import {Component, Input, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from "@angular/router"; import {Subscriber, Subscription} from "rxjs"; import {OrcidService} from "./orcid.service"; import {ResultLandingInfo} from "../utils/entities/resultLandingInfo"; import {ResultLandingService} from "../landingPages/result/resultLanding.service"; import {properties} from "../../../environments/environment"; import {Session} from "../login/utils/helper.class"; import {LoginErrorCodes} from "../login/utils/guardHelper.class"; import {ExternalIDV3_0, WorkV3_0} from "./orcidWork"; import {EnvProperties} from "../utils/properties/env-properties"; import {UserManagementService} from "../services/user-management.service"; import {OpenaireEntities} from "../utils/properties/searchFields"; import {FullScreenModalComponent} from "../utils/modal/full-screen-modal/full-screen-modal.component"; import {LogService} from "../utils/log/log.service"; import {UserProfileService} from "../services/userProfile.service"; declare var UIkit: any; @Component({ selector: 'orcid-work', template: ` Claim
ORCID   ACTIONS View ORCID work Update ORCID work Claim Remove
{{work['publication-date']?.year?.value}} - {{work['publication-date']?.month?.value}} - {{work['publication-date']?.day?.value}} | {{work['type']}}


{{contributor['credit-name']?.value}} ( {{contributor['contributor-attributes']['contributor-role']}} , {{contributor['contributor-attributes']['contributor-sequence']}} , {{contributor['contributor-orcid']?.path}} )
This {{openaireEntities.RESULT}} is the result of merged {{openaireEntities.RESULTS}} in OpenAIRE.

You have already added {{this.putCodes?.length}} works in your ORCID record related to the merged {{openaireEntities.RESULT}}.
If you continue with delete action, all these works will be deleted.
If you continue with update action, all these works will be deleted and a new merged work will be added instead.
This {{openaireEntities.RESULT}} is the result of merged {{openaireEntities.RESULTS}} in OpenAIRE.

You have already added {{this.putCodes?.length}} works in your ORCID record related to the merged {{openaireEntities.RESULT}}.
If you continue with delete action, all these works will be deleted.
If you continue with update action, all these works will be deleted and a new merged work will be added instead.
` }) export class OrcidWorkComponent { @Input() isMobile: boolean = false; @Input() resultId: string = ""; @Input() resultTitle: string = ""; @Input() resultLandingInfo: ResultLandingInfo; @Input() pids: string = ""; @Input() identifiers: Map; @Input() type: string; @Input() putCodes: string[] = []; @Input() creationDates: string[] = []; @Input() updateDates: string[] = []; @Input() givenPutCode: boolean = false; @Input() pageType: string = "search"; //for myorcid links page @Input() showOnlyUpdateButton: boolean = false; @Input() showUpdateButton: boolean = true; public subscriptions: Subscription[] = []; @ViewChild('workModal') workModal; // @ViewChild('saveWorkModal') saveWorkModal; @ViewChild('grantModal') grantModal; @ViewChild('grantFsModal') grantFsModal: FullScreenModalComponent; // @ViewChild('messageModal') messageModal; @ViewChild('propagationModal') propagationModal; @ViewChild('propagationFsModal') propagationFsModal; public requestGrant: boolean = false; public requestGrantMessage: string = "Please grant OpenAIRE to access and update your ORCID works."; private tokenUrl: string; public message: string = ""; public showLoading: boolean = false; public works: any[] = []; public orcidWorks: any[] = []; public window: any; public isLoggedIn: boolean = false; public hasConsent: boolean = false; public currentAction: string = ""; public hoverAdd: boolean = false; public hoverDelete: boolean = false; public properties: EnvProperties = properties; public openaireEntities = OpenaireEntities; constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private _router: Router, private orcidService: OrcidService, private resultLandingService: ResultLandingService, private userManagementService: UserManagementService, private _logService: LogService, private _userProfileService: UserProfileService) { if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { this.tokenUrl = properties.orcidTokenURL + "client_id=" + properties.orcidClientId // + "&response_type=code&scope=/activities/update" // + "&response_type=code&scope=/authenticate /activities/update /person/update /read-limited" + "&response_type=code&scope=/activities/update /read-limited" + "&redirect_uri=" + location.origin + "/orcid?source=openaire"; } } ngOnInit() { this.subscriptions.push(this.userManagementService.getUserInfo().subscribe(user => { if (user) { this.isLoggedIn = true; if (!this.givenPutCode) { this.getPutCode(); } } else { this.isLoggedIn = false; } }, error => { this.isLoggedIn = false; })); if(properties.adminToolsPortalType == 'irish'){ this.subscriptions.push(this._userProfileService.getUserProfile().subscribe(userProfile => { this.hasConsent = userProfile.consent; }, error =>{ this.hasConsent = false; })); } } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscriptions.forEach(subscription => { if (subscription instanceof Subscriber) { // console.debug("subscription closing..."); subscription.unsubscribe(); } }); } public showUpdateDatesInTooltip() { const monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; let response: string = ""; if (this.updateDates != null && this.updateDates.length > 0) { response += "

