import {Component, Input, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {Location} from '@angular/common'; import {ErrorCodes} from "../../utils/properties/errorCodes"; import {ErrorMessagesComponent} from "../../utils/errorMessages.component"; import {SearchUtilsClass} from "../../searchPages/searchUtils/searchUtils.class"; import {RouterHelper} from "../../utils/routerHelper.class"; import {EnvProperties} from "../../utils/properties/env-properties"; import {properties} from "../../../../environments/environment"; import {OrcidService} from "../orcid.service"; import {Identifier, StringUtils} from "../../utils/string-utils.class"; import {SearchResearchResultsService} from "../../services/searchResearchResults.service"; import {SearchResult} from "../../utils/entities/searchResult"; import {ResultPreview} from "../../utils/result-preview/result-preview"; import {Meta, Title} from "@angular/platform-browser"; import {UserManagementService} from "../../services/user-management.service"; import {PiwikService} from "../../utils/piwik/piwik.service"; import {IndexInfoService} from "../../utils/indexInfo.service"; import {OpenaireEntities} from "../../utils/properties/searchFields"; declare var UIkit: any; @Component({ selector: 'my-orcid-links', template: `
Did you link a result with your ORCID but the green icon is missing?
No worries! It will appear, as soon as we synchronize again with ORCID data. Latest synchronization was on {{lastOrcidUpdateDate | date}}. Read more
This is a private page, only for users that have connected their ORCID iD with OpenAIRE. Please grant OpenAIRE to access and update your ORCID works.
`, styles: ['.orcid-color { color: #a6ce39; }'] }) export class MyOrcidLinksComponent { public resultType: string = "result"; private errorCodes: ErrorCodes; private errorMessages: ErrorMessagesComponent; @Input() piwikSiteId = null; public results =[]; public currentResults = []; public totalResults:number = 0 ; public baseUrl:string; public searchUtils:SearchUtilsClass = new SearchUtilsClass(); public subscriptions: any[] = []; public _location:Location; public disableForms: boolean = false; public loadPaging: boolean = true; public oldTotalResults: number = 0; pagingLimit = 0; properties:EnvProperties; public openaireEntities = OpenaireEntities; public lastOrcidUpdateDate: string = ""; @Input() public communityId: string = null; public routerHelper:RouterHelper = new RouterHelper(); parameters = {}; keyword = ""; identifiers: string[] = []; works: any[] = []; orcidQuery: string = ""; typeQuery: string = ""; public showLoading: boolean = true; currentPage: number = 1; totalOrcidResults: number; resultsPerPage: number = 5; public requestGrant: boolean = false; public window: any; private tokenUrl: string; private clientId: string = "APP-A5M3KTX6NCN67L91"; public authorNameParam: any = null; public showErrorMessage: boolean = false; constructor (private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private _piwikService:PiwikService, private _orcidService: OrcidService, private indexInfoService: IndexInfoService, private _searchResearchResultsService: SearchResearchResultsService, private userManagementService: UserManagementService, private _meta: Meta, private _title: Title ) { this.errorCodes = new ErrorCodes(); this.errorMessages = new ErrorMessagesComponent(); this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; =1; if(typeof document !== 'undefined') { this.tokenUrl = properties.orcidTokenURL + "client_id="+properties.orcidClientId // + "&response_type=code&scope=/activities/update" // + "&response_type=code&scope=/authenticate /activities/update /person/update /read-limited" + "&response_type=code&scope=/activities/update /read-limited" + "&redirect_uri="+location.origin+"/orcid?source=openaire"; this.indexInfoService.getLastOrcidUpdateDate(properties).subscribe( date => { this.lastOrcidUpdateDate = date; }, error => { console.error("Error in fetching last orcid update date ",error); } ) } } public ngOnInit() { = properties; this.baseUrl =; this.pagingLimit =; var description = "Openaire, ORCID linking, publication, research data, software, other research product"; this.updateTitle("My ORCID Links"); this.updateDescription(description); this.updateUrl( properties.domain + properties.baseLink + this.route.url); if( && (typeof document !