) { = data['softwareId']; this.initMetaAndLinks("software"); } else if (data['orpId']) { = data['orpId']; this.initMetaAndLinks("orp"); } else if (data["id"]) { = data["id"]; this.initMetaAndLinks("result"); } else if (data["pid"]) { this.identifier = Identifier.getIdentifierFromString(decodeURIComponent(data["pid"])); if(!this.type) { this.type = "result"; } this.initMetaAndLinks(this.type); } this.updateDescription(""); this.metricsClicked = false; if (( && StringUtils.isOpenAIREID( || (this.identifier)) { this.getProvenanceVocabularyAndResultLandingInfo(); } else { this.showLoading = false; this._router.navigate(['/error'], { queryParams: { "page": this._location.path(true), "page_type": this.type } }); } this.scroll(); })); } private initMetaAndLinks(type: string) { if (type == "publication") { this.type = "publication"; this.updateTitle("Publication"); this.linkToLandingPage =; this.linkToSearchPage =; this.title = "Publication"; } else if (type == "dataset") { this.updateTitle("Dataset"); this.type = "dataset"; this.linkToLandingPage =; this.linkToSearchPage =; this.title = "Research Data"; } else if (type == "software") { this.updateTitle("Software"); this.type = "software"; this.linkToLandingPage =; this.linkToSearchPage =; this.title = "Software"; } else if (type == "orp") { this.type = "orp"; this.updateTitle("Other Research Product"); this.linkToLandingPage =; this.linkToSearchPage =; this.title = "Other Research Product"; } else if (type == "result") { this.type = "result"; this.updateTitle("Research Result"); this.linkToLandingPage =; this.linkToSearchPage =; this.title = "Research Result"; } } private getPageContents() { if (this.communityId) { this.subscriptions.push(this.helper.getPageHelpContents(, this.communityId, this._router.url).subscribe(contents => { this.pageContents = contents; })); } } private getDivContents() { if (this.communityId) { this.subscriptions.push(this.helper.getDivHelpContents(, this.communityId, this._router.url).subscribe(contents => { this.divContents = contents; })); } } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscriptions.forEach(subscription => { if (subscription instanceof Subscriber) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } }); this._vocabulariesService.clearSubscriptions(); } public pidInit(event) { = event; this.cdr.detectChanges(); } public getTypeName(): string { if (this.type === "dataset") { return "research data"; } else if (this.type === "orp" || this.type === "other") { return "research product"; } else { return this.type; } } public removeUnknown(array: string[], type: boolean = false): string[] { if (type) { return this.removeDuplicates(array).filter(value => value.toLowerCase() !== 'unknown'); } else { return array.filter(value => value.toLowerCase() !== 'unknown'); } } public removeDuplicates(array: string[]): string[] { let type = this.getTypeName(); return array.filter(value => value.toLowerCase() !== type); } private getOpenCitations() { this.subscriptions.push(this._resultLandingService.getOpenCitations(, data => { this.resultLandingInfo.openCitations = data[1]; }, err => { this.handleError("Error getting open citation for " + this.type + " with id: " +, err); } )); } private getProvenanceVocabularyAndResultLandingInfo() { this.warningMessage = ''; this.errorMessage = ''; this.showLoading = true; this.resultLandingInfo = null; if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { this.subscriptions.push(this._vocabulariesService.getProvenanceActionVocabulary( provenanceActionVocabulary => { this.getResultLandingInfo(provenanceActionVocabulary); }, err => { this.getResultLandingInfo(null); this.handleError("Error getting provenance action vocabulary for " + this.type, err); } )); } else { this.getResultLandingInfo(null); } } private setActiveTab() { if (this.hasPrimaryInfo || this.hasSecondaryInfo) { this.activeTab = 'summary'; } else if (this.resultLandingInfo.references && this.resultLandingInfo.references.length > 0) { this.activeTab = 'references'; } else if ((this.resultLandingInfo.supplementaryResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.supplementaryResearchResults.length > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.supplementedByResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.supplementedByResearchResults.length > 0)) { this.activeTab = 'supplementary'; } else if ((this.resultLandingInfo.relatedResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.relatedResearchResults.length > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.similarResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.similarResearchResults.length > 0)) { this.activeTab = 'related'; } else if (this.resultLandingInfo.bioentities && this.bioentitiesNum > 0) { this.activeTab = 'bioentities'; } } // private get numberOfTabs(): number { // let numberOfTabs = 0; // if(this.hasPrimaryInfo || this.hasSecondaryInfo) { // numberOfTabs++; // } // if(this.resultLandingInfo.references && this.resultLandingInfo.references.length > 0) { // numberOfTabs++; // } // if((this.resultLandingInfo.supplementaryResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.supplementaryResearchResults.length > 0) || // (this.resultLandingInfo.supplementedByResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.supplementedByResearchResults.length > 0)) { // numberOfTabs++; // } // if((this.resultLandingInfo.relatedResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.relatedResearchResults.length > 0) || // (this.resultLandingInfo.similarResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.similarResearchResults.length > 0)) { // numberOfTabs++; // } // if(this.resultLandingInfo.bioentities && this.bioentitiesNum > 0) { // numberOfTabs++; // } // return numberOfTabs; // } private getResultLandingInfo(provenanceActionVocabulary: any) { this.subscriptions.push(this._resultLandingService.getResultLandingInfo(, this.identifier, this.type, provenanceActionVocabulary, data => { this.resultLandingInfo = data; = this.resultLandingInfo.objIdentifier; this.viewsFrameUrl = + 'merge.php?com=query&data=[{"query":"resRepoViews", "resTitle":"' + + '", "table":"","fields":[{"fld":"sum","agg":"sum","type":"column","yaxis":1,"c":false}],"xaxis":{"name":"month","agg":"sum"},"group":" ","color":"","type":"chart","size":200,"sort":"xaxis","xStyle":{"r":-30,"s":"6","l":"-","ft":"-","wt":"-"},"title":"","subtitle":"","xaxistitle":"Repository","yaxisheaders":["Monthly views"],"generalxaxis":"","theme":0,"in":[],"filters":[{"name":"","values":[""],"to":"-1"}]}]&info_types=["column"]&stacking=normal&steps=false&fontFamily=Courier&spacing=[5,0,0,0]&style=[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","size":"18"},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","size":"18"},{"color":"000000","size":""},{"color":"000000","size":""}]&backgroundColor=rgba(255,255,255,1)&colors[]=rgba(67, 67, 72, 1)&colors[]=rgba(144, 237, 125, 1)&colors[]=rgba(247, 163, 92, 1)&colors[]=rgba(128, 133, 233, 1)&colors[]=rgba(241, 92, 128, 1)&colors[]=rgba(228, 211, 84, 1)&colors[]=rgba(43, 144, 143, 1)&colors[]=rgba(244, 91, 91, 1)&colors[]=rgba(145, 232, 225, 1)&xlinew=0&ylinew=1&legends=true&tooltips=true&persistent=false'; this.downloadsFrameUrl = + 'merge.php?com=query&data=[{"query":"resRepoDownloads", "resTitle":"' + + '", "table":"","fields":[{"fld":"sum","agg":"sum","type":"column","yaxis":1,"c":false}],"xaxis":{"name":"month","agg":"sum"},"group":" ","color":"","type":"chart","size":200,"sort":"xaxis","xStyle":{"r":-30,"s":"6","l":"-","ft":"-","wt":"-"},"title":"","subtitle":"","xaxistitle":"Repository","yaxisheaders":["Monthly downloads"],"generalxaxis":"","theme":0,"in":[],"filters":[{"name":"","values":[""],"to":"-1"}]}]&info_types=["column"]&stacking=normal&steps=false&fontFamily=Courier&spacing=[5,0,0,0]&style=[{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","size":"18"},{"color":"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)","size":"18"},{"color":"000000","size":""},{"color":"000000","size":""}]&backgroundColor=rgba(255,255,255,1)&colors[]=rgba(67, 67, 72, 1)&colors[]=rgba(144, 237, 125, 1)&colors[]=rgba(247, 163, 92, 1)&colors[]=rgba(128, 133, 233, 1)&colors[]=rgba(241, 92, 128, 1)&colors[]=rgba(228, 211, 84, 1)&colors[]=rgba(43, 144, 143, 1)&colors[]=rgba(244, 91, 91, 1)&colors[]=rgba(145, 232, 225, 1)&xlinew=0&ylinew=1&legends=true&tooltips=true&persistent=false'; let pid:Identifier = Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers(this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers); if (this.type == "result") { // no type was specified - update URL based this.resultLandingInfo.resultType this.updateUrlWithType(pid); } this.seoService.createLinkForCanonicalURL( properties.baseLink + ( pid ? (this.linkToLandingPage.split("?")