import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges, Output, SimpleChanges} from '@angular/core'; import {FormBuilder, FormGroup} from "@angular/forms"; import {Filter} from "./searchHelperClasses.class"; import {EnvProperties} from "../../utils/properties/env-properties"; import {ConfigurationService} from "../../utils/configuration/configuration.service"; import {Subject, Subscription} from "rxjs"; import {debounceTime} from "rxjs/operators"; @Component({ selector: 'quick-selections', template: `
` }) export class QuickSelectionsComponent implements OnChanges { @Input() resultTypes; @Output() typeChange = new EventEmitter(); @Input() isDisabled; @Input() quickFilter: { filter: Filter, selected: boolean, filterId: string, value: string }; @Input() QFselected: boolean; control: FormGroup; initialized = false; @Input() properties: EnvProperties; @Input() vertical: boolean=false; showPublications:boolean= false; showDatasets:boolean= false; showSoftware: boolean = false; showOrp: boolean = false; showEntities = false; selectedTypesNum = 0; @Input() delayTime = 0; private clicks = new Subject(); subs: Subscription[] = []; constructor(private _fb: FormBuilder, private config: ConfigurationService) { this.control ={ publication: true, dataset: true, software: true, other: true, QFselected: true }); } changed() { if (!this.initialized && this.isDisabled) { this.initialized = true; return; }; } actuallyChanged(){ let value = this.control.getRawValue(); this.resultTypes.publication = value.publication; this.resultTypes.dataset = value.dataset; =; this.resultTypes.other = value.other; if (this.resultTypes && !this.resultTypes.publication && !this.resultTypes.dataset && ! && !this.resultTypes.other && !this.vertical) { this.resultTypes.publication = true; this.resultTypes.dataset = true; = true; this.resultTypes.other = true; this.setFormValues(); } this.typeChange.emit({}); } quickFilterChanged() { let value = this.control.getRawValue(); this.quickFilter.selected = value.QFselected; if(this.quickFilter.filter) { this.quickFilter.filter.countSelectedValues = 0; if (value.QFselected) { for (let filterValue of this.quickFilter.filter.values) { if(( == this.quickFilter.value)) { filterValue.selected = true this.quickFilter.filter.countSelectedValues = 1; }else{ filterValue.selected = false; } } } else { for (let filterValue of this.quickFilter.filter.values) { filterValue.selected = false; } } } this.typeChange.emit({}); } ngOnInit() { if (this.resultTypes) { this.setFormValues(); } if( { if( !== "monitor") { //this.subs.push(this.config.getCommunityInformation(, => { this.subs.push(this.config.communityInformationState.subscribe(data => { if(data) { var showEntity = {}; for (var i = 0; i < data['entities'].length; i++) { showEntity["" + data['entities'][i]["pid"] + ""] = data['entities'][i]["isEnabled"]; } this.showPublications = showEntity["publication"]; this.showDatasets = showEntity["dataset"]; this.showSoftware = showEntity["software"]; this.showOrp = showEntity["orp"]; this.showEntities = this.showPublications || this.showDatasets || this.showSoftware || this.showOrp; } }, error => { this.showPublications = true; this.showDatasets = true; this.showSoftware = true; this.showOrp = true; this.showEntities = true; })); } else { this.showPublications = true; this.showDatasets = true; this.showSoftware = true; this.showOrp = true; this.showEntities = true; } } this.subs.push(this.clicks.pipe( debounceTime(this.delayTime) ).subscribe(e =>{this.actuallyChanged()} )); } public ngOnDestroy() { for (let sub of this.subs) { sub.unsubscribe(); } } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void { if (changes.isDisabled) { if (changes.isDisabled.currentValue == true) { this.control.disable(); } else if (changes.isDisabled.currentValue == false) { this.control.enable(); } } if (changes.QFselected) { let value = this.control.getRawValue(); if (changes.QFselected.currentValue != value.QFselected) { this.setFormValues(); } } if (changes.resultTypes) { this.setFormValues(); } } setFormValues() { this.control.setValue({ publication: (this.resultTypes && this.resultTypes.publication)?this.resultTypes.publication:null, dataset: (this.resultTypes && this.resultTypes.dataset)?this.resultTypes.dataset:null, software: (this.resultTypes &&, other: (this.resultTypes && this.resultTypes.other)?this.resultTypes.other:null, QFselected: this.QFselected }); this.selectedTypesNum = (this.resultTypes && this.resultTypes.publication)?this.resultTypes.publication:0 + (this.resultTypes && this.resultTypes.dataset)?this.resultTypes.dataset:0+ (this.resultTypes && + (this.resultTypes && this.resultTypes.other)?this.resultTypes.other:null; } clearTypes(){ this.resultTypes.publication = false; this.resultTypes.dataset = false; = false; this.resultTypes.other = false; this.setFormValues(); this.changed() } }