Last update in ORCID
"; for (let i = 0; i < this.updateDates.length; i++) { let date: Date = new Date(this.updateDates[i]); response += "" + date.getDate() + " " + monthNames[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getFullYear(); if (i < this.updateDates.length - 1) { response += "& "; } response += ""; } } return response; } public parseIdentifiers(identifiers: ExternalIDV3_0[]): Map { let identifiersMap: Map = new Map(); for (let identifier of identifiers) { if (!identifiersMap.has(identifier['external-id-type'])) { identifiersMap.set(identifier['external-id-type'], new Array()); } identifiersMap.get(identifier['external-id-type']).push(identifier['external-id-value']); } return identifiersMap; } openGrantWindow() { if (!this.isLoggedIn) { //this.userValidMessage = "User session has expired. Please login again."; this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url } }); } else { // this.tokenUrl = location.origin+"/orcid"; this.window =, '_blank', 'location=yes,height=700,width=540,left=500,top=100,scrollbars=yes,status=yes'); // this.requestGrant = false; this.closeGrantModal(); let self = this; window.onmessage = function (ev) { if (ev.isTrusted && ev.origin == location.origin && == 'success') { self.requestGrant = false; UIkit.notification({ message: 'Thank you for connecting your ORCID iD with OpenAIRE!', status: 'success', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); if (self.currentAction == "add") { self.saveWorkPreparation(); } else if (self.currentAction == "delete") { self.deleteWorks(); } else if (self.currentAction == "update") { self.updateWorkPreparation(); } } } } } private getPutCode() { this.subscriptions.push(this.orcidService.getPutCode(this.pids).subscribe( putCodes => { this.putCodes = putCodes; }, error => { } )) } private getResultLandingInfo(action: string) { this.subscriptions.push(this.resultLandingService.getResultLandingInfo(this.resultId, null, this.type, null, properties).subscribe( resultLandingInfo => { this.resultLandingInfo = resultLandingInfo; if (this.resultLandingInfo && this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers) { let pidsArray: string[] = []; for (let key of Array.from(this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers.keys())) { pidsArray = pidsArray.concat(this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers.get(key)); } this.pids = pidsArray.join(); } if (action == "save") { this.saveWork(); } else if (action == "update") { this.updateWork(); } }, error => { this.handleError(error); console.error("Error getting landing info: ", error); } )) } public saveWorkPreparation() { if (!this.isLoggedIn) { //this.userValidMessage = "User session has expired. Please login again."; this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url } }); } else { if(properties.adminToolsPortalType == 'irish' && !this.hasConsent){ this._router.navigate(['/consent'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url } }); return; } if (this.requestGrant) { this.openGrantModal("Add, delete or edit work in your ORCID record"); } else { this.showLoading = true; if (this.resultLandingInfo) { this.saveWork(); } else { this.getResultLandingInfo("save"); } } } } private saveWork() { this.subscriptions.push(this.orcidService.saveWork(this.resultLandingInfo, this.pids).subscribe( response => { if( { this.subscriptions.push(this._logService.logOrcidLink(, "added", this.resultLandingInfo.title, this.resultLandingInfo.identifiers.get('doi')[0]).subscribe(res => { })); } // for testing only // this.openGrantModal("Add work in your ORCID record"); // this.requestGrant = true; // this.requestGrantMessage = "Please grant OpenAIRE to access and update your ORCID record and works."; if (response == null) { this.handleError(null); console.error("Error posting landing info: null"); } else { this.putCodes.push("" + response['put-code']); this.creationDates.push(response['created-date']['value']); this.updateDates.push(response['last-modified-date']['value']); // this.closeGrantModal(); // this.message = "You have successfully added work with pids: "+this.pids+" in your ORCID record!"; this.message = "You have successfully added work \"" + this.resultTitle + "\" in your ORCID record!"; // this.openMessageModal("Work added successfully"); // message: 'You have successfully added work with pids: '+this.pids+' in your ORCID record!', UIkit.notification({ message: 'You have successfully added work "' + this.resultTitle + '" in your ORCID record!' // + // '