[0] + "?pid=" + (this.linkToLandingPage + this.resultLandingInfo.relcanId))); if ((this.type == "publication") && ( == "beta" || == "development") && (typeof document !== 'undefined')) { this.getOpenCitations(); } this.addNoIndexFilter(); if (this.resultLandingInfo.title) { this.updateTitle(this.resultLandingInfo.title); this.updateDescription((this.resultLandingInfo.description ? (this.resultLandingInfo.description) : ("," + this.resultLandingInfo.title))); } if ( && (typeof document !== 'undefined')) { this.subscriptions.push(this._piwikService.trackViewForCustomUrl(, this.resultLandingInfo.title, this.linkToLandingPage.split("?")[1] + ,this.piwikSiteId).subscribe()); } let bioentitiesNum = 0; if (this.resultLandingInfo.bioentities != undefined) { this.resultLandingInfo.bioentities.forEach(function (value, key, map) { bioentitiesNum += value.size; }); } this.bioentitiesNum = bioentitiesNum; if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { if(this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers) { let pidsArray: string[] = []; for(let key of Array.from(this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers.keys())) { pidsArray = pidsArray.concat(this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers.get(key)); this.pidsArrayString = pidsArray.join(); } if (this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers.has('doi')) { this.doi = this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers.get('doi')[0]; this.subscriptions.push(this.metricsService.hasAltMetrics(, this.doi).subscribe(hasAltMetrics => { this.hasAltMetrics = hasAltMetrics; }, error => { this.hasAltMetrics = false; })); } } } if(this.communityId && this.communityId == "enermaps" && properties.enermapsURL){ this.enermapsId = ParsingFunctions.getEnermapsConceptId(this.resultLandingInfo.contexts); } this.showLoading = false; this.setActiveTab(); }, err => { this.handleError("Error getting " + this.type + " for " + ( ? ("id: " + : ("pid: " + + " ("+this.identifier.class+")")), err); if (err.status == 404) { this._router.navigate(['/error'], {queryParams: {"page": this._location.path(true), "page_type": this.type}}); } if (this.type == "publication" || this.type == "software") { this.errorMessage = 'No ' + this.type + ' found'; } else if (this.type == "dataset") { this.errorMessage += "No research data found"; } else if (this.type == "orp") { this.errorMessage += "No research product found"; } this.showLoading = false; this.seoService.createLinkForCanonicalURL( properties.baseLink + this.linkToSearchPage); } )); } public metricsResults($event) { this.totalViews = $event.totalViews; this.totalDownloads = $event.totalDownloads; this.pageViews = $event.pageViews; } public get hasPrimaryInfo(): boolean { return !!this.resultLandingInfo && (!!this.resultLandingInfo.description || !!this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers || !!this.resultLandingInfo.subjects); } public get hasSecondaryInfo(): boolean { return (this.resultLandingInfo.fundedByProjects && this.resultLandingInfo.fundedByProjects.length > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.contexts && this.resultLandingInfo.contexts.length > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.hostedBy_collectedFrom && this.resultLandingInfo.hostedBy_collectedFrom.length > 0); } public get hasMetrics(): boolean { return !