import {Component, ElementRef, Input, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {Meta, Title} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {OrganizationService} from '../../services/organization.service'; import {OrganizationInfo} from '../../utils/entities/organizationInfo'; import {ReportsService} from '../../services/reports.service'; import {FetchProjects} from '../../utils/fetchEntitiesClasses/fetchProjects.class'; import {SearchResearchResultsService} from '../../services/searchResearchResults.service'; import {SearchDataprovidersService} from '../../services/searchDataproviders.service'; import {SearchProjectsService} from '../../services/searchProjects.service'; import {ErrorCodes} from '../../utils/properties/errorCodes'; import {RouterHelper} from '../../utils/routerHelper.class'; import {ModalLoading} from '../../utils/modal/loading.component'; import {PiwikService} from '../../utils/piwik/piwik.service'; import {StringUtils} from '../../utils/string-utils.class'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {SEOService} from '../../sharedComponents/SEO/SEO.service'; import {HelperFunctions} from "../../utils/HelperFunctions.class"; import {HelperService} from "../../utils/helper/helper.service"; import {Location} from "@angular/common"; import {FetchResearchResults} from "../../utils/fetchEntitiesClasses/fetchResearchResults.class"; import {FetchDataproviders} from "../../utils/fetchEntitiesClasses/fetchDataproviders.class"; import {IndexInfoService} from "../../utils/indexInfo.service"; @Component({ selector: 'organization', templateUrl: 'organization.component.html', }) export class OrganizationComponent { @Input() piwikSiteId = null; @Input() communityId = null; public organizationInfo: OrganizationInfo; public organizationId: string; // Message variables public warningMessage = ""; public errorMessage = ""; public showLoading: boolean = true; // CSV variables public downloadURLAPI: string; public csvProjectParamsHead: string; public csvParamsTail: string; // Variables for publications, research data, projects, dataproviders tabs public fetchProjects: FetchProjects; public fetchPublications: FetchResearchResults; public fetchDatasets: FetchResearchResults; public fetchSoftware: FetchResearchResults; public fetchOrps: FetchResearchResults; public fetchDataproviders: FetchDataproviders public searchNumber: number = 5; // Request results of each tab only the one time (first time tab is clicked) private reloadPublications: boolean = true; private reloadDatasets: boolean = true; private reloadSoftware: boolean = true; private reloadOrps: boolean = true; private reloadDataproviders: boolean = true; // Active tab variable for responsiveness public activeTab: string = ""; public firstTab: string = ""; public _numberOfTabs: number = 0; public tabsAreInitialized: boolean = false; @ViewChild('downloadReportModal') downloadReportModal; @ViewChild('downloadFunderReportModal') downloadFunderReportModal; @ViewChild(ModalLoading) loading: ModalLoading; // Alert box when CSV: Project Publications for a funder is requested @ViewChild('AlertModalApplyAll') alertApplyAll; // Alert box when something is wrong with CSV requests @ViewChild('AlertModalCsvError') alertCsvError; public routerHelper: RouterHelper = new RouterHelper(); public errorCodes: ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes(); public pageContents = null; public divContents = null; // Helper variables to specify funder in downloadPublicationsFile function public contentTypes: [string, string][] = [ ['results', 'all research outcomes'], ['publications', 'publications'], ['datasets', 'research data'], ['software', 'software'], ['other', 'other research products'], ]; public funderContentType: string = ''; public funder: any = ""; private funderId: string; private funderCount: number; sub: any; infoSub: any; piwiksub: any; downloadFileSub: any; downloadFilePiwikSub: any; countProjectsSub: any; countPublSub: any; downloadProjectPublSub: any; properties: EnvProperties; public indexUpdateDate: Date; public showFeedback: boolean = false; public feedbackFields: string [] = ['Name', 'Country', 'Other']; @ViewChild('AlertModalDeletedByInference') alertModalDeletedByInference; @ViewChild('projectsModal') projectsModal; public deleteByInferenceOpened: boolean = false; //private ngUnsubscribe: Subject = new Subject(); constructor(private element: ElementRef, private _organizationService: OrganizationService, private _piwikService: PiwikService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private _searchDataprovidersService: SearchDataprovidersService, private _reportsService: ReportsService, private _searchResearchResultsService: SearchResearchResultsService, private _searchProjectsService: SearchProjectsService, private _meta: Meta, private _title: Title, private _router: Router, private helper: HelperService, private