== 'undefined')){ this.subscriptions.push(this._piwikService.trackView(, "My ORCID links", this.piwikSiteId).subscribe()); } this.typeQuery = "&type=results"; this.getLocalWorks(); this.getPersonalDetails(); } public ngOnDestroy() { for(let sub of this.subscriptions){ sub.unsubscribe(); } } private getPersonalDetails() { //get author name this.subscriptions.push(this._orcidService.getPersonalDetails().subscribe( details => { let author: string = ""; if(details && details['name']) { let name: string = details['name']; if(name['given-names'] && name['given-names']['value']) { author = name['given-names']['value']; } if(name['family-name'] && name['family-name']['value']) { author += (author ? " " : "") + name['family-name']['value']; } this.authorNameParam = this.routerHelper.createQueryParams(['f0', 'fv0'], ['resultauthor', author]); } }, error => { console.error("Error getting personal details", error); this.subscriptions.push(this.userManagementService.getUserInfo().subscribe(user => { if (user) { this.authorNameParam = this.routerHelper.createQueryParams(['f0', 'fv0'], ['resultauthor', user.fullname]); } })); } )); } openGrantWindow() { this.window =, '_blank', 'location=yes,height=700,width=540,left=500,top=100,scrollbars=yes,status=yes'); let self = this; window.onmessage = function (ev) { if (ev.isTrusted && ev.origin !== location.origin && !== 'success') return; self.requestGrant = false; UIkit.notification({ message: 'Thank you for connecting your ORCID iD with OpenAIRE!', status: 'success', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); self.getLocalWorks(); }; } getLocalWorks() { this.showErrorMessage = false; this.showLoading = true; this.subscriptions.push(this._orcidService.getLocalWorks().subscribe( (response: any[]) => { = response;//['results']; this.totalOrcidResults =;//response['total']; this.prepareOrcidQuery(); }, error => { this.handleError(error, "Could not get locally stored user's ORCID works"); this.showLoading = false; } )); } public prepareOrcidQuery() { if(this.results.length >= this.currentPage) { this.currentResults = this.results[this.currentPage-1]; return; } this.showLoading = true; this.orcidQuery = ""; let from: number = (this.currentPage-1)*this.resultsPerPage; if(from >= { this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.OUT_OF_BOUND; } let to: number = this.currentPage*this.resultsPerPage; if(to > { to =; } let works =, to); for(let work of works) { for(let pid of work['pids']) { let identifier: Identifier = Identifier.getIdentifierFromString(pid, false); this.orcidQuery += (this.orcidQuery ? " or " : "") + ('(pidclassid exact "'+identifier.class+'" and pid="'+StringUtils.URIEncode('")'); } } this.showLoading = false; this._getResults(works); } public _getResults(works: any) { this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this.disableForms = true; this.currentResults = []; this.searchUtils.totalResults = 0; // let params: string = this.orcidQuery + this.typeQuery; //this.subs.push(this._searchResearchResultsService.advancedSearchResults(this.resultType, parameters, page, size, sortBy,, (refine) ? this.searchPage.getRefineFieldsQuery() : null, this.searchPage.getFields(), refineFieldsFilterQuery) this.subscriptions.push(this._searchResearchResultsService.searchForMyOrcidLinks(this.resultType, this.orcidQuery, this.typeQuery, 1, 50) //this.subs.push(this._searchResearchResultsService.advancedSearchResults(this.resultType, parameters, page, size, sortBy,, null, this.searchPage.getFields(), refineFieldsFilterQuery) .subscribe( data => { let totalResults = data[0]; let results = data[1]; this.resultsReturned(results, totalResults, works); }, err => { console.error("Error getting " + this.getEntityName(this.resultType, true)); this.showLoading = false; this.searchUtils.status = this.errorMessages.getErrorCode(err.status); this.disableForms = false; } ) ); } public resultsReturned(results: any, totalResults, works: any[]) { this.searchUtils.totalResults = totalResults; let resultsFound: Map = new Map(); for(let work of works) { results.forEach(result => { let identifierValues: string[] = [].concat(...Array.from(result.identifiers.values())); if(work['pids'].some(pid => identifierValues.includes(pid))) { let index: number = resultsFound.get(identifierValues); if(!index) { this.currentResults.push(this.getResultPreview(result)); index = this.currentResults.length - 1; this.currentResults[index].orcidPutCodes = []; this.currentResults[index].orcidCreationDates = []; this.currentResults[index].orcidUpdateDates = []; } if (work['putCode']) { this.currentResults[index].orcidPutCodes.push(work['putCode']); } if (work['creationDate']) { this.currentResults[index].orcidCreationDates.push(work['creationDate']); } if (work['updateDate']) { this.currentResults[index].orcidUpdateDates.push(work['updateDate']); } } }) } this.results[this.currentPage-1] = this.currentResults; this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.DONE; if (this.searchUtils.totalResults == 0) { this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.NONE; } this.disableForms = false; } public resultsReturned2(results: any, totalResults, works: any[]) { this.searchUtils.totalResults = totalResults; for(let result of results) { let identifierValues: string[] = [].concat(...Array.from(result.identifiers.values())); this.currentResults.push(this.getResultPreview(result)); let filteredWorks = works.filter(work => { return work['pids'].some(pid => identifierValues.includes(pid)); }) this.currentResults[this.currentResults.length - 1].orcidPutCodes = []; this.currentResults[this.currentResults.length - 1].orcidCreationDates = []; this.currentResults[this.currentResults.length - 1].orcidUpdateDates = []; filteredWorks.forEach(work => { if(work['putCode']) { this.currentResults[this.currentResults.length - 1].orcidPutCodes.push(work['putCode']); } if(work['creationDate']) { this.currentResults[this.currentResults.length - 1].orcidCreationDates.push(work['creationDate']); } if(work['updateDate']) { this.currentResults[this.currentResults.length - 1].orcidUpdateDates.push(work['updateDate']); } }); } this.results[this.currentPage-1] = this.currentResults; this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.DONE; if (this.searchUtils.totalResults == 0) { this.searchUtils.status = this.errorCodes.NONE; } this.disableForms = false; } public getResultPreview(result: SearchResult): ResultPreview { return ResultPreview.searchResultConvert(result, (result.entityType)?result.entityType:this.resultType); } public getEntityName(entityType: string, plural: boolean): string { if (entityType == "publication") { return plural ? this.openaireEntities.PUBLICATIONS : this.openaireEntities.PUBLICATION; } else if (entityType == "dataset") { return plural ? this.openaireEntities.DATASETS : this.openaireEntities.DATASET; } else if (entityType == "software") { return plural ? this.openaireEntities.SOFTWARE : this.openaireEntities.SOFTWARE_SINGULAR; } else if (entityType == "other") { return plural ? this.openaireEntities.OTHER : this.openaireEntities.OTHER_SINGULAR; } return plural ? this.openaireEntities.RESULTS : this.openaireEntities.RESULT; } public pageChanged($event) { this.currentPage = $event.value; this.prepareOrcidQuery(); } handleError(error, errorMsg: string) { if(error && (error.status == "401" || error.status == "403")) { this.requestGrant = true; } else { this.showErrorMessage = true; } this.showLoading = false; } private updateTitle(title: string) { this._title.setTitle(title); this._meta.updateTag({content: title}, "property='og:title'"); } private updateDescription(description: string) { this._meta.updateTag({content: description}, "name='description'"); this._meta.updateTag({content: description}, "property='og:description'"); } private updateUrl(url: string) { this._meta.updateTag({content: url}, "property='og:url'"); } }