import {Component, ViewChild, OnInit, ElementRef} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {HelpContentService} from '../../services/help-content.service'; import {FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms'; import {CheckPortal, Portal} from '../../utils/entities/adminTool/portal'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {Session} from '../../login/utils/helper.class'; import {LoginErrorCodes} from '../../login/utils/guardHelper.class'; import {HelperFunctions} from "../../utils/HelperFunctions.class"; import {Subscriber} from "rxjs"; @Component({ selector: 'communities', templateUrl: './communities.component.html', }) export class CommunitiesComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('AlertModalSaveCommunity') alertModalSaveCommunity; @ViewChild('AlertModalDeleteCommunities') alertModalDeleteCommunities; private selectedCommunities: string[] = []; public checkboxes: CheckPortal[] = []; public communities: Portal[] = []; public portalFG: FormGroup; public formControl: FormControl; private subscriptions: any[] = []; private searchText: RegExp = new RegExp(''); public keyword = ''; public properties: EnvProperties = null; public showLoading = true; public errorMessage = ''; public updateErrorMessage = ''; public modalErrorMessage = ''; ngOnInit() { this.portalFG ={ name: '', _id: '', pid: '', type: '' }); this.formControl = this._fb.control(''); this.subscriptions.push(this.formControl.valueChanges.subscribe(value => { this.filterBySearch(value); })); .subscribe((data: { envSpecific: EnvProperties }) => { HelperFunctions.scroll(); = data.envSpecific; this.getCommunities(); }); } constructor(private element: ElementRef, private route: ActivatedRoute, private _router: Router, private _helpContentService: HelpContentService, private _fb: FormBuilder) { } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.subscriptions.forEach(value => { if (value instanceof Subscriber) { value.unsubscribe(); } else if (value instanceof Function) { value(); } }); } getCommunities() { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: {'errorCode': LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, 'redirectUrl': this._router.url} }); } else { this.showLoading = true; this.updateErrorMessage = ''; this.errorMessage = ''; this._helpContentService.getCommunitiesFull( communities => { this.communities = communities; communities.forEach(_ => { this.checkboxes.push({community: _, checked: false}); }); this.showLoading = false; }, error => this.handleError('System error retrieving communities', error)); } } public toggleCheckBoxes(event) { this.checkboxes.forEach(_ => _.checked =; } public applyCheck(flag: boolean) { this.checkboxes.forEach(_ => _.checked = flag); } public getSelectedCommunities(): string[] { return this.checkboxes.filter(community => community.checked === true).map(checkedCommunity => => res._id); } private deleteCommunitiesFromArray(ids: string[]): void { for (let id of ids) { let i = this.checkboxes.findIndex(_ => === id); this.checkboxes.splice(i, 1); } } public confirmDeleteCommunity(id: string) { // this.deleteConfirmationModal.ids = [id]; // this.deleteConfirmationModal.showModal(); this.selectedCommunities = [id]; this.confirmModalOpen(); } public confirmDeleteSelectedCommunities() { this.selectedCommunities = this.getSelectedCommunities(); this.confirmModalOpen(); } private confirmModalOpen() { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: {'errorCode': LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, 'redirectUrl': this._router.url} }); } else { this.alertModalDeleteCommunities.cancelButton = true; this.alertModalDeleteCommunities.okButton = true; this.alertModalDeleteCommunities.alertTitle = 'Delete Confirmation'; this.alertModalDeleteCommunities.message = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected portal(-ies)?'; this.alertModalDeleteCommunities.okButtonText = 'Yes';; } } public confirmedDeleteCommunities(data: any) { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: {'errorCode': LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, 'redirectUrl': this._router.url} }); } else { this.showLoading = true; this.updateErrorMessage = ''; this._helpContentService.deleteCommunities(this.selectedCommunities, _ => { this.deleteCommunitiesFromArray(this.selectedCommunities); this.showLoading = false; }, error => this.handleUpdateError('System error deleting the selected communities', error) ); } } public editCommunity(i: number) { const community: Portal = this.checkboxes[i].community; this.portalFG ={ name:, _id: community._id, type: community.type, pid: }); this.portalFG.controls['type'].disable(); this.modalErrorMessage = ''; this.communitiesModalOpen(this.alertModalSaveCommunity, 'Update', 'Update Community'); } public newCommunity() { this.portalFG.controls['type'].enable(); this.portalFG ={ name: '', _id: '', type: '', pid: '' }); this.modalErrorMessage = ''; this.communitiesModalOpen(this.alertModalSaveCommunity, '', 'Save'); } private communitiesModalOpen(modal: any, title: string, yesBtn: string) { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: {'errorCode': LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, 'redirectUrl': this._router.url} }); } else { modal.cancelButton = true; modal.okButton = true; modal.alertTitle = title; modal.okButtonText = yesBtn;; } } public communitySaveConfirmed(data: any) { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: {'errorCode': LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, 'redirectUrl': this._router.url} }); } else { this.modalErrorMessage = ''; if (this.portalFG.getRawValue()['_id'].length > 0) { this.portalFG.controls['type'].enable(); this._helpContentService.updateCommunity(this.portalFG.value, community => { this.communityUpdatedSuccessfully(community); }, error => this.handleUpdateError('System error updating portal', error) ); }else{ this._helpContentService.saveCommunity(this.portalFG.value, community => { this.communitySavedSuccessfully(community); }, error => this.handleUpdateError('System error creating portal', error) ); } } } public communityUpdateConfirmed(data: any) { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: {'errorCode': LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, 'redirectUrl': this._router.url} }); } else { this.portalFG.controls['type'].enable(); this._helpContentService.updateCommunity(this.portalFG.value, community => { this.communityUpdatedSuccessfully(community); }, error => this.handleUpdateError('System error updating portal', error) ); } } public communitySavedSuccessfully(community: Portal) { this.checkboxes.push({community: community, checked: false}); this.applyCheck(false); } public communityUpdatedSuccessfully(community: Portal) { this.checkboxes.find(checkItem => === community._id).community = community; this.applyCheck(false); } public filterBySearch(text: string) { this.searchText = new RegExp(text, 'i'); this.applyFilter(); } public applyFilter() { this.checkboxes = []; this.communities.filter(item => this.filterCommunities(item)).forEach( _ => this.checkboxes.push({community: _, checked: false}) ); } public filterCommunities(community: Portal): boolean { const textFlag = this.searchText.toString() === '' || ( || community.type).match(this.searchText) != null; return textFlag; } handleUpdateError(message: string, error) { if (error == null) { this.portalFG ={ name: '', _id: '', pid: '', type: '' }); } else { this.updateErrorMessage = message; console.log('Server responded: ' + error); } this.showLoading = false; } handleError(message: string, error) { this.errorMessage = message; console.log('Server responded: ' + error); this.showLoading = false; } }