seoService: SEOService, private _location: Location, private indexInfoService: IndexInfoService) { this.fetchProjects = new FetchProjects(this._searchProjectsService); this.fetchDataproviders = new FetchDataproviders(this._searchDataprovidersService); this.fetchPublications = new FetchResearchResults(this._searchResearchResultsService); this.fetchDatasets = new FetchResearchResults(this._searchResearchResultsService); this.fetchSoftware = new FetchResearchResults(this._searchResearchResultsService); this.fetchOrps = new FetchResearchResults(this._searchResearchResultsService); } ngOnInit() { .subscribe((data: { envSpecific: EnvProperties }) => { = data.envSpecific; if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { this.indexInfoService.getLastIndexDate( => { if (lastIndexUpdate) { this.indexUpdateDate = new Date(lastIndexUpdate); } }); } //this.getDivContents(); this.getPageContents(); this.updateUrl( + + this._router.url); }); this.sub = this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => { this.organizationInfo = null; this.updateTitle("Organization"); this.updateDescription(""); this.organizationId = params['organizationId']; if (this.organizationId && StringUtils.isOpenAIREID(this.organizationId)) { this.getOrganizationInfo(); } else { this.showLoading = false; this._router.navigate(['/error'], { queryParams: { "page": this._location.path(true), "page_type": "organization" } }); //this.warningMessage = "No valid organization id"; } HelperFunctions.scroll(); this.csvParamsTail = '" and relorganizationid exact "' + this.organizationId + '" ))'; }); this.downloadURLAPI =; //this.csvAffiliatedPublications = this.downloadURLAPI + "?format=csv&type=publications&fq=(((oaftype exact result) and (resulttypeid exact publication)) and (relorganizationid exact \"" + this.organizationId + "\"))"; this.csvProjectParamsHead = 'format=csv&type=projects&fq=((funder exact "'; //this.csvPublicationParamsHead = 'format=csv-special&type=publications&page=0&query=((((oaftype exact result) and (resulttypeid exact publication)) and (funderid exact '; } private getPageContents() { if(this.communityId) { this.helper.getPageHelpContents(, this.communityId, this._router.url).subscribe(contents => { this.pageContents = contents; }); } } private getDivContents() { if(this.communityId) { this.helper.getDivHelpContents(, this.communityId, this._router.url).subscribe(contents => { this.divContents = contents; }); } } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.sub) { this.sub.unsubscribe(); } if (this.piwiksub) { this.piwiksub.unsubscribe(); } if (this.infoSub) { this.infoSub.unsubscribe(); } if (this.downloadFileSub) { this.downloadFileSub.unsubscribe(); } if (this.downloadFilePiwikSub) { this.downloadFilePiwikSub.unsubscribe(); } if (this.countProjectsSub) { this.countProjectsSub.unsubscribe(); } if (this.countPublSub) { this.countPublSub.unsubscribe(); } if (this.downloadProjectPublSub) { this.downloadProjectPublSub.unsubscribe(); } /*; this.ngUnsubscribe.complete(); */ } private getTotalResearchResults() { this.fetchPublications.getNumForEntity('publication', 'organization', this.organizationId,; this.fetchDatasets.getNumForEntity('dataset', 'organization', this.organizationId,; this.fetchSoftware.getNumForEntity('software', 'organization', this.organizationId,; this.fetchOrps.getNumForEntity('other', 'organization', this.organizationId,; } private getTotalDataproviders() { this.fetchDataproviders.getNumForEntity('organization', this.organizationId,; } // private searchContentProviders() { // this.fetchDataproviders.getResultsForEntity("organization", this.organizationId, 1, this.searchNumber,; // } private searchContentProviders(page: number, size: number) { if (this.reloadDataproviders && (this.fetchDataproviders.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING || (this.fetchDataproviders.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.DONE && this.fetchDataproviders.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) ) ) { this.fetchDataproviders.getResultsForEntity("organization", this.organizationId, page, size,; } this.reloadDataproviders = false; } // private searchPublications() { // this.fetchPublications.getResultsForEntity("publication", "organization", this.organizationId, 1, size,; // } private searchPublications(page: number, size: number) { if (this.reloadPublications && (this.fetchPublications.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING || (this.fetchPublications.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.DONE && this.fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) ) ) { this.fetchPublications.getResultsForEntity("publication", "organization", this.organizationId, page, size,; } this.reloadPublications = false; } // private searchDatasets() { // this.fetchDatasets.getResultsForEntity("dataset", "organization", this.organizationId, 1, this.searchNumber,; // } private searchDatasets(page: number, size: number) { if (this.reloadDatasets && (this.fetchDatasets.