import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; import {HttpClient, HttpHeaders} from '@angular/common/http'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {ClaimEntity, ClaimResult} from '../claimHelper.class'; import {map} from "rxjs/operators"; import {StringUtils} from "../../../utils/string-utils.class"; import {properties} from "../../../../../environments/environment"; @Injectable() export class SearchOrcidService { constructor( private http: HttpClient ) {} searchOrcidAuthor(term: string, authorIds: string[], authors, properties: EnvProperties, addId): any { //var headers = new Headers(); //headers.append('Accept', 'application/orcid+json'); let headers = new HttpHeaders({'Accept': 'application/orcid+json'}); let url = properties.searchOrcidURL + term + '/record'; return this.http.get(url, { headers: headers }) //.map(res => res.json()['person']) .pipe(map(res => res['person'])) .pipe(map(res => [res['name']['given-names'], res['name']['family-name'], res['name'], res['name']['institution-name']])) .pipe(map(res => SearchOrcidService.parseOrcidAuthor(res, authorIds, authors, addId))); } searchOrcidSingleAuthor(term: string, properties: EnvProperties, addId): any { //var headers = new Headers(); //headers.append('Accept', 'application/orcid+json'); let headers = new HttpHeaders({'Accept': 'application/orcid+json'}); let url ="" + term + '&start=0&rows=50'; return this.http.get(url, {headers: headers}) .pipe(map(res => res['expanded-result'])) .pipe(map(res => { if(res) { for (let auth_result of res) { const author = {}; author['id'] = auth_result['orcid-id']; author['authorGivenName'] = auth_result['given-names']; author['authorFamilyName'] = auth_result['family-names']; author['institutions'] = auth_result['institution-name']; return author; } } return null; })); } searchOrcidAuthors(term: string, properties: EnvProperties): any { let headers = new HttpHeaders({'Accept': 'application/orcid+json'}); // let url = properties.searchOrcidURL+'search?defType=edismax&q='+term+'&qf=given-name^1.0+family-name^2.0+other-names^1.0+credit-name^1.0&start=0&rows=10'; let url = properties.searchOrcidURL+'search?q='+StringUtils.URIEncode('{!edismax qf="given-and-family-names^50.0 family-name^10.0 given-names^5.0 credit-name^10.0 other-names^5.0 text^1.0" pf="given-and-family-names^50.0" mm=1}')+term+'&start=0&rows=10'; //q={!edismax qf="given-and-family-names^50.0 family-name^10.0 given-names^5.0 credit-name^10.0 other-names^5.0 text^1.0" pf="given-and-family-names^50.0" mm=1}alessia bardi&start=0&rows=10 let key = url; return this.http.get(url, {headers: headers}) .pipe(map(res => res['result'])) .pipe(map(res => SearchOrcidService.parseOrcidAuthors(res))); } searchOrcidAuthorsNew(term: string, properties: EnvProperties, size = 10): any { let headers = new HttpHeaders({'Accept': 'application/orcid+json'}); // let url = properties.searchOrcidURL+'search?defType=edismax&q='+term+'&qf=given-name^1.0+family-name^2.0+other-names^1.0+credit-name^1.0&start=0&rows=10'; let url = /*properties.searchOrcidURL +*/ '' + StringUtils.URIEncode('{!edismax qf="given-and-family-names^50.0 family-name^10.0 given-names^10.0 credit-name^10.0 other-names^5.0 text^1.0" pf="given-and-family-names^50.0" bq="current-institution-affiliation-name:[* TO *]^100.0 past-institution-affiliation-name:[* TO *]^70" mm=1}') + term + '&start=0&rows=' + size; // given-and-family-names^50.0 family-name^10.0 given-names^10.0 credit-name^10.0 other-names^5.0 text^1.0" pf="given-and-family-names^50.0" bq="current-institution-affiliation-name:[* TO *]^100.0 past-institution-affiliation-name:[* TO *]^70" mm=1} //!edismax%20qf%3D%22given-and-family-names%5E50.0%20family-name%5E10.0%20given-names%5E10.0%20credit-name%5E10.0%20other-names%5E5.0%20text%5E1.0%22%20pf%3D%22given-and-family-names%5E50.0%22%20bq%3D%22current-institution-affiliation-name%3A%5B*%20TO%20*%5D%5E100.0%20past-institution-affiliation-name%3A%5B*%20TO%20*%5D%5E70%22%20mm%3D1%7Dpaolo%20manghi&start=0&rows=50 //q={!edismax qf="given-and-family-names^50.0 family-name^10.0 given-names^5.0 credit-name^10.0 other-names^5.0 text^1.0" pf="given-and-family-names^50.0" mm=1}alessia bardi&start=0&rows=10 let key = url; return this.http.get(url, {headers: headers}) .pipe(map(res => res['expanded-result'])) .pipe(map(res => { let authors = []; if(res) { for (let auth_result of res) { const author = {}; author['id'] = auth_result['orcid-id']; author['authorGivenName'] = auth_result['given-names']; author['authorFamilyName'] = auth_result['family-names']; author['institutions'] = auth_result['institution-name']; authors.push(author); } } return authors; })); } searchOrcidPublications(id: string, properties: EnvProperties, parse: boolean = false): any { let headers = new HttpHeaders({'Accept': 'application/orcid+json'}); let url = properties.searchOrcidURL + id + '/works'; return this.http.get(url, { headers: headers }) .pipe(map(res => res['group'])) .pipe(map(request => (parse ? SearchOrcidService.parse(id, request) : request))); } static parseOrcidAuthor(data: any, authorIds: string[], authors, addId): any { if (data[2] != null) { if (addId) { authorIds.push(data[2].path); } const author = {}; author['id'] = data[2].path; if (data[0] != null) { author['authorGivenName'] = data[0].value; } else { author['authorGivenName'] = ""; } if (data[1] != null) { author['authorFamilyName'] = data[1].value; } else { author['authorFamilyName'] = ""; } if (data[3] != null) { author['institution'] = data[3]; } authors.push(author); return true; } return false; } static parseOrcidAuthors(data: any): any { let mydata: any; let length: number; let authorIds: string[] = []; if (data != null) { length = data.length != undefined ? data.length : 1; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { mydata = data.length != undefined ? data[i] : data; if (mydata.hasOwnProperty("orcid-identifier")) { authorIds.push(mydata['orcid-identifier'].path); } } } return authorIds; } static parse(authorId, response): ClaimEntity[] { const results: ClaimEntity[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { let item = response[i]; const entity: ClaimEntity = new ClaimEntity(); entity.result = new ClaimResult(); entity.result.DOI = null; entity.result.url = null; entity.result.publisher = null; entity.result.journal = null; if (item['work-summary'] && item['work-summary'].length > 0) { item = item['work-summary'][0]; } else { item = item['work-summary']; } let handleId = null; if (item['external-ids'] && item['external-ids']['external-id']) { for (let j = 0; j < item['external-ids']['external-id'].length; j++) { const id = item['external-ids']['external-id'][j]; if (id['external-id-type'] == "doi") { entity.result.DOI = id['external-id-value']; entity.result.url = properties.doiURL + entity.result.DOI; break; }else if (id['external-id-type'] == "handle" && !handleId) { handleId= id['external-id-value']; break; } } } if(!entity.result.url && handleId){ entity.result.url = handleId; } = authorId + "-" + item['put-code']; if (item.title && item.title.title) { entity.title = item['title']['title'].value; } entity.result.journal = item['journal-title']; entity.result.source = 'orcid'; entity.type = 'publication'; if (item['publication-date'] && item['publication-date']['year']) { = item['publication-date']['year'].value } entity.result.accessRights = "OPEN"; if (item.publisher) { entity.result.publisher = item.publisher; } entity.result.authors = []; entity.result.record = item; results.push(entity); } return results; } }