import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {Session, User} from '../login/utils/helper.class'; import {ConfigurationService} from '../utils/configuration/configuration.service'; import {MenuItem, RootMenuItem} from './menu'; import {EnvProperties} from '../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {Stakeholder} from "../monitor/entities/stakeholder"; import {Subscription} from "rxjs"; @Component({ selector: 'navbar', templateUrl: 'navigationBar.component.html' }) export class NavigationBarComponent { @Input() portal: string = "connect"; @Input() onlyTop: boolean; @Input() logoPath: string = "assets/common-assets/"; @Input() userMenu: boolean = true; @Input() showHomeMenuItem: boolean = false; @Input() communityId; @Input() stakeholder: Stakeholder; @Input() showCommunityName: boolean = false; @Input() userMenuItems: MenuItem[]; @Input() menuItems: RootMenuItem []; @Input() community: { id: string, name: string, logoUrl: string }; @Input() showMenu: boolean = true; @Input() homeurl: boolean = true; @Input() properties: EnvProperties; @Input() user: User; @Input() enableSearch: boolean = false; @Input() searchRoute: string = "/search/find"; @Input() searchPlaceHolder: string = "Search for research results"; @Input() showLogo: boolean = true; keyword: string = ""; logosrc: string = ""; logoUrl:string; logoRoute:string; logoName:string; public isAuthorized: boolean = false; subs: Subscription[] = []; showEntity = {}; showPage = {}; specialAnnouncementContent: string = null; activeRouteEnabled = false; constructor(private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, private config: ConfigurationService) { } ngOnInit() { this.activeRouteEnabled = false; //this.sub = this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => { //console.log("params: ",params); this.initialize(); //}); } ngOnDestroy() { for (let sub of this.subs) { sub.unsubscribe(); } } initialize() { this.activeRouteEnabled = false; this.isAuthorized = Session.isClaimsCurator(this.user) || Session.isPortalAdministrator(this.user); if ( && this.communityId) { //this.config.getCommunityInformation(, this.communityId).subscribe(data => { this.subs.push(this.config.communityInformationState.subscribe(data => { if(data) { for (var i = 0; i < data['entities'].length; i++) { this.showEntity["" + data['entities'][i]["pid"] + ""] = data['entities'][i]["isEnabled"]; } for (var i = 0; i < data['pages'].length; i++) { this.showPage[data['pages'][i]["route"]] = data['pages'][i]["isEnabled"]; } } }, error => { this.handleError("Error getting community information (e.g. pages,entities) for community with id: " + this.communityId, error); })); } if(!{ this.logosrc = this.logoPath + "logo-large-"+this.portal+".png"; this.logoRoute = "/"; this.logoName = "OpenAIRE"; }else if({ this.logosrc =; if(this.homeurl){ this.logoRoute = "/"; }else{ this.logoUrl = 'https://'+( =='beta'?'beta.':'')''; } this.logoName =; } } onClick(id: string) { var el: HTMLElement = document.getElementById(id); el.classList.remove('uk-open'); } isEnabled(required, enabled) { if (!required) { return true; } for (let requiredEntity of required) { if (typeof enabled[requiredEntity] === "undefined" || enabled[requiredEntity] == false) { return false; } } return true; } isAtleastOneEnabled(required, enabled) { if (!required || required.length == 0) { return true; } var count = required.length; for (let requiredEntity of required) { if (typeof enabled[requiredEntity] === "undefined" || enabled[requiredEntity] == false) { count--; } } return (count > 0) ? true : false; } private handleError(message: string, error) { console.error("NavigationBar (component): " + message, error); } getCurrentRoute() { return this.router.url.split('?')[0]; } isTheActiveMenu(menu: RootMenuItem): boolean { let currentRoute = this.getCurrentRoute(); if (!menu.rootItem.markAsActive) { return false; } if (currentRoute == menu.rootItem.route) { this.activeRouteEnabled = true; return true; } else if (menu.items.length > 0) { for (let menuItem of menu.items) { if (menuItem.route == currentRoute) { this.activeRouteEnabled = true; return true; } } } return false; } }