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING || (this.fetchDatasets.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.DONE && this.fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) ) ) { this.fetchDatasets.getResultsForEntity("dataset", "organization", this.organizationId, page, size,; } this.reloadDatasets = false; } // private searchSoftware() { // this.fetchSoftware.getResultsForEntity("software", "organization", this.organizationId, 1, this.searchNumber,; // } private searchSoftware(page: number, size: number) { if (this.reloadSoftware && (this.fetchSoftware.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING || (this.fetchSoftware.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.DONE && this.fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) ) ) { this.fetchSoftware.getResultsForEntity("software", "organization", this.organizationId, page, size,; } this.reloadSoftware = false; } // private searchOrps() { // this.fetchOrps.getResultsForEntity("other", "organization", this.organizationId, 1, this.searchNumber,; // } private searchOrps(page: number, size: number) { if (this.reloadOrps && (this.fetchOrps.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING || (this.fetchOrps.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.DONE && this.fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) ) ) { this.fetchOrps.getResultsForEntity("other", "organization", this.organizationId, page, size,; } this.reloadOrps = false; } private getOrganizationInfo() { this.warningMessage = ''; this.errorMessage = "" this.showLoading = true; this.organizationInfo = null; this.infoSub = this._organizationService.getOrganizationInfo(this.organizationId, data => { if (data == null) { this.showLoading = false; this._router.navigate(['/error'], { queryParams: { "page": this._location.path(true), "page_type": "organization" } }); this.errorMessage = 'No organization found'; } else { this.organizationInfo = data; this.seoService.createLinkForCanonicalURL( + + + this.organizationInfo.relcanId); this.updateTitle(('No title available'))); this.updateDescription("Organization, country, " + ('No title available') + (( && != ? (', ') : '') + ('')); if ( && (typeof document !== 'undefined')) { this.piwiksub = this._piwikService.trackView(,, this.piwikSiteId).subscribe(); } var refineFields: string [] = ["funder"]; if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { this.getTotalResearchResults(); this.getTotalDataproviders(); } this.fetchProjects.getResultsForOrganizations(this.organizationId, "", 1, this.searchNumber, refineFields,; this.showLoading = false; } }, err => { //console.log(err) this.handleError("Error getting organization for id: " + this.organizationId, err); if (err.status == 404) { this._router.navigate(['/error'], { queryParams: { "page": this._location.path(true), "page_type": "organization" } }); } this.seoService.createLinkForCanonicalURL( +; this.errorMessage = 'No organization found'; this.showLoading = false; } ); } public downloadFile(url: string, filename: string) { this.openLoading(); this.setMessageLoading("Downloading CSV file"); this.downloadFileSub = this._reportsService.downloadCSVFile(url).subscribe( data => { this.closeLoading(); var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); var a = window.document.createElement('a'); window.document.body.appendChild(a); a.setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); a.href = url; = filename + ".csv";; window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); a.remove(); // remove the element //; if ( && (typeof document !== 'undefined')) { this.downloadFilePiwikSub = this._piwikService.trackDownload(, url, this.piwikSiteId).subscribe(); } }, err => { //console.log("Error downloading the file."); this.handleError("Error downloading file: " + filename + ".csv", err); this.closeLoading(); this.confirmOpenCsvError(); }/*, () => console.log('Completed file download.')*/ ); } private downloadFileByFunder() { this.openLoading(); this.setMessageLoading("Downloading CSV file"); let response: string[] = []; let totalResponse: string = ""; let projects = []; let counter: number = this.funderCount; let title: boolean = false; let title_index: number = 0; let filename: string = 'funder-project-' + this.funderContentType + '-report'; this.countProjectsSub = this._searchProjectsService.getProjectsForOrganizations(this.organizationId, ' and (funder exact "' + this.encodeURI(this.funderId) + '" ) ', 1, this.funderCount, [], data => { projects = data[1]; for (let index = 0; index < projects.length; index++) { this.countPublSub = this._searchResearchResultsService.numOfEntityResults(this.funderContentType, projects[index].id, "project", data => { //if(data == 0 && title) { // if no publications for