(this.totalViews && this.totalDownloads /*&& this.pageViews*/) || this.totalViews > 0 || this.totalDownloads > 0 /*|| this.pageViews > 0*/; } private updateDescription(description: string) { this._meta.updateTag({content: description.substring(0, 160)}, "name='description'"); this._meta.updateTag({content: description.substring(0, 160)}, "property='og:description'"); } private updateTitle(title: string) { var _prefix = ""; // if(!this.communityId) { // _prefix = "OpenAIRE | "; // } // var _title = _prefix + ((title.length > 50) ? title.substring(0, 50) : title); this._title.setTitle(title); this._meta.updateTag({content: title}, "property='og:title'"); } private updateUrl(url: string) { this._meta.updateTag({content: url}, "property='og:url'"); } public totalPages(totalResults: number): number { let totalPages: any = totalResults / this.pageSize; if (!(Number.isInteger(totalPages))) { totalPages = (parseInt(totalPages, this.pageSize) + 1); } return totalPages; } public updateReferencesPage($event) { this.referencesPage = $event.value; } public updateBioentitiesPage($event) { this.bioentitiesPage = $event.value; } public updateRelatedPage($event) { this.relatedPage = $event.value; } public updateSimilarPage($event) { this.similarPage = $event.value; } public updateSupplementaryPage($event) { this.supplementaryPage = $event.value; } public updateSupplementedByPage($event) { this.supplementedByPage = $event.value; } public updateOrganizationsPage($event) { this.organizationsPage = $event.value; } public updateOpenCitationsPage($event) { this.openCitationsPage = $event.value; } public accessClass(accessMode: string): string { if (accessMode.toLowerCase().indexOf('open') !== -1) { return 'open'; } else if (accessMode.toLowerCase() === 'not available') { return 'unknown'; } else { return 'closed'; } } public keysToArray(bioentities: Map): string[] { let keys: string[] = []; bioentities.forEach(function (value, key, map) { keys.push(key); }); return keys; } public getKeys(map) { return Array.from(map.keys()); } public scroll() { HelperFunctions.scroll(); } private handleError(message: string, error) { if (this.type == "publication") { console.error("Publication Landing Page: " + message, error); } else if (this.type == "dataset") { console.error("Research Data Landing Page: " + message, error); } else if (this.type == "software") { console.error("Software Landing Page: " + message, error); } else if (this.type == "orp") { console.error("Other Research Product Landing Page: " + message, error); } else { console.error("Landing Page: " + message, error); } } isRouteAvailable(routeToCheck: string) { for (let i = 0; i < this.router.config.length; i++) { let routePath: string = this.router.config[i].path; if (routePath == routeToCheck) { return true; } } return false; } openDeletedByInference() { this.deleteByInferenceOpened = true; this.alertModalDeletedByInference.cancelButton = false; this.alertModalDeletedByInference.okButton = false; this.alertModalDeletedByInference.alertTitle = "Other versions of";; } public getResultPreview(result: RelationResult): ResultPreview { return ResultPreview.relationResultConvert(result, this.relation); } updateUrlWithType(pid) { this.type = this.resultLandingInfo.resultType; if (this.type == "publication") { this.linkToLandingPage =; this.linkToSearchPage =; } else if (this.type == "dataset") { this.linkToLandingPage =; this.linkToSearchPage =; } else if (this.type == "software") { this.linkToLandingPage =; this.linkToSearchPage =; } else if (this.type == "other") { this.type = "orp"; this.linkToLandingPage =; this.linkToSearchPage =; } if(!this.identifier) { this._location.go(( pid ? (this.linkToLandingPage.split("?")[0] + "?pid=" + (this.linkToLandingPage +; } // else { // this._location.go(this.linkToLandingPage.split("?")[0] + "?pid=" +; // } } public getReferenceUrl(id: Id): string { if (id.type === "doi") { return + id.value; } else if (id.type === "pmc") { return + id.value; } else if (id.type === "pmid") { return + id.value; } else if (id.type === "handle") { return + id.value; } else { return null; } } public getReferenceIdName(id: Id): string { if (id.type === "doi") { return 'DOI' } else if (id.type === "pmc") { return 'Europe PMC' } else if (id.type === "pmid") { return 'PubMed'; } else if (id.type === "handle") { return 'Handle.NET'; } else { return null; } } public openLinkModal() { this.linkModal.cancelButton = false; this.linkModal.okButton = false; this.linkModal.alertTitle = "Link this " + this.getTypeName() + " to";; } public openCiteModal() { this.citeThisClicked = true; this.citeModal.cancelButton = false; this.citeModal.okButton = false; this.citeModal.alertTitle = "Cite this " + this.getTypeName();; } private addNoIndexFilter() { try { if(!