import {Component, Input, ViewChild} from "@angular/core"; import {HttpClient} from "@angular/common/http"; import {AlertModal} from "../../utils/modal/alert"; import {AlertModalModule} from "../../utils/modal/alertModal.module"; import {CommonModule} from "@angular/common"; @Component({ standalone: true, selector: 'clear-cache', imports: [AlertModalModule, CommonModule], template: `
Made changes but can't see them? Try to clear the cache to resolve the issue.
`, }) export class ClearCacheComponent { @Input() requests:string[] ; @ViewChild('deleteCacheModal') deleteCacheModal: AlertModal; constructor(private http: HttpClient ) { } promtToClear(){ this.deleteCacheModal.alertTitle = 'Confirm Cache Clear'; this.deleteCacheModal.message = 'Are you sure you want to clear the service cache?'; this.deleteCacheModal.okButtonText = 'Yes';; } clear(){ for( let request of this.requests){ this.http.get(request).subscribe( res => { console.log( res); }); } } }