this project if (data == 0 && (counter > 1 || title)) { // if no publications for this project counter--; response[index] = ""; //"index: "+index, "counter: "+counter, "id:"+projects[index].id, response[index]); if (counter == 0) { //for(let i=count-1; i>=0; i--) { for (let i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) { if (response[i] != "") { if (i == title_index) { totalResponse = response[i] + totalResponse; } else { totalResponse += response[i]; } } } this.closeLoading(); var csvurl = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([totalResponse], {type: 'text/csv'})); var a = window.document.createElement('a'); window.document.body.appendChild(a); a.setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); a.href = csvurl; = filename + ".csv";; window.URL.revokeObjectURL(csvurl); a.remove(); // remove the element } } else { let url: string; if (!title) { title_index = index; //; url = this.downloadURLAPI + '?format=csv-special&' + this.getTypeParam(this.funderContentType) + '&fq=((relprojectid exact "' + projects[index].id + '"))'; } else { url = this.downloadURLAPI + '?format=csv-special-notitle&' + this.getTypeParam(this.funderContentType) + '&fq=((relprojectid exact "' + projects[index].id + '"))'; } title = true; this.downloadProjectPublSub = this._reportsService.getCSVResponse(url).subscribe( data => { counter--; response[index] = data; //"index: "+index, "counter: "+counter, "id:"+projects[index].id, response[index]); if (counter == 0) { //for(let i=count-1; i>=0; i--) { for (let i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) { if (response[i] != "") { if (i == title_index) { totalResponse = response[i] + totalResponse; } else { totalResponse += response[i]; } } } this.closeLoading(); var csvurl = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([totalResponse], {type: 'text/csv'})); var a = window.document.createElement('a'); window.document.body.appendChild(a); a.setAttribute('style', 'display: none'); a.href = csvurl; = filename + ".csv";; window.URL.revokeObjectURL(csvurl); a.remove(); // remove the element } }, err => { this.handleError("Error downloading file: " + filename, err); this.closeLoading(); this.confirmOpenCsvError(); }/*, () => console.log('Completed file download.')*/ ); } }, err => { this.handleError("Error getting number of publications for project with id: " + projects[index].id, err); }); } }, err => { this.handleError("Error getting projects for organization with id: " + this.organizationId, err); this.closeLoading(); this.confirmOpenCsvError(); } ); } private updateDescription(description: string) { this._meta.updateTag({content: description.substring(0, 160)}, "name='description'"); this._meta.updateTag({content: description.substring(0, 160)}, "property='og:description'"); } private updateTitle(title: string) { var _prefix = ""; // if(!this.communityId) { // _prefix = "OpenAIRE | "; // } // var _title = _prefix + ((title.length > 50) ? title.substring(0, 50) : title); this._title.setTitle(title); this._meta.updateTag({content: title}, "property='og:title'"); } private updateUrl(url: string) { this._meta.updateTag({content: url}, "property='og:url'"); } private openLoading() { if (this.loading) {; } } private closeLoading() { if (this.loading) { this.loading.close(); } } private setMessageLoading(message: string) { if (this.loading) { this.loading.message = message; } } public confirmOpenApplyAll(contentType: string) { this.alertApplyAll.cancelButton = true; this.alertApplyAll.okButton = true; this.alertApplyAll.alertTitle = "CSV FILE"; this.alertApplyAll.message = "Do you wish to download a CSV file? Note that this process may take a while."; this.alertApplyAll.okButtonText = "Yes"; this.alertApplyAll.cancelButtonText = "No";; this.funderId =; this.funderCount = this.funder.number; this.funderContentType = contentType; } public confirmCloseApplyAll() { this.downloadFileByFunder(); } public confirmOpenCsvError() { this.alertCsvError.cancelButton = false; this.alertCsvError.okButton = true; this.alertCsvError.alertTitle = "ERROR DOWNLOADING CSV FILE"; this.alertCsvError.message = "There was an error in csv downloading. Please try again later."; this.alertCsvError.okButtonText = "OK";; } encodeURI(input: string): string { return StringUtils.URIEncode(input); } private handleError(message: string, error) { console.error("Organizaton Landing Page: " + message, error); } openDeletedByInference() { this.deleteByInferenceOpened = true; this.alertModalDeletedByInference.cancelButton = false; this.alertModalDeletedByInference.okButton = false; this.alertModalDeletedByInference.alertTitle = "Other versions of";; } public getTypeParam(type: string): string { if (type == 'results') { type = 'publications&type=datasets&type=software&type=other'; } return 'type=' + type; } getCSVAffiliated(contentType: string): string { return this.downloadURLAPI + '?format=csv&' + this.getTypeParam(contentType) + '&fq=(relorganizationid exact "' + this.organizationId + '")'; } getFunderProjects(): string { return this.downloadURLAPI + '?' + this.csvProjectParamsHead + encodeURI( + this.csvParamsTail; } open(value: any) { console.log(value); } openDownloadReportModal() { this.downloadReportModal.cancelButton = false; this.downloadReportModal.okButton = false; this.downloadReportModal.alertTitle = "Download content report";; } openDownloadFunderReportModal() { this.funder = this.fetchProjects.funders[0]; this.downloadFunderReportModal.cancelButton = false; this.downloadFunderReportModal.okButton = false; this.downloadFunderReportModal.alertTitle = "Download funder report";; } public getParamsForSearchLink(type: string = "") { if(type) { return this.routerHelper.createQueryParams(['f0', 'fv0', 'type', 'qf', 'sortBy'], ['relorganizationid', this.organizationId, type, 'false', 'resultdateofacceptance,descending']); } else { return this.routerHelper.createQueryParams(['f0', 'fv0'], ['relorganizationid', this.organizationId]); } } public onSelectActiveTab(activeTabId) { if (this.activeTab != activeTabId) { // tab really changed if (activeTabId == 'projects') { this.activeTab = 'projects'; } else if (activeTabId == 'dataProviders') { this.activeTab = 'dataProviders'; this.searchContentProviders(1, this.searchNumber); } else if (activeTabId == 'publications') { this.activeTab = 'publications'; this.searchPublications(1, this.searchNumber); } else if (activeTabId == 'datasets') { this.activeTab = 'datasets'; this.searchDatasets(1, this.searchNumber); } else if (activeTabId == 'software') { this.activeTab = 'software'; this.searchSoftware(1, this.searchNumber); } else if (activeTabId == 'other') { this.activeTab = "other"; this.searchOrps(1, this.searchNumber); } } } public get total(): number { let total = this.fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults; total += this.fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults; total += this.fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults; total += this.fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults; return total; } // public get numberOfTabs(): number { // if (this.tabsAreInitialized) { // return this._numberOfTabs; // } // if (!this.organizationInfo // || this.fetchProjects.searchUtils.status === this.errorCodes.LOADING // || this.fetchDataproviders.searchUtils.status === this.errorCodes.LOADING // || this.fetchPublications.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING // || this.fetchDatasets.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING // || this.fetchSoftware.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING // || this.fetchOrps.searchUtils.status == this.errorCodes.LOADING) { // return 0; // } // if (this.fetchProjects.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) { // if (this._numberOfTabs == 0) { // this.firstTab = 'projects'; // } // this._numberOfTabs++; // } // if (this.fetchDataproviders.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) { // if (this._numberOfTabs == 0) { // this.firstTab = 'dataProviders'; // this.searchContentProviders(1, this.searchNumber); // } // this._numberOfTabs++; // } // if (this.fetchPublications.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) { // if (this._numberOfTabs == 0) { // this.firstTab = 'publications'; // this.searchPublications(1, this.searchNumber); // } // this._numberOfTabs++; // } // if (this.fetchDatasets.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) { // if (this._numberOfTabs == 0) { // this.firstTab = 'datasets'; // this.searchDatasets(1, this.searchNumber); // } // this._numberOfTabs++; // } // if (this.fetchSoftware.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) { // if (this._numberOfTabs == 0) { // this.firstTab = 'software'; // this.searchSoftware(1, this.searchNumber); // } // this._numberOfTabs++; // } // if (this.fetchOrps.searchUtils.totalResults > 0) { // if (this._numberOfTabs == 0) { // this.firstTab = 'other'; // this.searchOrps(1, this.searchNumber); // } // this._numberOfTabs++; // } // this.activeTab = this.firstTab; // this.tabsAreInitialized = true; // return this._numberOfTabs; // } private getEntityName(entityType: string, plural: boolean, full: boolean): string { if (entityType == "publication") { return "publication" + (plural ? "s" : ""); } else if (entityType == "dataset") { return (full ? "research data" : ("dataset" + (plural ? "s" : ""))); } else if (entityType == "software") { return "software"; } else if (entityType == "other") { return (full ? ("other research product" + (plural ? "s" : "")) : "other"); } else if (entityType == "dataprovider") { return (full ? ("content provider" + (plural ? "s" : "")) : "dataprovider" + (plural ? "s" : "")); } else { return entityType + (plural ? "s" : ""); } } public scroll() { HelperFunctions.scroll(); } }