import {Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable'; import {Router, ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router'; import {ClaimsService} from '../../claim-utils/service/claims.service'; import {ModalLoading} from '../../../utils/modal/loading.component'; import {AlertModal} from '../../../utils/modal/alert'; import {Md5} from 'ts-md5/dist/md5'; import {Session} from '../../../login/utils/helper.class'; import {ErrorCodes} from '../../../login/utils/guardHelper.class'; import{EnvProperties} from '../../../utils/properties/env-properties'; @Component({ selector: 'claim-insert', template: `
There are {{insertedClaims.length}} claims, follow the link to manage your claims
` }) export class ClaimInsertComponent { constructor (private claimService: ClaimsService, private _router:Router, private route: ActivatedRoute,) {} ngOnInit() { this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => { this.params = params; }); //"Inlineentity:" +(this.inlineEntity)?this.inlineEntity+("no id":"null"+ + " show "+ (!this.claiming && this.showButton) ); } params= {}; @Input() public contexts; @Input() public projects; @Input() public results; @Input() public showButton:boolean = true; @Input() show='claim'; @Input() inlineEntity = null; // the entity from the landing page @Input() public properties:EnvProperties; @Output() showChange = new EventEmitter(); @ViewChild (ModalLoading) loading : ModalLoading ; @ViewChild(AlertModal) alert; public claiming =false; public error = false; public errorMessage = ""; public warningMessage = ""; public claimsTODO:number = 0; public claims:number = 0; private servicesRespond:number = 0; private insertedClaims=[]; private errorInClaims=[]; private insertedRecords=[]; private errorInRecords=[]; public validateInsertions(){ //"Inlineentity:" +(this.inlineEntity)?this.inlineEntity+("no id":"null"+ + " show "+ (!this.claiming && this.showButton) ); if(this.validate()){ if(this.validateDates()){ this.insertActions(); return true; } } return false; } private insertActions(){ this.servicesRespond = 0; this.insertedClaims=[]; this.errorInClaims=[]; this.insertedRecords=[]; this.errorInRecords=[]; if(!Session.isValidAndRemove()){ this.showButton = false; localStorage.setItem("projects", JSON.stringify(this.projects)); localStorage.setItem("contexts", JSON.stringify(this.contexts)); localStorage.setItem("results", JSON.stringify(this.results)); if(this.inlineEntity != null){ localStorage.setItem("inlineEntity", JSON.stringify(this.inlineEntity)); } this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": ErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); }else{ this.claiming = true; var user=Session.getUserEmail();; var claims = []; var directclaims = []; if(this.results ){"results: "+this.results.length); for (var i = 0; i < this.results.length; i++) { var result=this.results[i]; if(["crossref","datacite","orcid"].indexOf(result.source) != -1){ directclaims.push({"id", "record":this.createDirectClaim(result,this.projects,this.contexts)}); } if(this.contexts){ for (var j = 0; j < this.contexts.length; j++) { var context = this.contexts[j]; var claim = this.createContextClaim(result, context, user); claims.push(claim); } } if(this.projects){ for (var k = 0; k < this.projects.length; k++) { var project = this.projects[k]; var projectClaim = this.createProjectClaim(result, project, user); claims.push(projectClaim); } } if(this.inlineEntity != null){ var resultClaim = this.createResultClaim(this.inlineEntity, result, user); claims.push(resultClaim); } } } if(this.inlineEntity ){ if(this.contexts){ for (var j = 0; j < this.contexts.length; j++) { var context = this.contexts[j]; var claim = this.createContextClaim(this.inlineEntity, context, user); claims.push(claim); } } if(this.projects){ for (var k = 0; k < this.projects.length; k++) { var project = this.projects[k]; var projectClaim = this.createProjectClaim(this.inlineEntity, project, user); claims.push(projectClaim); } } } //first call direct index service - when call is done (success or error) call isertBulkClaims method to insert claims in DB"\n\ndirectclaims: "+directclaims.length+"\n\n"); if(directclaims.length > 0){ this.claimService.insertDirectRecords(directclaims, data => { this.insertedRecords = data.insertedIds; this.errorInRecords = data.errorInClaims; this.isertBulkClaims(claims); }, err => { err=err.json(); if(err.insertedIds && err.insertedIds.length >0){ this.insertedRecords = err.insertedIds; } if(err.errorInClaims && err.errorInClaims.length >0){ this.errorInRecords = err.errorInClaims; } this.isertBulkClaims(claims); } ); }else{ this.isertBulkClaims(claims); } } } private isertBulkClaims(claims){"try to insert "+claims.length+" claims"); this.claimService.insertBulkClaims(claims, data => { this.insertedClaims = data.insertedIds; this.errorInClaims = data.errorInClaims; this.afterclaimsInsertion(); }, err => { err=err.json(); if(err.insertedIds && err.insertedIds.length >0){ this.insertedClaims = err.insertedIds; } if(err.errorInClaims && err.errorInClaims.length >0){ this.errorInClaims = err.errorInClaims; } this.afterclaimsInsertion(); } ); } private validate(){ this.warningMessage = ""; this.errorMessage = ""; if( this.results && this.results.length == 0 && ( this.inlineEntity == null)){ this.warningMessage = "There are no research results selected."; }else if((!this.contexts|| this.contexts.length==0 )&&(!this.projects|| this.projects.length==0 )&& ( this.inlineEntity == null)){ this.warningMessage = "There are no projects or communities to link."; // }else if (this.inline && !this.inlineEntity){ // this.errorMessage = "No inline entity"; // console.log(this.inline + " "+ this.inlineEntity); }else{ return true; } return false; } private validateDates(){ if(this.projects){ for (var k = 0; k < this.projects.length; k++) { var project = this.projects[k];" "+project.endDate + " "+project.projectAcronym); if(this.results){ for (var i = 0; i < this.results.length; i++) { var result = this.results[i]; if( && != null){"Date :"+ + " & embargoEndDate :" +result.embargoEndDate ); if((project.startDate && < project.startDate) || ( project.endDate && > (project.endDate+5)) ){ this.confirmOpen(); return false; } } } } } } if(this.results){ for (var i = 0; i < this.results.length; i++) { var result = this.results[i]; if( && != null){"Date :"+ + " & embargoEndDate :" +result.embargoEndDate ); if((result.embargoEndDate && result.embargoEndDate != null) && >result.embargoEndDate ){ this.confirmOpen(); return false; } } } } return true; } private afterclaimsInsertion(){ this.loading.close(); this.claiming = false; if(this.errorInClaims.length == 0 && this.insertedClaims.length > 0 && this.errorInRecords.length == 0){ this._router.navigate( ['/myclaims'],{ queryParams: this.params } ); this.showChange.emit({ value: }); }else{ this.errorsInClaimsInsertion(); } } private errorsInClaimsInsertion(){ this.errorMessage = ""; this.loading.close(); this.error = true; this.claiming = false; this.showButton = false; var text ="" console.log("Errors: this.errorInRecords.length: "+this.errorInRecords.length+" - this.errorInClaims.length: "+this.errorInClaims.length); if(this.errorInRecords.length>0){ text+="
The following records couldn't automatically inserted to the Openaire Info space:
"; } if(this.errorInClaims.length > 0){ text+="
The following links couldn't be saved:
"; } this.errorMessage+="
An error occured:
"+text; console.log(text); // if(this.inline){ // = "error"; // this.showChange.emit({ // value: // }); // } } private createClaim(inlineResult:any, result:any, user:any){ } private createContextClaim(result:any, context:any, user:any){ var claim = { claimedBy : user, sourceId :, sourceType : "context", sourceCollectedFrom:"openaire", sourceAccessRights:"OPEN", sourceEmbargoEndDate:"no", targetId : , targetType : result.type, targetCollectedFrom: result.source, targetAccessRights:result.accessRights, targetEmbargoEndDate: (result.embargoEndDate == null?"":result.embargoEndDate)}; return claim; } private createProjectClaim(result:any, project:any, user:any){ //project.projectId // var dummyID = "dummyID"; var claim = { claimedBy : user, sourceId : project.projectId, sourceType : "project", sourceCollectedFrom:"openaire", sourceAccessRights:"OPEN", sourceEmbargoEndDate:"", targetId : , targetType : result.type, targetCollectedFrom: result.source, targetAccessRights:result.accessRights, targetEmbargoEndDate: (result.embargoEndDate == null?"":result.embargoEndDate)}; return claim; } private createResultClaim(inlineResult:any, result:any, user:any){ var claim = { claimedBy : user, sourceId :, sourceType : result.type, sourceCollectedFrom: result.source, sourceAccessRights: result.accessRights, sourceEmbargoEndDate: result.embargoEndDate, targetId : , targetType : inlineResult.type, targetCollectedFrom: inlineResult.source, targetAccessRights: inlineResult.accessRights, targetEmbargoEndDate: (inlineResult.embargoEndDate == null?"":inlineResult.embargoEndDate)}; return claim; } createDirectClaim(result, projects, contexts){ var entity = {}; var md5_id = Md5.hashStr(; entity["originalId"]="userclaim___::"+md5_id; entity["openaireId"]="userclaim___::"+md5_id; entity["title"]=result.title; entity["title"] =(Array.isArray(result.title) && result.title.length > 0 )?result.title[0]:result.title; if(result.authors && result.authors.length > 0){ entity["authors"]=result.authors; } if(result.publisher){ entity["publisher"]=result.publisher; } if(result.description){ entity["description"]=result.description; } // entity["language"]=""; no info entity["type"]=result.type; if(result.source == "crossref" || result.source == "datacite"){ entity["pids"]= [];//{type:string, value:string}[]; entity["pids"].push({type:"doi",}) } entity["licenseCode"]=result.accessRights; if(result.accessRights == "EMBARGO"){ entity["embargoEndDate"]=result.embargoEndDate; } if(result.type =="publication"){ entity["resourceType"]="0001"; }else if(result.type =="dataset"){ entity["resourceType"]="0021"; }else if(result.type =="software"){ entity["resourceType"]="0029"; } entity["url"]=result.url; entity["hostedById"]="openaire____::1256f046-bf1f-4afc-8b47-d0b147148b18"; if(result.source == "crossref"){ entity["collectedFromId"]="openaire____::crossref"; }else if(result.source == "datacite"){ entity["collectedFromId"]="openaire____::datacite"; }else if(result.source == "orcid"){ entity["collectedFromId"]="openaire____::orcid"; }else if(result.source == "orpenaire"){ entity["collectedFromId"]="openaire____::driver"; } if(projects.length>0){ entity["linksToProjects"]=[]; for(var i =0; i < projects.length; i++){ // "info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/283595/EU//OpenAIREplus", entity["linksToProjects"].push("info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/"+projects[i].funderName+"/"+projects[i].fundingLevel0+"/"+projects[i].code+"/"+projects[i].jurisdiction+"/"+projects[i].projectName+"/"+projects[i].projectAcronym); } } if(contexts.length > 0){ entity["contexts"]=[]; for(var i =0; i < contexts.length; i++){ entity["contexts"].push(contexts[i]; } } var json = JSON.stringify(entity); console.log("\nJSON:\n"+json); return entity; } confirmOpen(){ this.alert.cancelButton = true; this.alert.okButton = true; this.alert.alertTitle = "Invalid dates"; this.alert.message = "There is a research result whose publication date is after project end date or before project start date. Or embargo end date of a research result is before research result's publication date."; this.alert.okButtonText = "Proceed anyway"; this.alert.cancelButtonText = "Cancel";; } confirmClose(data){ this.insertActions(); } }