( == "production" || == "development") ) { return ; }else { let allow = !!(!this.resultLandingInfo.underCurationMessage && ((this.resultLandingInfo.fundedByProjects && this.resultLandingInfo.fundedByProjects.length > 0) || this.resultLandingInfo.journal || (this.resultLandingInfo.classifiedSubjects && this.resultLandingInfo.classifiedSubjects.size > 0) //allow free text keywords || (this.resultLandingInfo.otherSubjects && this.resultLandingInfo.otherSubjects.size > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.subjects && this.resultLandingInfo.subjects.length > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.organizations && this.resultLandingInfo.organizations.length > 0) || this.resultLandingInfo.bioentities || (this.resultLandingInfo.references && this.resultLandingInfo.references.length > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.relatedResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.relatedResearchResults.length > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.similarResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.similarResearchResults.length > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.supplementaryResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.supplementaryResearchResults.length > 0) || (this.resultLandingInfo.supplementedByResearchResults && this.resultLandingInfo.supplementedByResearchResults.length > 0) ) ); //spam words to exclude let title_authors_words = ["movie","hd","film","kimetsu", "1080p","4k","call of duty", "mobile hack", "TUBYDI"]; let abstract_words = ["", "", ""]; allow = allow && !( (this.hasKeyword(this.resultLandingInfo.title,title_authors_words) || (this.resultLandingInfo.authors && this.hasKeyword( => o.fullName).join(" "),title_authors_words)) || (this.resultLandingInfo.description && this.hasKeyword(this.resultLandingInfo.description,abstract_words)) ) && (this.resultLandingInfo.publisher == "Zenodo" || this.resultLandingInfo.hostedBy_collectedFrom.filter( value => {return value.downloadName && value.downloadName.indexOf("zenodo")!=-1}).length > 0)); //common titles/ description / authors let common_titles = ["introduction", "editorial", "book reviews", "preface", "reviews", "none", "book review", "foreword", "conclusion", "review", "reply","einleitung","short notices","erratum","discussion", "letters to the editor","letter to the editor","reviews of books",":{unav)","editorial board"]; let common_abstract = ["international audience","n/a","peer reviewed","national audience","info:eu-repo/semantics/published","-",".","graphical abstract","met lit. opg","international audience; no abstract",'.',"politics","info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedversion","copia digital. madrid : ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte, 2016",'',"peer-reviewed","copia digital. madrid : ministerio de educación, cultura y deporte. subdirección general de coordinación bibliotecaria, 2015","-","imperial users only","yüksek lisans"]; let common_authors = ["[s.n.]","null &na;","nn","(:unap)","(:null)","null anonymous","anonymous"]; allow = allow && !( this.isKeyword(this.resultLandingInfo.title,common_titles) || this.isKeyword(this.resultLandingInfo.description,common_abstract) || (this.resultLandingInfo.authors && this.hasKeyword( => o.fullName).join(" "),common_authors)) ); if(!allow) { this._meta.updateTag({content: 'noindex'}, "name='robots'"); } } } catch (e) { console.error("Error in passNoIndexFilter()", this.resultLandingInfo.relcanId, e); return false; } } private hasKeyword(value:string, words:string[]){ return words.filter( word => { return value.toLowerCase().indexOf(word)!=-1}).length > 0; } private isKeyword(value:string, words:string[]){ return words.filter( word => { return value.toLowerCase() == word}).length > 0; } }