export interface Icon { name?: string, svg?: string, class?: string, ratio?: number } export class MenuItem { _id: string = ""; // for root menu in order to close the dropdown when clicked title: string = ""; type: string = "internal"; url: string = ""; // external url route: string = ""; // internal url - using angular routing and components routeActive: string = ""; // route to check if it is active needsAuthorization: boolean = false; // needs admin rights - mainly for user menu at this point entitiesRequired: string[] = []; // openaire entities used in page "publication, dataset, organization, software, project, datasource" routeRequired: string[] = []; // the routes that if aren't enable the menu item doesn't make sense params: any = {}; fragment: string; items: MenuItem[] = []; icon: Icon; open: boolean; customClass: string = null; isFeatured: boolean; isActive: boolean; target: string = "_blank"; badge?: string = ""; // used only for RDGraph portal (FAIRCORE4EOSC) constructor(id: string, title: string, url: string, route: string, needsAuthorization: boolean, entitiesRequired: string[], routeRequired: string[], params, icon: Icon = null, fragment = null, customClass = null, routeActive = null, target: string = "_blank", type: string = "internal", isFeatured: boolean = false, items: MenuItem[] = [], badge: string = "") { this._id = id; this.title = title; this.url = url; this.route = route; this.routeActive = routeActive; this.needsAuthorization = needsAuthorization; this.entitiesRequired = entitiesRequired; this.routeRequired = routeRequired; this.params = params; this.items = items; this.icon = icon; this.fragment = fragment; this.customClass = customClass; this.target = target; this.type = type; this.isFeatured = isFeatured; this.badge = badge; } public static isTheActiveMenu(menu: MenuItem, currentRoute: any, activeMenuItem: string = ""): boolean { if (menu.route && menu.route.length > 0 && MenuItem.isTheActiveMenuItem(menu, currentRoute, activeMenuItem)) { return true; } else if (menu.items.length > 0) { for (let menuItem of menu.items) { if (MenuItem.isTheActiveMenuItem(menuItem, currentRoute, activeMenuItem)) { return true; } } } return false; } private static isTheActiveMenuItem(menu: MenuItem, currentRoute: any, activeMenuItem: string) { return ( ((menu.route == currentRoute.route || menu.route == (currentRoute.route + "/")) && currentRoute.fragment == menu.fragment)) || (menu.routeActive && (currentRoute.route.startsWith(menu.routeActive))) || (menu._id && menu._id === activeMenuItem); } } export class MenuItemExtended extends MenuItem { isOpen: boolean = false; parentItemId: string; } export class Menu { portalPid: string; isFeaturedMenuEnabled: boolean; isMenuEnabled: boolean; featuredAlignment: MenuAlignment; featuredMenuItems: MenuItemExtended[] = []; menuItems: MenuItemExtended[] = []; } export class SideMenuItem extends MenuItem { ukIcon: string = ''; } export enum MenuAlignment {LEFT = "LEFT", CENTER = "CENTER", RIGHT = "RIGHT"}