import {Component, Input, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {AlertModal} from '../../../utils/modal/alert'; import {ClaimEntity, ClaimsErrorMessage, Message, ShowOptions} from '../../claim-utils/claimHelper.class'; import {EnvProperties} from "../../../utils/properties/env-properties"; import {Dates} from "../../../utils/string-utils.class"; import {HelperFunctions} from "../../../utils/HelperFunctions.class"; @Component({ selector: 'metadata-preview', templateUrl: 'metadataPreview.component.html' }) export class MetadataPreviewComponent { showSources = true; showLinksTo = true; showErrors = true; showWarnings = true; @Input() results: ClaimEntity[]; @Input() sources: ClaimEntity[]; @Input() title: string = "Research Results"; @Input() bulkMode: boolean = false; @Input() inlineEntity: ClaimEntity = null; @Input() showOptions:ShowOptions; @Input() public properties: EnvProperties; @Input() pageContents; @ViewChild(AlertModal) alertApplyAll; @Input() localStoragePrefix: string = ""; errors:ClaimsErrorMessage[] = []; warnings:Message[] = []; public commonAccessRights = "OPEN"; // for access rights- changes when user apply a change to every entity public commonEmbargoEndDate; // for access rights: embargoEndDate - changes when user apply a change to every entity public commonType; // for research entity type - changes when user apply a change to every entity public applyToResults: boolean; // true apply to results, false apply to sources public typeChanged: boolean = true; // accessTypes = ["OPEN", "CLOSED", "EMBARGO", "RESTRICTED"]; embargoEndDates = []; ngOnInit() { this.setEmbargoEndDates(); if (this.inlineEntity) { this.showSources = true; this.showLinksTo = true; } this.runValidation(true); } setEmbargoEndDates(){ for(let entity of this.sources){ if(entity.result){ this.embargoEndDates["_source"] = MetadataPreviewComponent.getDate(entity.result.embargoEndDate); // entity.result.accessRights = "EMBARGO"; } } for(let entity of this.results){ if(entity.result){ this.embargoEndDates["_result"] = MetadataPreviewComponent.getDate(entity.result.embargoEndDate); } } } private static getDate(date:string){ let myDate = new Date(); if(date){ myDate = new Date(date); } return myDate; } /* removePublication(item: ClaimEntity) { var index: number = this.results.indexOf(item); if (index > -1) { this.results.splice(index, 1); if (this.results != null) { localStorage.setItem(this.localStoragePrefix, JSON.stringify(this.results)); } } }*/ onDateChanged(event: any, item: ClaimEntity, applyToResults) { item.result.embargoEndDate = Dates.getDateToString(event.value); this.embargoEndDates ["_"+(applyToResults?'result':'source')] = event.value; if ((applyToResults && this.results.length > 1) || (!applyToResults && this.sources.length > 1)) { this.commonAccessRights = "EMBARGO"; this.commonEmbargoEndDate = item.result.embargoEndDate; this.applyToResults = applyToResults; this.confirmOpen(false); } this.updateLocalStorage(); this.runValidation(true); } onTypeChanged(event: any, item: ClaimEntity, applyToResults) { item.type = (event); if ((applyToResults && this.results.length > 1) || (!applyToResults && this.sources.length > 1)) { this.commonType = item.type; this.applyToResults = applyToResults; this.confirmOpen(true ); } this.updateLocalStorage(); } // resultsChanged($event) { // this.results=$event.value; // this.resultsChange.emit({ // value: this.results // }); // } /* The following methods: *typeChanged *confirmOpen *confirmClose implement the functionality: change accessRights of a publication - apply to all if asked */ accessRightsTypeChanged(type: any, item: any, applyToResults) { item.accessRights = type; if ((applyToResults && this.results.length > 1) || (!applyToResults && this.sources.length > 1)) { this.commonAccessRights = type; this.applyToResults = applyToResults; if (this.commonAccessRights != "EMBARGO") { this.commonEmbargoEndDate = item.embargoEndDate; this.confirmOpen(false ); } } this.runValidation(true); this.updateLocalStorage(); } confirmOpen(type: boolean) { this.typeChanged = type; this.alertApplyAll.cancelButton = true; this.alertApplyAll.okButton = true; this.alertApplyAll.alertTitle = "Change metadata"; this.alertApplyAll.message = "Do you wish to apply the change to every entity?"; this.alertApplyAll.okButtonText = "Yes"; this.alertApplyAll.cancelButtonText = "No";; } confirmClose() { if (this.typeChanged) { if (this.applyToResults) { for (let i = 0; i < this.results.length; i++) { if (this.results[i].result.source != 'openaire' && this.results[i].type != 'project' && this.results[i].type != 'community') { this.results[i].type = this.commonType; } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.sources.length; i++) { if (this.sources[i].result.source != 'openaire' && this.sources[i].type != 'project' && this.sources[i].type != 'community') { this.sources[i].type = this.commonType; } } } } else { if (this.applyToResults) { for (let i = 0; i < this.results.length; i++) { if (this.results[i].result.source != 'openaire' && this.results[i].type != 'project' && this.results[i].type != 'community') { this.results[i].result.accessRights = this.commonAccessRights; if (this.commonAccessRights == "EMBARGO") { this.results[i].result.embargoEndDate = this.commonEmbargoEndDate; } } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.sources.length; i++) { if (this.sources[i].result.source != 'openaire' && this.sources[i].type != 'project' && this.sources[i].type != 'community') { this.sources[i].result.accessRights = this.commonAccessRights; if (this.commonAccessRights == "EMBARGO") { this.sources[i].result.embargoEndDate = this.commonEmbargoEndDate; } } } } this.setEmbargoEndDates(); } this.updateLocalStorage(); this.runValidation(true) } remove(item: any, applyToResults: boolean) { if (applyToResults) { let index: number = this.results.indexOf(item); item.warningMessages.splice(0, item.warningMessages.length); if (index > -1) { this.results.splice(index, 1); localStorage.setItem(this.localStoragePrefix + 'results', JSON.stringify(this.results)); } } else { let index: number = this.sources.indexOf(item); item.warningMessages.splice(0, item.warningMessages.length); if (index > -1) { this.sources.splice(index, 1); localStorage.setItem(this.localStoragePrefix + 'sources', JSON.stringify(this.sources)); } } this.updateLocalStorage(); this.runValidation(true); } addStringToNumber(str: string, num: number) { return (+str) + num; } runValidation(cleanErrors:boolean) { this.warnings = []; if(cleanErrors){ this.errors = []; } if (this.inlineEntity) { this.inlineEntity.warningMessages = []; if(cleanErrors){ this.inlineEntity.errorMessages = []; } } this.validateEmbargoDate(this.sources, cleanErrors); this.validateEmbargoDate(this.results, cleanErrors); this.validateProjectDuration(); } validateProjectDuration() { for (let item of this.results) { if (item.type == 'project' && item.project) { for (let result of this.sources) { if (result.result && { if ((item.project.startDate && < item.project.startDate) || (item.project.endDate && > (5 + +item.project.endDate))) { const message: Message = { type: 'projectDuration', resultId:, resultTitle: result.title, projectId:, projectInfo: {title: item.title, startDate: item.project.startDate, endDate: item.project.endDate} }; result.warningMessages.push(message); this.warnings.push(message); } } } if (this.inlineEntity && this.inlineEntity.result) { if ( { if ((item.project.startDate && < item.project.startDate) || (item.project.endDate && > (5 + +item.project.endDate))) { const message: Message = { type: 'projectDuration', resultId:, resultTitle: this.inlineEntity.title, projectId:, projectInfo: {title: item.title, startDate: item.project.startDate, endDate: item.project.endDate} }; this.inlineEntity.warningMessages.push(message); this.warnings.push(message); } } } } } if (this.inlineEntity && this.inlineEntity.project) { for (let result of this.results) { if (result.result && { if ((this.inlineEntity.project.startDate && < this.inlineEntity.project.startDate) || (this.inlineEntity.project.endDate && > (5 + +this.inlineEntity.project.endDate))) { const message: Message = { type: 'projectDuration', resultId:, resultTitle: result.title, projectId:, projectInfo: {title: this.inlineEntity.title, startDate: this.inlineEntity.project.startDate, endDate: this.inlineEntity.project.endDate} }; result.warningMessages.push(message); this.warnings.push(message); } } } } } validateEmbargoDate(sources: ClaimEntity [],cleanErrors:boolean) { for (let entity of sources) { entity.warningMessages = []; if(cleanErrors){ entity.errorMessages = []; } if(entity.result) { // console.log(entity.result.accessRights + " " + + " " + entity.result.embargoEndDate); if (entity.result.accessRights && entity.result.accessRights == 'EMBARGO' && && (entity.result.embargoEndDate) && > entity.result.embargoEndDate.substr(0, 4)) { let message: Message = new Message(); message.type = "embargoEndDate"; message.resultId =; message.resultTitle = entity.title; entity.warningMessages.push(message); this.warnings.push(message); } } } } getEmbargoEndDateMessage(result: ClaimEntity) { for (let message of result.warningMessages) { if (message.type == "embargoEndDate") { return "Embargo end date must be later than published date"; } } return null; } updateLocalStorage(){ if (this.sources != null) { localStorage.setItem(this.localStoragePrefix+"sources", JSON.stringify(this.sources)); } if (this.results != null) { localStorage.setItem(this.localStoragePrefix+"results", JSON.stringify(this.results)); } } goTo(show:string=null) { if(show && (['project','context', 'result']).indexOf(show)!=-1){ = show; this.showOptions.basketShowSources=false; this.showOptions.basketShowLinksTo=true; } HelperFunctions.scroll(); } }