Manager your ORCID links' , // '

Manager your ORCID links', // '

Manager your ORCID links', status: 'success', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); this.showLoading = false; } }, error => { this.handleError(error); console.error("Error posting landing info", error); } )); } goToOrcidLinksPage() { this._router.navigate([]); } private updateWorkPreparation() { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url } }); } else { if (this.requestGrant) { this.openGrantModal("Add, delete or edit work in your ORCID record"); } else if (this.putCodes.length > 1) { this.openPropagationModal("Update ORCID work"); } else { this.showLoading = true; if (this.resultLandingInfo) { this.updateWork(); } else { this.getResultLandingInfo("update"); } } } } private updateWork() { this.subscriptions.push(this.orcidService.updateWork(this.resultLandingInfo, this.pids, this.putCodes[0]).subscribe( response => { if (response) { this.updateDates[0] = response['last-modified-date'].value; // message: 'You have successfully updated work with pids: ' + this.pids + ' in your ORCID record!', UIkit.notification({ message: 'You have successfully updated work "' + this.resultTitle + '" in your ORCID record!' // + // '

Manager your ORCID links' , status: 'success', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); } this.showLoading = false; }, error => { this.handleError(error); console.error("Error updating landing info", error); } )); } public confirmedPropagation() { this.propagationModal.cancel(); this.deleteWorks(true); //} // if(this.currentAction == "update") { // this.saveWork(); // } } public getOrcidWorks() { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url } }); } else { this.showLoading = true; this.subscriptions.push(this.orcidService.getOrcidWorks(this.putCodes).subscribe( (response) => { let error: boolean = true; if (response && response['bulk']) { response = response['bulk'].filter(res => { return (!res.error &&; }); if (response && response.length > 0) { error = false; this.orcidWorks = response; this.openWorkModal(); } } if (error) { UIkit.notification({ message: 'There was an error getting this work.
Please make sure you have not deleted it from your ORCID iD.', status: 'warning', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); } this.showLoading = false; }, error => { this.handleError(error); console.error("Error getting work", error); } )); } } public deleteWorks(confirmed: boolean = false) { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url } }); } else { if (this.requestGrant) { this.openGrantModal("Add, delete or edit work in your ORCID record"); } else if (this.putCodes.length > 1 && !confirmed) { this.openPropagationModal("Delete ORCID work"); } else { this.showLoading = true; if (!this.resultLandingInfo && this.identifiers) { let pidsArray: string[] = []; for (let key of Array.from(this.identifiers.keys())) { pidsArray = pidsArray.concat(this.identifiers.get(key)); } this.pids = pidsArray.join(); } this.subscriptions.push(this.orcidService.deleteWorks(this.putCodes).subscribe( deletedPutCodes => { let deletedAll: boolean = true; if (deletedPutCodes) { for (let i = 0; i < deletedPutCodes.length; i++) { let deletedPutCode = deletedPutCodes[i]; if( { this.subscriptions.push(this._logService.logRemoveOrcidLink(, deletedPutCode).subscribe(res => { })); } if (deletedPutCode == null) { deletedAll = false; } else { this.putCodes.splice(i, 1); this.creationDates.splice(i, 1); this.updateDates.splice(i, 1); //, 1); } } } else { deletedAll = false; } if (!deletedAll) { this.handleError(null); console.error("Error deleting landing info: null"); } else { if (this.currentAction == "update") { this.saveWork(); } else { // this.closeGrantModal(); // this.message = "You have successfully deleted work with pids: " + this.pids + " from your ORCID record!"; this.message = "You have successfully deleted work \"" + this.resultTitle + "\" from your ORCID record!"; // this.openMessageModal("Work deleted successfully"); // message: 'You have successfully deleted work with pids: ' + this.pids + ' from your ORCID record!', UIkit.notification({ message: 'You have successfully deleted work "' + this.resultTitle + '" from your ORCID record!' // + // '

