import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {Http, Response} from '@angular/http'; import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/do'; @Injectable() export class HtmlProjectReportService { constructor(private http: Http ) {} getHTML(id: string, size: number, type:string, csvAPIURL: string ):any {"getHTML in service"); let resultTypeId: string; let requestType: string; if(type == "publication") { resultTypeId = 'publication'; requestType = 'publications'; } else if(type == "research data") { resultTypeId = 'dataset'; requestType = 'datasets'; } else if(type == "software") { resultTypeId = 'software'; requestType = 'software' } else if(type == 'other research products') { resultTypeId = 'other'; requestType = 'other'; } let url = csvAPIURL; url += '?format=html&type='+requestType+'&fq=(((oaftype exact result) and (resulttypeid exact '+resultTypeId+')) and (relprojectid exact "'+id+'"))'; let key = url; return this.http.get(url) .map(res => res.text()); } }