Manager your ORCID links' , status: 'success', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); this.showLoading = false; } } }, error => { this.handleError(error); console.error("Error deleting work", error); } )); } } } openGrantModal(title: string) { if(this.isMobile) { this.grantFsModal.okButton = false; this.grantFsModal.title = title;; } else { this.grantModal.cancelButton = true; this.grantModal.okButton = true; this.grantModal.okButtonText = "Grant OpenAIRE"; this.grantModal.okButtonLeft = false; this.grantModal.alertTitle = title;; } } closeGrantModal() { this.grantModal.cancel(); } openWorkModal() { this.workModal.cancelButton = false; this.workModal.okButton = false; this.workModal.alertTitle = "Work in your ORCID record";; } closeWorkModal() { this.workModal.cancel(); } // openMessageModal(title: string) { // this.messageModal.cancelButton = false; // this.messageModal.okButton = false; // this.messageModal.alertTitle = title; //; // } // // closeMessageModal() { // this.messageModal.cancel(); // } openPropagationModal(title: string) { if(this.isMobile) { this.propagationFsModal.okButton = false; this.propagationFsModal.title = title;; } else { this.propagationModal.cancelButton = true; this.propagationModal.okButton = true; this.propagationModal.okButtonText = "Continue"; this.propagationModal.okButtonLeft = false; this.propagationModal.alertTitle = title;; } } closePropagationModal() { this.propagationModal.cancel(); } handleError(error) { if (error && error.status == "401") { this.openGrantModal("Add, delete or edit work in your ORCID record"); this.requestGrant = true; this.requestGrantMessage = "Please grant OpenAIRE to access and update your ORCID record and works. "; // + "If you have already granted OpenAIRE, you just need to login again to ORCID!"; } else if (error && error.status == "403") { this.openGrantModal("Add, delete or edit work in your ORCID record"); this.requestGrant = true; this.requestGrantMessage = "Please login again to ORCID." // this.openGrantModal(); } else { this.message = ""; if (error && error.status == "409") { this.message = "There is already a work in your ORCID record with the same information of the work you are trying to add now.

"; } if (this.currentAction == "get") { // this.message += "There was an error getting work with pids: " + this.pids + " from your ORCID record.
Please try again later."; this.message += "There was an error getting work \"" + this.resultTitle + "\" from your ORCID record.
Please try again later."; } else if (this.currentAction == "add") { // this.message += "There was an error adding work with pids: "+this.pids+" to your ORCID record.
Please try again later."; this.message += "There was an error adding work with pids: \"" + this.pids + "\" to your ORCID record.
Please try again later."; } else if (this.currentAction == "update") { // this.message += "There was an error updating work with pids: "+this.pids+" to your ORCID record.
Please try again later."; this.message += "There was an error updating work \"" + this.resultTitle + "\" to your ORCID record.
Please try again later."; } else if (this.currentAction == "delete") { // this.message += "There was an error deleting work with pids: "+this.pids+" from your ORCID record.
Please try again later."; this.message += "There was an error deleting work \"" + this.resultTitle + "\" from your ORCID record.
Please try again later."; } else { this.message += "There was an error. Please try again later." } UIkit.notification({ message: this.message, status: 'danger', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); // this.openMessageModal("An error occured"); } this.showLoading = false; } get tooltipAdd() { return "Add this work to your ORCID record" + ((properties.environment == "beta") ? ". The action will affect your real ORCID iD." : ""); } get tooltipDelete() { return "Delete this work from your ORCID record" + ((properties.environment == "beta") ? ". The action will affect your real ORCID iD." : ""); } get tooltipNoPid() { return "Only resources with a PID (persistent identifier) like DOI, handle, PMID can be added or deleted from your ORCID record"; } get tooltipNoLoggedInUser() { return "Add or delete a work from your ORCID record. Please log in first." } hoverEvent($event, action: string = "add") { if (action == "add") { this.hoverAdd = $event.type == "mouseover"; this.hoverDelete = false; } else if (action == "delete") { this.hoverDelete = $event.type == "mouseover"; this.hoverAdd = false; } } }